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The Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club Scholarship Awards :

Three Canadian high school students will be awarded $500 in gift certificate or products each.

Three Canadian university or college students will be awarded $500 in each scholarship each.

Table of Contents

1. Foreword ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

2. Co-Organizers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 to 4

§ Vision Youth Leadership Program

§ Mr. Godwin Chan

§ Pui Ching School Alumni (Ontario)

3. Timetable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

4. Bio

§ Keynote Speaker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

� Professor Luke Chan - Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the

DeGroote School of Business and an Associate Vice-President of International

Affairs at McMaster University

§ Panelists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 to 10

� Mr. Alan Poon - Veterinarian

� Mr. Anthony Ng - Firefighter

� Mr. Brian Lam - Program Manager of Explosive and Narcotics Detection

� Mr. Dave Kwan - Global Sales Training Manager

� Mr. David Ho - Global Mobile Workforces Manager

� Ms. Jean Wong - Preplanning Advisor of Funeral Services

� Mr. Kam Leong - Professional Engineer

� Ms. Nancy Young - Lawyer

� Ms. Phoebe Chow - Urban Planner

� Ms. Yang-Hai Wang - Senior IT Program Manager

5. Scholarship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 to 12

6. Panelists 2008 - 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 to 14

7. Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

8. Sponsors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16



1. Foreword

Kick Start to a New Career 2013 – A Youth Career Forum

The traditional ideal careers in the minds of many Chinese parents have always been doctors,

lawyers, engineers, and accountants. But, in fact, there are many more career opportunities available

to our youth today which parents may not aware of.

Many of our youth today are uncertain as to what their future career choice should be. Through this

career forum, we hope to bring awareness to parents and youth alike, some of the “non-traditional”,

but highly regarded careers that are available today.

The Kick Start to a New Career Forum is a joint project of Ontario Pui Ching High School Alumni

Association, Vision Youth, and Mr. Godwin Chan, Councilor of Richmond Hill.

We hope this event will be well-received, and many more of such forum will follow. Our invited guests

will share their job experiences, know-hows, and accomplishments so as to provide the audience with

a more in-depth look at their careers. Our speakers include: Firefighter, Engineer, Lawyer, Global

Sales Training Manager, Urban Planner, Pre-planning Advisor Funeral Services, Veterinarian, Global

Mobile Work Forces Manager and Project Manager.

We have invited Dr. Luke Chan to be our Keynote speaker this year, Dr. Luke Chan is Professor of

Finance and Business Economics at the DeGroote School of Business and an Associate

Vice-President of International Affairs at McMaster University.

As the title sponsor of the event, Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club is sponsoring 6 scholarships which

will be awarded to students who have attended the event.

“ “

Vision Youth

“ - ”



2. Co-Organizers

Vision Youth Leadership Program

Vision Youth Leadership Program is a multi-faceted youth leadership

training program with three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and each

level is a six month program. Developed by Canada-Hong Kong

Link, the leadership program aims to enrich the participants with

non-academic life skills such as social, political and environmental

awareness, leadership, and outdoor survival skills to complement

their existing skills set. Our goal is to allow the participants to

recognize their full potential and thrive to becoming visionary leaders

of tomorrow. Please visit for more information.

Godwin Chan

In the past two decades, Godwin CHAN, a lawyer by profession, has

been involved in a wide range of areas. In 1995, he was appointed by

the Provincial Government to the Regional Municipality of York Police

Services Board. He has also served on the University of Toronto’s

Academic Board, Public Library Boards of Richmond Hill and Vaughan.

In his local community, he has served on school Councils and

volunteered as the Founding Treasurer and Fundraising Chair of the

Richmond Hill Road Watch program. When he was elected as a

Councillor in 2006, he made history as the first Councillor of Asian

heritage in Richmond Hill. In October 2010, he won re-election with

over 72 % support to serve his second term as Councillor.

In addition to Council duties, Councillor Chan devotes his time to help with worthy causes and serves

as Honorary Advisor of a local Lions Club and the Canadian Sinfonietta Chamber Orchestra. In

recognition of his contributions as a volunteer, Councillor Chan was bestowed with the honour of

Governor-General’s Priory Vote of Thanks for his efforts in helping to found the St. John Ambulance’s

Richmond Hill Youth Cadets in 2013. In 2002, Councillor Chan received the Town's Volunteer

Achievement Award.

