Prof. Ali Allahverdi (FULL CV) - Sakarya...

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LAST UPDATED ON :: December 14, 2014

Name: Ali Allahverdi

Rank: Professor

Department: Industrial & Management Systems Engineering



Telephone: 87874

Fax: (+965)24816137

Research Interests: Scheduling and sequencing, production

planning and control, mathematical modelling, and simulation

Address: Industrial and Management Systems Engineering

Department, College of Engineering & Petroleum, Kuwait

University, P.O.Box 5969 Safat 13060, Kuwait


Degree Field Institution Year

Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA Dec, 1992

M.Sc. Industrial Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA Jul, 1990

B.Sc. Petroleum Engineering Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey Jul, 1986


Rank Month-Year

Professor 2003

Associate Professor 1998

Assistant Professor 1995

Own Thesis

Title Type Institution Year

Scheduling on multiple unreliable resources PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dec, 1992


Name Country Membership Year/Period

IAENG (International Association of Engineers)

Society of Industrial Engineersmember 2005 - Present

Institute of Industrial Engineers senior member 2001 - Present

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management member 1995 - Present

Operational Research Society of UK member 1995 - 2007

Prof. Ali Allahverdi (FULL CV)

Name Country Membership Year/Period

The Institute for Operations Research and

Management Sciences (INFORMS)member 1995 - Present

Operational Research Society of Turkey member 1993 - 1995

Experience (Academic)

Institution Designation Year/Period

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Visiting Scholar Jul, 2010 - Aug, 2011

Kuwait University Professor Jun, 2003 - Present

Kuwait University Associate Professor Feb, 1999 - Jun, 2003

Kuwait University Assistant Professor Sep, 1995 - Feb, 1999

Marmara University Assistant Professor Aug, 1993 - Sep, 1995

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Research Assistant Sep, 1990 - Dec, 1992

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Teaching Assistant Sep, 1989 - Sep, 1990

Professional Activities

Designation Details Year/Period

Guest EditorEuropean Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 187, 978-1292, 2008.

Special issue on "Scheduling Problems with Setup Times or Costs".2008

Guest EditorInternational Journal of Operations Research.Vol.5, No.1, 1-77, 2008.

Special issue on "Accomplishments and Future Promises"2008

Guest Editor

International Journal of Operations research, Vol:4, No.1, 1-62, 2007.

Special issue on "Scheduling in Manufacturing, Information and

Service Industries: Part II"


Guest Editor

International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006.

Special issue on "Scheduling in Manufacturing, Information and

Service Industries"


Editorial Board

MemberJournal of Industrial and Production Engineering 2013 - Present

Program Evaluator ABET Engineering Accrediation Commission 2011 - Present

Editorial Board

MemberInternational Journal of Production Research 2008 - Present

Editor European Journal of Industrial Engineering 2007 - Present

Editorial Board

MemberJournal of Operations and Logistics 2006 - 2011

Associate Editor International Journal of Agile Manufacturing 2006 - Present

Designation Details Year/Period

Associate Editor International Journal of Operations Research 2005 - Present

Associate Editor Central European Journal of Operations Research 2005 - 2011

Editorial Board

MemberJournal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 2004 - Present

Program Committee


Served as a program committee member of about 70 international

conferences1999 - Present

ReviewerReviews papers for about 30 international journals including EJOR,

C&OR, IIE Transactions, JORS, IJPR, IJPE, OMEGA, and ITOR.1993 - Present


Committee Name Designation Level Times Last Time

Member, Marmara


Served as a member in different

committeesCollege 2 2012 - 2012

Coordinator, Kuwait


Served as a coordinator in distinguished

researcher selection committeeCollege 1 2003 - 2004

Member, Kuwait


Served as a member in different

committeesCollege 10+

1996 -


Coordinator, Kuwait


Served as a coordinator in different

committeesDepartment 10+

1996 -


Member, Kuwait


Served as a member in different

committeesDepartment 10+

1995 -


Member, Marmara


Served as a member in different

committeesDepartment 4 1993 - 1995



No.Course Name Type Level Times



Kuwait University ISE 496Design in Industrial

EngineeringAcademic Undergraduate 6-10 2014

Kuwait University ISE 461 Operations Research II Academic Undergraduate 15+ 2014

Kuwait University ISE 472Project Management and

ControlAcademic Undergraduate 15+ 2013

Kuwait University ISE 381 Data and Decision Analysis Academic Undergraduate 6-10 2012

