Product line jan 2016

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Blue World Naturals Product Line Jan. 2016

Argan Oil


Considered to be one of the rarest oils in the world as it has a very specific and small growing area which is found in Northern Africa. Rich in vitamin E, Antioxidants and fatty acids.


Botanical Name: Argania Spinosa

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed, refined-deodorized

Aroma: This Argan oil is deodorized.


Argan oil is used in high quality soaps, creams and shampoos. Perfect for many uses ranging from massage to hair care.


There are no known safety concerns.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration

after opening is recommended.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.



Avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E and monounsaturated fats. It is often used topically to treat dry, itchy skin.


Botanical Name: Persea americana

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Avocado oil has a very light nutty aroma.


Avocado oil is used topically to nourish dry, damaged skin while possibly reducing the appearance of age spots and improving the skin's tone and texture. Because of its ability to deeply penetrate skin, it is also a popular tool to help soothe sunburns and minor irritations.


There are no known safety concerns.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Basil Essential Oil


The word basil is derived from the Greek name βασιλευς (Basileus) meaning “king”, hence its reference as the “king of herbs”. There are many different types of basil plants including sweet basil, lemon basil, Thai basil and holy basil. Our essential oil is extracted from the sweet basil plant. Sweet basil is the type most commonly found in your favorite Italian food.

In India, basil is known for its many medicinal properties. For centuries this herb has been used to reduce inflammation, help with the treatment of asthma, reduce the appearance of aging, help aid in digestion, andsoothe mild cramping. There are many other uses for ailments with the help of basil, these are just a small few.


Origin: India

Plant part: Leaves

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum, ct. Estragole

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lemon, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a sweet, spicy, fresh scent with a light woody back note and a lingering sweetness that makes for a strong top note.


Analgesic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-venomous, carminative, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, stomachic, menstruation, stimulant, and sweating.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Basil essential oil by clicking here.


Safety: Due to the quantity of estrogole in this essential oil it should be diluted to 3% before topical application. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.More info: We have some information on our blog about our Basil essential oil. Click here to read the "Top 6 Uses For Basil Oil"

Bergamot Essential Oil


Bergamot is a small citrus tree that produces star shaped flowers producing a rough, yellow fruit that lookssimilar to an orange. It has a scent that smells like a mix between a grapefruit and lemon. The rind is what is pressed and used to extract bergamot essential oil. This fruit itself is not known to be edible, however the essential oil extracted from the rind is widely popular in aromatherapy.


Special: This oil is Bergaptene Free

Origin: Italy

Plant part: Fruit Peel

Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Blends With: Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Orange, and RosemaryAroma: Has a citrus, fruity, and sweet scent with a warm spicy floral undertone.


Abrasions, analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-viral, stomachic, calmative, deodorant, digestive, disinfectant, febrifuge, parasites and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Bergamot essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Even though this essential oil is free of bergaptene it is still suggested to avoid excessive exposureto the sun after topical application. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Bergamot essential oil. Click here to read the "Top 5 Uses For Bergamot Essential Oil"

Black Pepper Essential Oil


Black pepper oil is extracted from the unripe dried red berry of a black pepper plant using steam distillation. When this berry is dried it is referred to as a peppercorn. The aroma of black pepper essential oil is reminiscent of ground peppercorns we often use in the kitchen, however it doesn’t make you sneeze like ground pepper does. Black pepper oil has a stimulating and warming effect. It can be used in aromatherapy to help stimulate circulation as well as help soothe sore muscles. It is also often used to increase alertness.


Origin: India

Plant part: Dried Berries

Botanical Name: Piper nigrum

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender, Orange, Juniper Berry, most citrus, spice, and floral essential oils.Aroma: Has a crisp, sharp, and spicy with a fresh warm aroma.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, gas, laxative, redness of the skin, and stomach aches.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Black Pepper essential oil by clicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Black Pepper essential oil. Click here to read the "3 Great Uses for Black Pepper Essential Oil"



Bliss synergy blend evokes a lightness that elates the soul while centering the mind and body. Removes distractions so inspiration can flourish.

Apply a few drops to wrists and neck as a natural perfume or diffuse when you need a boost in mood. Dilute with your favorite carrier oil for a relaxing massage.


Origin: USA and Imported

Contains: Orange, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Myrrh.*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


Relaxing, Meditative, Uplifting.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Orange, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Myrrh.


Safety: May cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months


Additional Info: Synergy blends such as Bliss are only available in 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles. Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops.

You can view the rest of our blends selection by clicking here.



Bloom Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Sunflower Oil, Geranium, Ylang Ylang and LavenderEssential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Sunflower Oil, Geranium, Ylang Ylang and Lavender


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before

large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.



No matter what time your day starts, Boost Beard Oil will be there to give you a kick start. Deeply conditioning, healthy shine and energizing essential oils will help you power through your day and into the night. Never underestimate a man with a beard and a mission when he is using Boost Beard Oil.


Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Coconut Oil. Orange, Tea Tree and Peppermint Essential Oils.Common Uses: Shake first. Place .25ml-.5ml into palm of hand. Rub hands together and massage into beard. Comb into longer beards. Smooth leftovers into scalp. Repeat daily for best results.

*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Coconut Oil. Orange, Tea Tree and Peppermint.


Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Perform a small skin test before large applications.

Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.


You can view the rest of our beard oil selection by clicking here.



Burst Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and citrus essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut Oil, Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit and Bergamot Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut Oil, Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit and Bergamot


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Limit exposure to sun after use. Perform a small skin test before large applications


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Cardamom Essential Oil


Cardamom oil is extracted from a seed grown on an oblong grey pod fruit produced on the cardamom plant. It is known to be used in ancient times for stomach problems including constipation, nausea, gas, and heartburn. It has been used by Egyptians in perfumes and incense as well as being ground in coffee byArabs.


Origin: India

Plant part: Seeds

Botanical Name: Elettaria cardamomum

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Orange, Bergamot, Cinnamon Bark, Clove Bud, andCedarwood.Aroma: A member of the ginger family, it has a sweet, spicy, almost woody fragrance. The overall aroma is very bold and distinctive.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, camphorous, carminative, cephalic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, and stomachic.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Cardamom essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to using thisessential oil. Avoid contact with eyes.Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 36 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Cardamom essential oil. Click here to read the "4 Great Uses for Cardamom Essential Oil"

Cedarwood Essential Oil


Cedar wood oil is extracted from an evergreen tree grown in the Himalayas, known as the Himalayan Cedar.This tree is quite tall reaching about 150 feet with green needle like leaves. An element called cedrol, a typeof naturally occurring alcohol, is found in cedar wood trees, which has been found to act as a pesticide on insects. Cedar oil has been used by ancient Egyptians in the embalming process to keep insects from disturbing the body. Many people enjoy the sweet woody aroma of this oil, making it an excellent ingredientin household products, perfumes, soaps, and candles.


Origin: India

Plant part: Wood

Botanical Name: Cedrus deodora

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Cinnamon, Juniper Berry, Frankincense, Clary Sage, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has an earthy, woody aroma that is soothing and grounding. It finishes with a slightly smoky scent.


Analgesic, anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic, anti-putrescent, anti-seborrheic, anti-septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, diuretic, decongestant, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticidal, lipolytic, sedative, and has been used as a stimulant.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Cedarwood essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to using thisessential oil. Avoid contact with eyes.Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 72 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Cedarwood essential oil. Click here to read the"7 Great Uses for Cedarwood Essential Oil"

Cinnamon Essential Oil


Cinnamon Bark oil is derived a tree growing approximately 45 feet in height with a very thin, smooth textured bark. This tree gives off a strong yet pleasant aroma making the oil extracted from the bark a popular scent. There are twelve different species of cinnamon tree. Only a few of them are used in the production of cinnamon spice.

This oil has a stimulating effect to awaken our many senses and has been thought to help aid in increasing blood flow, stimulate appetite, reduce gas and help to eliminate muscle spasms.


Origin: Sri Lanka

Plant part: Bark

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Clove, Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, andCardamom.

Aroma: Has a sweet, warm, and spicy yet delicate aroma. It is a comforting scent that is reminiscent of fall.


Alexipharmic, analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-coagulant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-putrescent, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, cardiotonic, carminative, digestive, emmenagogue, hemostatic, insecticidal, larvicidal, stimulant (digestive), stomachic, vermifuge, and warming.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Cinnamon Bark essential oil by clicking here.


Safety: Dilute to 0.10% if using topically to avoid reactions such as blood thinning and sensitization. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Cinnamon essential oil. Click here to read the "5 Great Ways To Use Cinnamon Bark Oil"

Citronella Essential Oil


Citronella is most popularly known as an insect repellent. Citronella oil mixes well with cedar wood oil to produce a naturally pleasant smelling insect repellent that can be used in torches and patio candles. It has also been used by some who have problematic pets that destroy furniture and household items, by applying citronella to these items to keep pets at bay. Citronella oil is also widely known for its strong anti-fungal properties.


Origin: Indonesia

Plant part: Leaves

Botanical Name: Andropogon nardus

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Orange, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemon,Lavender, and Peppermint.Aroma: Has a well-rounded rich, crisp, soft lemony scent, and has subtle woody aroma.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-tumoral, antioxidant, bactericidal, deodorant, diaphoretic, febrifuge, insecticidal, insectifuge, sedative (nervous), and vermifuge.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Citronella essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Clary Sage Essential Oil


Clary Sage essential oil is extracted from the plants leaves and beautiful, bluish-purple flowers. These daysthe plant is typically grown specifically for essential oil extraction. It is widely used in aromatherapy for anxiety relief, menstrual related issues, like PMS or cramping, and has also been shown to help with insomnia and other sleep related issues.


Origin: China

Plant part: Leaves and Flowers

Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Clove, Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, andCardamom.Aroma: Has an herbaceous, wine like, sweet aroma with a subtle fruity note. It is slightly nutty and earthy.


Anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-phlogistic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic,

anti-sudorific, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, decongestant, deodorant, detoxicant, digestive, emmenagogue, hypotensor, nervine, neurotonic, phlebotonic, regenerative, sedative (nervous), and stomachic.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Clary Sage essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.



Cleanse Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut Oil, Tea Tree, Lemon and Lemongrass Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut Oil, Tea Tree, Lemon and Lemongrass


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before

large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Clove Bud Essential Oil


Clove Buds have been used medicinally in ancient times and are still currently being used in traditional Chinese medicine, western herbalism, and in dentistry. It has been used in the medical field to produce a warming/numbing effect and reduce pain. Clove is most popularly known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Origin: Indonesia

Plant part: Leaves and Flowers

Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticum L.

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Citronella, Lemon, Orange,Peppermint, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a spicy, warming yet slightly bitter scent, reminiscent of true clove buds but a bit richer.


Analgesic, anhelmintic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-histamine, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, carminative, cicatrisant, immunostimulant, larvicidal, mental stimulant, neurotonic, stomachic, uterotonic, and warming.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Clove Bud essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Dilute to 0.5% if using topically to avoid reactions such as blood thinning and sensitization. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use with children under 3 years.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Coconut Fractionated


Fractionated Coconut oil is one of the most popular carrier oils used in aromatherapy today. This is not to be confused with regular coconut oil. “Fractionated” coconut oil is just that, a fraction of coconut oil. The fatty acid, Lauric acid is often removed leaving caprylic acid and capric acid making it a saturated oil that remains liquid even in cooler temperatures and has an exceptionally long shelf life. This oil is great to use topically in massage therapy as it absorbs into skin without leaving an overly greasy feeling.


Botanical Name: Fractionated

Extraction Method: Heat Processed

Aroma: Fractionated Coconut oil is Odorless

Shelf life: Indefinite; Fractionated Coconut oil does not spoil as long as it’s stored correctly -out of direct sunlight at cool/room temperature.


Fractionated Coconut oil is an all around oil that has a wide range of uses. Most popularly, this oil is used as a carrier oil blended with your favorite essential oils to then apply topically. This oil is great at

moisturizing dry/cracked skin leaving behind a soft, supple finish. Fractionated Coconut oil is also widely used as a makeup remover as well as to moisturize dry hair follicles.


Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Apply to small test area before large topical use.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.



Detox Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Jojoba Oil, Lemon, Juniper, Rosemary and LavenderEssential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Jojoba Oil, Lemon, Juniper, Rosemary and Lavender


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Easy Doze It


Easy Doze It synergy blend guides you towards a restful night’s sleep or just a quick well needed nap.

Apply a few drops to wrists, feet and neck before bed or diffuse in the evening. Dilute with your favorite carrier oil for a relaxing massage before bed.


Origin: USA and Imported

Contains: Lavender, Rosewood, Chamomile, Geranium, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Marjoram Essential Oils.*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


Relaxing, Calming, Meditative.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Lavender, Rosewood, Chamomile, Geranium, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Marjoram.


Safety: May cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 36 Months


Synergy blends such as Easy Doze It are only available in 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles. Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops.

You can view the rest of our blends selection by clicking here.



Using Edge Beard Oil is almost an unfair advantage due to its perfect blend of nourishing and enticing aromas. Not only will your beard be hydrated and conditioned, but you and the ones that are lucky to get close to your beard will be treated to a light, manly, sensual scent that will have them coming back for more.


Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Hemp Seed Oil. Lime,Cedarwood, Bay, Cardamom and Sandalwood Essential OilsCommon Uses: Shake first. Place .25ml-.5ml into palm of hand. Rub hands together and massage into beard. Comb into longer beards. Smooth leftovers into scalp. Repeat daily for best results.

*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Hemp Seed Oil. Lime, Cedarwood, Bay, Cardamom and Sandalwood.


Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Perform a small skin test before large applications.

Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.


You can view the rest of our beard oil selection by clicking here.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Eucalyptus oil is extracted from an evergreen tree most often found in Australia. The leaves of the eucalyptus plant are steam distilled to create this popular oil. There have been many uses found for this oilover the past centuries including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical, antiseptic, repellent, flavoring, and fragrance.


Origin: China

Plant part: Wood and Leaves

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Cedarwood, Ginger, Lavender, Lemongrass, Frankincense, and Tea Tree.Aroma: Has an herbaceous scent with soft woody undertones. It is slightly fruity, fresh, camphorous, and earthy.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-migraine, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, ferbrifuge, hypoglycemiant, insectifuge, mycolytic, rubefacient, vermifuge, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Eucalyptus essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Avoid if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. For external use only, this is considered toxic if taken internally. Dilute to 20% if using topically. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding or with children under 10 years of age.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 36 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.



