Processes in Securing Open Architecture Software...

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Processes in Securing

Open Architecture Software Systems

Walt Scacchi and Thomas A. AlspaughInstitute for Software ResearchUniversity of California, IrvineIrvine, CA 92697-3455 USA,

ABSTRACTOur goal is to identify and understand issues that arise in thedevelopment and evolution processes for securing open ar-chitecture (OA) software systems. OA software systems arethose developed with a mix of closed source and open sourcesoftware components that are configured via an explicit sys-tem architectural specification. Such a specification mayserve as a reference model or product line model for a fam-ily of concurrently sustained OA system versions/variants.We employ a case study focusing on an OA software systemwhose security must be continually sustained throughout itsongoing development and evolution. We limit our focus tosoftware processes surrounding the architectural design, con-tinuous integration, release deployment, and evolution foundin the OA system case study. We also focus on the role au-tomated tools, software development support mechanisms,and development practices play in facilitating or constrain-ing these processes through the case study. Our purpose isto identify issues that impinge on modeling (specification)and integration of these processes, and how automated toolsmediate these processes, as emerging research problems ar-eas for the software process research community. Finally,our study is informed by related research found in the pre-scriptive versus descriptive practice of these processes andtool usage in studies of conventional and open source soft-ware development projects.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures

General TermsManagement, Security

KeywordsOpen architecture, configuration, process modeling, processintegration, continuous software development.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.ICSSP ’13, May 18-19, 2013, San Francisco, USACopyright 13 ACM 978-1-4503-2062-7/13/05 ...$15.00.

Design-time architecture:




Opera EULA

GPL Google ToS

Google ToS


Firefox Opera AbiWord GoogleDocs

Google Calendar

Gnome Evolution Fedora Windows OSX

Apple License


Instance architecture:

Firefox,Google Cal., Google Docs,

WindowsMPL, Google


Instance architecture:

Opera, Google Docs,


Opera EULA.,Google ToS,Apple Lic.

Instance architecture:



Instance architecture:

Firefox,Google Cal., Google Docs,


Google ToS

Figure 1: A software ecosystem of software com-

ponents that can be configured into a product line

indicating four functionally similar OA systems.

1. OVERVIEWOur goal is to identify and understand issues that arise in

the development and evolution processes for securing openarchitecture (OA) software systems. OA software systemsare those developed with a mix of closed source software(CSS) components with open APIs, and open source soft-ware (OSS) components, that are configured via an explicitsystem architectural specification. Such a specification mayserve as a reference model or product line model for a fam-ily of concurrently sustained OA system versions/variants.We seek to research, develop, and refine new software pro-cess concepts, techniques, and tools for continuously assur-ing the security of large-scale OA software systems composedfrom software components that include proprietary CSS andnon-proprietary/free OSS. In the U.S., Federal governmentacquisition policy, as well as many leading enterprise IT cen-ters, now encourage the use of CSS and OSS in the devel-opment, deployment, and evolution of complex, software-intensive OA systems.

In this paper, we employ a case study focusing on an OAsoftware system whose security must be sustained through-out its ongoing development and evolution. We limit our fo-cus to software processes surrounding the architectural de-

sign, continuous integration, release deployment, and evo-lution found in the OA system case study. To be clear,these processes focus on activities that construct and up-date configurations of software components, and are not theprocesses for developing the components themselves. Thecomponents involved in such OA systems have their own de-velopment life cycle, often within development projects thatare independent or at arm’s length from the effort to developand evolve an OA system composed from such components.

In our case study, we examine a simple OA enterprisecomputing system that configures a Web browser (Firefox,Opera, etc.), word processor (AbiWord, Google Docs, etc.),email and calendar component (Gnome Evolution, Gmail,etc.), and operating system (RedHat Linux, RedHat Fedorawith SELinux, Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, SEAndroid,etc.) in conjunction with file, mail, and Web servers (whichmay be on distributed network servers), in a loosely cou-pled manner. However, even this simple OA system thatwe study draws on an ecosystem of diverse software compo-nent providers, whose software products can be configuredinto alternative, functionally similar system configurationsthat conform to an OA software product family, as indi-cated in Figure 1. Such a OA system is also a core ofmore complex, mission-critical command and control sys-tems [10, 31]. Additionally, such a system can also be builtand deployed for use on a mobile computing platform like atablet or smartphone. Finally, our OA system can be encap-sulated within security capability and enforcement mecha-nisms (e.g., SELinux capabilities, virtual machine hypervi-sors) in order to secure the OA system [5, 32, 35, 38].

We also use the case study to focus on the role automatedtools, software development support mechanisms, and de-velopment practices play in facilitating or constraining OAsoftware processes. Our purpose is to identify issues imping-ing on modeling (specifying) and integrating these processes,and explore how automated tools mediate these processes,as emerging research problems areas for the software processresearch community. We also discuss how such issues affectpractical simulation and analysis of these processes.