Kuwait University ISE-351Statistical Analysis for

Industrial SystemsAcademic Undergraduate 1-5 2010

Kuwait University ISE 361 Operations Research I Academic Undergraduate 6-10 2006


No.Course Name Type Level Times



Kuwait University ISE 212Introduction to Industrial

EngineeringAcademic Undergraduate 1-5 2006

OCCD, Kuwait


Decision Making with Vast

Data and Conflicting


Short Course Undergraduate 1-5 2006

OCCD, Kuwait

UniversityProbability and Statistics Short Course Undergraduate 1-5 2006

Kuwait UniversityENGR


Probability and Statistics for

EngineersAcademic Undergraduate 6-10 2005

Kuwait University ISE 481 Simulation Academic Undergraduate 1-5 2003

Kuwait University ISE 483Engineering System and

CyberneticsAcademic Undergraduate 6-10 2002

Kuwait University ISE 434Facilities Planning and

DesignAcademic Undergraduate 1-5 1996


University, TurkeyStatistics for IE Academic Undergraduate 1-5 1994


University, TurkeyIntroduction to Simulation Academic Undergraduate 1-5 1994


University, Turkey

Computer Models and

SimulationAcademic Graduate 1-5 1994


University, TurkeyOperations Research I Academic Undergraduate 1-5 1993


University, TurkeyOperations Research II Academic Undergraduate 1-5 1993


University, TurkeyProbability and Statistics Academic Undergraduate 1-5 1993

Honors and Awards

Name Details Year

Number of non-self citations; 1500 ISI Web of Knowledge 2014

Top cited-article (during the period 2007-2011) awardEuropean Journal of Operational


Research Performance Award Kuwait University 2004

Distinguished Researcher Award Kuwait University 2003

Name Details Year

Dissertation Prize Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993

Graduating with the highest GPA from the college

awardIstanbul Technical University 1986

Graduate Study FellowshipAwarded by Ministry of Education of

Turkey1988 - 1993


no. Information

1Minimizing total tardiness for the two stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem., Presented at 44th

International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE’44), , Istanbul, Turkey, Oct, 2014

2Scheduling problem with interval processing times to minimize mean completion time., Presented at 44th

International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE’44),, , Istanbul, Turkey, Oct, 2014

3Third comprehensive survey on scheduling problems with setup times/costs., Presented at 44th

International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE’44), , Istanbul, Turkey, Oct, 2014

4Minimizing total completion time in no-wait flowshops with setup times., Presented at International

Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering (ICIESE 2014), , New York, USA, Jun, 2014

5Resource scheduling to minimize average completion time for a single machine., Presented at Eurasian

Academic Conference,, , Antalya, Turkey, Jan, 2014

6Minimizing the number of tardy jobs on a single machine., . Presented at the conference Frontier in

Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM’13), , Newark, New Jersey, USA,, May, 2013

7Single machine scheduling problem to minimize mean completion time., Presented at INFORMS

conference, , Minneapolis, MN, USA,, May, 2013


Scheduling two-stage multi-machine assembly problem using an artificial immune system heuristic,

Presented at the Third IASTED Asian Conference on Modeling, Identification, and Control (AsiaMIC 2013),

, Phuket, Thailand, Apr, 2013

9Minimizing makespan in a two-machine flowshop with random and bounded setup times, Presented at

MSOM Society Annual Conference, , New York, USA, Jun, 2012


A new heuristic for the queries scheduling problem on distributed database systems to minimize mean

completion time, Presented at 21st Conference on Software Data Engineering, , Los Angeles, USA, Jun,


11Three Algorithms for the Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem, Presented at International Conference

on Applied Mathematics & Approximation Theory, , Ankara, Turkey, May, 2012

12Two-Stage Multi-Machine Assembly Scheduling, Presented at the Second Annual International

Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2012), , Bangkok, Thailand, Mar, 2012

13Assembly flowshop scheduling problem to minimize total tardiness, Presented at American Conference on

Applied Mathematics, , Harvard, Cambridge, USA,, Jan, 2012

no. Information

14Total tardiness for the two stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem, Presented at INFORMS

conference in Charlotte, , Charlotte, NC, USA, Nov, 2011

15Flowshop scheduling problem with maximum lateness criterion, Presented at the Challenges in Statistics

and Operations Research Conference (CSOR) , _, Kuwait, Mar, 2011


Project scheduling problem with weighted multi-skill resources: Enhancing the efficiency of project

scheduling, Presented at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software

Engineering (CISE 2010), _, Wuhan, China , Dec, 2010

17The two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize maximum lateness, Presented at SIAM Annual

Meeting (AN10), _, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Jul, 2010

18Minimizing Makespan in Flowshops with Bounded Processing Times, Presented at 8th ENIM IFAC

International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (MOSIM), _, Hammamet, Tunisia, May, 2010

19Minimizing Mean Completion Time in Flowshops with Random Processing Times, Presented at 8th ENIM

IFAC International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (MOSIM), _, Hammamet, Tunisia, May, 2010

20Minimizing makespan in flowshops with bounded processing times, International Conference on Industrial

Engineering and Operations Management, _, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan, 2010

21Minimizing total completion time in flowshops with bounded processing times, International Conference on

Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, _, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan, 2010


Three-Machine Flowshop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Total Completion Time with Bounded Setup

and Processing Times, International Conference on Engineering & ICT: Meeting the Challenges of

