Prodigy Children & Botanical Transduction 3

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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A very easy tutorial that shows anyone the UN-tapped potential of the human brain. It compares the world record holders of "Physiological & Psychological expansion" (The Ancient Vedic Culture), with our current mental activity & how to bridge the gap. This comparison is based on how we are not taking advantage of what the industrial revolution has gifted us with........"The ability to take what the ancient Vedas were doing, to a whole new level with these materials that make things which use to be very time consuming, into rapid timing"....Using nature to spawn not just "Prodigy Children", but Divine-like beings that could re-engage our lifestyles into something which resembles perpetual joy, instead of endless misery (the falsified justification that people believe they are happy when they have no clue what absolute happiness truly is), an absolute truth which is based on the lack of a variety of distraction fueled by corrupt careers & people not spending enough time with their kids. This is my volunteer work for the entire world to see. I sure hope my time wasn't spent in vain.


Dearest Humanity,

I know what it feels like to be cornered, desperate, afraid & alone (even if people are near me in the moment). I won’t announce to the entire world that I am the once slain immaculate Son of God, because I don’t have present knowledge (memory) of such horrific things happening to me. I can admit however that I do have an abundance of knowledge regarding the Biblical tales of Jesus & his misfortunate end for utter need of expressing himself on a spiritual level (to people who were trapped in a denial coma). In reference to this ancient material, I can say that out of every person I’ve ever met, I have never met a single person who has had the internal bravery of this Jesus figure.

Concerning myself, I have felt a violent trembling within my spirit’s core, every time some random individual confronts me & attempts to force their own imagination to pretend as though they have control over various options & the direction in which my life can travel. It is in my nature to be wildly defiant & to never take orders from anyone (whether they be a friend, a family member or an assumed enemy). The laws that govern nature are extremely simple to all animals & wildlife (living plants & mineral alike), but the laws of the land here in the United States of America have draped many layers of additional laws on top of the rules that nature already has set in place.Many governments try to defend their own laws & regulations in disobedienceto the threat of American domination of foreign countries, and most of them eventually cower & thereafter start to copy the rules that our country has customized for us (Other countries see the American people as lab rats to say the least, and in that manner, those who are abusive to their surrounding environment tend to adopt the American Governments strategy; seeing as though they have the American People on a very short leash & nothing ever seems to change). These counties see it as something that works, and the spoils of war are enough to set an example to these other countries saying “there is much comfort to be had after turning a blind eye to mass-Homicide tothose who are defiant in return”.

When the book of Revelation states that the 2nd coming of Christ will eventually lead to the Son of God “Bringing a Sword”, I can’t be fully correct in saying that I know exactly what that person was talking about, but my intuition guides me into believing that any man who has adopted certain morals & who has become clear in thinking based on standards of practicing modest behavior & who has become extremely humble upon experiencing the undertow of his continuous folly. That kind of man would look at the whole

concept of “Bringing a sword”, as being a statement of a divine-like figure throwing the sword at the feet of those who look at their lives as though all they are good at is mowing people over like grass (a career which brings forth success & a stable family income), while in reality they need to nurture themselves. Someone like me, who has looked back on his life of ruin & constant misery by choosing the wrong friends to trade for a even more miserable home life, who has been patient for over 10 years of being disgracedby peers who saw me as a stumbling block to their path to being successfully ACCEPTED unto those who maintain a higher rank of social status within ourcurrent civilization.

Every once in a while I would write a few short stories & poems that pertained to my experiences of those people I previously mentioned. As a means to reflect & look inward to some part of my soul that still glistened so to speak. I completed a book called “Furious Hoards of Lilac & Wrath” (which took me over 8 years to compile but I finally did it), and after I cleansed myself of certain friends, loneliness took hold of my ability to controlmy will power. After being lonely/non-toxic for a while, I chose to run back to these fake friends which I would ask for forgiveness {(even though in my heart I felt as though they were the ones who should have been asking me for forgiveness; based on the fact that I was the only person in any of their lives who they knew that I would never dare try and make their lives difficult by either snitching on them, or stealing from them) – (I shared my vivid imagination with them & they were the ones to experience the brightest & happiest years of my life)}.

If you put yourself in their shoes, seeing as they surrounded themselves with others who only knew how to use deception as a means to communicate their drug induced desires; who among them would not fancy the lack of paranoia which comes with having a friend around who you know isn’t plotting or scheming on you because that person still tries to maintain his conscience?

That group I mentioned, has had to deal with almost unlimited amounts of paranoia on a daily basis, which you would think they would be sick and tired of having to counteract the balance of being nervous & still having the will power to get paid & have as much fun as possible after work is finished. Iwas that person to take a little bit of the edge off of their nervousness & paranoia which they had to deal with everyday. I got to smoke free pot with them because they knew I was already use to being made fun of & not making

a big deal out of it ever. Needless to say, their ways of communicating was stereotyping my behavior as though I was the lowest of the low. But about 6 years into hanging out with those who did not have my best interest in mind, i eventually gained better evaluation skills & I gave them notice that I would nolonger serve as a victim for their stupid role playing & constant battering of the emotions that I tried to hold dear for all that time. The agony which I had been a magnet for all that time, had curved its direction, & it stopped being stored in my soul, & began to deflect somewhere else. If you take this observation in the same way as analyzing chemical movement, you can come out with a decent explanation that their words were manifested because they didn’t want to focus on their own troubles, & making fun of me was a technique they were familiar with to say the least. So by me discontinuing myabsorbance of their abusive words, those words must’ve found their way back to source.

The source was their own discontent with where they were at that moment in time. By only relying on sarcasm to unleash their creativity upon me, they were forced by mother nature & her ability to balance out scenarios, to take a good long look at what kind of trauma they had bestowed upon me (ataste of their own medicine). Shortly afterwards, they made it abundantly clear to me that my friendship was unwanted (without having to say it out loud). Their actions were based on loyalty to whoever was socially ranked above them (those unspoken rules that one has to become familiar with through interaction with multiple different social groups). Because to them, strength in numbers was their key role here in our current civilization. They were players who let others play with their puppet strings. Subjects to be discussed were always filled with dull conversation pieces (girls that they could only wish about because they were bottom feeding piles of shit & could only buy a girl’s pleasure with drugs or having good connections to those drugs, automobiles & video games).

Eventually, I woke the fuck up & realized that I these people were hurting & would never allow themselves to show it to anyone. I was all to eager to talk about subjects that they would ignore constantly, no matter how many times I would try harder to weave myself into the conversation. I will admit, I tried hard to find some kind of mutual liking to what they were saying, & without having to say things I don’t mean & end up falsifying my spirit’s voice in any way at all. So I realized after struggling continuously to find that stable ground (while at the same time, I would do all kinds of volunteer work; always saying yes to whatever they wanted material wise/cigarettes, weed, lighters & gas money), that I finally came to the conclusion that I was only a tool to be passed around. Anytime one of these

people or their friends needed a ride to pick up some bud or cigarettes, i didn’t realize it for the longest time, but that was my entire purpose of being their.