In the remaining sections of this paper, we first exam-ine related research found in the prescriptive versus descrip-tive practice of software processes for architectural design,continuous integration, release deployment, and evolution.Next is our case study, describing an OA enterprise comput-ing system that must remain continually secure as it evolves;we use this to help identify issues arising in the specificationand integration of the four software processes when the goalof the overall process effort is to continually secure an OAsystem. We present examples throughout this case study.We then investigate the software process modeling and pro-cess integration issues that were observed in this study, aswell as how they further constrain efforts to simulate or com-putationally analyze such processes, and conclude the paper.


We choose to focus on the processes from architecturaldesign, continuous integration, and release deployment tosoftware evolution for OA systems. Such systems incorpo-rate both CSS and OSS components. In particular, our in-terest is to examine how these processes enable or constrainhow to produce a secure OA system. In particular, we rec-

ognized that processes for software architecture design andsoftware evolution [22] have received prior attention in thesoftware process community, but continuous integration andrelease deployment have received much less attention. Sim-ilarly, relatively little is known about how design processesenable and constrain continuous integration and delivery,nor how they in turn facilitate or constrain software evolu-tion. Such an undertaking needs to go beyond prior effortsto specify and identify issues that may arise in processes forthe development of component-based software systems [4,27]. Earlier process studies like these do not address, forexample, how new development technologies such as con-tinuous integration systems mediate development processesfor component-based systems. They also do not identifycontinuous integration, or software release delivery and in-stallation, as salient development processes for component-based software systems. This may be so as continuous inte-gration and release management are relatively new softwaredevelopment processes, and such processes seem to be vis-ibly practiced in large OSS development projects. Finally,these earlier studies offer little insight as to how functionalor non-functional requirements for securing an OA systemmediate its software development and evolution processes.But we do know some things about these processes fromrelated efforts, especially for continuous integration.

Continuous integration (CI) systems support automatedprocesses for building, testing, and packaging a software sys-tem for release [7, 8, 36]. Without a CI system, developersmust build, test, and integrate their software (component)products using hand-crafted scripts, and it is common forsuch scripts to have to rely on idiosyncratic dependencies ontool chains and libraries versions for each deployment plat-form targeted (e.g., [15]). In contrast, CI systems incorpo-rate the capabilities of software build systems [33] that mayinvoke sequential, distributed, or parallel builds across mul-tiple build servers (cf. [34]) to produce singular builds (e.g.,“nightly builds”), continuously updated agile developmentbuilds [8], or diverse, functionally equivalent executable vari-ants [17]. The build systems access and update softwarecode (version control) repositories via process automationscripts. CI sub-processes take as input directories/foldersof source code files and produce software component exe-cutables. The executables may also be organized as a struc-tured collection (an information architecture) of binary files,static data value and parameter setting files packaged in in-terlinked directories, constituting releases for deployment.Continuous delivery (CD) further extends CI to support au-tomated release management and the creation of automateddeployment tools such as“installation wizards”to be used bysystem administrators or end-users [14]. For the remainderof our paper, we use the abbreviations CI and CD to referto these sets of automatable software development processes

As Fowler [8] observed about the need for continuous in-tegration as an enabling mechanism for agile development,“the key is to automate absolutely everything and run theprocess so often that integration errors are found quickly. Asa result everyone is more prepared to change things whenthey need to, because they know that if they do cause an in-

tegration error, it’s easy to find and fix” (emphasis added).CI processes can therefore be viewed with the assumptionthat errors resulting from process automation are normal,expected, and not necessarily easily anticipated. But whydo these errors occur at all, and why do we need to run

the process often in order to identify and resolve integrationproblems? We need to make closer, systematic observationsto determine why or how these errors occur, so that we canadvance our process engineering knowledge, as well as to en-able practical process improvement. A case study can serveas a starting point for this, and this is our strategy.

Automated CI systems comprise composed environmentsof software tools, or sets of loosely coupled tools together byautomated process invocation scripts that guide and con-strain their use. Often these tools are independently devel-oped and evolved. For example, a CI system like Hudson[13] includes source code build tools like Ant or Maven, anissue tracking (or bug reporting) tool like Bugzilla [19] orJira, and a software revision control browser and search en-gine like FishEye or ViewVC for viewing the contents ofsoftware revision control code repositories like CVS or Sub-version. All of these tools happen to be OSS associated withactive OSS development projects, so these tools are subjectto ongoing development and evolution that improve their ca-pabilities and add/remove functionality. Other CI systemsmay use different tools or locally developed capabilities inplace of external OSS tools such as these. Consequently, thisimplies the process steps enacted by a CI system will vary(and evolve) depending on the choice of CI system, and onthe external tools or locally embedded software functional-ity that particular CI system uses. Whether such CI processsteps are equivalent, similar, or incongruent across CI sys-tems thus remains an open issue. But it is an issue thatmust be resolved when transitioning from one CI system,or CI system version, to another. However, current CI sys-tems do not appear to address this, nor do they identify itas a concern in their recommended best practices (cf. [13,34]). Similarly, when we add the need to address the CI andCD of secure OA systems, we quickly finds gaps in the bestpractices that point to shortfalls either on the CI/CD pro-cess support side, the security capability side [35], or theirinterdependencies.

