Product Safety Management

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Product Safety Management

And Engineering


Importance of safety

• Safety

• is the state of being "safe“, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable.

Why safety is Important?

Injury cost

• direct costs of an injury are the easiest to see and understand.  These costs include emergency room and doctor visits, medical bills, medicines, and rehabilitation.

•  Indirect costs include administrative time dealing with the injury and medical care, raises in insurance costs, replacing the hours lost of the injured employee with hiring another employee, loss of reputation and confidence in employees and clients, unwanted media attention, and more.

Working environment matters…

• “When people feel like they have a good, safe work environment, they feel like they can make a difference.”

• Ensuring the safety at workplace does not require huge investment of time or money or other resources. All you need is to establish the basic framework and pathways to achieve the desired targets.

What is Safety Engineer?

• Safety engineering is a field that focuses on preventing accidents and lessening opportunities for human error in engineered environments or in engineering design. It can be applied to many disciplines, including aerospace, manufacturing, public works, and product design.

• A safety engineer designs new guidelines, equipment, and procedures to preserve the health and safety of industrial workers.

Importance of Safety Engineer

• A health and safety engineer is usually responsible for ensuring safety in the workplace. This can include functions such as implementing safety programs, inspecting and maintaining equipment, identifying potential hazards, and designing ways to prevent them. Other duties can include working on the designs of new products to ensure that they are not harmful.