Process Book Magazine Small Fish

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Process Book made to register the design of the Magazine Small Fish. Concept, logo, illustrations and layout by Beatriz Nóbrega. Project made for the class Studio I - SCAD - Fall 2012, Professor Mary Ann Casem


Beatriz NóbregaGRD348 / Project 3 Fall/2012

p r o j e c t / 0 3

b r i e f

b r i e f

1) The idea is to do magazine with illustrated histories for moms read for their kids when they are going to sleep. It is like a book with a lot of small histories but in a maga-zine shape, it’s published monthly with different histories, so that the mother always will have a new his-tory for her kids. In this magazine the histories are designed like articles, they have big quotes, a big headline, and a small photo, in that case an illustration, of who wrote it.

Names for this magazine: small mag; zine; once upon a time; big fish; small fish; and then... & tell me a history.

b r i e f

2) This magazine is a magazine about ballooning, the focus idea is to show experiences of the ones that went ballooning, places to do, tips... This is magazine for the ones that are used to do or the ones that are interesting in doing it.

Names for this magazine: balloon-ing; on the sky; flying & up.

b r i e f

3) This is a young backpack travel’s magazine, and it tells personal ex-periences, show some cool routes to do, help you to find where to go...This is a magazine for the ones that already do this kind of trip, so it dont show basic things about how to do a backpack trip, but es-sentially shows some great places to go and some tips. This is a ca-sual and youthful magazine.

Names for this magazine: next road; road 101; 5000 km; ahead; next; favorite routes; away; far

b r i e f

a p p r o a c h

I chose to do the magazine with histories for childrens. The target audience of this magazine are the childrens and their parents, more focused in their moms.

After discussing in class I decided that the name of the magazine would be Small Fish, referring to the movie Big Fish.

What this project requiers:

Design the magazine logotype, the cover, spine, contents pages and two spreads of a feature article.


For your Cover, you must write and include at least 3 coverlines, barcode, Volume/Issue information, and perhaps a tagline which further defines your magazine.

Contents page:

The articles listed on the Contents page should be realistic and must contain all the usual information found on a typical magazine Contents page, i.e., two or more photos, 6 or more stories, bylines,

p r o j e c t

tease copy, 6 standing department heads, folios etc. Your stylesheets should be consistent from start to finish in your magazine. Contents may be two right hand pages or a single spread.

Article page:

Your Article opening spread should, first and foremost, be attention-getting to the extreme. It needs to capture your readers’ interest visually as well as in terms of content.

The spread should have an intriguing headline, subhead(s), photos with captions, and folios. You may also use pull-quotes and graphics for interest. Write yourown headlines and subheads and pull text from other resources.

The Little Musical Band

There was a girl called Martha. She was not that tall and neither that small. She had curly long brown hair and lighting chestnut eyes which her mother believed to be her grandpa’s eyes.

Martha’s grandpa was called Tulio and in spite of his seventy-four years of living on Earth, there was a lot of energy in his mind and body. He loved to spend the time he was not reading with Martha.

It is important to emphasize where did grandpa Tulio live. Beginning from the beginning, the house was near the sea and outside of it there was a field of bright green grass where Martha and grandpa

a r t i c l e

Tulio used to have their morning sunbathe, laid on the wooden benches.

Inside the yellow house there was a big living room and a cozy kitchen where Martha’s mother used to cook a lot of cookies. A large stair next to the kitchen led to two floors. On the first one there were the three bedrooms and a bathroom and on the second one there was grandpa Tulio’s old workshop. Martha did not know exactly why but that room had been closed over the previous months. She found it very odd as grandpa Tulio loved to create and design new ideas of his own mind but concluded he was just into a reading mood.

There was one day of Martha’s summer holidays when she was bored and couldn’t think of anything for her to do and have fun beside the old toys that she was already tired of. Grandpa Tulio was sitting in the sofa reading the newspaper when Martha approached him. Although she knew what to ask, she pretended not to and laid her head on grandpa’s lap. The silence didn’t last long till grandpa Tulio say:

- Ok, little girl, come on, tell me, what is on your mind? What do you want to ask me? - Grandpa Tulio knew Martha very well.