I was never their friend, but my considerate nature, loyalty & sympathy lasted for just about 10 years. All because of something I learned in Sunday school.

One of my Sunday school teachers had asked me & a few others in a small group session to debate which action the second coming of Christ wouldchoose to do between 2 different scenarios.

He said, if Jesus was here on this earth & of adult age, do you think he

would be spending the majority of his time around people who closely know him?

Or do you think he would be hanging around those who need to be informed of his important message, to which they have little or no chance of perceiving it (due to their living conditions and/or family influence).

He went on to clarify that the people who are living in sin the most out of everyone here on planet earth, don’t want to face the truth when it comes to the importance of their souls, but they need Christ’s message the very most, and without a devoted person who is Christ like to incorporate that message to them, this world will be that much further from healing itself, & even further from being able to clear the clutter in order to accept God’s Love for them.

After I hung out with those fake & undesirable dope fiends (of which I only partook in smoking lots & lots of Cannabis and never doing the meth thatthey loves so much), I found myself abandoned by their lack of compassion & inability to show a considerate side. After I cut everyone out of my life “because I was the only one to not allow external social influence to rule the standards that I hold dear to myself”, I discovered that I was a victim of their toxic habits, and I had to deal with quitting my addiction to smoking tobacco. During this period of my life, I wasn’t able to focus properly & writing had become just another way for me to wallow in my own anguish. I forced myself to start an Autobiography based on Fantasy & Real Life Co-mingled together. This piece of Literature was called “The Calaunthropin Petal” (based on a word that my mind formed after waking from sleep), and I managed to complete it within about 2 years.

Since completing them both, I have barely exited my grandmother’s house at all. I’m about 95% Reclusive. I rarely practice yoga, & I still smoke pot from time to time. I’m not this perfect representation of who most

Christians want to believe the 2nd Coming of their messiah should be, but I canassure everyone reading this material, I am more like Jesus Christ than every single person I’ve come into contact with, that includes those who claim Jesus as their savior & as well as All atheists, Buddhists, Jews or any spiritual based congregation there of (you may say its just an opinion, but if your not from East Texas, you don’t know the so called “Godly individuals” & how much of a disgrace they are to their phony belief structure).

I see life for what it is. Serving one’s Government by either working for it, or simply paying taxes just to be able to step foot on the ground “is one way of living”. But just as sound conducts itself with various wavelengths & broad frequencies of vibration, so does Life relate to the person living. This government uses social devices to intimidate its flock. They say, {“this is private property, violators will be shot on site”, & other things like, “Here are a list of careers you should inject your children’s minds with (while your not busy teaching them to throw away their primordial imagination), anything outside of these boundaries are considered unacceptable in the rule book that the “majority” (popular crowd) notes as a means to future success}”. Truly living upon this planet, (here in the good ole USA anyways) is dictated by the quality in which people increase & sharpen their ability to OBEY. There are so many different variations of living in a civilized area, the example I just explained are but only a couple in a vast “unspoken” rule book that people have to go through hell in order to learn how to perceive it as a reality of livinghere in the Civilization Realm.

I use to go wandering around on people’s private property a while back, and I would sit down on a blanket that I brought with me in a back pack & watched my surroundings (in between meditation). What I would notice is that animals would communicate to each other “Warning Signals” that I was in the area (as a result of them doing those things, they most likely were distracted by my temporary presence & they had to put their daily chores on hold to ensure their own safety). These animals saw me as a human being, a human who is related somehow to many others who have been responsible for driving them away from their homes & killing their family members. They stereotyped me because it was the laws that govern their survival strategy based upon passed events which have probably been passed down to them from generation to generation (in the unknown dialects of animal talk “saying I don’t know crap about the frequencies that animals use to speak to each other”).

This being made perfectly clear, it should now dawn on the reader’s mindset that “Modifying Nature’s Laws” in any way other than helping Our

Earth do a better job of cleansing & redistributing its vital nutrients to where they need to go, is detrimental to the Survival & Continuation of Human Existence. Along with the survival of the Earth (saying that by means of interfering with the planet’s routine in order to fuel personal desires & take away from areas of this planet which is already unbalanced, will most definitely put an end to all hope in our advancement & to the safety we hold dear).

Like I said in the beginning of this Vital piece of Literature here in the 21st Century. I am not saying that I am the Christ reborn (no matter how manysimilarities I might have to this historic figure of the prophecy of John located in the book of Revelation). I’m not some hysterical Religious psycho who is in love with his own denial. Because I use to be that way, and I didn’t know how lost I was (stating that me quitting my synthetic medication was the bravest thing I’ve ever done until this very day of me writing this document as a slap in the face of the United States to stop throwing their lives away). I can admit that I have lost hope in the current generation of human society, & I don’t plan on living out my life if it comes down to paying some government just to be able to rent or own a small plot of land.

If all I have to look forward to is getting employed by an organization which has been set up by the government to serve the government & barely reach out to its citizens while they continuously make it harder for its citizens to enjoy their frail existence, than I would rather take my own life. Even if I joined a hippie commune where people were actually nice to me, but I would have to endure hardship in the form of physical labor & never be able to save up enough to be able to travel the world ( & transpire in attempting to save people from themselves). I will not give up my dream to incorporate & direct change into the lives of those who are hopelessly lost in anguish & who have no one to reach out to in order for their lives to become saved. Our entire lives, we have been lead to believe that the only way to accumulate wealth (which brings a vast array of options when dealing with connecting with privileged resources). Is by setting out on a journey to gain access to those resources by either getting 2 or 3 college degrees, or Joining a gang & wandering under the governments radar in paranoia from day to day, or by getting a shitty job that pays minimum wage for about 5-10 years, just so someone could save up enough to invent something new that most people havenever thought about.

These options are within my reach everyday that I wake up into this physical world (& the plague of its domineering mindset to go along with it),

but my intense spiritual gift of Defiance, combined with my heart’s inner-mostwill, does not allow me to take any of those roads toward success in this Industrial/technological age of un-spoken torment, which is fueled only by the citizen’s denial. I will not continue living in my grandmother’s house, under her tyrannical rule & abusive mouth any longer. And if I find myself with only a last resort, I will take that last resort with a frightened gaze & a slow but steady stride into the forest where my soul seeks to depart in & say a silentapology to my dead mother saying “I’m sorry I couldn’t go any further mom”, before slitting my own throat. You can call me suicidal if you want, you can even say that I am not weighing my options in a rational state of mind. Honestly “I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation” (I don’t even know who sang that nor do I give a fuck because the sound of its background music brings negativity, however the meaning of its lyrics call out to me in the most generous of all vibes known to my heart).