Advanced Manufacturing, _, November 27-28, Melaka, Malaysia, Nov, 2007

23Senior design course in Industrial Engineering at Kuwait University, The Second International Conference

on Engineering Education and Training, _, April 9-11,Kuwait, Apr, 2007

24Assembly scheduling problem to minimize maximum lateness, The Third International Conference on

Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, _, December 17-19, Hammamet, Tunus, Dec, 2006

25Computer assembly scheduling problem, International Conference on Service Systems and Service

Management, _, October 25-27, Troyes, France , Oct, 2006

26Fast genetic algorithms for lateness minimization no-wait flowshop with setup times, 21st European

Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), _, July 2-5, Iceland, Jul, 2006

27Heurيsticas para talleres de ujo sin esperas y tiempos de cambio, XXIX Congreso Nacional de

Estadيstica e Investigaciَn Operativa , _, May 15-19, Tenerife, Spain,, May, 2006

28Batching deteriorating items, Conference of Scheduling Algorithms for New Emerging Applications, _, May

29 - June 2, Marseille, France , May, 2006

29Two-stage assembly scheduling problem to minimize makespan with setup times, Tenth International

Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, April 26-28, Poznan, Poland, Apr, 2006

no. Information

30Stochastic local search methods for no-wait flowshops with sequence independent setup times, Tenth

International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, April 26-28, Poznan, Poland, Apr, 2006

31A new tabu search heuristic for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem, International Conference on

Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, _, Marrakech, Morocco, May 16-19, May, 2005


Minimizing makespan on a two-machine flowshop with unknown setup and processing times, International

Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, _, Marrakech, Morocco, May 16-19,

May, 2005

33Optimizing a help desk performance at a telecommunication company, First International Conference on

Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization, _, February 1-3, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb, 2005

34A genetic algorithm for experimental dominance relations in scheduling problems, International Mechanical

Engineering Conference, _, Kuwait, December 5-8, Dec, 2004

35The two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem, International Mechanical Engineering Conference,

_, Kuwait, December 5-8, Dec, 2004

36Scheduling problem with random processing times to minimize total completion time, International

Mechanical Engineering Conference, _, Kuwait, December 5-8, Dec, 2004


Distributed database scheduling problem to minimize total completion time with separate setup times,

Second International Industrial Engineering Conference, _, December 19-21, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec,


38Heuristics for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem, The Fourth International Symposium on

Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, _, Sakarya, Turkey, September 6-8, Sep, 2004


An evolutionary algorithm for empirical dominance relations in scheduling problems, The Fourth

International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, _, Sakarya, Turkey, September 6-8, Sep,


40Three-machine flowshop scheduling problem with separated setup times, The 24th Operations

Research/Industrial Engineering Conference, _, Adana, Turkey, June 15-18,, Jun, 2004

41Scheduling on a two-stage assembly flowshop, The 24th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering

Conference, _, Adana, Turkey, June 15-18, Jun, 2004

42Three-Site Distributed Database Scheduling Problem, The Ninth International Workshop on Project

Management and Scheduling, _, Nancy, France, April 26-28, Apr, 2004

43Empirically Discovering Dominance Relations for Scheduling Problems, The Ninth International Workshop

on Project Management and Scheduling, _, Nancy, France, April 26-28., Apr, 2004

44Flowshop scheduling problem with random processing times, The International Conference on

Mathematics and Its Applications, _, Kuwait, April 5-7, Apr, 2004

45Better heuristics for m-machine no-wait flowshop with total completion time criterion, Proceedings of The

6th Saudi Conference, _, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Dec, 2002

no. Information

46Scheduling in flexible multi-server internet services, Proceedings of The 6th Saudi Conference, _,

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Dec, 2002


Bicriteria scheduling on an m-machine no-wait flowshop, First International Industrial Engineering

Conference IIEC, IIEC, First International Industrial Engineering Conference IIEC 2001,Amman,Jordan,

Sep, 2001


Scheduling on Assembly Lines with Serial Duplicate Stations, First International Industrial Engineering

Conference, IIEC , First International Industrial Engineering Conference,IIEC 2001,Amman,Jordan, Sep,



Two-machine flowshop scheduling with bounded processing times, Fourth Workshop on Models and

Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, _, Fourth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for

Planning and Scheduling Problems,Aussois,France, Jun, 2001


Total completion time minimization in a two or three machines flowshops with bounded processing times,

Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization,ECCO XIV, ECCO XIV, Conference

of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization,ECCO XIV,Bonn,Germany, May, 2001

51 A survey of stochastic scheduling, Conference of Yoneylem Arastirmasi, _, Ankara, Jul, 1995

52Two-machine flowshop scheduling with breakdowns, ORSA/TIMS Conference, _, San Fransisco, Nov,


53Minimizing Average Completion Time in a Two-stage assembly flowshop with setup times, Presented at

International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, _, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug, 2009 - Aug, 2009

