Product Strategy Presentation.pptx

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  • 8/14/2019 Product Strategy Presentation.pptx


    Management of Marketing

    MIX : Product Strategy

    Presented ByKetan Chaudhari (12)Saurabh Singh (57)Ashish Thakor (60)

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 1

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    What is product..?

    Classification of products

    Product and service strategies Product and brand relationships

    Dimensions of product strategies

    PLC Management

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 2

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    What is product..?

    11/11/2013 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 3

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    Product Characteristics

    Experiences Events







    Services Goods

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    Transportationfrom one place

    to another.

    Core benefit of the product:This is the fundamental need or want the consumers satisfy by

    purchasing product and services


    ProductBrand of thecar, looks

    and designof the car etc

    Basic ProductThis is a vision of the product that only contain the

    characteristics necessary for it to function

    ExpectedProduct :



    inflated tyresetc.

    Expected ProductThese are the set of attribute or characteristics that buyers

    normally expect and agree to when they purchase a product

    AugmentedProduct :After-saleservices,insurancepolicy etc.

    AugmentedProduct :Product with additional features, benefits, attribute or related

    services that differentiate it service from it competitor

    PotentialProduct :May run more

    smoothly as itwears off a


    Potential Product :These are all the transformations and changes a product

    undergoes in future

    Five Product Levels

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    Product Classifications

    Nondurable goods


    Durable goods

    Durability and Tangibility

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    Product Classifications


    Convenience goods

    Shopping goods

    Specialty goods

    Unsought goods

    Staples Impulse goods Emergency goods

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    Product Classifications


    Raw materials

    Materials and Parts


    materialsCapital Items


    EquipmentSupplies andbusiness Services

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    Product and service strategies

    11/11/2013 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 9

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    Product and Brand Relationships

    Product Hierarchy

    Product Systems/Mixes

    Product Line Analysis

    Product Line Length

    Product Mix Pricing


    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 10

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    Product and Brand Relationships

    Product Hierarchy

    Product Systems/Mixes

    Product Line Analysis

    Product Line Length

    Product Mix Pricing


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    Product and Brand Relationships

    Product Hierarchy

    Product Systems/Mixes

    Product Line Analysis

    Product Line Length

    Product Mix Pricing


    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 12

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    Product and Brand Relationships

    Product Hierarchy

    Product Systems/Mixes

    Product Line Analysis

    Product Line Length

    Product Mix Pricing


    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 13

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    Advantages of branding

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 14


    Product Identification

    Comparison ShoppingProduct Acceptance

    Enhanced Self-Image

    Enhanced Product Loyalty

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    Dimensions of Product Strategies




    Product Scope.ProductDesign.


    New Product. Diversification.Value


    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 15

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    Product Positioning Strategy

    Definition: Placing a brand in that part of themarket where it will have a favorable receptioncompared with competing brands.

    Objective To position the product in the market so that it standsapart from competing brands.

    To position the product so that it tells customers whatyou stand for, what you are, and how you would likecustomers to evaluate you.

    In the case of positioning multiple brands:1. To seek growth by offering varied products in differing

    segments of the market.

    2. To avoid competitive threats to a single brand

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 16

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    Product Positioning Strategy

    Expected Results:

    Short term success

    Meet as much as possible the needs of specific

    segments of the market Limit sudden changes in sales.

    Make customers faithful to the brands.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 17

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    Product Re-positioning Strategy

    Definition: Reviewing the current positioning ofthe product and its marketing mix and seeking anew position for it that seems more appropriate.


    (a) To increase the life of the product. (b) To correct an original positioning mistake.

    Expected Results: Among existing customers: increase in sales growth and


    Among new users: enlargement of the overall market, thusputting the product on a growth route, and increasedprofitability.

    New product uses: increased sales, market share, andprofitability.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 18

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    Products repositioned successfully

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 19

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    Product Overlap Strategy

    Definition: Competing against ones own brandthrough introduction of competing products, use ofprivate labeling, and selling to original-equipmentmanufacturers.

    Objectives: (a) To attract more customers to the product and thereby

    increase the overall market. (b) To work at full capacity and spread overhead. (c) To sell to competitors; to realize economies of scale and

    cost reduction.