These words that I speak are out of consideration from me to everyone who maintains a pulse here on planet earth. My government has been telling me all my life that I can only do what I want by means of sacrificing large amounts of my time & allow multiple outlets of existence to draw my attention away from my heart & what it desires to accomplish out of selflessness. These bastard fucks who have rapped my imagination & fed my brain with synthetic toxins in the form of pills & T.V., have not only stunted my physical & mental growth from an early age, but they began telling me at first that I could do anything I could think of. They said, “there’s nothing you can’t do if you keep on reaching for it”. My head is sore from bashing it into wooden doors, & my heart aches from the relentless pursuit of defending myself verbally against an elderly tyrant grandmother who raised me after my mother died of a cocaine overdose.

My head & heart both suffer equally, for other reasons such as restraining myself from a constant urge to kidnap the families of those who have intentionally done horrible things to me (while leaving those responsible tied up in an underground bunker to watch their entire families be impaled, while they starve to death alone & covered in Piss/Shit).

These things are also within my reach, because the government allows anyone to get a shitty fuckin job, so that they can spend their money on whatever they want.

Those horrible things I just spoke of, are never gonna happen to those who actually deserve it, because I have no desire to get a shitty job, or pay

taxes of any kind. Any other way for me to make money, I’m not interested in.

So that being said, the government will not allow me to do the things my soul craves most. Things like exploring the wilderness like Louis & Clark did all those many years ago. Other things like becoming a molecular Scientist who learns how to induce Gene-mutation & different methods of Transduction to make the earth’s materials we ingest “More nutrient rich & much more absorbable”. So many other things like, learning how to incorporate the mercury rotation which is described in the “Vimanika Shastra”(to be able to give the ability in allowing human flight without any kind of winged application or special fuel propellant); only by spending a few minutesstirring their own soul at the base of the spine in order to influence the kundalini fluid to ascend rapidly. These things are within reach because of theresources I could one day prove to our government that I am worthy of tampering with, but my soul instructs me that they are not within reach because Mother Nature’s gift of defiance within me is as strong as a 100,000 Bull Rhinoceroses stampeding the savannah.

What the fuck am I left with America? It’s either I do what I want, when I want to; & all the suffering I have endured since birth ends with the notion “Shane waited for his life to begin for 28 years, & then decided to unleash his creativity full force & had a moderate amount of fun (due to his restricted resources) in a very short amount of time, then he got shot in the face by a .50 caliber sniper round”.

Or, I can continue taking everyone’s shit, slowly save up for the next 40years & then find some ex-crack addicted hooker (because the girl of my dreams won’t have anything to do with me because I’m not accepted by the right people) that doesn’t care if I have no friends, & goes away with me to theBahamas so she can fuck my almost 70 year old/shriveled up dick, & then have me killed by some South American thugs; shortly afterwards, she gets to live it up on 40 years worth of back breaking hard work & extinguished lungs, because the government didn’t change their ways and stopped paying attentionto the real criminals, because its much easier to bully the poor folks of Low class America “the Beautiful”.

This document I’m writing is for future generations to acknowledge & to harness as an example to them of how worse its going to get if we “as a single entity” don’t tell ourselves to drop whatever excuses we have for not seeking each other’s compassion & loving kindness. Mutual acceptance is an ethnically common emotion found everywhere on earth, even among tribal

cultures. I believe it’s about time we own up & start carring about those who haven’t been born yet, & chill out on overly focusing on the current moment (and how selfishness has plagued our livelihood in a severe way).

What follows is a very simple way to bring forth Redemption back into our proud Civilization & all the things it has accomplished since its dawn. Keep in mind its much more difficult than living a life of carelessness, but I can assure you this, cutting someone’s head off & beating the crap out of their corpse (out of a simple craving to throw a temper tantrum) is much easier than concentrating on the inner workings of the body & mind (on a tangible & un-tangible level).

Here is the sword, I lay it at yourfeet….

Will you be like a fish & mindlesslybite into a piece of steel with food on


Simply because you have fallen inLove with your addiction to

hopelessness, & allow selfishness toconduct your end result?

Or will you give your instinct a chanceto overcome the fake laws which havebeen confusing it since birth, & allow

it to guide you to a much moredesirable outcome?

And in return, you could prevent 100’sof 1000’s of people just like yourself,

from ever having to experiencesuffering on the level that mostexperience in this current age


If you are someone who is tired ofcutting others down in fear of yourown acceptance on behalf of peer

pressure & many other things. If youhave become sickened by only being

able to use a sword (or any other

means of laying waste to another basedon petty differences), than I offer this

strategy to all of humanity, free ofcharge. (even though these words are most likely in vain

& will never be accepted by those who have been stuckinside a comfort zone their entire lives).

This method is one based on those ancient people who were the Alpha civilization of Bio-molecular Health plans & NeurologicalModification, based on the various types of body & mind. I speak ofthe Vedas & their pristine culture which pushed the Physical & mental limits of our most sacred gift, our bodies. No human group since has ever gotten close to the biological limits of which they set so many years ago. This tutorial is my gift to all of you. Think of it as volunteer work (since I did this research & connected the dots because I care more about the future of humanity (& the lack of suffering it can possibly experience), more than I care about living out the rest of my miserable life here in a place where only a precious few care about me). In all seriousness, I have given up on myself & the wreckage which is my brain & body (even though I understand the value of Ayurveda & its ability to perform anti-aging & rapid rejuvenation; the rules of my birth land which restrain my growth are far more troubling in the long run, when comparing it with spending many years to heal myself, just to live outside the lines of Civilization; alone & never experiencing my goals being achieved).

It’s not worth it to me. I would only trade mental suffering for Physical suffering (because resources within our current civilization make it easier for one to survive; central heat & air, kitchen utensils, generators, artificial light & grocery stores).

When it comes to timing, a mountain man would probably spend as much time preparing his surroundings in order to keep his blood moving, as a man from the city would spend working for some random business. At the end of the day, there are 2 individuals, 1 is mostly independent (the mountainman/off grid dweller), & the other is entirely dependant on those resources (the man from the city). Because of this broad difference in lifestyle, “the mountain-man” has only a mindset of knowing that he is not in denial about what he has accomplished that single day, and there is nobility in that.

The man from the city has the mindset of telling himself “I made all this happen today”, “my wife & kids are sitting down at thedinner table, I am proud of myself for what I have provided my family this day”. But it’s what the City man doesn’t see happening while he’s at work (across town), his kids got bullied at school all day long, & when they got transferred to daycare, the relentless bullying kept happening all day until their mother got done screwing& lounging around with the attractive neighbor. Being to embarrassed, the kids never tell their parents because their parents teach them things like, no complaining & never show emotional response towards anything whatsoever, that includes shedding of tears. So the Kids continue living out their lives while taking anti-depressants & eventually become so numb to “the spirit of compassion”, that they secretly save up on ammunition & high powered rifles & pistols. They wander into school & go from class to class, picking out those who are responsible for their lack of spirit,as well as those who are not responsible, because that’s what the rules of society taught them, by being victims of bullying by others who were much bigger than them, they now can look back and sharesome of the power that the corpses of those bullies use to have. Now it’s the same story on a larger scale, now the weaklings (anti-depressant fed junkies) have guns & plenty of ammo, and the other kids they are confronted with didn’t bring that kind of equipment to class.