Flow Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Black Pepper, Cinnamon and OrangeEssential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Black Pepper, Cinnamon and Orange


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Frankincense Essential Oil


Frankincense is a resin that flows from the frankincense tree as an oily, gummy, creamy substance when the bark is slashed open. The tree originates in the Middle East. The liquid will bleed out and harden, whichare called tears, and as it hardens it turns into the resin that is used during oil extraction. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the dry resin.

Frankincense is often used in many Christian churches, and it is said that frankincense and myrrh were among the gifts given to baby Jesus by the Wise Men. Today the oil frankincense is a popular one in the perfume and aromatherapy world. It is often used in facial products to help with dry and aging skin. The aroma of frankincense is a relaxing blend that is thought to help aid in headaches associated with tension as well as create an emotionally calming state.


Origin: Egypt

Plant part: Resin

Botanical Name: Boswellia carteri

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: All citrus oils, Bergamot, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Ginger, and Myrrh.Aroma: A meditative aroma. Has a warm, spicy, and woody odor followed by a slight lemon after-scent.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-migraine, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, ferbrifuge, hypoglycemiant, insectifuge, mycolytic, rubefacient, vermifuge, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Frankincense essential oil by clicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Geranium Essential Oil


Geranium is a small shrub measuring about 3 feet in height often grown for their beautiful foliage and flowers. These flowers are often red, purple or white in color and the petals are sometime used as a flavoring in jellies, jams and salads as well as used as a flavoring in pipe tobaccos.

Geranium oil is used in aromatherapy and massage therapy for many benefits that include detoxifying and relieving tension.


Origin: Egypt

Plant part: Leaves and Flowers

Botanical Name: Pelargonium graveolens L'Her.

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, andNutmeg.Aroma: A very pleasant and uplifting aroma with rose like scents. Natural perfume comparable to floral



Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-migraine, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, ferbrifuge, hypoglycemiant, insectifuge, mycolytic, rubefacient, vermifuge, vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Geranium essential oil byclicking here.


Proper dilution should be followed. May cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil


Geranium is a small shrub measuring about 3 feet in height often grown for their beautiful foliage and flowers. These flowers are often red, purple or white in color and the petals are sometime used as a flavoring in jellies, jams and decoration in salads. It is also used as a flavoring in pipe tobacco. Geranium oil is used in aromatherapy and massage therapy for many benefits that include detoxifying and relieving tension.


Origin: China

Plant part: Leaves and Flowers

Botanical Name: Pelargonium graveolens L'Her.

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, andNutmeg.Aroma: Has a herbaceous quality layered with a strong green undertone. Ends with a sweet, dry floral aroma. Please note this oil is primarily used for its therapeutic qualities and not for its aroma. Some find it overpowering and unappealing.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-migraine, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, ferbrifuge, hypoglycemiant, insectifuge, mycolytic, rubefacient, vermifuge, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Geranium essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Ginger Root Essential Oil


Ginger oil is extracted from the roots of a perennial herb that grows to be about 3 feet high. Ginger is known to be used for medicinal purposes in ancient times, and now is a commonly used kitchen spice. Ginger is said to help reduce the feeling of nausea and may also help to boost your immune system.


Origin: China

Plant part: Root

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinalis

Extraction method: CO2 Extraction

Blends With: Frankincense, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Orange, and otherspice oils.Aroma: Has a deeply warm, spicy, woody scent with a hint of lemon and pepper. It is very similar to the powdered spice.


Analgesic, anti-catarrhal, anti-septic, aphrodisiac, carminative, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient, stimulant (circulatory, digestive, limbic), sudorific, and warming.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Ginger Root essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 84 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Grapefruit Essential Oil


The grapefruit tree grows to be about 30 feet in height, with glossy green leaves, white flowers, and produces large round, yellow fruits with segmented flesh inside. There are many different types of grapefruit ranging in size and flesh color.

Grapefruit oil is said to have a natural ability to help ease an over stimulated nervous system, creating an uplifting balance of emotions. Grapefruit oil may also show benefits when used topically in facial products. It’s particularly good for cleansing and creating a refreshing feeling and may also help with oily skin and acne.


Origin: Mexico

Plant part: Peel

Botanical Name: Citrus paradisi

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Blends With: All citrus oils, most spice oils, Rosemary, Lavender, andGeranium.Aroma: Has a fresh, tangy, sweet citrus smell that is very similar to the fruit with a clean and slightly bitter undertones.


Anti-depressant, anti-infectious, anti-septic, aperitive, astringent, cleansing, depurative, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, phlebotonic, and a stimulant (digestion).


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Grapefruit essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 3% if using topically. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals, especially to those with sensitivity to the sun. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.



You can find grapeseed oil in many skincare products on the market today. It is an oil that has many uses from applying topically as a facial moisturizer to using it to help strengthen and grow hair. This oil leaves a glossy satin like film over skin when mixed with essential oils and applied topically.


Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Grapeseed oil is odorless.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.


Grapeseed oil is widely used in skincare products such as lotions, lip balms and sunscreens. It has a satinlike smooth finish when applied topically making it a favorite for use in massage therapy. It is used by many to help reduce the appearance of sunspots and wrinkles and is good for oily, acne prone skin. Grapeseed oil can be applied as a shaving lubricant.


