Profeesional studies

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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learning in digital world


IntroductionToday we live in a digital world where we use

technology in our everyday life. The shift between traditional world to technological world reflects the deeper understanding of individuality and autonomy. This is also evident in the curriculum that persists on liberalism, responsibility, independency and competency. In addition, the curriculum encourages child-centered pedagogy and facilitation. To meet this requirements teachers need to use strategies, media and tools to engage in the content and with leaners. Some examples that can solve this objection are :



Is defined as “a device related to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific needs” (Oxford wikipedia dictionery,1998).Technology promotes situated learning in an authentic way that accommodates all types of learners.


To my understanding authentic is real life experience and learning that take place in any context; whether formal or informal learning. This type of learning activates brain cells to critically analyze, synthesize, engage, reflect ,think and discuss about learnt information. In that way; the learner engages into deep learning and develops the ability to use and apply taught knowledge and skills. Other academics including Simpson defines authentic task as “learning from real world problems and questions” (J,Simpson,1989,A new English dictionary on historical principle).


Therefore, it is time to consider that technology and authentic task are interrelated rather than unrelated. This presentation will show and discuss the importance of authentic task. The next section will explain authentic task and provide examples within a learning area where educational technology can be used to add value to the task.

The reason to use authentic task is that it enables the learner to think critically, develop own view of reality, accommodates learners pre-knowledge and philosophy in a way that it is probable to link everyday life experiences with content. In addition, authentic task accommodates all types of learners and promotes hands-on, mind-on and heart-on strategies in pedagogy.


Learners are prepared at an early age for life after school and coping mechanism in work place and economic. They become hard workers who are flexible, competent and independent to solve complex problems.


Some good triggering point will be :Situational learning Projects


Is defined as “learning that take place in the same context in which it is applied”( Ann E. Barron. 2002).In literacy we can teach a short story book by forming drama sessions (acting it).Drama promotes situated learning in an authentic way because we imitate, mimic, recite, say what is in the script. We also apply emotions, expressions and experiences the same way as the characters (we use hands-on, heart-on and mind –on approach).This is an example of authentic task. So, where does educational technology fit?

Situational learning

We can use video camera or cellphones to capture(shoot) drama in order for learners not to re- read the book all over again in preparation of tests or exams, instead they may rely on the video for revision. This can be easier for them to remember every word, theme and actions quickly.

Educational technology

Technology can also be used to collect and download books such as magazines(for language),novels, plays and drama.

Develop cohorts that research, share and discuss same content.

Form bonds, lasting friends and connection despite geographical isolation.

Create groups, team work and collaboration.


Download and share important images and videos concerning the author and the book.

Use software for sharing, retrieving, discussing and referencing.

PowerPoint to present their collection and new found information(Project).


According to my point of view using iPods instead of books will meet all the objections I have conjured above, save time, involve learners or promote child-centered pedagogy and individuality.therefore,books and traditional pedagogy should be interchanged by iPods and technology.


Traditional vs Technology +Authentic

stayStay connected technologically

Learn a lot advance knowledge and skills


Finally, I have answered all the objections I have conjured in the introduction.

I have shown how technology can be used in classrooms and still promote authentic task and learning.

Moreover, I have proven the importance of the interrelations between educational technology, situated learning and authentic tasks.


Thank you

J,Simpson..The new English oxford dictionary on historical principles. Oxford University Press.

Ann E. Barron. Technologies for education : a practical guide. Edition 4th ed. 2002. Englewood. Colo.. : Libraries Unlimited.

without author (Accessed February 2012).

S,J Bodilly. New American school concept of break-the-mold designs.2001.USA.Rand Pty.