Automated CI systems are continuously being improvedor supplanted [18, 21] and different CI systems offer differ-ent features, functional capabilities, and depend on differentsoftware tools [34]. The same can be said for CD/releasedeployment systems, especially with regard to ongoing ad-vances and refinement of software packagers, file distribu-tion and mirror (copy server) synchronization, installers, anduninstallers [14]. So from a software process specificationor modeling viewpoint, there are many distinct CI processinstance types, and no single abstract CI or release deploy-ment process prescription to follow and tailor to local devel-opment organization needs. CI and CD process enactmentmust therefore rely on manual best practices in addition totool-based automation, and these practices are specific toeach CI system and the tools therein [13]. CI and releasemanagement system-based process automation thus is bothad hoc and idiosyncratic, rather than easily standardized orgeneralized, yet is a widespread software engineering processand practice used to produce thousands of software compo-nents (e.g., smartphone or tablet apps).

Software delivery and deployment suffer similar kinds ofprocess automation pathologies (e.g., [16]), to the extentthat a key advantage of automation is now thought to befinding or process enactment errors, mistakes, or other ar-ticulation problems [23] by running the enactment morequickly. Software deployment errors, such as releasing and

installing a premature system release candidate into pro-duction operations can have devastating technical or eco-nomic consequences, as was demonstrated by the experienceof Knight Capital in Summer 2012 [6]. How to provide au-tomated tools and practical techniques that provide (more)robust acceptance/compliance checking prior to a new sys-tem version being installed prior to going live in operation,seems to be an underspecified process enactment problem.Adding robust diversity mechanisms and capabilities for dra-matically improving OA system security [11, 17, 30] remainsan open question for further study. Once again, a case studycan serve as a starting point for examining such issues andconcerns, and this is our strategy.

We see that part of the process challenge is how to un-derstand and specify software processes that must interfacewith emerging CI and CD systems. These CI systems en-tail different kinds with different build, package, and releasedeployment process automation capabilities, or that pro-duce integrated systems that operate on different platforms[34]. To us, this raises concerns for process specification—determining what aspects of a software process are pertinentfor modeling and simulation, as well as contributory to im-proving process effectiveness [26], and process integration—integrating modeled process specifications with diverse au-tomated process enactment mechanisms [24]. It also raisesissues for integration across multiple process representationsthat are supported by independently developed, heteroge-neous process enactment mechanisms [9].


We utilize a case study to explore and identify softwareprocess issues that arise while producing a secure enterprisecomputing software system. Such a system is produced us-ing existing software applications as components, composingand configuring them to realize the overall system. The pro-cesses we examine are not those that develop such softwareapplications, but rather those that use them as componentsof the system. However, this choice still highlights how theongoing, independent development and evolution of the com-ponents motivates new versions/variants of the overall OAsystem. In this regard, software component evolution is adriving force that impinges on the development and evolu-tion of OA systems incorporating such components.

Another aspect of our study is to recognize some softwareprocesses, like architectural design and software evolution,as having limited automated enactment, while others suchas continuous integration and release management are po-tentially fully automated. This is not to say that no toolsare involved in design or evolution, far from it. Rather,what is of interest is that software production and systemintegration organizations employ a flow of software processesthat employ both fully and partially automated enactment.Assuming a world where all software processes are fully au-tomated may be another challenge, but it is not one that isof practical use or consequence at this time. Our study thusaddresses software process challenges that are both reflec-tive of understanding of emerging software process researchissues, and also may have practical application today andbeyond. As such, we turn to our case study to elaborate thesoftware processes of interest, and to the issues they raisefor software process research.

3.1 Architectural Design ProcessThe process for designing the configuration of an OA sys-

tem at the component level is our focus here. We start bynoting that we assume no pre-existing process model or stan-dard for such a process, nor do we propose to provide sucha prescriptive process. As a review of the architectures ofdozens of OSS systems [3] makes clear, there is no commonprescriptive process, preferred set of tools, nor is there nota-tional scheme for the architectural design of open softwaresystems. Instead, we describe aspects of a design process wedeveloped, practiced, and adapted that is supported in partwith automated design tools. One of our goals with thisprocess was to help identify situations, and practical non-functional requirements, that arise with an OA design pro-cess that constrains, and is constrained by, the other threedownstream software processes in our study.