54Minimizing Makespan in a Two-Machine Stochastic Flowshop, Presentsd at International Conference of

Mathematical Sciences, _, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug, 2009 - Aug, 2009

55Multiple-Criteria Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem, Presented at International Conference of

Mathematical Sciences, _, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug, 2009 - Aug, 2009


Heuristic Algorithms for Minimizing Total Completion Time in a Two-Machine Flowshop with Sequence-

Independent Setup, Presented at the 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial

Engineering, _, Troyes, France, Jul, 2009 - Jul, 2009

57Understanding Lean Manufacturing, Presented at the Sixth International Industrial Engineering

Conference, _, Tehran, Iran, Feb, 2009 - Feb, 2009

58Publishing Your Work, Presented at the Sixth International Industrial Engineering Conference, _, Tehran,

Iran, Feb, 2009 - Feb, 2009


Two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with maximum lateness and makespan, 38th

International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, _, Beijing, China, Oct, 2008 - Nov,


60The two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with setup times, 38th International Conference on

Computers and Industrial Engineering, _, Beijing, China, Oct, 2008 - Nov, 2008

no. Information

61Two-Stage Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Setup Times, Presented at the Sixth

International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, _, Sakarya, Turkey, Oct, 2008 - Oct, 2008


Two-Stage Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Maximum Lateness and Makespan, Presented

at the Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, Istanbul, Turkey, Apr,

2008 - Apr, 2008


Minimization of makespan and maximum tardiness subject to a maximum tardiness bound in flowshop

problems, Presented at the Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _,

Istanbul, Turkey, Apr, 2008 - Apr, 2008


Scheduling Requests on Multi-Stage Multi-Server to Increase Quality of Service, presented at Network

Control and Engineering for Quality of Service, Security and Mobility Conference (Net-Con2003؟), _,

Muscat, Oman., Oct, 2003 - Oct, 2003


Multimedia object requests scheduling for minimizing Variance of Response Time, Presented at the Ninth

International Multi-Conference of Advanced Computer Systems on Production System Design, Supply

Chain Management and Logistics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Oct, 2002 - Oct, 2002


Minimizing average service time in flexible multi- server internet architecture, Presented at the Ninth

International Multi-Conference of Advanced Computer Systems on Production System Design, Supply

Chain Management and Logistics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Oct, 2002 - Oct, 2002

67Optimizing product variety in a reconfigurable manufacturing environment, presented at the Second

International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, _, Gaziantep, Turkey, Jun, 2002 - Jun, 2002

68No-wait flowshop scheduling with multi-criteria, presented at the Eighth International Workshop on Project

Management and Scheduling, _, Valencia, Spain, Apr, 2002 - Apr, 2002

69Flowshop scheduling with random and bounded setup times, presented at the Eighth International

Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, Valencia, Spain, Apr, 2002 - Apr, 2002

70Multimedia Objects Scheduling in WWW to Minimize Completion Time Variance, presented at the Eighth

International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, Valencia, Spain, Apr, 2002 - Apr, 2002

71Better heuristics to minimize makespan in no-wait flowshops, Presented at the International Conference on

Business, Decision and Technology (BDT 02), _, Kuwait, Mar, 2002 - Mar, 2002

72Scheduling on a multi-stage parallel-processor Internet service architecture, presented at the International

Conference on Business, Decision and Technology (BDT 02), _, Kuwait, Mar, 2002 - Mar, 2002

73A new heuristic for m-machine flowshop with the total completion time criterion, INFORMS Conference, _,

San Antonio, USA, Nov, 2000 - Nov, 2000


Modeling multimedia data objects allocation problem for Internet using two-machine flowshop, Seventh

International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, _, Osnabruck, Germany, Apr, 2000 - Apr,


no. Information

75Scheduling of jobs on m serial duplicate stations, Fourth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning

and Scheduling Problems, _, Renesse, The Netherlands, Jun, 1999 - Jun, 1999

76Three-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling scheduling, INFORMS, _, Cincinnati, USA, May, 1999 - May,


77A no-wait flowshop with sequence dependent changeover times, INFORMS, _, Seattle, USA, Oct, 1998 -

Oct, 1998

78Scheduling research on setup times: a review, INFORMS Conference, _, Montreal, Canada, Apr, 1998 -

Apr, 1998

79 Flowshop scheduling with separate setup times, INFORMS, _, Dallas, Oct, 1997 - Oct, 1997

80Flowshop scheduling with no buffer and breakdowns, INFORMS Conference, _, Atlanta, Nov, 1996 - Nov,


81Simulation of different rules in stochastic scheduling, 19th International Conference on Computers and

Industrial Engineering, _, Miami, Mar, 1996 - Mar, 1996

82Scheduling on m parallel machines with breakdowns, ORSA/TIMS Conference, _, Chicago, May, 1993 -

May, 1993


no. Information

1Allahverdi, A., Aydilek, H.,, “The two stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem to minimize total

tardiness”, (accepted for publication in) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2014,

2Allahverdi, A., Aydilek, H.,, “Total completion time with makespan constraint in no-wait flowshops with

setup times”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2014, 238, 724-734.