In June 2013, Councillor Chan was elected by other Mayors and Councillors to the national Board of

Directors of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and serves on the Standing Committee on

Community Safety and Crime Prevention and the Standing Committee on International Relations.

As a father of two, Godwin has a keen interest in supporting youth initiatives and has been involved in



the planning and organizing the Career Forum for Youths with VisionYouth and Pui Ching Middle

School Alumni Association since its inception in 2008.

Pui Ching School Alumni (Ontario)

Pui Ching School was found in Guangzhou, China in 1889. In

1933, the Pui Ching School (Hong Kong) was established. The

Pui Ching School Alumni School of Ontario was formed in the

1970’s in Toronto. Over the world, there are over 40 Alumni

Associations located in most of the major cities in different


Currently, we have over 1,000 alumni in Ontario; most of them

resided in GTA. Some of the objectives of the Association are as

follows :

a) To promote, support and protect the common interests of the members of the Association.

b) To participate in intellectual and cultural activities in the community.

c) To promote and enhance fellowship among alumni of Pui Ching School across the globe.

Our Annual functions include Annual AGM dinner, joint schools BBQ, seminars, golf & badminton

tournaments and Christmas dinner.



3. Timetable

Time Activities


to 3:00pm




12:15 pm

Opening Ceremony

· Opening speech

· Brief introduction of each speaker



12:35 pm

Keynote Speaker – Mr. Luke Chan

Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the DeGroote School of Business

and an Associate Vice-President of International Affairs at McMaster University

McMaster : DeGroote ,

Council Chamber Members Lounge Committee Room


Committee Room



Room #3




Ms. Yang-Hai Wang,

Senior Program

Manager -Information


Mr. Dave Kwan,

Manager - Global

Sales Training

Ms. Phoebe Chow,

Urban Planner

Mr. Anthony Ng,


Mr. Kam Leong

(PEng., FEC),


1:40pm to


Ms. Nancy Young,


Mr. Brian Lam,

Project Manager

-Explosives and



Mr. Jean Wong,


Advisor Funeral


Dr. Alan Poon,


Mr. David Ho

(CA), Manager

- Globally

Mobile Work


2:35pm to


Ms. Yang-Hai Wang,

Senior Program

Manager -Information


Mr. Dave Kwan,

Manager - Global

Sales Training

Ms. Phoebe Chow,

Urban Planner

Mr. Anthony Ng,


Mr. Kam Leong

(PEng., FEC),


3:30pm to


Ms. Nancy Young,


Mr. Brian Lam,

Project Manager

-Explosives and



Mr. Jean Wong,


Advisor Funeral


Dr. Alan Poon,


Mr. David Ho

(CA), Manager

- Globally

Mobile Work


4:20pm to


Closing Ceremony

· Lucky Draws

· Survey



4. Bio

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Man-Wah Luke Chan B.Sc., M.A, Ph.D. LL.D.

Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the DeGroote School of Business and an Associate

Vice-President of International Affairs at McMaster University

Dr. Luke Chan is Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the DeGroote School of Business

and an Associate Vice-President of International Affairs at McMaster University. Dr. Chan has

published many peer reviewed articles in international journals and co-authored five books. His book

on The Art of War and its General Application to Business is considered a classic in applying the

ancient Chinese warfare to modern business practices. Dr. Chan is the recipient of night honorary

professorship/advisory professorships from some of the best universities in China, including Tsinghua

University, Nankai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, South East University, University of

Science and Technology, Beijing, among others. Dr. Chan is also the recipient of an Honorary

Doctoral from the Beijing Language and Culture, the first such recipient in the 49 years of the

University’s history. A feat that is second to only a few in Canada and elsewhere.

Dr. Chan is an active community worker. He has served as board member on the

Hamilton-Burlington United Way, The Hamilton Lung Association, the Hamilton Arts Council, the

Hamilton District Chamber of Commerce, the Yee Hong Wellness Foundation, the Canadian

Foundation for the Preservation of Chinese Culture and Historical Treasures, and Smile China, to

name just a few.