- Oh, no, grandpa, it’s nothing, nothing for you to worry about.

a r t i c l e

- OK, in that case I will continue reading the spor- at that time Martha interrupted him asking and almost yelling:

- I need something to do! I can’t stand looking at the same toys everyday through all these summer holidays I have been spending here! If only you would make me a new doll... !

- Wow, OK, sweetie, you don’t need to react screaming like this. To tell you the truth I know exactly how you feel. I was so tired of doing the same things that I even abandoned my workshop on the second floor to read. Well, I love reading but is not that exciting, if you know what I mean. I don’t have an answer for you right now

but I am willing to find a new activity for us! Are you with me?

By that moment, Martha was already standing on the sofa and with a big smile on her face she said:

- Oh yes, grandpa Tulio! Of course I am with you! Let’s go! Let’s fight the bears, lions and snakes to get the adventure we need!

- Darling, I don’t think I can still fight the lions but what about exploring outside the house?

- OK, let me put my shoes on... - Martha took a look around but could not find her shoes. She went upstairs in her room and also it was not there.

a r t i c l e

- Where are my shoes!?

- Where are your shoes!?

They were really looking for Martha’s shoes but their excitment about the idea of doing something different was so high that they were almost singing while running through the house after her pair of shoes.

Acctualy, they were singing! Suddenly, they noticed that a song was coming from their imagination. Martha sang “they are walkin’ shoooooooes!” over and over while grandpa Tulio added “nearly two minutes ago I could see them, and now I can’t!!” They found the melody really grooving and the different way to have fun in that

afternoon would be composing a song!

Quickly, they sat at the table and, on a piece of paper, grandpa Tulio wrote down what Martha was singing from the bottom of her heart. In the end, the song was like this:

They are walkin’ shoesNearly two minutes ago I could see themAnd now I can’t

They are walkin’ shoesWhat are they Trying to say that I can’t understand

To step a little bit furtherTo walk a little bit slowly

a r t i c l e

What to do with youLet me jump!

A few minutes later, grandpa Tulio went upstairs to his old workshop and took the little guitar he used to play in the 70’s. The song was great with him playing the guitar and Martha singing but they were still a little fustraded, missing the rhythm and the groove. Then it was when Martha came with an idea:

- I just know! Let’s call our neighbour Denise to play the bass! Uou, wait, and what about her cousin Marco to play the piano? I think we still have that old one upstairs... !

- Ok, so if we are going to form a

band, let’s make it the best band of the neighborhood! I will call the baker’s son, Phillipe, to play the drums and his brother Peter to play the guitar.

- And what about you?

- I will do the best part, the scenario, the lighting and the costumes for the great show!

- Wow! A show? Like a real concert? Awsome!! And... well, OK! If that is what you call the best part, go ahead. I will manage to arrange the rehearsals!

A week later everything was done! Grandpa Tulio reopened his old workshop and made all the pieces that would compose the stage

a r t i c l e

behind the musicians. The wooden flowers, the fabric birds and the colourfull lighting balls.

Minutes before the beginning of the presentation, the members of the band were a bit nervous but the delight of presenting themselves to the city was the most extraordinariuos feeling they had ever felt. And because of that feeling, and of grandpa Tulio’s production and of the cookies of Martha’s mother, it was the best garden concert that the little city near the sea had ever seen!

i n s p i r a t i o n

i n s p i r a t i o n

i n s p i r a t i o n

i n s p i r a t i o n

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

s k e c h e s

w o o d c u t s

w o o d c u t s

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

w o o d c u t s

Colored with Photoshop

l o g o t y p e

l o g o t y p e

Typeface studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies





l o g o t y p e

Logotype studies

l o g o t y p e

Final logotype

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Typeface studies:

- Glypha - New Century Schoolbook - Stone Serif


Ga. Ut aut as sinulle ssimolo rerunte coratem volorestiore num fuga. Et expedignis se volupta tureribus ut era simenti ustiae nectiaturis atemperes eument hiciis venistibus niae

Ga. Ut aut as sinulle ssimolo rerunte coratem volorestiore num fuga. Et expedignis se volupta tureribus ut era simenti ustiae nectiaturis atemperes eument hiciis

