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Produktion2030 PhD Courses Graduate course in the Production 2030 graduate school v3 Course plan P03 Production Innovation

Production Innovation

Course name Production Innovation Basic Graduate Course

1-2 Images describing the course subject

Area of Production2030

The course will touch upon any of the areas below, depending on the participants’ individual interests.

1. Hållbar och resurseffektiv produktion 2. Flexibla produktionssystem 3. Virtuell produktionsutveckling och simulering 4. Människan i produktionssystemet


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5. Produkt- och produktionstjänster 6. Integrerad produkt- och produktionsutveckling

Advanced Production level courses and seminars

The course will touch upon any of the areas below, depending on the participants’ individual interests.

Produktionssystem • Resurseffektiva, robusta och tillförlitliga produktionssystem • Människan och produktionssystemet • Flexibel och moduluppbyggd produktion och automation • Adaptiva produktionssystem • Virtuell fabriks- och flödesutveckling • Kompetens, lärande och organisation i produktionen • Produktionslokalisering och produktionslogistik Integrerad produktions- och produktutveckling • Produktionssystem för hållbara produkter • Produktionskrav i tidiga produktutvecklingsfaser • Livscykelbaserad produktionssystemsutveckling • Metoder för virtuell produktions- och produktutveckling • Metoder för analys och optimering av produktions- och

produktutveckling Tillverkningsprocesser • Resurs- och energieffektiva tillverkningsprocesser • Bearbetningsprocesser för nya material och materialkombinationer • Virtuella utvecklingsmetoder för materialbearbetning och

materialformning • Processer för yt- och värmebehandling • Tillverkningsteknik för mikro- och nanostrukturer • Mätning och mätdatahantering • Materialkarakterisering ur processperspektiv

Introduction, Overview and Networking Level

PM Media and communication skills (4p) P01 Production2030, Frontiers and Challenges (6 themes, 3years) (6p) P02 International Production (4p) P03 Innovations and Production2030 (4p, 7,5 credits/hp) P04 International Product Development (4p) P05 Academic and Professional writing- and presentation skills (xp) P06 Science methodology in Process- and Product development (yp) P07 Other

Examiner Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck Luleå University of Technology (LTU), and

Linköping University (LiU) More info, contact

person Assistant course leader: Kerstin Johansen Linköping University (LiU),

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Course site and dates

(Town and dates) October 29 to 30, Luleå Introduction to Production Innovation with lectures and examples from

industry (GKN, Sandvik, 3D printing labs), visits to companies in Piteå, thinking new and differently in production (prefabricated houses, advanced composite production).

December 3 to 4, Halmstad More on Innovation – what it is – and what significance it has for Swedish

small businesses. Produktion2030 participates in the Automation Småland conference, which is included in the course. Visits to small businesses in the Gnosjö region.

Prel Jan 12 to 14, Kiruna and Luleå From iron ore to the blast – innovation in process industry. Visit to Space

Campus. Work on your own project. On innovation work at LKAB. February 5, 6, 9 or 10 via web link Seminar (one day, about 2 h per person) on your own project in small

groups. March 16 to 17 Linköping Presentation of the individual projects at a final conference for course

participants. Teachers /Tutors In order of appearance (brief cv):

Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, chaired professor product innovation, Luleå University of Technology and guest professor at Industrial Management, Linköping University. Research area innovation, product development and business development. Project manager of Kunskapsförmedlingen and Kunskapsturnén.

Kerstin Johansen, assistant professor LiU, Senior Lecturer Design &

Product Development - Focus: Manufacturing at Linköping University Peter Törlind, assistant professor LTU, Researcher in Team Based

Innovation, Head of division, Innovation and Design and senior lecturer at Functional Product Development

Johan Stahre, professor Chalmers, Chair Professor, Head of Division

Production Systems, Product and Production development. Codirector of Chalmers’ Area of Advance Production

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Ola Isaksson, adjunct professor Chalmers, and senior specialist in product

development GKN Magnus Holmén, professor Innovation Sciences and Industrial

Management, School of Business and Engineering Halmstad University Bengt-Göran Rosén, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of

Business and Engineering, Halmstad University, responsible for the Graduate School

Johan Frishammar, professor Entrepreneurship and Innovation, LTU Helena Lidelöw, associate professor LTU, and Lindbäcks Bygg. Research within systems building and industrialisation of construction.

Topics are platforms in construction and quality/Lean applications in construction. Teaching within CAD, timber engineering, building technology, and industrialised construction.

Also contributing: Elisabeth Sagström (MSc), Swerea IVF, professor

Monica Bellgran, Senior Vice President Research & Development LKAB, Tord Gustavsson (PhD), Managing Director Blå Tråden, Stefan

Lindbäck and/or Erik Lindbäck, Lindbäcks Bygg, and many other company representatives.

