Production Roles- Faiza Wasim

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Meet the team:

Faiza Bavleen Jeet Indiana

A production designer holds the role and reusability for the visual concept of the entire film which is being produced. Not only do they have the responsibility of calculating the budgets and deciding how the money and effort will be spent of the film, however, they must also be able to identify design styles for sets, locations, props, lighting, camera angles and also costumes whilst at the same time working closely to the director and producer. I was chosen to take the role of the production designer as I have experience in art and design-related subjects as I took Art and Design GCSE for two years which I can use to my advantage. I also am more familiar than other members of my group with certain parts of London therefore this will allow me to locate a variety of different types of locations when it comes to shooting our film. I have also offered to use my house as a location for certain scenes for our film in order to make it more easier for our group to meet and film.

The make-up designer is responsible for the overall design, continuity and care of make-up and hair throughout the pre-production and production of a film. The make-up designer is to research and design make-up and hairstyles for the production of the fillm however at the same time working to production designers’ notes and instructions. I have decoded to take upon this role as i have a very artistic side and am highly interested in make-up and fashion. My interest and knowledge of make-up and fashion will allow me to decide what type of looks needs to be created and is most effective in order to convey a certain atmosphere. Within my media group, I am also the only members which enjoys watching horror films therefore I can use certain horror films such as SAW as inspiration and incorporate similar looks within my own film.



Bavleen Korana ROLE: PRODUCER


The role of the producer is extremely integral within the film industry. The producer is expected to oversee the entire project from close conception to completion whilst at the same time working closely with the director and production staff. My group and I believe that Bavleen will be most suited for this role as she is extremely well at meeting deadlines, able to work well under pressure and motivate our group in order to produce an excellent standard of work. Bavleen essentially will have overall control of every aspect of the media product’s production, including the film’s budget. The budget of the film is a crucial aspect of our pre-production therefore as Bavleen is skilled within this field, we believe that this is best for her to take on the responsibility.

A property manager is responsible of the production designer and also works as part of the art department. The properly manager is overall in charge of property management where they myst select which properties will be suitable to incorporate within the final media product. This role requires the property manager to plan, design and manage budgets for making or hiring props whilst at the same time drawing up a complete list of properties used. We believe that Bavleen should take on this role as already being the producer of the media product, she will be familiar with certain jobs which they role requires such as budgeting. Bavleen will need to ensure that she maintains the strict budget which we have however at the same time purchase selective and suitable properties which we may need. Bavleen we believe will be the best suited for the role also due to being self-motivated and having a sense of design. However, when deciding which properties to purchase, Bavleen will need to closely work with the art and make-up department in order to purchase the most effective and suitable products.

The director of cinematography and photography is an individual who is overall in charge of the camera crew whilst working on the set. This individual is required to make artistic and technical decisions regarding the making of the film in order to determine the overall visual outcome of it. Bavleen is in charge of handling the cinematography and photography of our media product. This is as although changing the plot, the overall storyline of the film is based upon her main idea therefore out of all of us, she is able to direct the filming crew on how to make her vision happen.



Film editing is the technique of assembly shots into a coherent and chronological sequence in order to ensure that the media product flows effortlessly from beginning to end. The role of the editor requires the individual to not only have a technical aptitude however it is also crucial for them to understand dramatic storytelling in order to create pace, rhythm and tension. My group and I believe that Jeet would be the most fitted for this role as in comparison to the remainder of our group, she is the most intellectually aware of the technical aspects required for this role. Therefore, it would be extremely useful for her to use these skills and create our final media product within a coherent and effective manner. However, each group member will ensure that we participate and help Jeet within this role by incorporating our own ideas and each taking turn to edit.

Sound producers are also referred to as sound technicians which have the role of recording and manipulating voices, music or sound effects. The sound producer requires to work with a variety of different equipment including digital audio workstations. During post-production a sound producer has the duty to blend recorded clips, audio or music in order to create a specific sound which is suitable for the final media product. Due to her technical, musical and creative abilities,, we believe that Jeet will be useful when creating background music for our final product as she is aware of what type of music and sound effects are most suitable to match the images taking place upon the screen. Moreover, Jeet owns the equipment such as a Macbook and the latest digital software which will aid her throughout this process. In order to achieve the results which we would live, we need to ensure that as a group we have good communication skills to produce an effective trailer.

The costume designer helps to define the overall look of the media product by concluding which outfits each actor should wear in order to convey a character’s personality or emotional journey. The role requires them to achieve this within strict budgets, and tight schedules whilst working closely with the make-up artist. Jeet being well practised within textiles than the rest of us, is familiar with the significance certain materials have in portraying certain ideas, as well as understanding the importance certain types of clothing hold. Jeet’s role requires her to complete some research on which types of clothing will be the most effective to portray each of the character’s and the present it to the group which we will then collectively decide.

Indiana Nelson-Oye

A film director generally controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects by visualising the script by at the same time guiding the technical crew and actors in order to fulfil that vision. The director holds the key role in choosing cast members, creative aspects and the production design of the film.Indiana will be the best suited to take upon this role as she is the most familiar with the performing arts department due to taking GCSE drama over the period of two years. Indiana has an exceptional artistic vision and immense creative skills therefore she is able to portray the vision which we all would like to create, within a creative manner. Indiana also will be taking on further responsibilities which will incorporate aspects such as cinematography, music and design therefore she will be familiar with the responsibilities required. Indiana also has good communication skills therefore is able to create a happy working environment for cast members and members of the crew, overall being an effective director.

The storyboard animator is the individual who plans and visually presents the layout of the film through illustrations. Once this is created, they then demonstrate a digital version however this type including different mediums which they would like to include within their media product such as music, lighting and transitions. Indiana has been chosen in order to take on this role as she is very artistic therefore she is able to produce a high level of art work. As she is able to produce realistic illustrations, this will make it more effective in conveying our vision of our trailer.

Casting directors are set to organise and facilitate the casting of actors and the roles which they hold within a film. The casting director will need to work alongside the producer and director in order to understand their requirements therefore will need to hold auditions in order to conclude who is the most suitable actor to portray each character. As a group, we believe that Indiana will be the casting agent due to having more knowledge on drama performances therefore being a good judge of character. As previously taking up drama for her GCSE's, Indiana now has formed a close bond with current drama students which can be used within out favour as she will able to convince them into possibly performing within our trailer. This therefore will give our horror trailer overall a realistic effect as these actors are specialists within this field. In order to do this, Indiana will need to conduct interviews and auditions with a range of different people in order to find the most suitable actors to represent the characters within our trailer.