There are no known safety concerns.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Hemp Seed


Hemp Seed oil does not contain THC and should not be confused with hash oil or cannabis oil. It does however have a great ratio of omega fatty acids, proteins and vitamins which can soothe and nourish damaged and dry skin.


Botanical Name: Cannabis sativa

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Unrefined Hemp Seed oil retains all its natural qualities and nutrients. This causes the oil to have a more natural nutty color and fragrance.


Hemp Seed oil is popularly used to help relieve inflammation and reduce swelling in sore muscles and tendons.


There are no known safety concerns.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Holiday Cheer


Holiday Cheer synergy blend brings back the memories of special mornings full of family, laughter and homemade desserts.

Diffuse during the holidays or anytime a safe, cheerful scent is desired. Can also be added to older holiday potpourri to liven it up.


Origin: USA and Imported

Contains: Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Clove Bud, and Nutmeg.*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


Emotional wellbeing and security.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Clove Bud, and Nutmeg.


Safety: Contains many “hot oils” and should be diluted to less than 0.5% if being used topically. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months


Synergy blends such as Holiday Cheer are only available in 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles. Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops.

You can view the rest of our blends selection by clicking here.



Jojoba oil is a clear golden liquid with a long shelf life since it is absent of triglycerides. It is extremely richin vitamin E and is a wonderful addition to your skin care line helping to promote a radiant, even complexion.


Botanical Name: Simmondsia chinensis

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Jojoba oil has a very light yet pleasant nutty scent.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures. Jojoba oil may get cloudy however when warmed should return to its natural oil state.


Jojoba oil is most popularly used as a natural moisturizer helping to treat aging skin, dry skin patches, and acne (however may clog pores). This oil is also used added to other carrier oils to extend their shelf life.


There are no known safety concerns.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil


Juniper is a small bushy shrub. The female juniper bush produces a blue toned cone that looks similar to a berry, hence the name “juniper berry”. Once a year the berries are plucked from the shrub, dried, and ground up to be steam distilled. It is believed that Native Americans have used juniper berries as an appetite suppressant. Nicholas Culpeper, a 17th century herbalist, was noted saying juniper berries can help with asthma, sciatica, and to assist in childbirth. If used in a diffuser this oil is a great air purifier. It is also well known for its diuretic properties.


Origin: India

Plant part: Berries

Botanical Name: Juniperus communis

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Geranium, Marjoram,Rosemary, and Eucalyptus.Aroma: Has a fresh, crisp scent, reminiscent of pine needles. It’s has a woody undertone with a hidden fruity aroma.


Analgesic, anti-septic, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-toxic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, decongestant, depurative, detoxicant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, litholytic,nervine, rubefacient, sedative, soporific, sudorific, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Juniper Berry essential oil by clicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Lavender Essential Oil


The Lavender plant is an evergreen plant measuring approximately 3 feet high with violet colored flowers. This plant is widely popular for many uses as a decorative piece in gardens and landscaping, used for culinary purposes as well as in aromatherapy as an essential oil.

Lavender oil has a light floral scent that is often applied topically, with or without dilution (always perform apatch test first), to release negative emotions of anger or anxiety and promote a feeling of peace, calm, andwell-being. This oil is usually the most popular of all the essential oils and has been used topically on mild skin irritations. It is also helps to soothe and relax at bedtime for a more restful nights’ sleep.


Origin: Bulgaria

Plant part: Flowers

Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium, Orange, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a floral, fresh, sweet, herbaceous and slightly fruity scent. It has a perfect blend of uplifting and relaxing characteristics.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-tumoral, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-viral, bactericidal, calming, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicidal, nervine, sedative (nervous), vermifuge, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Lavender essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

More info: We have some information on our blog about our Lavender essential oil. Click here to read the "Top Uses For Lavender Oil"

Lemon Essential Oil


Lemon oil is extracted from the fruit produced on a small evergreen tree originally native to Asia, but is currently also found in some areas of the United States and Southern Europe. This yellow fruit is used for both culinary purposes and cleaning purposes. Lemon essential oil has been used to enhance mood and iswidely popular for its antibacterial benefits. Another popular method of use is in a diffuser to purify the air!


Origin: Italy

Plant part: Peel

Botanical Name: Citrus limon (L.) Burm.F.

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Blends With: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lime, and Orange.Aroma: Has a fresh, strong, bright lemony scent imilar to freshly zested lemon rinds.


Anti-anemic, anti-bacterial, anti-coagulant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-melanistic, anti-microbial, anti-rheumatic, anti-sclerotic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, astringent, bactericidal, calming, carminative, cicatrisant, circulatory stimulant, cooling, depurative, diaphoretic, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hemostatic, hypotensive, immunostimulant, insecticidal, litholytic, phlebotonic, rubefacient, stomachic, and vermifuge.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Lemon essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. A dilution of more than 3% can cause sensitivity to the sun. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Lemongrass Essential Oil


Lemongrass is quite the suitable name for this oil since it’s an herb that grows like grass, yet smells like lemon. This plant is often used in the culinary field in soups, teas and curries. It has also been used in as a medicinal herb in India for quite some time. Lemongrass oil is most popularly known for its anti-fungal properties and its ability to repel insects. It is great to use in facial products, such as toners, to fight greasyskin prone to acne and also has excellent antidepressant properties.