We have used an OA tailored version of the UCI Arch-Studio4 architecture design system (oAS4) as a locally de-veloped plug-in to the Eclipse IDE to realize a partially auto-mated system for architectural design activities [1, 2]. oAS4allows us to visually model the architectural configuration ofsoftware components, component interfaces, and componentconnectors as OA system elements. oAS4 also produces out-put in an architectural description language (ADL) as a per-sistent artifact for external analysis, or for potential integra-tion with CI systems with further processing (e.g., bindingcomponent classes to their build-time instances). We fur-ther focus our architectural design activities to produce anabstract system architecture that serves to denote a productline model of a family of alternative system configurationscomposed from functionally similar components or compo-nent versions [29]. oAS4 can thus support our experimentalstudies in OA system design and design evolution acrossfamilies of alternative system configurations (cf. an earlierapproach to such problems at [25]).

We annotate our OA system designs within oAS4 usingformal constraint expressions on components interfaces, suchas intellectual property (IP) license obligations and rights [1,2]. Security policy constraints for components, configuredsub-systems, or an overall system are expressed and ana-lyzed in a similar manner [30]. The ability to model and au-tomatically analyze such obligations and rights is needed atbuild-time and release deployment-time. Automated analy-sis mechanisms then allow us to determine whether the spec-ified component interconnections entail matches or conflictsin component-component license alignments [1, 2]. However,we have also observed that design-time actions must accom-modate build-time and deployment-time element bindings,as well as accommodate the evolution of licenses, policies,and system element versions [29]. For example, when con-flicts are found between the licenses of interconnected build-time component selections, we can then reconfigure our OAsystem design to eliminate the conflicts, to constrain theselection of components at build-time (within CI) to thosewhose licenses will match or not conflict, or to wrap/shim acomponent with an abstraction layer that does not transferIP license obligations.

Design of OA systems also raises issues for how to how bestto secure the designed system architecture [35]. Among therecommended practices for designing secure system architec-tures are to provide capability-based user/developer accesscontrol that effectively limits access to input and outputdata, internal program code representations (e.g., memory

Connector 1

Web App Server

Network Protocol

Connector 2

Email & Calendar

Operating System

Web BrowserIntra-Application Scripting

Connector 3

Email Server

Word Processor

Inter-Application Scripting

Network Protocol


Web Browser User Interface

Email & Calendar User Interface

Word Processor User Interface

Figure 2: Design configuration of a secure OA en-

terprise system, shown with security encapsulation


address and system name spaces), persistent data storage,and to exposed I/O transaction processing interfaces. Oneincreasingly common approach is to provide encapsulationmechanisms like virtual machines for software componentsor (sub-)system configurations, along with encrypted inter-component data/control flow connectors (e.g., HTTPS/SSLdata communication protocols). Of these, passively secureconnectors for networked components are widely available,while dynamically secured connectors are a recent advance[11]. In our case, we choose to incorporate virtual machinesto encapsulate our OA system, and we ignore alternativesecurity protection schemes for simplicity. However, we rec-ognized that even a seemingly simple decision like this stillrequires analyzing trade-offs about whether to encapsulatethe entire system as a single virtual machine (relatively easyto address during deployment, though requiring deploymentand installation of virtual machine software (e.g., [38]) onthe target deployment computers) or to encapsulate each dif-ferent component within its own virtual machine that wouldthen be interconnected using secure connectors (more chal-lenging to address for deployment, but offering a more re-silient OA system security [30]. We decided to design some-thing in-between these two extremes, by taking into accountwhere different components might be hosted within a net-worked, multi-server platform environment. What our OAsystem design process produced is an abstract architecturalconfiguration of component types (each attributed with IPlicense constraints—not shown but described elsewhere [1,2, 30]), a minimal component interconnection scheme, andwhat we call a hybrid virtual machine confinement scheme,as shown in Figure 2.

Given that we have so far only examined the architec-tural design process, we note that we are already beginningto see that we need to anticipate non-functional require-ments for the other downstream software processes that fol-low, particularly in the form of process enactment directivesor constraints. We also begin to anticipate whether such in-formation can be automatically propagated into the processautomation tools used in these downstream processes.

3.2 Continuous Integration ProcessIn our study, one of the first activities in moving from ar-

chitectural design to continuous integration is to identifyspecific software component versions that can be instan-tiated within the current architectural configuration (Fig-

Firefox User Interface

Gnome Evolution User Interface

AbiWord User Interface


Apache HTTPD



Gnome Evolution

Fedora/SE Linux

FirefoxJavaScript scripts




cshell scripts


Unix System Calls Unix System Calls Unix System Calls

Figure 3: A build-time configuration of a secure OA

enterprise computing system.