3Allahverdi, A., Aydilek, H., Aydilek, A.,, “Single machine scheduling problem with interval processing times

to minimize mean weighted completion time”, Computers and Operations Research, 2014, 51, 200-207.

4Aldowaisan, T., Allahverdi, A.,, “Total tardiness performance in m-machine no-wait flowshops with

separate setup times”, (Accepted for publication in) Intelligent Control and Automation, 2014,


Aydilek, A., Aydilek, H., Allahverdi, A.,, “Productivity and customer satisfaction in scheduling environments

with uncertain processing and setup times”, (Accepted for publication in) International Journal of

Production Research, 2014,

6Alsabah, H., Aldaihani, M., Allahverdi, A.,, “Assigning patients to rooms in a private hospital in Kuwait”,

(Accepted for publication in) International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2014,


Aydilek. A., Aydilek, H., and Allahverdi.A, “Increasing the profitability and competitiveness in a production

environment with random and bounded setup times”, International Journal of Production Research, 2013,

51, 106-117

8Aydilek, H., Allahverdi, A.,, “New heuristics for no-wait flowshops with performance measures of

makespan and mean completion time”, International Journal of Operations Research, 2013, 10, 29-37.

no. Information

9Allahverdi, A., Aydilek, H.,, “Algorithms for No-wait flowshops with total completion time subject to

makespan”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68, 2237-2251.


Al-Anzi, F., Allahverdi, A.,, “An artificial immune system heuristic for two-stage multi-machine assembly

scheduling problem to minimize total completion time”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2013, 32, 825-


11Aydilek, H., Allahverdi, A.,, “A polynomial time heuristic for flowshop scheduling with setup times and

random processing times”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2013, 37, 7164-7173.

12Aldowaisan T and Allahverdi A, “No-wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem to Minimize the Number of Tardy

Jobs”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61, 311-323

13Ladhari, T., Msakni, M.K., Allahverdi, A.,, “Minimizing the total completion time in a two-machine flowshop

with sequence-independent setup times”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2012, 63, 445-459

14Aldowaisan, T., Allahverdi, A., “Minimizing total tardiness in no-wait flowshops”, Foundations of Computing

and Decision Sciences, 2012, 37, 149-162

15Aydilek, H., Allahverdi, A.,, “Heuristics for no-wait flowshops with makespan subject to mean completion

time”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 219, 351-359

16Al-Anzi, F., Allahverdi, A., “Better heuristics for a two-stage multi-machine assembly scheduling problem to

minimize total completion time”, International Journal of Operations Research, 2012, 9, 66-75


Allahverdi A and Aydilek H, “Heuristics for two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize

makespan with bounded processing times”, International Journal of Production Research, 2010, 48, 6367,



Allahverdi, A., Aydilek, H.,, “Heuristics for two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize

maximum lateness with bounded processing times”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2010,

60, 1374-1384.

19Aydilek, H., Allahverdi, A.,, “Two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with bounded processing times to

minimize total completion time”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2010, 59, 684-693.

20Al-Anzi, A., Al-Zamel, K., Allahverdi, A.,, “Weighted multi-skill resources project scheduling”, Journal of

Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3, 1125-1130.

21Allahverdi, A., “Three-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize maximum lateness with bounded

setup and processing times”, Journal of Operations and Logistics, 2009, 2, 1-11.

22Ruiz, R., Allahverdi, A., “Minimizing the bicriteria of makespan and maximum tardiness with an upper

bound on maximum tardiness”, Computers and Operations Research, 2009, 36, 1268-1283.

23Ruiz R, Allahverdi A, “New heuristics for no-wait flowshops with bicriteria of makespan and maximum

lateness”, International Journal of Production Research, 2009, 47, 5717-5738.

24Allahverdi A, Al-Anzi F.S., “The two-stage assembly scheduling problem to minimize total completion time

with setup times”, Computers and Operations Research, 2009, 36, 2740-2747.

no. Information

25Al-Anzi F.S, Allahverdi A, “Heuristics for a Two-Stage Assembly Flowshop with Bicriteria of Maximum

Lateness and Makespan”, Computers and Operations Research, 2009, 36, 2682-2689.

26Fondrevelle J, Oulamara A, Portmann M.C, Allahverdi A, “Permutation flowshops with exact time lags to

minimize maximum lateness”, International Journal of Production Research, 2009, 47, 6759-6775.

27Abdulmalek F and Allahverdi A, “Optimizing a help desk performance at a telecommunication company”,

International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 2009, 1, 160-164.

28Allahverdi, A., Ng, C.T., Cheng, T.C.E., and Kovalyov, M.Y., “A survey of scheduling problems with setup

times or costs”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, 187, 985-1032.