Dr. Chan is well sought after as a consultant to the China market since 1984. His consulting clients

include many of the well known corporations in the world. This list includes IBM Canada, IBM China,

Pepsico, Nortel, Otis Pacific Asia, Industry Canada, the Canadian Federation of Municipalities, the

United Nations and many other government organizations.

For all his contribution as a professional and as a communities volunteer, Dr Chan was recently

inducted to the Chinese Canadian Legend Award and the Hamilton Gallery of Distinction. He was

also the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of his contribution to

the fight against liver disease in both Canada and China.

Dr. Chan is married to his wife, Raphael for over 39 years and they have two children, daughter

Christine and son Anthony. Like their father, both are McMaster University graduates.




Alan Poon

Title: Veterinarian

Topic: Life of a Veterinarian

Dr. Alan Poon was born in Toronto and is currently a small animal and exotics veterinarian at Allandale

Veterinary Hospital in Barrie, Ontario. After completing high school at Crescent School in 2004, he

went on to complete his B.Sc. (Hons) at Queen’s University in 2008. Afterwards, he completed his

veterinary degree at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, U.K. in 2012. Alan is also a member of

the OVMA and RCVS. As a veterinarian, his interests include small animal surgery, pain management

and rabbit medicine. Outside of veterinary medicine, Alan enjoys spending time with family, friends

and his dog Bree, watching movies and is an avid volleyball player and skier.


Anthony Ng

Title: Firefighter

Topic: How to be a Firefighter

Anthony Ng attended University of Toronto and graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science

degree majoring in Biochemistry. Immediately after, he proceeded to Seneca College for their

Pre-Service Firefighter and Education Training Program to pursue firefighting. He was hired by

Richmond Hill Fire and Emergency Services in June 2012 and is now a 4th Class

Firefighter. Anthony also works part-time in the Canadian Armed Forces as a Master Corporal and

has been in the military for almost 9 years.


Brian Lam

Title: Project Manager (Retired in 2012)

Topic: Career in Explosives and Narcotics Detection

Brian Lam earned a Degree in Chemistry and Business. His earlier career path as laboratory chemist

and migrated into technical sales/marketing, and product management. He spent over 25 years in the

laboratory instruments industry, 6 yrs in Asia Pacific territory for a Canadian explosives/narcotics

detector manufacturer.

Purely out of interest and curiosity, he is now pursuing a Liberal Arts degree part time




Dave Kwan

Title: Manager, Global Sales Training and Distribution Development, Armstrong Fluid Technology

Topic: Executive Business Training

An expert certified Training and Development leader with a unique learning vision. Enhances

performance outcomes, business and personal successes with a proven track record on effective

execution of learning strategies. Highly specialized in sales training, curriculum development and

advance communication. Launched 7 major brands as a training leader in the health care industry.

Thrives in complex business environments by effectively influencing and collaborating with cross

functional teams. A leader equipped with exceptional strategic leadership, dynamic collaboration,

creative problem solving and agile critical thinking skills.

Dave is a Global Sales Training and Distribution Development Manager, Armstrong Fluid Technology.

Over 12 years of Training and Development, Management and Consulting experience in the health

care industry with the following expertise:

· Adult Learning Curriculum Design

· Human Interaction Science

· Advanced Effective Communication

· Emotional Intelligence

· Leadership Development

· Personal Performance Coaching

· Global cross-culture mentoring eg. China, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, The Philippines, India

and Mexico


David Ho

Title: Manager of International Executive Services Department, KPMG

Topic: Global Job Market

David Ho is a manager at KPMG in the International Executive Services Department. He worked in

the Toronto office before and now he has been working in the Montreal office for three years. David

received his CA designation (now known as CPA, CA) in Ontario and has also obtained his U.S. CPA

designation (Illinois) through a reciprocity exam. His main responsibilities include helping companies

deal with their globally mobile workforces. These services include issues such as tax filing, social

security and tax advisory.


Jean Wong

Title: Preplanning Advisor of Funeral Services, Mount Pleasant Group

Topic: Funeral industry as a career choice

Jean Wong graduated from Ryerson University with a degree in Computer Programming. Today she

is a Preplanning Advisor for both cemetery and funeral prepaid arrangements and have been doing

it almost 14 years. 8


Before entering into this field, she has been working for IBM, Bell Canada, TTC and worked as a real

estate broker prior to her current career.