    Expected Results: Increased market share. Increased growth.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 20

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    Product overlap

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 21

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    Product Scope Strategy

    Definition: The product-scope strategy deals with the perspectivesof the product mix of a company. The product-scope strategy isdetermined by taking into account the overall mission of thebusiness unit. The company may adopt a single-product strategy,a multiple-product strategy, or a system-of-products strategy.


    Single product: to increase economies of scale by developing specialization.

    Multiple products: to cover the risk of potential obsolescence of the singleproduct by adding additional products.

    System of products: to increase the dependence of the customer on the

    companysproducts as well as to prevent competitors from moving into themarket.

    Expected Results: Increased growth, market share, and profits.

    System-of-products strategy : monopolistic control over the market

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 22

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    Product scope strategy

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 23

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    Product Design Strategy

    Definition: The product-design strategy deals with the degree ofstandardization of a product. The company has a choice amongthe following strategic options: standard product, customizedproduct, and standard product with modifications.


    Standard product: to increase economies of scale of the company.

    Customized product: to compete against mass producers ofstandardized products through product-design flexibility.

    Standard product with modifications: to combine the benefits of thetwo previous strategies.

    Expected Results:

    Increase in growth, market share, and profits. In addition, the

    third strategy allows the company to keep close contacts with themarket and

    gain experience in developing new standard products.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 24

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    Product Elimination Strategy

    Definition: Cuts in the composition of a companysbusinessunit product portfolio by pruning the number of productswithin a line or by totally divesting a division or business.

    Objectives: To eliminate undesirable products because their contribution to

    fixed cost and profit is too low, Eliminate Products that its future performance looks grim, or

    because they do not fit in the businesssoverall strategy. The product elimination strategy aims at shaping the best possible

    mix of products and balancing the total business.

    Expected Results: In the short run, cost savings from production runs, reduced inventories, and in some cases an improved return on investment

    can be expected. In the long run, the sales of the remaining products

    may increase because more efforts are now concentrated onthem.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 25

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    New Product Strategy

    Definition: A set of operations that introduces (a) within the business, a product new to its previous line of

    products; (b) on the market, a product that provides a new type of

    satisfaction.Three alternatives emerge from the above: product

    improvement/modification, product imitation, and productinnovation..

    Objectives: To meet new needs and to sustain competitivepressures on existing products. In the first case, the new-product strategy is an offensive one; in the second case, itis a defensive one.

    Expected Results: Increased market share and profitability.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 26

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    Diversification Strategy

    Definition: Developing unfamiliar products and marketsthrough: Concentric diversification (products introduced are related to

    existing ones in terms of marketing or technology), Horizontal diversification (new products are unrelated to existing

    ones but are sold to the same customers) Conglomerate diversification (products are entirely new).

    Objectives: Growth when current products/markets have reached maturity, Stability by spreading the risks of fluctuations in earnings, Security when the company may fear backward integration from

    one of its major customers, Credibility to have more weight in capital markets.

    Expected Results: Increase in sales. Greater profitability and flexibility

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 27

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    Value Marketing Strategy

    Definition: The value-marketing strategy concernsdelivering on promises made for the product orservice. These promises involve product quality,customer service, and meeting time commitments.

    Objectives: Value-marketing strategies are directedtoward seeking total customer satisfaction. It meansstriving for excellence to meet customer expectations.

    Expected Results: This strategy enhances customersatisfaction, which leads to customer loyalty and,hence, to higher market share. This strategy makesthe firm less vulnerable to price wars, permitting thefirm to charge higher prices and, thus, earn higherprofits.

    11-Nov-13 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 28

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    Product Life Cycle Management

    11/11/2013 SPP-SPTM, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai 29

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    Revenues- Small

    Sales Growth - Slow

    Costs- High Fixed

    Profits- Negative

    Competitors- 0-2

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    Revenues- Moderate

    Sales Growth - Rapid

    CostsModerate Fixed Costs

    Profits- Increasing

    Competitors - Many

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    Revenues Large

    Sales Growth None

    Costs Low fix

    Profits High

    Competitors 3-4

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    Revenues Moderate

    Sales growth Negative

    CostsRising fixed costs


    Competitors Fewer than Before

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