29Savsar, M.,Allahverdi, A., “Senior design course in industrial engineering at Kuwait University”, Int. J.

Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning, 2008, 18, 253-263.

30Allahverdi, A., Soroush, H.M., “The significance of reducing setup times/setup costs”, European Journal of

Operational Research, 2008, 187, 978-984.

31Allahverdi, A., “Three-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize makespan with bounded setup

and processing times”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial, 2008, 25, 52-61.


Allahverdi, A., Al-Anzi, F.S., “The two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with bicriteria of

makespan and mean completion time”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008

, 37, 166-177.

33Ruiz, R., and Allahverdi, A., “Some effective heuristics for no-wait flowshops with setup times to minimize

total completion time”, Annals of Operations Research, 2007, 156, 143-171.


Ng, C.T., Allahverdi, A., Al-Anzi, F., Cheng, T.C.E., “The three-machine flowshop scheduling problem to

minimize maximum lateness with separate setup times”, International Journal of Operational Research,

2007, 2, 135-155.

35Ruiz, R., Allahverdi, A., “No-wait flowshop with separate setup times to minimize maximum lateness”,

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, 35, 551-565.


Al-Anzi, F., and Allahverdi, A., “A self-adaptive differential evolution heuristic for two-stage assembly

scheduling problem to minimize maximum lateness with setup times”, European Journal of Operational

Research, 2007, 182, 80-94.

37Al-Anzi, F., Allahverdi, A., and Kovalyov, M.Y., “Batch deteriorating items with applications in computer

communication and reverse logistics”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, 182, 1002-1011.

38Allahverdi, A., “Three-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize total completion time with

bounded setup and processing times”, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services, 2007, 1, 5-23.


Allahverdi, A., and Al-Anzi, F.S., “A branch-and-bound algorithm for three-machine flowshop scheduling

problem to minimize total completion time with separate setup times”, European Journal of Operational

Research, 2006, 169, 767-780.

no. Information


Allahverdi, A., and Al-Anzi, F., “A PSO and a Tabu Search Heuristics for Assembly Scheduling Problem of

the Two-Stage Distributed Database Application”, Computers and Operations Research, 2006, 33, 1056-


41Allahverdi, A., and Al-Anzi, F., “Scheduling multi-stage parallel-processor internet services to minimize

average response time”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2006, 57, 101-110.

42Allahverdi, A., “Two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize total completion time with bounded

setup and processing times”, International Journal of Production Economics, 2006, 103, 386-400.

43Zeydan, M., and Allahverdi, A., “Economic order quantity with uncertain inflation A case study”,

International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2006, 13, 321-328.


Allahverdi, A., and Al-Anzi, F., “Evolutionary heuristics and an algorithm for the two-stage assembly

scheduling problem to minimize makespan with setup times”, International Journal of Production

Research, 2006, 44, 4713-4735.

45Al-Anzi, F., and Allahverdi, A., “Empirically discovering dominance relations for scheduling problems using

an evolutionary algorithm”, International Journal of Production Research, 2006, 44, 4701-4712.

46Al-Anzi, F., Sotskov, Y.N., Allahverdi, A., Andreev, G., “Using mixed graph coloring to minimize total

completion time in job shop scheduling”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 182, 1137-1148.

47Al-Anzi, F., and Allahverdi, A., “A hybrid tabu search heuristic for the two-stage assembly scheduling

problem”, International Journal of Operations Research, 2006, 3, 109-119.

48Allahverdi, A.,, “Two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize maximum lateness with bounded

setup and processing times”, Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering, 2006, 33, 233-251.

49Al-Anzi, F. and Allahverdi, A., “Using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm to minimize variance in response time

for multimedia object requests”, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2005, 4, 435-453.

50Soroush, H.M,. and Allahverdi, A., “Stochastic two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with total

completion time criterion”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2005, 12, 159-171.

51Allahverdi, A., “Two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize makespan with bounded setup and

processing times”, International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, 2005, 8, 145-153.

52Allahverdi, A.,, “Three-machine flowshop scheduling to minimize maximum lateness”, International Journal

of Agile Manufacturing, 2005, 8, 155-163.


Allahverdi, A., Al-Anzi, F., Gupta, JND, “A polynomial genetic based algorithm to minimize maximum

lateness in a two-stage flowshop with setup times”, International Journal of Operations Research, 2005, 2,



Fondrevelle, J., Allahverdi, A., Oulamara, A., “Two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problem to

minimize maximum lateness with separate setup and removal times”, International Journal of Agile

Manufacturing, 2005, 8, 165-174.

no. Information

55Allahverdi, A, “A new heuristic for m-machine flowshop scheduling problem with bicriteria of makespan

and maximum tardiness”, Computers and Operations Research, 2004, 31, 157-180.