Now the only way for these kids to feel anything good is to punch holes through other people’s children, some innocent & othersnot so innocent; but at the end of the kids day of fun, pulling the triggers becomes tiring & common sense tells the children to take their own lives because they fear all the nasty things they’ve heard about prison (*a governments way of creating a fear based society* -*so people can keep using those grocery stores & everything else they offer the public*) all their lives, more than they fear death. Because chemistry has a way of balancing itself out with people whoare not in control of their impulses.

The Mother & Father, dressed in black; holding each other in their arms while attending their 2 children’s funeral have no idea why this could’ve happened. So they blame the only source that is furthest from themselves, “the bully”. But its root cause is waiting at home where the dinner table sits with fewer members to attend theevenings. These parents sit at the lonely table & are still clueless to how something like this could’ve happened to their children. Meanwhile, “the mountain man”, alone & with a half full stomach, eagerly awaits his dreams of not having to worry about all the stupidshit that a city man would worry about.

As I said before, I won’t allow myself to exist if most of my time is spent serving our government “which is responsible for manymore tragic occurrences than the one I just shared above”. My plan to reestablish internal purity for myself would only be allowed if I lived my life on my “absolute” terms (there is no further debate of which anyone can try and convince me that my life is precious & I must conform or live in further grief, because I agree with them, *my life is extremely precious to me*). But our standards of evaluating living conditions are on 2 very different levels. Saying that most of society will sacrifice their heart’s standards of living, out of many different reasons & excuses (the majority of them base it on fear).

I stand alone. I don’t have an army behind me to intimidate my foes. I don’t cut corners when it comes to helping others to achieve certain tasks. & finally, I don’t dodge my heart’s vocal chords. I work constantly on connecting with my ability to feel out the Earth’s emotions which charter a path into my brain daily. The damage has been done, I accept it for what it is.

Dearest Humans, located on all continents, sub-continents and small islands alike……..

“Here is my tutorial to reroute suffering”.

……..To emancipate ourselves from mental slavery & continue on to bring forth a new age that breeds a wide scale breath we call Redemption.

Prodigy Children & BotanicalTransduction

By: The Universe

(Channeled through the Rogue Devotee “Shane DawsonLouis Langford”)

________________For those Generations to come, we now

embark on a mission which will either forceour future children into a state of further

torment & recycling the imbalance of whichour ancestors allowed to generate uponus…….. Or we declare that the AncientVedic Society was the Most Supremely

Advanced human social construct which hasever been to this very day (according to

available texts within history).

By proving that the Vedas were the ones totake the physiological & psychologicalstandards of human performance to the

highest degree, our world leaders will have

nothing whatsoever to back up their opinionsin reference to the notion “Our control of theterritory is in the people’s best interest”.


But if all those World Leaders were tocome to terms with their own child likeselves, they would admit worldwide thatonly when suffering stops its relentlesspursuit upon all our lives, only then can

we continue what the ancient VedicPeople were trying to do……..

Which was “pushing the limits ofPerformance when dealing with the

Human Body & Mind”.

This is a text which I have compiled toshow the world & its professional “know-

it-alls” how to start slowing down byshifting the powerful engine of “Industrial

Civilization” back into neutral, &

allowing those who truly know what’sbest for us, to create a new gear to

stabilize our universal minds from red-lining & overheating. This Process

requires that the many governing Systemsof our current existence, set aside some ofits power, in order to invest some of theirresources into my theory (& agreeing to

not interfere with the process at all).

Chapters are as follows….

I. Confronting the Supreme Botanical; {(Using Botanical Transduction to infuse the nutrient properties of the ancient Rasayana “rejuvenation” herbs into the body of a very healthy human being) for about 4 years, and after that period, begin perfecting the merging of those same Rasayana Herbal saps in sequence with the healthiest Cannabis Plant known to mankind, using transduction & proceed cloning the plant after peak growth, and doing the same thing over again with the exact same Rasayana herb; at least 5 generations of plants per single Rasayana Herb; after the peak of the last 5th generational Bud, save that single clone, and let it grow all by itself in a place of its very own (for the rest of the entire proceedure) while you start using a different rasayana herb that will be applied to the seperate cloned version of the first plant, and repeat the process over and over and over again until at least25 Rasayana Herbs have been applied via transduction to more and more cannabis plants until you have a final grid of seperate rooms filled with each plant that has been mutated into a completely different chemical make up of D.N.A.}: Now you canmove onto the third phase which is extracting each plants sap from each seperate grow room, store in some kind of flask & put them together as though its the same as the fictional character from X-Men called“Dead Pool”, except in the Vegetal Realm instead of

the Human Realm. When all Saps have been introduced one by one (slowly; meaning treat the scale of the Alpha plant's growth as though you were measuring the exact location of each Chakra point “acupuncture point” on the spine of a human being, except relate it to the stem of this super plant). Wait until the plant has grown about 10-14 inches before the first showering of sap is introduced, and just like the chakra “acupuncture related points to the Chakras”, shower the Plant with Love at the precise time. After the first plant has grown to its peak height, start over with another clone and do the same exact thing over again. Do this with 28 plants at least. Seeing this part of the project will be finished, and the Human Brain/Body has had its own relationship started for a good long while with the Rasayana Herbs, the now Alpha Soma Strain should be complete and now the human should merge the Cannabis plant in some way with his own body, via smoke or food or vapor or whichever way is best. This whole project is based on the relationship between man's physical Organs and the striking resemplence they have with the Vegetal Kingdom. These two Realms need to share more intimacy in order for Samadhi to wiggle its way through the Human Nervous System. So that when the prana reaches the Human brain, it will already have a cozy place to live while meditating and while not meditating.

II. Preparing the most pure of All ethnic Females aroundthe world to be Future carriers of those who have the divine privilege of Saving the Human Race from itself (& in turn adding more years to the Life of our dearest Planet to which we call home).

III. The Sacred Requirements of “The Caretaker”IV. Scheduling meals according to each Prodigy Child’s

specific DoshaV. Scheduling Kundalini Yogic routines “Raja

Meditation” with strict adherence (parallel to) the Movement of Prana, from Chakra to Chakra.

VI. Playing Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls at designated times through the day when Raja Meditation is being practiced (as circulatory assistants) & learning how the prana becomes Hyperactive at times; & learning how to use the Crystal Singing Bowls to slow the Prana down while having to Multi-Task with other energies (outside & inside the self) which cause massamounts of fluctuation.