There were many challenges at the beginning since death was not a subject that most Chinese would

like to go into. She saw an opportunity and decided to make into a career.

Jean Wong qualified all the pre-requisites set by the Board of Funeral Services(Ontario) and finished

all the mandatory courses. She is now a licensed Cemetery Preplanning Advisor. In Ontario, the

Board of Funeral Services has pre-requisites that must be met before one is allowed to take the

require courses.

Jean is very active in the community, she was the Past President of The Toronto Elegant Lions club.


Kam Leong, PEng., FEC

Title: Project Manager, Metrolinx

Topic: Prepare for a successful Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Experience Requirement

Committee (ERC) interview

Mr kam Leong is the Past Chair of the Professional Engineers Ontario, York Chapter. The York

Chapter has 8,000 members and is the second largest Chapter in Ontario. He was the recipient of the

Order of Honor from the PEO in 2012 and was bestowed with the title Fellow Engineer of Canada by

Engineers Canada in 2011.

Currently he is the Project Manager with Metrolinx a provincial government agency which is

responsible for the implementation of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Light Rail Project. His past

experience was Program Management in software development delivery, business start-up in Asia

and automotive electronics manufacturing process development.

He held workshop to provide students with an understanding of the requirements prior to the interview

and the expectation of the interviewer. Hope will provide the students with the background in

preparing for the ERC interview.


Nancy Young

Title : Lawyer (area of practice - Plaintiff Personal Injury)

Topic : Lawyer as a Profession

Nancy attended the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management from where she graduated

in 2004 with Distinction, earning a Bachelor of Commerce Degree and was awarded the Harold B.

Matchett Scholarship for academic achievement. Nancy received her law degree from Queen's

University in 2007 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2008.



In 2012, Nancy established a free legal clinic with the Chinese Family Services of Ontario.Nancy is

fluent in English and Cantonese.

Areas of Practice

· Plaintiff Personal Injury Education

· Queen's University, Faculty of Law, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Bachelor of Laws Degree - 2007


Phoebe Chow

Title: Planner with the Town of Richmond Hill

Topic: Urban Planning as a Career Choice

Phoebe Chow graduated from the School of Planning from University of Waterloo in 2005 with a

bachelor degree in Environmental Studies. Phoebe majored in planning and specialized in land

development. Phoebe has been practicing land use planning in the public sector since she graduated.

Phoebe became a full member of both the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Canadian

Institute of Planners in 2010. Phoebe has also appeared before the Ontario Municipal Board as an

expert witness on land use matters.


Yang-Hai Wang

Title: Senior Program Manager, IBM (Retired August 2013)

Topic: Career in the Industry of Information Technology and Business Management

Subject: Career Opportunities in Information Technology

Yang-Hai Wang is currently a Business Advisor with the Center of Entrepreneurship in Centennial

College providing consulting services to businesses.

Yang-Hai started her career in IBM as a computer programmer in 1984. Since then, she has

progressed her professional career from the technical field to a senior leadership position in business

management. Through her 29 years of career, she has cultivated a wide range of experience and

expertise in marketing, sales, information technology and general business management. Yang-Hai is

an immigrant from China and a graduate from University of Toronto.

Yang-Hai will discuss the variety of career opportunities in the industry of Information technology and

Business Management.




5. Scholarship

6th Annual Kick Start to a New Career 2013

“Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club” Scholarship Awards Registration


Young people are the building blocks of our future. As such, they need encouragement, motivation

and inspiration. With that in mind, the Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club has set a mandate to help our

youth by supporting this annual “Kick Start to a New Career” seminar, it sets out to familiarize

students with various career opportunities; including some atypical career choices. The annual career

forum invites speakers to give students an in-depth knowledge of different career choices. In an effort

to encourage participation, six scholarships will be awarded will be to students who have attended the


Below are the criteria for the submission of the scholarship awards.

Scholarship Awards

Three Canadian high school students will be awarded $500 in gift certificate or products each.

Three Canadian university or college students will be awarded $500 in cash scholarships each.


1. , , , $500

2. , $500


1. Any student currently enrolled in any Canadian accredited high school, university, or college


2. Who has attended any of the past “Kick Start to a New Career” seminars, including this

one, is eligible.