Pictures of Teachers

Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, professor LTU, LiU

Kerstin Johansen, ass. professor LiU

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Peter Törlind, ass. professor LTU

Ola Isaksson, adj professor Chalmers, GKN

Helena Lidelöw, ass professor LTU

Magnus Holmén, professor, Halmstad University

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Bengt-Göran “BG” Rosén, professor Halmstad University

Johan Stahre, professor Chalmers

Monica Bellgran, LKAB, adj professor MdH

Johan Frishammar, professor LTU

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Target group The course targets professionals who want to deepen knowledge and awareness of the value of innovation in production and how to manage innovation (eg at their current workplace), and PhD candidates seeking to increase awareness regarding production innovation aspects within each of their own research fields.

The course will be given in English, but some of the content will be in Swedish (such parts are not compulsory for non-Swedish speaking participants). If all participants are Swedish-speaking the course will be in Swedish.

Overall Course Goal

Increase awareness regarding innovation in production.

Higher Education Credits/ “Points”

7.5 credits/hp

Ingress Short Summary and aims

This course gives the participants in-depth knowledge about innovation terminology and different types of innovation.

Especially, the course deals with production innovation with both theoretical discussions (supported from contemporary academic publications) and industrial examples (including site visits).

cont… Summary and aims

The aim is that every participant at the end of the course will produce an individually written report with academic and practical relevance that contributes to the area of production innovation.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to: • Define innovation in manufacturing industry • Describe production innovation in different industrial contexts • Conduct case studies of production innovation

o Conduct literature review o Construct an analysis model o Collect case data o Analyse case data o Present conclusions from the case study

• Evaluate other course participants’ work • Communicate about production innovation in both academic and

industrial contexts (present own work orally and in writing, and give review of other’s work)

Course content Lectures and company site visits will be carried out in combination with each participant’s own written reports on observations and reflections.

Expected pre-knowledge

MSc in Engineering or similar.

Registration info Email to course responsible. Examination Each participant’s work will be examined based on written tasks delivered

within the given time schedule, and an oral presentation of the own project at a final seminar. Active participation at the seminars. (Max 1 seminar absence

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is accepted, except final seminar when the own project will be presented. In case of absence: extra written assignments.)

Literature Tidd J. and Bessant J. (2009), Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, John Wiley & Sons Ltd: West Sussex

Anderson C. (2012), Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, New York: Crown Business.

Papers (list to be announced) Youtube clips etc

Limiting number of participants


Detailed Course Structure/ Class sessions

START, FIRST MEETING Oct 29-30 Day 1: Wednesday, 29 October

10:00-10:15 Arrival at Teknikens Hus, Luleå University of Technology, LTU 10:15-11:00 Introduction to the course (Anna, 45 min) 11:00-11:45 Future Manufacturing Challenges (Kerstin, 45 min) 11:45-12:30 Innovation and Creativity (Peter, 45 min) Late LUNCH at UNIK 13:15-14:45 Innovation and Creativity – exercises (Peter, 1,5 h) Coffee break 15:00-16:00 Innovation in a large multi-national manufacturing corporation

– GKN (Ola, 1 h) Transport to the city (local bus) Hotel check-in (e.g. Elite Hotel, Luleå, Stadshotellet) 18:00-19:00 Innovation and entrepreneurship – creating your own production

business (seminar session arranged in the city center). Address: Kungsgatan 30.

19:00-21:00 Dinner “norrländsk buffet” (tapas à la Norrland)

Day 2: Thursday, 30 October 07:45 Chartered bus from Elite Hotel, Luleå (Stadshotellet) 08:30-45 appr. Arrival at Lindbäcks Bygg, Piteå

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08:45-09:30 Introduction to the company and their innovations in house

manufacturing (Helena, company management) 09:30-10:45 Site visit (1h 15 min) 10:45-11:00 Coffee break, bus 11:00-14:00 Site visit at Solander Science Park, Blå Tråden, Swedish

Composites: composite and polymer manufacturing innovations and challenges (Tord & co, 1h 45 min)

LUNCH 14:00-15:00 Bus to Luleå Airport to catch the flight at 15:50, and the bus continues back

to Luleå City and LTU appr. 15:35. SECOND MEETING Dec 3-4

Day 1: Wednesday, 3 December 09:00-09:30 Arrival at Högskolan Halmstad, HH 09:30-12:00 Innovation: Stylized facts and product innovation for start-ups

(Magnus and BG, 2,5 h) 12:00-13:00 LUNCH 13:00-17:00 Business models: how to create and capture value and

production innovation in established companies and collaborations (Magnus and BG, 4 h)

14:30-15:00 Coffee break 19.00 Dinner reserved for the group at Wild West Steakhouse, Gamla

Tylösandsvägen 1. Halmstad by night How to get to Halmstad: Accommodation - see links under ‘Hotels’; e.g. Best Western Grand Hotel