ure 2). While at first it might seem that this is a simpletask, we have found that component and version selectionare subject to the obligations and rights stipulated with acomponent’s associated IP license [1]. For example, commonarchitectural design languages do not specify annotationsfor IP licenses, so as noted above, we extended our ADLwithin the oAS4 with IP obligation and right constraints[1, 2]. This meant we could now analyze whether or howIP obligations and rights for each component-component in-terconnection match, conflict, or propagate. For example,reciprocal licenses like GPL can propagate their IP regimeby design, though some enterprises seek to avoid this. Byconceptually filling in selected component licenses, we cantell, prior to integration, whether the resulting release can-didate may suffer from licensing problems or not. Whenconflicts or mis-matches are discovered, again prior to fur-ther build-time process actions, alternative components withthe similar functional capabilities and interfaces but differ-ent licenses may be substituted. Alternatively, the architec-tural configuration can be modified, for example, wrapping acomponent in a way that mitigates license conflicts (e.g., re-placing a direct API-API interconnection which propagateslicense restrictions with an networked data communicationslink, as few licenses propagate IP across network connec-tions).

What we end up with from our build sub-process is a con-crete OA system configuration with a specific selection ofsoftware components specified using oAS4, whose output isintended for a manual build system or for entry into an au-tomated CI system. A concrete configuration is seen in Fig-ure 3. So our build sub-process can now instantiate compo-nents into a reusable OA software product line design, as wecan determine families of component version instances thatcan be substituted within the OA system. For example, theFirefox Web browser may be replaced by Google Chrome inthis configuration, because both are under permissive OSS li-censes. However, a license match/conflict assessment wouldbe required before replacing Firefox with Microsoft InternetExplorer (IE) or Opera, each of which is under a proprietarylicense. But in the abstract and concrete architectural con-figuration we have, we could substitute a Linux-based Operabrowser without issue, but not IE, unless we add a librarywrapper such as Wine [37], in order to run IE on FedoraLinux.

So far, so good. But now we must consider how to trans-fer this component selection specification into the build sys-

tem arises. An ideal solution might involve an automatedhand-off. However, the specifics of such a hand-off will varydepending on the build system and the CI system we se-lect. A more general solution would likely require (or ben-efit from) another abstraction layer for integration betweenthe architectural design and build/CI process enactmentmechanisms, which is an already recognized problem with ademonstrable solution (cf. [9]). We see that software processresearch may demonstrate solutions to messy process inte-gration issues, but integration of process flows across tool-specific process enactment representations and automatedmechanisms remains a lingering, practical problem that isnot yet addressed by current CI or CD systems.

A similar problem arises when we consider how to se-cure the concrete OA system configuration. For example,we can choose to include secure data communication con-nectors (e.g. secure protocols like HTTPS and TLS/SSL)in our configuration, but such capabilities are not instan-tiated at build-time. Instead, they depend on mechanismsand data (e.g., certificates) that are accessed at run-timeonce an integrated system release candidate is available. AnOA system, or OA system components, can also be securedusing virtual machine hypervisors [38] that confine and iso-late deployed system/component within a virtual machinerun-time environment. In addition, it should be possible tospecify operating system access control and type enforce-ment capabilities (e.g., using SELinux libraries on Fedora),but again, these are not available for use until there is adeployable integrated system release candidate. Thus, theseforms of security are most likely invisible to current CI sys-tems, and must be addressed through other means.

3.3 Release Deployment ProcessThe software system you release and deploy depends on

what (and how) you build and package for release and instal-lation. For example, in our enterprise system, we want oursoftware integration process to produce a run-time versionof our designed software configuration for our target plat-form (e.g., local personal computer). Figure 4 displays arun-time instantiation in operation, based on the build-timeconfiguration in Figure 3, hosted on a Fedora Linux oper-ating system that utilizes the SELinux library to set accesscontrol and run-time capabilities for files and programs.

However, what we build and what we release may not bethe same, though they need to be functionally equivalent.For example, when we select one or more CSS components(an already compiled and integrated executable binary im-age) with a common restrictive IP license (i.e, one that pro-hibits copying or redistribution) for inclusion in our build-time architectural configuration, during the build process,we must link it as an executable binary for inclusion in a re-lease candidate for deployment (or deployment testing) (cf.[19]) on a local computer. Such inclusion is a prerequisite foroverall integrated system testing processes required by CI.However, we cannot distribute such a release candidate toothers, as it is common for CSS to not allow duplication ordistribution of licensed copies of software binaries. Instead,we need to specify and configure a deployment-platform spe-cific automated software installation mechanism (e.g., in-stallation wizard) that needs to search for and find a locallicensed copy of the CSS executable binary, and link it tothe result of the build sub-process that provides a run-timelinkage mechanism in expectation. A similar effort is needed

Figure 4: A screenshot view of a deployed release configuration of our OA enterprise computing system.

to enable user acceptance testing or certification testing ontheir local platform. These release deployment process stepscan be accomplished with some effort, but this effort couldalso be anticipated at design-time or build-time, when de-velopers make their selection for which component instancesto include in the system build.