VII. The Adolescent Years: Becoming aware & fine-tuning the Awareness of the Adolescent Prodigy to the ways of the world, & how to point out the subtlestmannerism of disharmony with various religious sects & other groups who regard their religion as supreme {(But cannot back it up according to tangible proof; if the body & brain of some random religious devotee is performing at a much less harmonious rate, than the teachings of this person’s spirit must be far inferior when compared to the Adolescent Prodigy). Introducing the most important

study of the young person's entire life, which is the practice of “BRAHMACHARYA”: {“The vow of celibacy in thought, word and deed, by which one attains Self-Realization or reaches Brahman. It means control of not only the reproductive Indriya, but also control of all senses in thought, word and deed. The door to Nirvana or Perfection is complete Brahmacharya. Complete celibacy is the master-key to open the realms of Elysian Bliss. The Avenue to the abode of Supreme Peace begins from Brahmacharya or purity.”}(Teaching how each distraction makes the body perform as though the organs & their fluidity can be like a horse race). The caretaker points out & helps the Adolescent Prodigy to understand how momentum dictates peak performance & how distractions take away a little bit at a time from Maximum Attainability of Pranic Expansion. In other words, “Maximum health & Longevity, “Maximum amounts of concentration” & the “Maximum level of Super-Consciousness” (Samadhi)that the Prodigy can look forward to achieving one day.

VIII. Providing Complete & Tangible Proof of “Superior Status” *(Upon the status of the Prodigy becoming anAdult)*, (when grouping each country’s most prized scholars & Scientific Experts from anywhere & everywhere). Taking each person & conducting the

finest & most specific examinations to chart the mental & Physical performance of each Scholar. Then doing it again to disprove any excuse the personmight have for not doing the best he or she could’ve done afterwards. Then give the same exact Physiological & Psychological examination to these “Now Adult” Prodigies. Thereafter, a strict comparison must be evaluated to show the intellectual & Physical gap between both subjects. Then turn around & do the same examination & evaluation between the Adult Prodigy & a Master of Raja Meditation (who also has every Chakra Awakened & who is in pristine Physical Shape according to Ayurvedic Principles of Diet & exercise).

IX. The Results should speak for themselves, when proving to all World Leaders that they must Accept the teachings & rulings of such a Superior opinion {(coming from a person who is much more divine than anyone on earth who has been subjugated unto the filth, grime, corruption & Polution (mentally & Physically) of our current influences within society}.

X. Incorperating Biodomes based Sacred Geometry & Vortex Math in all countries who allow it, which harness even further potency of both “The Alpha-Soma Strain” & “Amanita Muscaria 2.0”. & discussing international trade agreements with countries so that the financial equilibrium of every society can eventually get back to a Level Frequency.

XI. Tearing down what was known as “Industrial Civilization”; & taking from it only the NON-

Synthetic materials to be grinded down back to mulch, and stored in areas to prepare for a transformation of Heaven on Earth.

XII. Finally, teaching those who want to learn, the processof remote “wide-scale” healing (by those who have been given the privilege of Saving this Planet along with the human race “The Adult Prodigy generation”). & distribution of “The Alpha-Soma Strain” & “Amanita Muscaria 2.0” to all the countries& islands of the world.

I. Confronting the SupremeBotanical:

“Incorporating The Vedic Soma into 21st

Century Social Standards of Living”__________________________

In order to assist the Mal-Nourished massesin the Un-Veiling of Inferior states of

Consciousness.By raising & Nurturing “Prodigy Children” to

eventually replace every country’s Government.___________________

The Intricate Process of Breeding &Observing Growth Pattern Regulations of

the Alpha Soma Strain(When referring to Cannabis & The Fungal realm of

Amanita Muscaria)

& Adopting Unity with both into the Human Body &Mind


- It is said through Taoist alchemy, one can achieve liberation within one lifetime. Through Tantric alchemy, the process of liberation appears to be greatly accelerated. This is a subject of further research. Presently, there are no public teachers of Tantric alchemy. It is the outer aspect of alchemy, namely the knowledge of elixir, which has yet to befully revived in terms of its creation andproper application. It would appear with elixir being a very high form of energy, the ability to circulate energy internally would be a prerequisite prior to its ingestion.

Stated by:- Arion Love: The Science of Enlightenment; The

Mystery Unveiled)

Brief Overview of Endeavor:

I. D.N.A. of all Herbs {Brain & Body Tonic herbs said to contain morethan the usual amount of “Ojas” (which use to be extremely sacred tothe Vedas)}. These strands of D.N.A. must be taken from each herb & then re-woven into the cells of the sweetest of all Cannabis Plants via: “Transduction”. The same method to be undertaken with Amanita Muscaria.

II. Electrophysiology & Modern day applications regardingHumanity’s ability to use industrial engineering; in order to affectmore fluent growth in certain stages of both Amanita Muscaria &the life of a Female Cannabis plant.

III. Microbial Inoculants & the age old theories behind the health benefits which revolve around the ingestion of Vinegar (how soil canbe a much cozier playground for the seed to sprout through). This comparison is in direct relation to a Pregnant woman’s oval & the ability for the pregnant woman to be as strict as possible when deciding which form of biological nectar suitable for her baby’s internal growth. Added to that is the timing of each meal on a daily schedule. The soil needs to be fed for a long while before any seed is to be placed therein (The same relates to a pregnant woman; if she wants the best results from nature, she must first nurture her body with the right nutrition for years & years before getting pregnant). Saying that if a pregnant female human being was strict enough to conduct a daily regimen of ingesting certain Anti-Aging/Rejuvinative Herbal fluids mixed with ghee (based on her specific Dosha), one can only imagine the prodigy child that would come out of such a pure shell. These directly relate to the growth of Cannabis.

IV. Adaptogens (depending on Blood circulation & Neural Transmutation). This means adopting the Ayurvedic view of Doshas(seeing as every brain/body is different & there are customizable recipes based on seasonal ingestion of the sustenance) & how Adaptogens would fall into the same category.

V. Phytochemistry & the study of the History of Cannabis’s biggest threats throughout the many generations of its personal use by mankind. Plus identifying new threats (If there are any at all to be noticed “After the first 5 generations of the “Alpha Strain Clones” have been bred into existence”). Study for a short time between eachgeneration.

VI. Ethnobotany & the sovereign vibration of Tibetan Singing Bowls/Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. And how this technique may smoothen the growth of the plants version of Bone Marrow. Plus thestimulation & manifestation of Energy channels between man, fungus & plant.

VII. Taking those same Sacred & Revered “Ojas” containing “superior” herbs & using “transduction” once more to separate the D.N.A. of each life enhancing herb & thenforth become re-woven into the Seedof a very therapeutic strain of Female Cannabis. Not just the seed, but the entire plant on certain levels of growth.

VIII. Constant Microscopic-observation of both new Herbal Entities (after several injections of various Phytochemicals, Microbial Inoculants, Adaptogenic Elixirs & Tonic Gold “Alchemical Elixir”) & taking notes using Phytopathology as the Backbone of the entire study.

