Problems After WWI and Rise of the Dictators

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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1.Germ unhappy w/ treaty.

*due to reparations, loss of land & reduction in military

2. League of Nations too weak- US did not join

because we did not ratify harsh treaty.

•LON used economic sanctions to stop problems, not


3. Inflation- a rise in prices due to Germ printing more


4. DAWES PLAN- US plan set up to help Germ pay back reparations & loaned 200 million to rebuild.

•Created US investment.

5. DEPRESSION-period of low eco activity & rising unemployment

Depression caused by: 1. Farm prices fall due to overproduction(some

destroy crops to help prices)

2. US stock market booms in 20s, so investors pull money out of Germ to invest. 3.Market crashes & stock prices drop

4. US investors w/draw money from Germ & Euro & banks weakened.5. Production falls & unemployment rises.

•Economist John Maynard Keynes- said: Unemployment caused by less demand (which can be increased by putting people to work building

public works)

FDR•US-Franklin D Roosevelt wins 1932 election.

• 15 mill out of work, 50% cut in production

•Created NEW DEAL- put people to work by funding public works. (building roads, post offices, airports).

• Creates Social Security Act, TVA, etc.




• By 1939, Fr & BR only big

• nations of Europe still democratic

•New form of dictatorship develops

•TOTALITARIANISM - aims to control all aspects of citizen’s lives. (poli, eco, social, culture & intellectual

•Individual will is subordinated

to collective will of masses

• DON’T WRITE!!!!!!!!!!• Famine hits in 1920-1922 &

industry falls 20%. • VI LENIN create NEW ECONOMIC

POLICY (called NEP), a version of capitalism or socialism.

• Peasants can sell produce & small businesses could be privately owned, but

heavy industry & banking owned by govt



• Sickle-Unity of peasants• Hammer- workers• Red field: blood spilled by

workers in fight for freedom• Star-energy of sun and life

•Lenin died in 1924 & a fight for power begins in Politburo

•LEON TROTSKY, war commissar, wants to spread communist rev & industrialize rapidly

•Josef Stalin- former editor of PRAVDA (Bolshevik propaganda magazine) & party general secretary wants power.

• In charge of appointing 1000s of officials, who support him.

•Stalin gets control of party.

•Gets rid of old Bolsheviks, & exiles Trotsky (who is murdered in Mexico).

•Creates 5 YEAR PLANS- sets of eco goals for 5 year periods to go from agricultural nation to industrial (1st plan-was produce more CAPITAL GOODS (goods used to produce other


• Bigger labor force in cities to work in the factories caused:

• no housing. •Low wages. •Strict laws• Propaganda

stresses sacrifice to build nation

•COLLECTIVIZATION-govt took over private farms & made peasants work for them. Wealthy kulaks were targeted

• By 1934, 26 mil farms taken. • Famine occurs, 10 mil die,

resistors sent to

labor camps & party

control increases.

• Paranoid Stalin begins PURGES-eliminating problem people to keep power. (killed or sent to Gulags (labor camps))

• Military officers, party members, citizens, union

officials & diplomats were killed, arrested or sent to labor camps . History was changed, rewritten to make Stalin hero

Nikoli Yezhov



Don’t write!• Born Aus 1889, Austria, 4th of 6. Older kids

all died • Family issues• high school failure • Traveled to Vienna & rejected by art

school.• avoided signing up for Austrian army due

to mixed races. Fought in Bavarian regiment

• Dev racist & nationalist ideas in Vienna & after war

• HITLER’S REPORT CARD• French  Unsatisfactory• Geography Satisfactory• German Adequate• Gymnastics Excellent• History Satisfactory• Physics Adequate• Mathematics Unsatisfactory• Art Excellent• Chemistry Adequate• Geometry Adequate

•After WWI, joined extreme nationalist group in Munich called German Workers Party in 1919.

•By 1921, controls & renames party National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) or NAZI.

*55,000 people join *Create party militia of 12,000 called Brown Shirts.

•Storm public meeting in 1923 w/ Gen Luddendorf (called BEER HALL PUTSCH, meant to imitate

Mussolini) to demand new govt, it fails & Hitler arrested

•Wrote Mein Kampf in jail about “superior nations” have right to LEBENSRAUM- living space thru expansion.

*“Superior individuals” should rule over the masses

• *

•Realizes Nazi party needs to get votes to get power, not violent rev. Party expands & appeals to pride.

•Biggest party in REICHSTAG (parliament) by 1929.

•Don’t WRITE!

•Nazi rise helped by unemployment & eco problems

• Industry leaders, aristocrats, officers look to Hitler for leadership.

•Pres. Hindenburg needs to get support in 1933.

•He makes Hitler Chancellor in 1933, thinking he could control him

•Hitler sets up total Nazi control by Mar. 23, 1933

•Reichstag passes ENABLING ACT- give govt power to ignore constitution for

4 years to pass laws to deal w/ nations problems & gave Hitler legal basis for actions

•Nazis purge Jews from govt & set up CONCENTRATION CAMPS,

abolished trade unions & poli parties

•Hindenburg dies in 1934 & Hitler rules. All officials take oath of loyalty to “Fuhrer”.

•Wants to develop an “Aryan nation” to rule Europe.

•Says Germ had 2 empires & Hitler will create THIRD REICH or 3rd empire

DON’T WRITE!!!!!!!

• Believed they were descendents of Romans & Greeks & Germs meant to create Roman-like empire.

•Heinrich Himmler was head of The SCHUTZSTAFFEN

(SS), Hitler’s secret police, bodyguards who used arrests, executions & concentration camps for control & terror

•Hitler used public works & grants to private construction firms to put people to work & rearmed military

•JOESPEH GOEBBELS, Hitler’s propaganda minister set up:

mass demonstrations, parades, speeches, controlled churches & schools, formed professional groups for occupations & NAZI youth group’s for kids

•Nuremberg Laws were racial laws that: excluded Jews from citizenship; wear yellow star & id card; Jews banned from public buildings, transportation & marriage to Germans; cannot own, manage or work in stores.

•KRISTALLNACHT- (night of shattered glass) Nov 9, 1939- Nazi’s, kill 100, destroy 7000 businesses & synagogues

• 30,000 men sent to camps


ITALY•1920s: BENITO MUSSOLINI created a new poli party.

• Creates FASCISM which glorifies state above the individual, nationalism, glory of Italy & needs a strong central govt led by dictator

1920- Italy has problems. Middle class fears communist takeover. Muss forms BLACK SHIRTS (armed fascists) who attack strikes & communists

making many happy

• 1922: Fascist threaten to march on Rome if not given power.

• King VICTOR EMMANUAL III makes Muss Prime minister & Muss creates fascist dictatorship by making PM head of govt.

•Steps to control:1.created secret police (OVRA), who arrest anyone.

2. Banned & kills opposition.

3. Muss called Il Duce (the leader)

4. Stresses Italian pride

5. Took over media to spread propaganda, slogans. 6. Created youth groups. Focused on military activities & values to create war lovers

•Muss gave money to Catholic Church & created Vatican City as independent state & made it religion of Italy

• In return, Pope urged Italy to support Muss.