Origin: India

Plant part: Leaves

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon flexuosus

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Geranium,Ginger, Lavender, Rosemary, Cedarwood, and Orange.Aroma: Has a lemony aroma but is milder, sweeter, and far less sour than lemon.


Analgesic, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-pyretic, anti-septic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, insectifuge, nervine, sedative, and vasodilator.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Lemongrass essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 1% if using topically. Avoid use while pregnant, breastfeeding, with small children or if you have hypersensitivity or damaged skin. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.



Lifted Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh and Ylang Ylang


Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.

Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Lime Essential Oil


The lime tree is a small evergreen tree with white flowers. The tree produces small green citrus fruits that are sour in taste and slightly similar to lemons. Limes are widely used in the culinary field, most commonly used in Mexican, Vietnamese, and Thai dishes. Lime essential oil has a very uplifting, joyful aroma. It’s a wonderful addition when mixing as a citrus blend to be diffused.


Origin: Brazil

Plant part: Fruit Peel

Botanical Name: Citrus latifolia Tanaka

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Blends With: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender,Lemon, Nutmeg, Orange, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a stimulating and refreshing citrus scent, sweet yet slightly tart.


Anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, aperitive, astringent, bactericidal, digestive, diuretic, disinfectant, febrifuge, hemostatic, insecticidal, and a stimulant (lymphatic).


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Lime essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 1% if using topically. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals, especially to those with sensitivity to the sun. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Lumberjax Max


Straight forward and no nonsense, Lumberjax Max Beard Oil gets the job done right the first time and doesn’t take breaks. Coconut and Argan oils help with taming a wild beard while still keeping its strength and shape. Cedarwood and Pine essential oils add a distinct manly scent that will gain you respect within the forest or on the street.


Ingredients: Argan Oil and Coconut Oil. Cedarwood and Pine Essential Oils.Common Uses: Shake first. Place .25ml-.5ml into palm of hand. Rub hands together and massage into beard. Comb into longer beards. Smooth leftovers into scalp. Repeat daily for best results.

*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Argan Oil and Coconut Oil. Cedarwood and Pine.


Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Perform a small skin test before large applications.

Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.


You can view the rest of our beard oil selection by clicking here.



Macadamia oil has a structure like that of our skins natural oils. High in omega and fatty acids and helps soften skin. Great for use in sunburns.


Botanical Name: Macadamia integrifolia

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed, refined

Aroma: Macadamia oil is odorless.


Macadamia oil is popular with massage therapists as it is non greasy and highly absorbent.


Macadamia oil should not be used by those with nut allergies.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Main Squeeze


Main Squeeze is a citrus packed blend that is sure to be your go to scent for neutralizing unpleasant odors wherever they may hide.

Diffuse to help manage unpleasant smells around the home including smoke, musty odors, stagnant air and more. Can also be used as an all-natural cleaner in the kitchen and bathroom.


Origin: USA and Imported

Contains: Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, and Bergamot.*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


Cleansing, Invigorating, Energizing, Purifying.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, and Bergamot.


Safety: May cause skin irritation in some individuals. If being used on skin, dilute to under 1% and remain out of sun. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months


Synergy blends such as Main Squeeze are only available in 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles. Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops.

You can view the rest of our blends selection by clicking here.

Myrrh Essential Oil


Myrrh is a shrub that can grow up to 30 feet high. Myrrh oil is created from resin that seeps from the wounded bark of the myrrh shrub. A clear or opaque, pale yellow liquid exudes from the punctured bark which quickly hardens to create the resin.

In Ancient Egypt it was used for embalming and fumigation, as well as used in incense and perfume. Myrrh was also said to be one of the gifts given to baby Jesus by the three wise men. In traditional Chinese medicine, Myrrh is said to benefit arthritic and circulation problems as well as help with menopause.


Origin: Egypt

Plant part: Resin

Botanical Name: Commiphora myrrha

Extraction method: Solvent Extraction

Blends With: Bergamot, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender,Tea Tree, and Juniper Berry.

Aroma: Has a warm, rich, spicy balsamic odor that is deeply meditative and uplifting.


Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-phlogistic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, balsamic, carminative, cicatrisant, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, sedative, stimulant (digestive, reproductive, uterine), stomachic, uterine, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Myrrh essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 84 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Nutmeg Essential Oil


Nutmeg is extracted from the seed within a red fruit that is produced on an evergreen tree. This fruit is dried and stripped of the red flesh which then creates another substance, mace. The seed left over is the nutmeg that is then used either left whole or ground to be used for culinary purposes, or is distilled into its oil form. Nutmeg oil has been known to be used in traditional medicine to help aid in digestive issues as well as nervous system disorders. Today it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry in toothpastes and some cough syrups.