IX. As a result of synthesizing & condensing the 2 new genetic structures, the human body should not ingest or smoke both new entities at the same time. Developing a relationship with the new updated version of Amanita Muscaria should be fine tuned & ingested at least 4 times a month for around a span of 2 years time, before the New Genetic Structure of Cannabis should ever even start getting involved with.

X. The constant requirments of the Human Body: daily routine, scheduled exercise & enforcing Kundalini Yoga/Raja Meditation sessions. The Spine must be energetically developed to perform the constant & synchronized flow of “Samadhi” all the way to the top of the Crown the book said at the subtitle: “It would appear with elixir being a very high form of energy, the ability to circulate energy internally would be a prerequisite prior to its ingestion”. Only when this is encouraged daily as Pranayama being

the lungs basis for becoming frequently elastic & durable over time, can these new subtle vibrations of both Transmutated herbal entities be accepted fully by the human body & mind. I’m sure even withoutthe practice of Samadhi, the plants effects will still have bold new qualities that stand out to say the very least.

Why go through all this?

…. just to spawn a new race of Cannabinoid “Clones” & hopefully discover a grouping of synchronized pathways where both the Amanita Muscaria fungus & The most bad ass Strain of Pot the world has ever witnessed, can be assimilated as though every person on the receiving end had superhuman neural receptors?

……..Because most of society here in the bible belt (where I have grown up all my life) has turned a blind eye to acknowledging how severe the disharmony of our Nervous System has become on a National average of people voluntarily diving into the void of ignorance.

Comfy, cozy ignorance which has been dealt to us on behalf ofcorporate greed for so many generations now.

Which I might add has been demoralizing our entire culture. Our Physiological/Neurological foundations were meant to equip thesupernatural abilities that nature has to offer it every day of the year.

Fast food/anti-depresant medications/T.V./Cell Phones & Fluoride for the most part, have contributed to an all out decimation on our most prized possession we will ever come into contact within our lifetime……..Our Bodies/Brain. Of which is on the verge of collapse and we all know it. Something must be incorporated quickly & we must find a way to become available so that our children’s children can look at a shimmering world with much broader dreams & goals than we ever had.

……..I’m doing this because ever since I can remember I have been a victim of these previously mentioned epidemics (which force fed me into a semi-comma of Mal-nutrition). I’ve always wondered about the potential of Nature’s ability to absorb random nutrients from areas that nobody would ever care to look. I’m not some fully established scholar, who has many degrees in various subjects. I have 12 credits from a junior college (not any pertaining to Agriculture or Ecology).

I’m just a 28 year old who has suffered on behalf of my own vast number of insecurities (mostly due to other people and their badhabits & temptations rubbing off onto me by being influenced by people who proudly stood up for their own Mal-Nutrition).

Other reasons include…….attempting to establish the proper ratio ofabsorbance of this new Alpha Strain, by the minds of those who are considered neurologically unstable (hormonal imbalances//bi-polar disorder/Autism/Tourette’s Syndrom/Aszbergers etc.)

I happen to have been born with Tourette’s Syndrome & from my own personal experience, it took me 4 years after I stopped taking synthetic medications like Ritalin & Resperidal; cold turkey; to barely start to notice some decent results. Since 2004 (when I quit my meds), it’s been almost 10 years since then, and from frequent sessions of smoking Cannabis, my nervous system has experienced so very many layers of T.H.C. which blanket my brains receptors with natural splendor & the capability to mellow out & get me to focus on a grand scale.

If you ask me why I would die for a plant which happens to be illegal, I would tell you this……..

Right before I decided to quit these medications (before I had ever smoked Cannabis), I was about to get 2 jobs so that I could saveup, prepare & eventually go on a killing spree, ending in the

destruction of several lives whom caused me massive grief throughout the years (in the end, I had planned on taking my own life afterwards out of fear of being raped by people in prison). But I chose to hold onto what was left of my rational mindset, & in turn I was befriended by someone shortly after who I went to high school with (who didn’t ever make fun of me), we got to know each other in a drawing class at a junior college here in East Texas, and after about 2 weeks of hanging out with him and his friends, I opened up to him and told him about my frequent rate of depression that was taking a toll on my brain & heart.

This person suggested that I start smoking Cannabis on a regular basis with him. I never told this person what I had planned prior, seeing as I had no friends & was lonely all the time, I knew that if I told him those plans that he would’ve clearly burned the bridge between our developing friendship.

I can’t express in words how valuable “smoking pot” has become since my life has been extended this long (almost 10 years now). Even though he is responsible for convincing me to extend my livelihood, he lefted me hangin & rarely would invite me to get togethers. I was always the one to call him, and I guess he just got use to it & stopped calling me altogether. But I am grateful to be less grief stricken now than I was. Smoking cannabis made that possible, it brought 2 people together who had almost nothing in common except for art & weaving hemp bracelets & necklaces. Even though he based our friendship on the fact of him feeling pity for my lack of social prowess, and then moving away and hardly ever saying “what up”, its better than what I would’ve done to many people had he not felt sorry for me.

That person’s name I spoke of is known as “Tres Russell”. Wewere on a little league baseball team together right after I moved from Houston, Tx. to Van, Tx. This old friend of mine has no idea how many lives he most likely saved in the process of befriending me. He saved my life & many others through the philosophical medium of Smoking Cannabis. That’s what this illegal plant means to me. & that’s why I want to help others in attempting to enhance

other people’s lives who have suffered like I have suffered. It has proven its weight in gold in my personal circumstance. Therefore, i must express how important it would be to customize a Female Cannabis plant, so that there no longer has to be all different kinds ofvarious strains that support some people & don’t do as well for others. There needs to be an Alpha Strain which adapts to all different body types & is absorbed with ease.

There are so many people out there who I’m sure are suffering extensively & who need a strain of Cannabis which can act like whatthe Ayurvedic crowd would call “Tri-Doshic”. Saying that I’ve smoked & experienced some really potent bud, hundreds of different situations, of which I can admit that many specific forms ofMarijuana did not do what my brain needed them to do in order for me to focus & adapt to the changing scenery of Life.

In fact, there have been plenty of episodes where I wished I would’ve just not smoked to begin with because I ended up feeling much worse than the feeling of being sober (probably due to people being liars and telling those who I got it from that it was much betterthan they knew it to be “in other words; some desperate sellers tend to dust their buds with some other hardcore drug & say oh this shit issome dank ass bud”, which ends up to be bull shit cheap ass talk).

But at the same moment in time, a lot of these unsavory occurances were probably due to me eating the wrong food before &after sessions, but still; there must be a way to influence any random human brain to reorganize itself like a rubix cube, so that the new alpha strain can be absorbed in the most efficient way possible. Thisway in which I speak of is by using transduction to take the many herbs (which are revered for the practice of Yoga) & slowly blend their nectar to several generations of the best Female plant known to the Human Race.