Automated software installation is an increasingly com-mon expectation. Software installers run automated pro-cess enactment scripts crafted by developers. Once again,the process being enacted is not explicitly specified, nor is itseparate from the internally coded software utility’s actioninvocation scripts. This means that it is not surprising todiscover errors that arise during installation but are not eas-ily anticipated without extensive prior experience in workingwith the installer on known target platforms. For example,an informal aid from IBM for guiding system administra-tors who enact software installation processes [16] notes in-stallation problems like: (a) insufficient free space on diskstorage prior to or during software executable installation;(b) software installations across a network that are “hung”or stuck due to lack of robust installation protocols that cantime-out (abort) and/or re-initiate then re-validate processscript commands already invoked; (c) installations that faildue to underspecified all/nothing installation transactions(cf. [12]) that do not completely update the information ar-chitecture of a multi-part software configuration (e.g., pro-gram registry update and reversible roll-back to prior reg-istry; and/or setup of user configuration files); (d) failureto include a software uninstaller (or uninstallation processscripts) that allows conditional roll-back to previously in-stalled software versions to be retrieved and activated; or (e)file/directory name collisions that arise at build-time versusdeployment-time.

Our observation is that if there is a sufficiently detailed,informing process specification or model for how best to in-stall a software release, it is well hidden. We all rely on

the correct operation and outcome on software installationprocesses on our networked personal computers and wirelessmobile devices, but such processes often are problematic orfail. This situation is not inevitable, but it is widespread.There is a missed opportunity to improve the quality of re-lease deployment process outcomes by some means otherthan the costly software installation trial and error learningexperiences that afflict software release deployment person-nel and system administrators. We should be able to domuch better than this. The provision of explicit softwareinstallation process models that can guide the targeting ofdifferent deployment platforms in specific organizations orfor remote users begs for research and development atten-tion.

3.4 Evolution ProcessAn OA system can evolve by a number of distinct mech-

anisms or process enactment pathways, some of which arecommon to all systems, but others of which arise only in OAsystems or where components in a single system are hetero-geneously licensed [2]. Figure 5 provides a summary of someof the various paths, further explained below.

Component version evolution— One or more compo-nents can evolve, altering the overall system’s characteris-tics. An example is upgrading the Firefox Web browser fromversion 17.0 to 17.1. Such minor versions changes generallyhave no effect on system architecture. However, many largeenterprises choose to sustain their software systems by rely-ing on “long-term support” (LTS) versions of software com-ponents, rather than automatically updating to each releasefrom software component producers. Instead, LTS compo-nents are replaced with new versions only over long timeframes, where the new LTS version for installation may skipmany intervening release versions. Such enterprises rely onlocal patches and workarounds between the LTS versions,under the belief that such an approach provides increasedsystem stability and allows more comprehensive regression

Current system

Component replaced by newer version

Component replaced by different component

Connector replaced by different kind of connector

Topological configuration changed

Component license replaced by different one

Same component accessed through different interface

Evolved system

Component license replaced by newer version

Figure 5: A variety of paths and activities account-

ing for the evolution of OA systems [29].

Design-time architecture:




Opera EULA

GPL Google ToS

Google ToS


Firefox Opera AbiWord GoogleDocs

Google Calendar

Gnome Evolution Fedora Windows OSX

Apple License


Instance architecture:

Firefox,Google Cal., Google Docs,

WindowsMPL, Google


Instance architecture:

Opera, Google Docs,


Opera EULA.,Google ToS,Apple Lic.

Instance architecture:



Instance architecture:

Firefox,Google Cal., Google Docs,


Google ToS

Figure 6: An alternative OA system configuration

resulting from replacement of selected components

shown in Figure 4 during system evolution [29].

testing prior to deployment. But in these days of relentlessattacks on system security, using LTS components entails lo-cally sustaining system component or configuration versionswith known vulnerabilities, often without code repositoriesthat match those employed for CI. The vulnerabilities mustthen be defended using separate, orthogonal system securitymechanisms, such as virtual machines or hypervisors fromVMWare or Xen [38]. Once again, we can do better than thisthrough the use of explicit process specifications that modeland provide process integration support across CI and CDsystems, along with code repositories.

Component replacement— One or more componentsmay be replaced, each by one or more others with similarfunctionality and similar interfaces. An example is replacingthe AbiWord word processor with either OpenOffice Writeror MS Word, each of which provides roughly the same be-havior as a word processor. Other alternative may entail acomponent with a different user interface plus shim code tomake it match its predecessor component, but in different

ways. For example, if we replace the AbiWord word proces-sor component, with the Google Docs service, the new wordprocessor’s component is now external to the OA system,and in fact could be viewed as now existing within the Webbrowser component. What these examples reveal is thatchanges in the format or structure of a component’s intercon-nections, or its APIs, necessitate updates to the build-timeand release deployment-time configuration of the componentconnectors.