Us similla boreici lisquo inullo odicimin cuptae nos aborio. Ut res sam esedi blatus earchillam, arum acepel maximi, sus arum re nescius

Us similla boreici lisquo inullo odicimin cuptae nos aborio. Ut res sam esedi blatus earchillam, arum acepel maximi, sus arum re nescius temquis re sequam

Us similla boreici lisquo inullo odicimin cuptae nos aborio. Ut res sam esedi blatus earchillam, arum acepel maximi, sus arum re nescius temquis

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Ga. Ut aut as sinulle ssimolo rerunte coratem volorestiore num fuga. Et expedignis se volupta tureribus ut era simenti ustiae nectiaturis atemperes eument hiciis

New Century Schoolbook

Stone Serif

l a y o u t s

Color palette

l a y o u t sPattern studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies

l a y o u t sCover studies with spine

The Little Musical Band is an Delis si dolorep eriatum intis expla verit aut faccum

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Debis Suntionsed Evutsa zt, Test, Suntore Mossum, Siment Debis Suntionsed


The magic coat

The bunny who wore galoshes

issue nº 01november 2012


$ 5,00 US $ 6,00




| n


er 2012 | issu

e nº 01 |



.com |

c r i t i q u e

About the cover:

- Make the barcode smaller- Add another cover line- Colors are good- Pattern is good

l a y o u t sFinal cover

The Little Musical Band is the new amazing history of a girl and her grandfather

Everybody laughs of the skinny bunny until the day that he wore new galoshes

This month you are going to know about the magic world of Beatrix Potter


The bunny who wore galoshes

Cave of writers

issue nº 01november 2012


$ 5,00 US $ 6,00





| n


er 2012 | issu

e nº 01 |



.com |

Andy is a little boy who found the most valuable and powerful object in the world

The magic blue wool sweater

The Little Musical Band is the new amazing history of a girl and her grandfather

Everybody laughs of the skinny bunny until the day that he wore new galoshes

This month you are going to know about the magic world of Beatrix Potter


The bunny who wore galoshes

Cave of writers

issue nº 01november 2012


$ 5,00 US $ 6,00





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er 2012 | issu

e nº 01 |



.com |

Andy is a little boy who found the most valuable and powerful object in the world

The magic blue wool sweater

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Folio options

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Ad options

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Ad options

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Ad options

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Ad options

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Ad options

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Ad options

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

l a y o u t sContents studies

c r i t i q u e

About the contents:

- Make the yellow and the pink text more darker

l a y o u t sFinal contents

november 2012 | small fish november 2012 | small fish2 3

The colorful fish lived in the sarah bathtub, a very naughty girl. Every day when Sarah was bathe the col-orful fish lurked at the bottom of the tub so she would not mistreat him. One day the father of Sarah bought a new fish, all red, and from that day the two fish began to trundle their escape to the sea.

by Beatrix Potter

The amazing colorful fish


by Maria Clara Machado

Julie always enjoyed playing with the keys to the mother, but never knew for sure which were the doors they opened. Each key had a color and a hidden mystery. One day she and her friend Becky decided to go after this mystery getting into lots of ad-ventures and giving lots of laughs at the end of the night. But when Julie’s mother discovers that they pretended to be detectives she nearly ruins the whole search for clues.

The Little Musical Band is the new amazing history of a girl and her grandfather. The little Martha and Tulio, her grandfather, always play a lot and have a lot of fun, but this time they are all bored. His grandfather is tired of his old tools and the little girl Martha is tired of her old dolls. Look-ing for her shoes, they came up with a new idea and so, they had a lot of fun. With some friends they make a huge surprise for the neighbors.

