PRODUCTION LOGISTICS Production Process Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science...

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Production Process

Slovak University of TechnologyFaculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava

Basic Terms Definitions

Production = system of production processes and their assurance in specific business unit.

Production process is the system of production, transport, handling and stock operations which are joining on production of particular product in some production unit. The product is the result of the production process (raw material, semi-product, component or final product).

Basic Terms Definitions

Production line - the way of the most often execution of the production process. It is the system of machines, slots, aggregate builds up to order by production run. There are the devices of transport, warehousing and management guarding the relation between them.

Production Type

Piece production – the production is non – repetive or occasional. There is typical:

• The product are different, every product = new kind (prototype, samples, heavy engineering etc.),

• Every product requires individual technical background,

• There are used universal machines and devises, appliance and measures,

Production Type

• Operator = heterogeneous job, there is necessary high qualification level,

• Various production process = technological lay out of production process,

• Lower labor productivity, non-constant capacity utilization, long continuous production terms influence economy efficiency,

• High storage costs and great semi finish production.

Typ výroby

Series production – periodical or irregular repetition certain amounts – batches of final products. It is divided into: production in large series (nearly to mass production), production in middle series and batch production (nearly to piece production).

Typ výroby

Mass Production – it is typical by production repetition of one or several kinds of products in great amounts during long time period (atleast 1 year).

The high level of technical background, The products are tuned by design and

technology, Detailed distribution of labor and high lever of

production organization, The devices are subject organized into the

current – steering links.

Production Process Calssification

Aspect of relation to product:• Major – operation complex changing the shape,

the structure and quality of raw-materials and materials which are passing to product. They are significant element of production process (cast making etc. ),

• Auxiliary – it helps to carry out major production process (tools and appliance production),

• Accessory – is guarding all kinds of energies (electricity, compressed air, steam etc.).

Production Process Calssification

Aspect of activities practiced in production process

of particular stages:• Manufacture,• Check,• Handling,• Supporting (maintenance, modernization a

goods reconstruction),• Warehouse.

Production Process Calssification

Aspect of way and repeatability margin :• Discontinuous – interrupted production process

(engineering),• Continuous – the process without the term

interruption(chemistry, metallurgy). There is interruption only occasionally or by maintenance.

• Cyclic – the repetition in periodical cycles (series production),

• Acyclic – used by stray non – repeating production.

Production Process Calssification

Sometimes there is not possible to carry out the operation on one machine and that is why the material flow is divided into several streams. There are known these production processes:

• series machine lay out,• parallel machine lay out,• combine serial-parallel machine lay out of

production process.

Production Process Calssification

we are segmenting the production processes by range of goods as follows:

• homogeny – one or small products radius are the output. They are typical for production processes using in mining and raw-materials processing, metallurgy, building stuff production, petrochemistry etc.

• Non homogeny – large range of goods is the output. It is typical for engineering production, electro technical one etc.

Sort of Production Systems

Processed oriented production processProduction process is oriented to make to order production. It should be very flexible and able to produced by specific customer's requirements. The product flow thought the production unit is given by individual standards to particulars components. The ways of product movement is various. Their representation has a net structure.

Sort of Production Systems

Product oriented production processThey produce huge amount of standard products. They have continuous character e. g. homogeny processes - petrochemistry, mining, metallurgy, non homogeny processes – automotive industry etc. Production devices, machines and workstations are mostly ordering into the line by sequence of production transactions and technological process.

Sort of Production Systems

Production in stock – the planning system deals with all products „ at ones“,

Order production – it only plans the product needed for particular order. We manage its movement through production unit keeping the quality, terms etc.

Sort of Production Systems

The reason is optimalisation:• Stock costs,• Minimalisation of sale risk,• Assurance the high product quality,• Increasing the market rate and satisfaction

of customers need the particular product urgent.

The relationship of production processes and products

We are recognizing these products by their multiciplity:a) Unique products – order production, specially designed for

current customer by his wishes and requirements. These products are not common at market. There are its characteristics: unique, right time of delivery, high asked quality. The costs and price are less important factors (Rols Roys, shuttle etc.).

b) High standardized products – the product is common at market. The price is important. There are small differences between the products of different producers. The quality is important but not determining. (standard steels, aluminum, petrol etc.)

c) The products of middle category – they are in common at market. Many of them could be ordered with small modification at the producer.

Position strategy of production process

It is about dependency of production process organization and amount of produced carried out at market. The choice of organization of production process depends on position at life curve.

Start up – product quantity is small, the goods are various, technology ought to be flexible. There is typical process oriented production.

Growth – there is a switch into processed production in batches and into product orientation in bathes,

Top – The product variability falls down, the series are increasing, the production process is automated. It switches into central management and product orientation changing into the stock one.

Decline – the parallel production processes are segregate step by step or there is the switch into production oriented batch processes.

The Relationship Between Production Process and Firm Organizational Structure

Functional is related to processed production organization. The particular units of production department are specialized at certain operations kinds. (creep, mill, grindery etc.).

The Relationship Between Production Process and Firm Organizational Structure

Product - related to product organization of production process.

The Relationship Between Production Process and Firm Organizational Structure

Matrix – is a combination of functional and product structure. Functional managers are responsible for these functions and these are covered by production managers whose are responsible for particulars kinds of production process. It is mostly using in research and in project management as well.