Architectural configuration evolution— The OA canevolve by changing the kinds of connectors between compo-nents, rearranging connectors in a different configuration, orchanging the interface through which a connector accessesa component, altering the system characteristics. Revisingor refactoring the configuration in which a component isconnected can change how its license affects the rights andobligations for the overall system. An example is the re-placement of components for word processing, calendaring,and email with Web-browser-based services such as GoogleDocs, Google Calendar, and Google Mail. The replacementwould eliminate the legacy components and relocate the de-sired application functionality; it would operate remotely,but interact from within the local Web browser component.The resulting system architecture might be considered sim-pler and easier to maintain, but is also less open and nowsubject to a proprietary Terms of Service license. Ongo-ing evolution and support of this subsystem is now beyondthe control and responsibility of the local system develop-ers. System consumer preferences for one kind of licenseover another, and the consequences of subsequent partici-pation in a different OA system evolution regime, may thusdetermine whether such an alternative system architectureis desirable or not. Figures 6 and 7 show examples of suchevolutions in architectural configuration at release deploy-ment time. These figures can be compared to the systemdeployment in Figure 4, but now where the build-time ar-chitecture now reconfigures the word processor, email andcalendaring into the single Web browser component, thusrefactoring the build-time and release deployment-time sys-tem configurations, while remaining within the design-timeproduct family indicated in Figures 2 and 6.

Component license evolution—The license under whicha component is available may change, as for example whenthe Mozilla core components changed from dual licensing tothe tri-license (MPL, GPL, LGPL). Similarly, when OracleCorporation took ownership of the Hudson CI system [21],the changes in intellectual property ownership and brandingprecipitated a major code fork, and instigated parallel inde-pendent projects for sustaining development of this OSS CIsystem [13, 18]. Such evolutionary changes, which are com-mon to OSS components, may require reconfiguring an OAsystem to migrate to a new (re-licensed) component version,or to an alternative system configuration [29].

In response to different desired rights or acceptableobligations— The OA system’s integrator or consumersmay desire additional license rights (for example the rightto sublicense in addition to the right to distribute), or nolonger desire specific rights; or the set of license obligationsthey find acceptable may change. In either case the OA sys-tem evolves in response, whether by changing components,evolving the architecture, or other means, to provide the de-sired rights within the scope of the acceptable obligations.

Rapid dynamic system reconfiguration— More ad-

Figure 7: A screenshot view of a deployed release configuration of the alternative OA system configuration

resulting from system evolution [29].

vanced evolution scenarios entail support for building andreleasing of multi-variant system deployment configurationsthat substitute functionally equivalent software componentcompilations that produce multiple, diverse executable bi-nary images, each of which may execute in its own processorcore, in a multi-threaded, multi-core processor [17]. Pur-suing this new path requires a new compilation and buildsystem regime, that in turn anticipates a new generation ofCI and CD systems as future research subjects.

As should be clear, our purpose is not to provide a pre-scriptive model of the OA system evolution process, but in-stead to illuminate how different OA system evolution pathsand activities point to issues in process specification, processintegration, and the integration of different process enact-ment representations and mechanisms that must span/linkmanual-to-automated process hand-offs.


Following from the software processes we examined in ourcase study and our review of related efforts, we see a numberof issues for new software process research emerging. Atleast six such issues can be identified as follows.

First, we find that a central goal of process automationwith widely available software integration and release de-ployment tools is to find enactment errors and articulationproblems more quickly, rather than to provide prescriptiveprocess guidance. Such process enactment details cannotbe easily anticipated in general, so process specification andenactment must rely on trial and error, as well as process dis-covery [20] to surface where additional/new process knowl-edge is to be found. Consequently, it is not surprising toobserve the rise of a new class of software developer role,as “buildmeisters”—developers who specialize in addressingthe intricacies, quirks, and problems that arise during soft-

ware integration processes, since such processes remain ad

hoc, undefined, and difficult to model or improve.Second, current continuous software development systems

embody process specifications that are opaque, lack general-ity, and rely on the processing capabilities of specific incor-porated tools to structure process enactment actions, deci-sions, and outcomes. Different CI systems embody differentversions or variants of software build, test, and package pro-cesses. This implies that merely having a “defined” processmodel for processes like continuous integration and releasedeployment means that such a model will either be insuf-ficiently detailed to provide anything beyond introductorylevel guidance, or more completely detailed but idiosyncraticbecause it is bound to specific process automation tools.This in turn makes the process specification problematic toadapt and evolve. There is a basic need for richer processmodels that represent both the idiosyncratic details of pro-cess automation tools for continuous integration and releasemanagement, and the generalized abstractions of such pro-cesses that can be reused for process (design) guidance andtailoring in specific software development organization set-tings (cf. [26]).