The secret of mom’s keys


Everybody laughs of the skinny bunny at the school, he is clumsy and is always with cold. One day his moth-er took him to the doctor and the doctor gave him a recipe, there was written that he should wear galoshes everyday, and no longer walk with no shoes. From the day that he wore his new galoshes everything changes, but the skinny bunny didn’t know if he liked the new changes in the school.

by Graça Lima

by Celina Kuschnir

The bunny who wore galoshes




When the sweet Alex and the messy Peter, two mortal enemies, find an old photo camera lost at summer camp, they decide to reveal the photos they are transported to the past and start living with her parents 20 years ago when they attended the same camp. Now the two must overcome their differences and figure out together how to get back to the present.

by Bruno Munari

The story of my camera


Jack loves playing with paper, he draws, cut and paste animals, people and even cities. One day Jack made a paper house, but he did not know is that in there lived a paper boy named Bob. Jack discovered that Bob was really fun and they played, played, played and built a city for Bob live.

by Guto Lins

The little paper house



Andy is a little boy who found the most valuable and powerful object of the world. With his new magic blue wool sweater he is going to live the most adventurous journey that you can imagine. The real problem begun when he needed return the blue sweater to the store and it started a big mess.

by Miguel Carvalho

The magic blue wool sweater


stories of the month





l a y o u t s

november 2012 | small fish november 2012 | small fish4 3

This month you are going to color the Georgia Aquarium. The Georgia Aquarium, located in Atlanta and is the world’s largest aquarium, housing more than 120,000 animals in 500 different species. The aquari-um’s notable specimens include four young whale sharks, four beluga whales, eleven Bottlenose dolphins, three Great hammerhead sharks, and four manta rays.

Let’s Coloring


The parallel city of Monstropolis is inhabited by monsters and powered by the screams of children in the human world. At the Monsters, Inc. factory, employees called “Scarers” venture into children’s bedrooms to scare them and collect their screams, using closet doors as portals. This is considered a dangerous task since the monsters believe children to be toxic and fatal.

A Movie: Moster S.A.


People the is the most recent book from Blexbolex, a French illustrator now working in Berlin. Blexbolex’s style references printmaking tech-niques, and is built from layering graphic shapes. Everything about this book is so beautiful! The illustration is done in perfect color harmonies, and each person seems alive.

A Book: People


Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City. The park initially opened in 1857, on 843 acres (3.41 km2) of city-owned land. In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park with a plan they en-titled the Greensward Plan. Construc-tion began the same year, continued during the American Civil War.

A Place:Central Park


Helen Beatrix Potter was an English author, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist best known for her imaginative children’s books fea-turing animals such as those in The Tale of Peter Rabbit which celebrated the British landscape and country life. Her study of languages, literature, science and history was broad and she was an eager student.

Cave of Writers


Crossword, puzzle, tic tac toe, and more for those who like to play. This month the theme of the games is the seabed. You will find whale, clown fish, octopus, starfish, sea ur-chin, seaweed, shark, seals, penguins, small fish, big fish, schools of fish and maybe even treasure chests.Good trip sailor!

Let’s Play



Final contents

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Article studies

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l a y o u t sArticle studies

l a y o u t sArticle studies

l a y o u t sArticle studies

l a y o u t sArticle studies

c r i t i q u e

About the article:

- P. 37 the hand of the girl is too close to the edge of the paper- Take it off the “-”, it is too confusing- Make the text of the 1st page smaller

l a y o u t s

by Celina Kuschnir


here was a girl called Martha. She was not that tall and neither that

small. She had curly long brown hair and lighting chestnut eyes which her mother believed to be her grandpa’s eyes.


Final article

l a y o u t sFinal article

artha’s grandpa was called Tulio and in spite of his seventy-four years of living, there was a lot of energy in his mind and body. He loved to spend the time he was not reading with Martha.

It is important to emphasize where did grandpa Tulio live. Beginning from the beginning, the house was near the sea and outside of it there was a field of bright green grass where Martha and grandpa Tulio used to have their morning sunbathe, laid on the wooden benches.

Inside the yellow house there was a big living room and a cozy kitchen where Martha’s mother used to cook a lot of cookies. A large stair next to the kitchen led to two floors. On the first one there were the three bedrooms and a bathroom and on the second one there was grandpa Tulio’s old workshop. Martha did not know exactly why but that room had been closed over the previous months. She found it very odd as grandpa Tulio loved to create and design new ideas of his own mind but concluded he was just into a reading mood.