Yeh, W .C., Allahverdi, A., “A branch-and-bound algorithm for the three-machine flowshop scheduling

problem with bicriteria of makespan and total flowtime”, International Transactions in Operational

Research, 2004, 11, 341-359.

57AI-Anzi, F, Allahverdi, A, “A Hybrid Simulated Annealing Heuristic for Multimedia Object Requests

Scheduling Problem”, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2004, 26, 207-212.

58Allahverdi, A., Aldowaisan, T, “No-wait flowshops with bicriteria of makespan and maximum lateness”,

European Journal of Operational Research, 2004, 152, 132-147.

59Allahverdi, A, “Stochastically minimizing makespan on a three-machine flowshop”, International Journal of

Industrial Engineering Theory Applications and Practice, 2004, 11, 124-131.


Aldowaisan, T, Allahverdi, “Three-machine no-wait flowshop with separate setup and removal times to

minimize total completion time”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory Applications and

Practice, 2004, 11, 113-123.


Sotskov, Y.N., Allahverdi, A., and Lai, T.C., “Flowshop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Total Completion

Time with Random and Bounded Processing Times”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 2004, 55,


62Aldowaisan, T., and Allahverdi, A., “A new heuristic for m-machine no-wait flowshop to minimize total

completion time”, OMEGA The International Journal of Management Sciences, 2004, 32, 345-352.

63Allahverdi, A., Sotskov, “Two-machine flowshop minimum length scheduling problem with random and

bounded processing times”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2003, 10, 65-76.


Allahverdi, A., Aldowaisan, T., Sotskov, Y.N., “Two-machine flowshop scheduling problem to minimize

makespan or total completion time with random and bounded setup times”, International Journal of

Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003, 39, 2475-2486.

65Allahverdi, A, “The two and m machines flowshop scheduling problems with bicriteria of makespan and

mean flowtime”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2003, 147, 373 - 396.

66Aldowaisan, T.,Allahverdi A, “New Heuristics for No-Wait Flowshops to Minimize Makespan”, Computers

and Operations Research, 2003, 30, 1219-1231.

67Yigit, A., and Allahverdi, A., “Product design in reconfigurable manufacturing systems”, International

Journal of Production Research, 2003, 41, 4063-4074.


Allahverdi, A. and Al-Anzi, F., “Using two-machine flowshop with maximum lateness objective to model

multimedia data objects allocation problem for WWW applications”, Computers and Operations Research,

2002, 29, 971-994.

69Allahverdi, A., Aldowaisan, “No-wait flowshops with bicriteria of makespan and total completion time”,

Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2002, 53, 1004-1015.

no. Information

70AI-Anzi, F, Allahverdi, A., “Flexible multi-stage parallel-server scheduling for Internet service architecture”,

International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, 2002, 5, 134-142.

71Allahverdi, A., Savsar, M, “Scheduling on three-serial duplicate stations in assembly lines with multiple

criteria”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory Applications and Practice, 2002, 9, 265-274.

72Yigit, A.S, Ulsoy, A.G, Allahverdi, A., “Optimizing modular product design for reconfigurable

manufacturing”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2002, 13, 309-316.

73Allahverdi, A., Aldowaisan, “New heuristics to minimize total completion time in m-machine flowshops”,

International Journal of Production Economics, 2002, 77, 71-83.


Allahverdi, A., Aldowaisan, T.,, “Two-machine flowshop to minimize total completion time with separated

setup and removal times.”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory Applications and

Practice, 2002, 9, 275-286.

75Allahverdi A, “The tricriteria two-machine flowshop scheduling problem”, International Transactions in

Operational Research, 2001, 8, 403-425.


Al-Anzi, F.,Allahverdi A.,, “The relation between three-tired client-server internet database and two

machine flowshop”, International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, 2001, 4, 94-


77Allahverdi, A.,Aldowaisan, T.,, “Minimizing total completion time in a no-wait flowshop with sequence-

dependent additive change over times”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2001, 52, 449-462.

78Allahverdi, A.,Savsar, M.,, “Propotionate flowshop scheduling with breakdowns and seperate setup times”,

Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2001, 52, 449-462.

79Allahverdi, A., “Minimizing mean flowtime in a two-machine flowshop with sequence independent setup

times”, Computers & Operations Research, 2000, 27, 111-127.

80Allahverdi, A., and Aldowaisan, T.,, “No-wait and separate setup three-machine flowshop with total

completion time criterion”, International Transactions in Opearational Research, 2000, 7, 245-264.

81Allahverdi, A., Gupta, J.N.D. and Aldowaisan, T., “A review of scheduling research involving setup

considerations”, OMEGA The International Journal of Management Sciences, 1999, 27, 219-239.

82Savsar, M., and Allahverdi, A.,, “Algorithms for scheduling of jobs on two serial duplicate stations”,

International Transactions in Operational Research, 1999, 6, 411-422.

83Allahverdi, A.,, “Stochastically minimizing total flowtime in flowshops with no waiting space”, European

Journal of Operational Research, 1999, 113, 101-112.