Third, a recurring challenge from a process research stand-point is how to specify, model, analyze, or simulate softwareprocesses that span from mostly manual to mostly auto-mated process enactment activities.

Fourth, automated process enactment systems are them-selves subject to continuous improvement and evolution.This means the processes being supported are potentiallyevolving. However, if their process specifi

cation or model is tacit, or is encoded in implementationdetails, then the process may be opaque to all except thetool’s developers. Thus, trying to specify, model, or sim-ulate software processes that employ automated enactmentsystems, requires the ability to address processes that are co-

evolving: i.e., how tool evolution drives development processevolution, and how development process evolution precipi-tates tool evolution (cf. [28]). So choosing to only attendto one, misses observation or specification of activities thatenable or constrain the other. Such a dilemma points toanother challenge for new software process research.

Fifth, process guidance specification and enactment au-tomation are easily conflated in continuous integration andrelease deployment systems. As a result, developers of OAsystems rely on informal best practices to get continuously-integrated software products out the door. Separating thespecification of such processes from their implementationwithin the automated system would be an important con-tribution to the advancement of such systems. Similarly,providing guidance for how to specify processes more ab-stractly than as low-level process execution script commands(cf. [15]), would also contribute to the advancement of au-tomated continuous software development systems.

Sixth, the development and evolution of component-basedOA systems is both an interesting and a challenging prob-lem for the software process research community. Such sys-tems are likely to follow continuous software processes—processes that are repeatedly enacted hundreds to thou-sands of times during the sustained life of the system. Suchprocesses are thus appropriate for careful empirical study,simulation, and analysis. The need to address how to con-tinuously secure OA systems further complicates the chal-lenges for software process research. Process streamliningoptimizations, opportunities, and guidelines are likely sub-jects for further research and practical application. Simi-larly, when the software processes for securing an OA systeminvolve automated process enactment, it appears that com-pliance testing—checking whether an automated enactmentproduced a system configuration that is compliant with thesystem’s security policy—will increase in importance. Suchcompliance is likely to be ad hoc, unless the security policyis formalized into a computational model [30] that can becross-checked with the enactment results.

Last, empirical study of the software processes of inter-est, especially as they are observed in different OSS devel-opment projects, provides many insights and best practicesthat can help in the specification (modeling) and integrationof processes for developing and evolving secure OA softwaresystems.

5. CONCLUSIONProcess models provide a valuable means for specifying

complex software production processes. Such models mayhave their greatest impact for project and process manage-ment, and for coordinating disparate software productionprocesses together with automated enactment tools spreadacross an ecosystem of software producers. Explicit, open,and sharable process specifications are key to realizing thesepotential benefits, while the absence of such specificationsmeans lost opportunities to reduce overall software produc-tion costs, improve software quality and security, and tostreamline and continuously improve such explicit processes.

Managing and coordinating the development and evolu-tion processes for producing secure open architecture soft-ware systems is challenging as we have shown in our casestudy. But as we have observed in our case study, widelyavailable automated technologies for continuous integrationand release deployment obscure or hide what these pro-

cesses are. Further, we find that frequent errors and ar-ticulation problems in automated process enactment are ex-pected, since process enactment details are ad hoc and id-iosyncratic, while enactment processes are underspecified,not explicit, and encoded in an enactment system’s imple-mentation. However, automated process enactment systemsmay offer the potential to be extended to support (par-tially) automated process discovery and computational re-enactment (cf. [20]), rather than just traditional processmodeling and simulation. Thus, software producers of con-temporary component-based OA systems are working againsttheir self interests, assuming their interests are to improvetheir productivity and software quality, while reducing avoid-able rework and other software production cost drivers.

Our study in this paper sought to identify a range ofemerging issues in software process research, especially forprocess specification/modeling, as well as for process design,automation and integration. Similarly, our case study high-lights a number of ways how the need to continually securean evolving OA system further complicates challenges forsoftware process research. Finally, assuring that softwaredevelopment and evolution processes comply with extantsystem (or enterprise) security policies—which are presentlyinformal requirements specification documents—means thatprocess compliance checking arises as a practical need unmetby available software process tools.

Overall, our goal in this paper was to employ a case studyand related research to help identify and articulate an emerg-ing set of challenges for further software process research anddevelopment, Through both a review of related efforts andour case study, we identified a number of challenges for soft-ware process research whose investigation and resolution canlead to more streamlined and easier to continuously improvesoftware development and evolution practices that are con-figured for specific organizations, different development toolchains, alternative target system platforms, and secure OAsoftware product families, as well as for their evolutionaryreconfiguration.

6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis research is supported by grant #N00244-12-1-0067

from the Acquisition Research Program at the Naval Post-graduate School, and by grant #1256593 from the U.S. Na-tional Science Foundation. No review, approval, or endorse-ment implied.

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