There was one day of Martha’s summer holidays when she was bored and couldn’t think of anything for her to do and have fun beside the old toys that she was already tired of. Grandpa Tulio was sitting in the sofa reading the newspaper when Martha approached him. Although she knew what to ask, she pretended not to and laid her head on grandpa’s lap. The silence didn’t last long till grandpa Tulio say:

The Little Musical Band stories of the month

november 2012 | small fish november 2012 | small fish34 35


Ok, little girl, come on, tell me, what is on your mind? What do you want to ask me? - Grandpa Tulio knew Martha very well.

Oh, no, grandpa, it’s nothing, nothing for you to worry about.

OK, in that case I will continue reading the spor- at that time Martha interrupted him asking and almost yelling:

I need something to do! I can’t stand look-ing at the same toys everyday through all these summer holidays I have been spending here! If only you would make me a new doll... !

I need something to do! I can’t stand looking at the same toys everyday through all these summer holidays I have been spending here! If only you would make me a new doll!

l a y o u t sFinal article

Wow, OK, sweetie, you don’t need to react screaming like this. To tell you the truth I know exactly how you feel. I was so tired of doing the same things that I even aban-doned my workshop on the second floor to read. Well, I love reading but is not that exciting, if you know what I mean. I don’t have an answer for you right now but I am willing to find a new activity for us! Are you with me?

By that moment, Martha was already standing on the sofa and with a big smile on her face she said:

Oh yes, grandpa Tulio! Of course I am with you! Let’s go! Let’s fight the bears, lions and snakes to get the adven-ture we need!

Darling, I don’t think I can still fight the lions but what about exploring outside the house?

OK, let me put my shoes on... - Martha took a look around but could not find her shoes. She went upstairs in her room and also it was not there.

Where are my shoes!?

Where are your shoes!?

november 2012 | small fish november 2012 | small fish

The Little Musical Band stories of the month

They were really looking for Martha’s shoes but their excitment about the idea of doing something different was so high that they were almost singing while running through the house after her pair of shoes.

Acctualy, they were singing! Suddenly, they noticed that a song was coming from their imagination. Martha sang “they are walkin’ shoooooooes!” over and over while grandpa Tulio added “nearly two minutes ago I could see them, and now I can’t!!” They found the melody really grooving and the different way to have fun in that after-noon would be composing a song!

Quickly, they sat at the table and, on a piece of paper, grandpa Tulio wrote down what Martha was singing from the bottom of her heart. In the end, the song was like this:

36 37

They are walkin’ shoes What are they Trying to say that I can’t understand

To step a little bit furtherTo walk a little bit slowlyWhat to do with youLet me jump!

They are walkin’ shoes Nearly two minutes ago I could see themAnd now I can’t

l a y o u t sFinal article

A few minutes later, grandpa Tulio went upstairs to his old workshop and took the little guitar he used to play in the 70’s. The song was great with him playing the guitar and Martha singing but they were still a little fustraded, missing the rhythm and the groove. Then it was when Martha came with an idea:

The Little Musical Band stories of the month

november 2012 | small fish november 2012 | small fish

I just know! Let’s call our neighbour Denise to play the bass! Uou, wait, and what about her cousin Marco to play the piano? I think we still have that old one upstairs... !

- Ok, so if we are going to form a band, let’s make it the best band of the neighborhood! I will call the baker’s son, Phillipe, to play the drums and his brother Peter to play the guitar.

And what about you?

I will do the best part, the scenario, the lighting and the costumes for the great show!

Wow! A show? Like a real concert? Awsome!! And... well, OK! If that is what you call the best part, go ahead. I will manage to arrange the rehearsals!

A week later everything was done! Grandpa Tulio reopened his old workshop and made all the pieces that would compose the stage be-hind the musicians. The wooden flowers, the fabric birds and the co-lourfull lighting balls.

Minutes before the beginning of the presentation, the members of the band were a bit nervous but the delight of presenting themselves to the city was the most extraordinariuos feeling they had ever felt. And because of that feeling, and of grandpa Tulio’s production and of the cookies of Martha’s mother, it was the best garden concert that the little city near the sea had ever seen!

38 39

l a y o u t sFinal article


ask for help to some adult

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The printed version

When I printed the magazine it was a little bit disappointed because all the colors have changed, some of them became too dark and some too light.