1. , , , , ,

2. ” ”



How to Participate

Question :

Tell us what impact “Kick Start to a New Career” seminar had on you with respect to your

future career choice(s).

All essays must be typed.

No more than 1000 words.

No handwritten essays will be accepted.

For more details please visit

Submission deadline: Sept. 26, 2013 12:00am

Please submit the your essay together with following information to


: ” ” .

( ).


: 2013 9 26 12:00 am

Winners will be notified on September 30, 2013. The winners will also be invited to attend the Annual

Toronto Hong Kong Lions Gala to be held on October 5, 2013 at Hilton Suites Hotel to accept the


9 30 , 10 5




6. Panelists 2008 - 2012

Panelist 2012

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Chungsen Leung (Member of Parliament, Willowdale, Parliamentary Secretary for



Ms. Stacey Bai (Actuary )

Ms. Sonja Chong (Fellow Chartered Accountant )

Ms. Phoebe Chow (Bank Branch Manager )

Mr. Paul Joe (Environmental Scientist )

Mr. Alan Kwong (Pharmaceutical Engineer )

Mr. Andy Lee (Chief Information Officer )

Ms. Helen Li (Social Worker [Mental Health/Addictions] [ ])

Mr. Ricky Ma (Chiropractor )

Mr. Justin Poy (Marketing/Advertising Specialist / )

Mr. Jun Wei Tang (Investment and Retirement Planner )

Panelist 2011

Keynote Speaker

Professor Jinyan Li (Interim Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School 2009-2010 )


Amy Li (Chef )

Bridgitte Li (Air Stewardess )

Elliot Tse (Physiotherapist )

Garros Fung (Finance Manager )

Joseph Lee (Structural Engineer )

Ronald Lee (Meteorologist )

Rowena Leung (Community Dietitian )

Samuel Watt (Nephrology Social Worker ( )

Vergara Jacqueline (Optometrist )

Yong Wang (Managing Director, Financial Risk Management )



Panelist 2010

Mr. Albert Chan (Investment Advisor )

Mr. Charles Chan (Teacher )

Ms. Gloria Fung (Real Estate Broker )

Ms. May Fung (Hospitality Management )

Dr. Gerald Ho (Paediatrician )

Mr. Andus Luk (Trailer Mechanic )

Mr. Johnny Lau (Architect )

Ms. Angie Ng (Human Resources Manager )

Dr. Chris Tsang (Dentist )

Ms. Jennifer Tung (Pharmacist )

Panelist 2009

Mr. Kenneth Bi (Film Director )

Mr. Ricky Chan (Music Producer )

Mr. Peter Chang (Lawyer / Doctor / )

Ms. Allyson Chiu (Geriatric Care )

Mr. Evan Choi (Electrical Engineer, Nuclear Power Service )

Dr. Chi Ming Chow (Cardiologist )

Ms. Jerry Chwang (Engineering / Mgmt Consulting / Govt Policy / / )

Ms. Avvy Go (Legal Aid Lawyer )

Dr. Tony Lam (Assistant Professor of Physiology & Medicine, U of T )

Professor Hugh Liu (Aerospace Studies )

Mr. Jim McCullough (Emergency Medical Services )

Mr. Eric Tang (Nursing )

Panelist 2008

Ms. Pauline Chan (News Anchor – CTV )

Mr. Albert Ng (Graphic Designer )

Mr. Cheuk Lam (Food Manager -Yee Hong Centre )

Ms. Sonja Chong (C.A.Tax partner, Harris and Chong )

Mr. Andy Chow (Senior camera Operator )

Mr. Albert Wong (Lt. Commander, Canadian Armed Forces )

Inspector Peter Yuen (Inspector -Toronto Police Service )

Mr. Tony Wong (Senior business columnist - Toronto Star )

Mr. Godwin Chan (Councillor, Richmond Hill )

Ms. Irene Ho (Dental Hygienist )



7. Notes
























8. Sponsors

Title and Scholarship Sponsor

Seminar Sponsors

Media Sponsors

Food & Beverage Sponsor

Title and Scholarship Sponsor

Food & Beverage Sponsor

Seminar Sponsors

Media Sponsors