……..I've heard that the origin of Congress was held in a private location, with like minded individuals who ruled over certain areas within Greece, situated around a small fire pit. They would light a particular incense (Cannabis; Reggie most likely, probably grown in their back yards) & wait a few moments for the smoke to rewire their neural receptors & then the they would start breaking down ideas that have been proven to not work with certain breeds of people, in certain locations, & transpire with replacing the inferior ideas with simple/cost effective solutions which were based on conserving resources & providing abundance for all the financial classes (or at least its me being a wishful thinker).

These sessions were meant to enliven the imaginations & propel their government leaders into higher realms of thought & the concept of being considerate towards one another (Resulting in a more stable work-life & home-life).

I’m not quite sure honestly, but if I had to guess, one of their key topics had to have been…….. “how do we lessen the damaging effects with which paranoia & depression take hold of society & endup spreading like wildfire”?

“And how can we pull a complete 180 in terms of human weakness into organic-cleanliness & the restoration of Body, Mind & a Spiritual/instinctual flow of Earth friendly energy (manifested from within a purified core of well-being)?

by simply convincing the masses to first detoxify in the most non-harmful manner available by local resources (Preferably throughAyurveda) & then advise them in replacing that new hollowed out void of a biological/electrical meat suit with something that will brighten their very existence with only a few short years of strict practice in the field of Kundalini Yoga/Raja Meditation & feeding the deep tissues with the proper recipe of Ghee & other choice herbs.

Then transpiring in showing the masses what they can become “after” the detox & cellular rejuvenation has already begun its sacred process of vibrational movement. These results will be plain to see for all to witness in time & there will be folks who say, “what in the world should I do once all that has taken place within my body& mind” (for the last 4 years of Preparation)?

Then Hopefully, with the consent & verification of several professionals in the fields of Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry & Phytopathology; The Many wonderful side effects of the fungus known as “Amanita Muscaria” (the Bread of life) can get firmly acquainted with its new clean host body/mind for perhaps a year.

And last but not least, a Superman version of the T.H.C. bearing female plant will be offered to the Rejuvenated body, mind & spirit of the Kundalini yoga/Raja meditation practitioner.

In the form of a new species of Cannabis called……..

“The Alpha-Soma Strain”Accelerator unto the process of Samadhi

“A re-developed pathway to reaching TheState of Super-Consciousness”

(Without having to cut any corners to get there).

The Main point of genetically manipulating both cannabis & the Amanita Muscaria Fungus, is to introduce the 2 upgraded forms of therapy into the lives of Prodigy children. {(The many Herbs which were favored for the practice of Yoga) which include nucleic samples of each herb & introduced into the many different generations of Female Cannabis plants &

then repeated into the likes of Amanita Muscaria; producing the upgraded forms I just mentioned)}. The transduction process must be separated into 2 different catagories in terms of “Body Tonic Herbs” & “Brain Tonic Herbs” (Just the same as it use to be long ago). This time around, a female plant (Alpha Soma Strain quality) of 25 generations which incorporate only Body Tonic Herbs shall be cloned & set aside until testing on modern day Kundalini Yogis “seasoned-professionals” have been lined up. The same process should be balanced with the creation of “Brain Tonic Herbs” as far as the “Alpha Soma Strain” is concerned; then the same process of cloning should be undertaken & set aside until Kundalini Yogis have offered their assistance.

Chapter II.

If a woman lives her entire life without being confronted with the perrals & temptations of which modern day civilization offers, than upon being aftificially inciminated with sperm that has come from a master practisioner of Raja Meditation (who also has undergone the process of familiarizing himself with those previously mentioned Rasayana Herbs, and undergone the process of injesting the contents of The Alpha Soma Strain for at least a few years; every other day or so); then forth, in theory a Child Prodigy is most likely to enter into this world. The child should be pretty much perfect in all ways, radiant, & fully aware of its surroundings from the moment it enters existence.

This being stated, my views on the demise of civilization are simple.

#1. The chance of some person coming along who has come into contact with society & their huge lack of morale, & then successfully delivering every tortured & heart broken soul, out of their undesirable state of mind, body & spirit; is probably never going to happen (the same can be said when dealing with multiple individuals performing the same task as a group effort).

#2. It would take a much longer period of time for semi-enlightened people (who have been brainwashed most of their lives) to eventually learn how to come together by using both versions of the “Alpha Soma Strain”, along with “Transduction induced Amanita Muscaria”.

There should be an extremely strict routine to become the cornerstone of eachprodigy child’s development in absorbing information.

(Please take careful notice to the fact that any type of physical and/or mental distraction will result in the human body being obligated to back track, insteadof building upon its own momentum) (the circulatory system governs this process in the same way a cars engine will loose performance by being stuck in a traffic jam, or run the way it was made to run by cruising down a clean interstate; saving gas & not being constricted to idle constantly).

Before I list the schedule, a list of distraction to avoid must be laid down.1. Any human contact other than that of the child’s caretaker (of which I

will explain the mandatory requirements of such a person later on)2. Any shape, form or fassion that deals with synthetic materials

(Everything in the Universe maintains a molecular vibration of some sort & most synthetics do not resonate on a pure spectrum; like raw elements resonate).

3. Verbal Language {(each child prodigy needs to understand early on thatthe lungs performance must be preserved & never be over used). (Any type of language other than sign language should never be allowed, untilthat child reaches adulthood). (After becoming an adult; each caretaker should then teach the new adult whatever language that dominates thosewho are in charge of governing that specific land).}

Now here is such a schedule….

Scheduling each day must be just as strict as the “No-Tolerance” in terms of distractions.

Each day should begin with the preparation of Ayurvedic meals; depending on the season & timing by which the ancient vedic culture figured out by thousands of years worth of trial and error; that each body is different &therefore, each body’s need for sustenance will change from 1 cycle to a different cycle. A caretaker must be well informed & educated on how to diagnose the most complex of all various doshas.

(This piece is meant to take place once the child has become aware & coherentunto the meanings & instructional guidance of the caretaker’s sign language).

After preparing the first meal, the caretaker should start teaching the child how Yogic Sun Salutations are performed & only allow the child to watch for the first 5 sessions. These instructions should revolve around the simplest of rules (because the body’s need for various forms of food is in a forever changing state; so should the practice of Kundalini Yoga be customized in order for those subtle needs to be met). Throughout the day, thecaretaker must communicate how vital a role {“Energetic Movement of the Prana is” (blood circulation, electricity & the connectivity between tissues), along with the spiritual side effects which relate with the physical realm}. Plus the child must be informed constantly on the plain as day facts of how less efficient the human body will perform if one allows himself or herself to avoid being constantly aware of the communication which is always taking place inside the body & mind. The Child prodigy should be taught that it is only able to be accessed through daily practice of divine like nutrition & Raja Meditation for a few hours each night before slumber is earned.