84Allahverdi, A. and Mittenthal, J., “Dual Criteria scheduling on a two-machine flowshop subject to random

breakdowns”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 1998, 5, 317-324.

85Allahverdi, A., and Aldowaisan, T.,, “Job lateness in flowshops with setup and removal times seperated”,

Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1998, 49, 1001-1006.

no. Information

86Aldowaisan, T. and Allahverdi, A., “Total flowtime in no-wait flowshops with separated setup times”,

Computers & Operations Research, 1998, 25, 757-765.

87Allahverdi, A., “Scheduling in Stochastic flowshops with independent setup, processing and removal

times”, Computers & Operations Research, 1997, 24, 955-960.

88Allahverdi, A. and Tatari, M.F., “Stochastic machine dominance in flowshops”, Computers and Industrial

Engineering, 1997, 32, 735-741.

89Allahverdi, A., “Two-machine proportionate flowshop scheduling with breakdowns to minimize maximum

lateness”, Computers & Operations Research, 1996, 23, 909-916.

90Allahverdi, A., and Tatari, M. F., “Simulation of different rules in stochastic scheduling”, Computers and

Industrial Engineering, 1996, 31, 209-212.

91Allahverdi, A. and Mittenthal, J., “Scheduling on a two-machine flowshop subject to random breakdowns

with a makespan objective function”, European Journal of Operational Research, 1995, 81, 376-387.

92Allahverdi, A., “Two-stage production scheduling with seperated setup times and stochastic breakdowns”,

Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1995, 46, 896-904.

93Allahverdi, A., “Optimal policies for a deterministic two-machine semi-ordered flowshop with maximum

lateness objective”, Transactions on Operational Research, 1994, 6, 47-54.

94Allahverdi, A. and J. Mittenthal, “Scheduling on m parallel machines subject to random breakdowns to

minimize expected mean flowtime”, Naval Research Logistics, 1994, 41, 677-682.

95Allahverdi, A. and J. Mittenthal, “Two-machine ordered flowshop scheduling under random breakdowns”,

Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 1994, 20, 9-17.

96Willemain, T. and Allahverdi, A., “Robust estimation for exponential data A monte-carlo comparison”,

Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation, 1992, 21, 1043-1075.

Other Publications

no. Information

1Scheduling requests on multiple-stage multi-server to increase quality of service, Allahverdi A and Al-Anzi

F, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Jan, 2003

Research Projects

Code No. Title Institution Position Year

EI02/14Classification of no-wait flowshop scheduling



UniversityPI Dec, 2014

EI03/13Assembly flowshop scheduling problem with setup

times to minimize total tardiness


UniversityPI Jan, 2014

EI02/12Single-machine scheduling problem with random and

bounded processing times



Aug, 2012 -

Jul, 2013

Code No. Title Institution Position Year

EI03/11No-wait flowshop scheduling problem with setup

times and two criteria



Apr, 2012 -

Mar, 2013

EI03/09Two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem

with total tardiness



Apr, 2010 -

Mar, 2011

EI 01/09No-wait flowshop scheduling problem with total

completion time and makespan criteria



Jan, 2010 -

Jan, 2011

EO02/10A Better heuristics for two-stage assembly flowshop

scheduling problem


UniversityCoI 2010 - 2012

EI 02/09No-wait flowshop scheduling problem with the

number of tardy jobs


UniversityCoI 2010 - 2011

EO 06/06Query Scheduling Optimization on Distributed

Database Systems Including Setup Times



Jul, 2006 -

Jul, 2008

EI 01/05

No-wait flowshop scheduling problem to minimize

total completion time with sequence-dependant setup




Dec, 2005 -

Dec, 2006

EI 02/05Two-Stage Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem

with Multicriteria



Nov, 2005 -

Nov, 2006

EO 02/05Optimizations on permutations for assignments and

tours in computer graph theory



Aug, 2005 -

Aug, 2006

EO 03/05Scheduling work and rework processes on the same

computer facility



Jun, 2004 -

Jun, 2006

EI 01/03Scheduling on a two-machine flowshop with random

and bounded setup and processing times



Jan, 2004 -

Jan, 2005

EO 05/02Scheduling Precedence relatedrequests on multiple




Apr, 2003 -

Apr, 2004

EO 06/02 Scheduling queries on two-stage data-base systemKuwait

UniversityCoI 2003 - 2004

EM 01/01No-wait flowshops with bicriteria of makespan and

mean completion time



Sep, 2001 -

Aug, 2002

EE 01/01Minimizing variance in response time for multimedia

object requests



Sep, 2001 -

Aug, 2002

EM-124 No-wait flowshops with separated setup timesKuwait


Jul, 1998 -

Jun, 2001

Code No. Title Institution Position Year

EM-117Investigation of separate setup and removal times in

scheduling problems



Sep, 1997 -

Aug, 1998