Origin: India

Plant part: Seeds

Botanical Name: Myristica fragrans

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Lavender, Clary Sage, Geranium, Rosemary, Orange, Black Pepper, and other spice oils.Aroma: Has a soft, spicy, and woody aroma with a slightly musky note that is warm and nutty.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, carminative, circulatory stimulant, deodorant, digestive, emmenagogue, neurotonic, parasiticide, psychoactive, stimulant, and uterotonic.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Nutmeg essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 1% if using topically. It may cause adverse reactions such as nausea and tachycardia due to methyleugenol and safrole content. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Orange Essential Oil


Oranges naturally contain a high amount of vitamin C. In ancient Chinese medicine, oranges have been used to treat common colds and coughs. Today orange essential oil is a popular oil to diffuse aromatically, improving mental stability by creating a calming, joyous environment, relieving built up stress, and used bysome to help fight depression.

Orange oil is often used in the kitchen providing an environmentally safe cleaning method as well as being commonly used to repel ants. The orange scent erases the ant’s scent-pheromone trail.


Origin: Brazil

Plant part: Fruit Peel

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Blends With: Bergamot, Lemon, Clary Sage, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark, andClove Bud.

Aroma: Has a sweet, citrus smell, reminiscent of the orange peels from which it is derived, but more concentrated.


Anti-anxiety, anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, calming, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, hypnotic (mild), sedative (mild), stomachic, and stimulant.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Orange essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals, especially to those with sensitivity to the sun. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Oregano Essential Oil


Oregano is a perennial herb with spade shape leaves and sprouting purple flowers at the tops of the stems.Oregano is an herb widely used in the culinary field. You can often find this herb used in Italian-American cuisines.

It is said that Hippocrates used Oregano as an antiseptic in addition to helping to aid with stomach issues and respiratory ailments (asthma, bronchitis and coughs). Some believed, in Austrian Folk Medicine, that oregano could help in issues related to the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and nervous system.

Oregano is one of the oils considered to be a hot oil and should always be diluted before applying topically.


Origin: Morocco

Plant part: Herb

Botanical Name: Origanum Compactum Benth

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Lemon,Orange, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus.Aroma: Has a powerful, camphorous scent. It carries a warm and spicy aroma with antiseptic properties.


Analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, bactericidal, carminative, choleretic, cytophylactic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, fungicidal, immunostimulant, parasiticide, rubefacient, and stimulant.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Oregano essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 1% if using topically. It should not be used topically onthose with sensitive skin, damaged skin or children under 3. The oil may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Peppermint Essential Oil


Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) is a hybrid of two mint plants, the watermint and spearmint plant. It is a fast growing plant that can propagate just about anywhere. Peppermint oil has extremely high menthol content and will sometimes crystallize. If this happens, you will need to place the bottle of peppermint oil in a bowl filled with hot water until it returns to a liquid oil state. Peppermint is used throughout many products and foods like shampoos, lotions, gum, ice cream and tea.

When peppermint oil is applied topically (always diluted first) it can create a cooling sensation. Some have used this oil to create a soothing sensation on sore muscles and for nerve pain. Peppermint oil has been a staple in the aromatherapy world and folk medicine for centuries. It is said to be used to help nausea, indigestion and headaches. Peppermint also has stimulating properties that possibly helps to awaken the mind and improve concentration.


Origin: India

Plant part: Herb

Botanical Name: Mentha Piperita

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Basil, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Lime, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a sharp, vibrant scent due to its high menthol content. Reminiscent of sweet peppermint candies but more concentrated.


Analgesic, anesthetic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-phlogistic, anti-pyretic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, choleretic, cooling, decongestant, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, insecticidal, insectifuge, mucolytic, nervine, neurotonic, reproductive, stimulant (circulatory, limbic, lymph, reproductive), stomachic, sudorific, uterotonic, vasoconstrictor, vermifuge, and viricide.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Peppermint essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 6% if using topically. Do not use with children under 7 years due to the elevated menthol content. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin testis recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.



Refresh Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Avocado Oil, Grapefruit and Peppermint Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Avocado Oil, Grapefruit and Peppermint


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.



Rejuve Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Frankincense, Myrrh, Geranium and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Hemp Seed Oil, Frankincense, Myrrh, Geranium and Ylang Ylang


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.



Relief Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh, exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Macadamia Oil, Tea Tree, Rosemary and OrangeEssential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Macadamia Oil, Tea Tree, Rosemary and Orange


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.

Rosemary Essential Oil


Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with needle like leaves that grows near the Mediterranean Sea. Fresh and dried leaves from the rosemary plant are found in many traditional Italian meals. Rosemary is said to have mind stimulating properties helping to improve memory. It also has been used in shampoos to help stimulate hair growth and it is also believed to help restore a natural shine to your hair.


Origin: Spain

Plant part: Herb

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clove, Frankincense, Ginger,Lemon, Orange, and Peppermint.Aroma: Has a fresh, strong, woody, and herbaceous scent that is slightly sweet and medicinal.


Analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-tussive, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, choleretic, cicatrisant, cordial, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, litholytic, mucolytic, nervine, rubefacient, stimulant (adrenal, circulatory, nervous, respiratory), stomachic, and vulnerary.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Rosemary essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. Dilute to 15% if using topically. It should be avoided during pregnancy. Oil may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use.Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 24 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.

Sesame Oil


Sesame oil is thicker and has more of an aroma than most carrier oils. It contains minerals & vitamins that are easily absorbed by the skin. It is very popular in massage when blended with other carrier oils.


Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Sesame oil has a more pronounced seed aroma that may be stronger than other scents.


Sesame oil has been used as a natural sunscreen due to its ability to moisturize and retain dermal fluids.


There are no known safety concerns.

2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.



Slumber Body Scrub contains a blend of Dead Sea salt, nourishing carrier oils and essential oils to refresh,exfoliate and bring out your skins inner glow.


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Coconut and Sweet Almond Oil, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosewood and Chamomile Essential Oils.Details: Stir before each use. Apply liberally to wet hands or body and rub gently. Rinse with warm water. Not for facial use.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Coconut and Sweet Almond Oil, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosewood and Chamomile


Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.

Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this scrub. Perform a small skin test before large applications.


You can view the rest of our salt scrub selection by clicking here.



When you are looking for a beard oil you can depend upon day after day then Steady is your go to beard oil. With a strong foundation of protective carrier oils and subtle aromas that is equally approved by gentleman and ladies alike, you really can’t go wrong with Steady Beard Oil.


Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Coconut Oil. Orange, Cedarwood, Bay, Tea Tree and Rosemary Essential Oils.Common Uses: Shake first. Place .25ml-.5ml into palm of hand. Rub hands together and massage into beard. Comb into longer beards. Smooth leftovers into scalp. Repeat daily for best results.

*You can find more detailed information about each essential oil in this blend by viewing that oils product page.


We have preformed purity testing for the oils in this blend, you can find them on the individual product page for each oil linked below.

Reports: Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Coconut Oil. Orange, Cedarwood, Bay,Tea Tree and Rosemary.


Cautions: Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Perform a small skin test before large applications.

Shelf life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool/room temperatures.


You can view the rest of our beard oil selection by clicking here.

Sunflower Oil


Sunflower oil has a clear, amber color with high amounts of lecithin, and unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in vitamins A, B, D and E. This oil widely used in massage therapy and aromatherapy.


Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Sunflower oil has a light pleasant aroma.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.


Sunflower oil is typically great to use on sensitive skin as some find it to be gentle enough for a moisturizeron babies skin. It may help to nourish dry, damaged skin.


There are no known safety concerns.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Sweet Almond


Sweet Almond oil is rich in vitamin E as well as complex proteins proteins. It is considered to be an excellent skin conditioner often used in massage therapy.


Botanical Name: Prunus Dulcis

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Aroma: Almond oil has a very light slightly nutty aroma.

Shelf Life: 2 years from production date; store out of direct sunlight in cool temperatures. Refrigeration after opening is recommended.


Common Uses: Almond oil is a great lubricant for massage therapy and used in natural skin care products. It has been used topically to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks as well as to help nourish damaged hair. Almond oil can also be used as a wood conditioner.


Although rare, some may have an allergic reaction to this oil. Apply to small test area before large topical use.

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


You can view the rest of our carrier oil selection by clicking here.

Tea Tree Essential Oil


Tea Tree oil, which is also known as melaleuca oil, has been claimed to have a wide variety of medicinal properties. However, it is toxic when taken by mouth. It is often used topically mixed with carrier oil, such as coconut or avocado oils, and may help fight dandruff, lice, and herpes as well as help with mild skin infections. Tea tree oil is most popularly known for its anti-fungal properties. It also makes a wonderful insect repellent from fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, and is often used in homemade cleaning solutions.


Origin: Australia

Plant part: Leaves

Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia

Extraction method: Steam Distilled

Blends With: Cinnamon Bark, Oregano, Peppermint, Lavender, Myrrh,Nutmeg, and Rosemary.Aroma: Has a warm, fresh, slightly medicinal scent with characteristic woody notes.


Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-candida, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-viral, bactericidal, cicatrisant, expectorant, fungicidal, germicidal, immunostimulant, insecticide, neurotonic, phlebotonic, and sudorific.


You can find the GC-MS quality report for our Tea Tree essential oil byclicking here.


Safety: Proper dilution should be followed. It may cause skin irritation in some individuals. A small skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Always store out of direct sunlight and away from heat. If possible store in refrigeration for extended life.

Shelf Life: 48 Months

We have some additional information about essential oil storage on our blog.


Bottling: Our 5ml, 10ml and 15ml bottles come with euro dropper tops. Our 30ml and 60ml bottles will comewith a traditional top and a complimentary dropper with a measured glass pipette for easy measuring. The complimentary dropper should not be used while storing the essential oil.