Here is a list of what Nutrients should be encorperated into the bodies of these new life forms........

Dr. Ben Kim's Formulas (

1. Original Greens Formula2. Sinbiotic Plus3. Proteolytic Enzymes4. Bone Support5. Joint Support6. Thyroid Support7. Vitamin C (Arocala Cherry Powder)

Banyan Botanicals Rasayana Herbal Index (

1. Organic “Haritaki” Fruit Powder (probably the most revered herb)2. Organic “Shankhapushpi” Herb Powder (for enhanced Nervous

System communication).3. Shilajit (“conquerer of weakness” a resin like material which is formed

from the old growth of the vegetation which lay behind the rocks of the Himalayas & in Napal, melted by the summer heat & it runs out throughthe cracks of the rocks.)

4. Healthy Pitta (90 tablets each bottle)

5. Healthy Kapha (90 Tablets each bottle)6. Healthy Vata (90 Tablets each bottle)7. Healthy Hair (90 Tables each bottle).8. Organic Brahmi Powder (Makes the brain absorb more nutrients and

mellow out more)9. Organic Triphala Powder10. Organic Turmeric Powder11.Several other herbal powders on the web site to choose from12. Organic Chyavanprash (a custom formulated herbal + fruit jam which

has amazing rejuvenation properties & rapidly boosts the immune system).

Other supplements include....

1. Ayush Herbs - “Ayu-Dep” (Formula based on Saffron) which enhances“Ojas” productivity in the body.

2. Tattva's Herbs – Arjuna + CoQ10 (cardiac Support).

In Conclusion:

This entire tutorial is to be based on a formula to bring forth a new being into existence, much more divine than the Prodigy Child I mentioned earlier.

This Sacred Formula should be taken to the highest degree of seriousness.

Here is The Formula to create such a Divine Being........

1st Generation Prodigy Child (Male) + 1st Generation Prodigy Child (Female)= 2nd Generation Prodigy Child

2nd Generation Prodigy Child (Male) + 2nd Generation Prodigy Child (Female)= 3rd Generation Prodigy Child

3rd Generation Prodigy Child (Male) + 3rd Generation Prodigy Child (Female)= 1st Generation Divine Child of Chemical Radiance (The first Living Divine Being to rival the Biological Rank of Shiva).

5th Generation Divine Child of Chemical Radiance (Male) +5th Generation Divine Child of Chemical Radiance (Female)

= A Non-Human Being (Devourer of Light & all variations of Quintessential Energy; good & bad; it will be able to absorb imperfection in whatever variation & use its organs to mingle the raw elements of the earth and create perfection out of the most tangled up mess “biological metaphor”). The Next chain of Intelligent Humanoid D.N.A. That can either re-create the physical world in which we humans are familiar with, or destroy it. Or it could create its very own galaxy or Universe simply by sitting down and pondering it into existence. In Movie terminology, it would be the equivalent to considering an example of........

If Super Woman had Sex with Super Man, and then She Hulk had sex with the Man Hulk, and then the offspring of both Hulk's Spawn & Superwoman's & Superman's Child met & those 2 children met and gave birth to something & then that something met Neo from the Matrix & then had a

new life form. If that life form was to meet Ichigo Kurosaki from the Manga called “Bleach”, and had a baby with the lifelike equivalent of that cartoon, and had a child together. After all that, put it together and what have you got........”Bibiti Bobiti Boo”.

A version of Michael Myers who is all knowing & who can either create a world of hurt or a world of splendor. But seeing as Rasayana herbs create positive vibes in everything it mutates with (i'm living proof of it seeingas I was going to burn my entire town down because I hated every single person in the town & I went through my darkest times with nobody to support me whatsoever; but I started researching the practice of Ayurveda, Yoga & Rasayana & my inner hate slowly started to evaporate from the inner depths ofmy soul & now I am living proof that Rasayana herbs re-incorperate life from within people).

Just like in the movie (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), the medicine that the corperation was working on in the movie that was supposed to curve the cycle of Alstimers, when it was passed down into the body of “the ape called Ceaser”, (a life form that didn't have any Neurological trash to sweep out of the way in order for the meds to become active), Ceasar started developing much quicker than the average human.

All i'm saying is that Rasayana Herbs, mixed with an un-interupted schedule of Ayurvedic therapy, and some “Ancient Vedic Mercurial Alchemy” (Rasa-Shastra) as desert for these new forms of life, their chemical make-up (Enzymes & Hormone interaction within the deepest of tissues) will be like a freight train with 50 NOS booster propelling rockets lined onto each car. Heading straight forward, never shifting its course or swaying due to countless mental distractions like we have suffered from due to our world leaders.

Its time for us to give up the reigns people, and allow consciousness to shift itself into a new gear all by itself. We have the power to let nature do its thing, that's the whole point of “The Alchemist”. Dealing with human genetics, we don't need a whole shit ton of expensive equipment, in fact people need to understand that the quintessence of Nature's D.N.A. Is halted by electro-magnetic frequencies (waves of various sorts due to electronics & all kinds of industrialized equipment being used by money hungry coorperations).

…...........Place these new bright children who are laced with divinities unknown, far far away from these population centers, and you will develop beings with rogue waves inside their blood streams. Being swept up and downthe blood vessels by super enhanced prana.

Thus A Perfect World can be manifested with the assistance of these Precious new life forms. They would be absolutely true representations of all our strengths & none of our weakness. If the process in which I have preparedgets taken serious enough, and the formula is delicately pursued by the most mature individual. Humanoid beings with the power of Fusion Propelling stars (located within their ethereal make-up “Chakras”) can be born & trained to conduct revolution & healing unlike this world has ever witnessed before our times.

To be brave, we must first be very patient, seeing as this process might take a good long while to finish. In these time of severe cruelty & dishonor, I give the world a way out of such trauma induced by recklessness & selfishness.

I give the world what it never sought to gift me with........

“Unlimited, Non-Vexed, Flowing-Swifly like the lightest of misting rain”..............Love, Peace, Tranquility, Tenderness, Unlimited Kindness, Fortitude, True ambient Strength, & a way to Nurture the surroundings of all Mankind, Animal, Fish, Vegetation, Mineral & Breeze alike.

I give the world the opposite of Suffering from within my boundless imagination. A Being of pure Radiance & Loving-Kindness to give birth to Raw-Bliss & for this life form to spread that Bliss to all Nations & corners of this World. No need to abandon this planet in search of others like it.

Just like my mother who lives in my soul, long after she has died almost 20 years ago. I must gift myself with purity, so that she may also feel the benefitsof such sacred gifts from within. Our dearest Mother Earth is far from being dead, she's just irritated with us for not striving after the potential we clearly know is within our reach.

This is my gift to all of you. All of my Love to you, who does not deserve it. To the Various & Beautiful Human Race.