(tel. +46352808100) or Quality Hotel Eurostop (cheaper alternative). How to find us at the Campus: 1399619424979/Campuskarta+A5+ENG-MAJ+2014.pdf

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Day 2: Thursday, 4 December 07:30 Chartered bus or cars to Gnosjö region, departure from Best

Western Grand Hotel 09:30-11:30 Gnosjö region company site visits (Acron, CNC Factory, Lerocon, see all at 11:30-12:45 LUNCH at Arenum (Weland, Gislaved Näringsliv AB) 13:00- 17:00 Conference “Automation Småland”, Arenum (in Swedish mainly, subtitled movie clips and some visual material in

English) THIRD MEETING week 3 (prel Jan 12-14) Jan 12-14 ,2015 Kiruna Jan 12-13, visit to mines and Spaceport Sweden (detailed program

TBD). Changes and challenges in the mining industry. Our production innovation task. (Monica)

Bus to Luleå – with time to work with own projects. (Ice Hotel visit could be co-arranged during the weekend before, but is not

part of the course.) Luleå Jan 14: Innovation in the process industry (Johan) FOURTH MEETING week 7 (Feb 9-11) Virtual seminar on each individual project. Participate at one 2 h seminar

with 3 other participants. Read and give review to two other participant’s papers.


Day 1: Monday, 16 March, prel Norrköping 12:00-22:30 LUNCH at Arbetets Museum (Labor Museum) Presentations of individual projects Dinner and hotel in Linköping

Day 2: Tuesday, 17 March, prel Linköping 08:30-13:00 Material laboratory at LiU Presentations of individual projects Final words - diplomas Farewell lunch

Assignments See list below.

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!Deliverables! Due!date!

Task!1! Relate!part!1!in!the!book!Makers!(Anderson!2012)!to!your!own!research!or!your!daily!work!



! !17!nov!2014!

! ! !Task!2! Meeting!1! Short!essay!1?2!A4!





! !!!6!nov!2014!

! ! !Task!3! Meeting!2! Short!essay!2?3!A4!(excluding!references)!







!! !


! ! !Task!4! Meeting!2! Short!essay!1!A4!









! !!!12!dec!2014!

! ! !Task!5! Meeting!3! Short!essay!1/2!A4!





! !!!19!jan!2015!


! !

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Task!6! Your!project! Report!outline!2?3!A4!excluding!references!










! !!19!jan!2015!

! ! !Task!7! Preliminary!report! !3!feb!2015!

! ! !Task!8! Feedback!procedure!!


! !!!9!feb!2015!

! ! !Task!9! Final!report! !!2!mar!2015!

! ! !Task!10! Oral!presentation! !!13!mar!2015!

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Literature list Reading list Production Innovation PhD course Halmstad 3 December 2014

Obligatory readings Adner, R. and Kapoor, R. (2010) Value creation in innovation eco-systems: How the

structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations, Strategic Management Journal, 31, 306-333

Björkdahl, J. and Holmén, M. (2013) Editorial: Business model innovation – the challenges ahead. International Journal of Product Development, 18(3/4), 213- 225.

Chesbrough, H. and Rosenbloom, R. (2002) The role of business model in capturing value from innovation: evidence from Xerox Corporation’s technology spin-off companies. Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3), 529-555.

Mathews, J. (2005) Strategy and the crystal cycle, California Management Review, 7 (2), 6-32

Murray, F. and Tripsas, M. (2004) The exploratory processes of entrepreneurial firms: the role of purposeful experimentation. Advances in Strategic Management, 21, 45–75.

Pisano, G. P. and Teece, D. J. (2007) How to Capture Value from Innovation: Shaping Intellectual Property and Industry Architecture, California Management Review, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 278-296

Trini, S. and Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2012) Business model innovation in entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship Management Journal, 8: 449-465

Sandberg, B. and Aarikka-Stenros, L. (forthcoming 2014) What makes it so difficult? A systematic review of barriers to radical innovation, Industrial Marketing Management,

Recommended readings Blank, S.(2013) Why the Lean Startup Changes Everything, Harvard Business Review, 91

(5), 64-71 Chesbrough, H. (2010) Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers. Long Range

Planning, 43, 354- 363. Jacobides, M. G., Knudsen, T., and Augier, M. (2006) Benefiting from innovation: Value

creation, value appropriation and the role of industry architectures. Research Policy, 35(8), 1200-1221.

Kapoor, R., & Adner, R. (2012). What firms make vs. what they know: how firms' production and knowledge boundaries affect competitive advantage in the face of technological change. Organization Science, 23(5), 1227-1248.

Other useful papers

Goodson E. G. (2002), TOOLKIT: Read a Plant–Fast, Harvard Business Review, May, p 3-11.

Eisenhardt K. M. (1989), Building Theories from Case Study Research, Academy of Management Review, vol 14, no 4, pp. 532-550.

Eisenhardt, K. M. and M. E. Graebner (2008), Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges, Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 25-32.