PROGRAM OVERVIEW - · The Viewpoint of Righteousness and Benefit: the Evolution of...

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WEDNESDAY11.21 18:00 Registration

18:30 Welcome Dinner Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel Zhongguancun ( 北京中关村皇冠假日酒店 ), No. 106 Zhichun Road, Beijing 100086

07:30 08:00

Transfer from Crowne Plaza Hotel to plenary session Transfer from Friendship Hotel to plenary session

08:30 Registration09:00 – 11:30 PLENARY SESSION

Venue: Sunlight Hall, Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University 北京大学英杰国际交流中心阳光厅

09:00 – 09:25 Opening Ceremony Remarks by Prof. Jingyi YE, Vice Chair of the University Council, Peking Univer-sity Remarks by Prof. Dr. Hans VAN ESS, LMU Vice President Remarks by Mrs. Qing LI, Deputy Secretary-General, China Scholarship Council Remarks by Dr. Hannelore BOSSMANN, German Academic Exchange Cener (DAAD)

09:25 – 09:30 Group Photo09:30 – 09:50 Everybody knows what attention is

Prof. Dr. Yan BAO, PKU09:50 – 10:15 Advancing Empirical Social Science Research: An Introduction to the Insti-

tute of Social Science Survey at Peking University Dr. Sherry Tao KONG, PKU

10:15 – 10:40 Multi-mode spanning-scale bio-medical imaging center Prof. Dr. Heping CHENG, PKU

10:40 – 11:10 Tea and coffee break11:10 – 11:35 Introduction to Institute of area studies, Peking University (PKUIAS)

Prof. Suolao WANG, PKU11:35 – 12:00 Drug Innovations: Successful Collaborations of Chemistry and Pharmacy

within the LMU-China Academic Network Prof. Dr. Ernst WAGNER, LMU

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break Venue: Time Western Restaurant, 2nd Floor, No. 2 Building, Global Village, PKU; 北京大学中关新园 2 号楼 2 层时光西餐厅。

13:00 Transfer to workshop venues13:30-18:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS

(For workshop program, please refer to page 5ff)18:00 Transfer from workshop venues to dinner venue18:30 – 20:00 Dinner

Speech by Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

20:00 Transfer back to hotels

07:30 08:00

Transfer from Crowne Plaza Hotel to workshop venues Transfer from Friendship Hotel to workshop venues - Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University 北京大学英杰交流中心 (workshops 4 &10) - PKU Health Science Center 北京大学医学部 (workshop 9 & 11)

09:00 – 15:30 WORKSHOP SESSIONS (For workshop program, please refer to page 5ff)

15:30 Transfer from workshop venues to Moonlight Hall, Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University 北京大学英杰国际交流中心月光厅

16:00 – 19:30 CLOSING PLENUM AND DINNER Venue: Moonlight Hall, Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University 北京大学英杰国际交流中心月光厅

16:00 – 17:00 Reports from the Workshops Chair: Prof. Dr. Christof MAUCH, LMU

17:00 – 17:30 Concluding Remarks and OutlookLMU Vice President, Prof. Dr. Hans VAN ESS

18:00 – 19:30 Dinner Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

19:30 Transfer back to hotels

13:30 – 16:00 CULTURAL PROGRAM13:00 Transfer to Forbidden City

departure from Crowne Plaza Hotel and Friendship Hotel respectively14:00 – 15:30 Exclusive Visit to Forbidden City

(organized by PKU)15:30 Transfer back to hotel and end of program

Satellite SymposiumsSatellite Symposium on “Time and Cognition” Peking University, November 24-25Satellite Symposium on Art History Zhejiang University, November 26




(1) The Political Economy of Institutional Change in China

13:30 – 17:30Venue Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Conference room No. 3, Peking University北京大学英杰交流中心第三会议室

Chair Dr. Michael ROCHLITZ (LMU)Which way does the arrow run?: Urbanization and land sales in China 2000-2018 Prof. Dr. Pierre LANDRY, CUHKHeaven Is High, and the Emperor Is Far Away: Political and Fiscal Federal-ism in Russia and China Dr. Michael ROCHLITZ, LMUMedia and Political Competition in an Authoritarian Regime: The Case of Milk Scandal in China Prof. Dr. Julan DU, CUHKThe Viewpoint of Righteousness and Benefit: the Evolution of Traditional to New Correct Concept Dr. Liqin WANG, Tongji University

18:00 Transfer or walk to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

(2) Macro and Finance

13:30 – 17:30Venue School of Economics, Room 305, Peking University北京大学经济学院 305 室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Gerhard ILLING (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Qingjie XIA (PKU)Misallocation, trade imbalance: theory and evidence from China Prof. Dr. Shiyuan PAN, Zhejiang UniversityAutomation Biased Technology and Employment Structures in China: 1990-2015 Prof. Dr. Zhong ZHAO, Renmin UniversitySecuritization as a Response to Monetary Policy Dr. Jiarui ZHANG, Nottingham University Business School ChinaRural students’ financial literacy and their education choice in China Prof. Dr. Cheng YUAN, PKUThe Balassa-Samuelson Effect in a Dual Economy: RMB Real Exchange Rate Revisited Dr. Yi CHEN, PKUChinese Households’ Consumption and Engel Curves Prof. Dr. Qingjie XIA and Dr. Qi TANG, PKU

18:00 Transfer or walk to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

Further participantsProf. Dr. Martin HÖGL, LMU

WORKSHOP PROGRAMNovember 22-23, 2018

(3) Scientific Forum Program - Workshop Technology New Journalism

13:30 – 18:00

Venue School of Journalism and communication, Room 347, Peking University北京大学新闻与传播学院 347 室

Chair Dr. Bernhard GOODWIN (LMU)13:30 – 13:50 Opening Remarks

Pro. Dr. Jing Wu(Vice president, School of Journalism and communication, PKU) Dr. Bernhard Goodwin

13:50 – 14:10 Understanding the use of mobile media Dr. Veronika KARNOWSKI, LMU

14:10 – 14:30 Media Convergence and liquid journalism in China Prof. Dr. Lu YE, Fudan University

14:30 – 14:50 Exploring the perceptual conflict on interactive infographic news Dr. Yajie CHU, Fudan University

14:50 – 15:10 Working with hostile audience reactions Corinna BREUER, LMU

15:10 – 15:30 Fandom Community An Interpretation from Space and Meaning of Mobile Youth Culture

15:30 – 15:50 Tea and coffee break15:50 – 16:10 Truth Commodity: Red, Yellow and Blue Kindergarten Event in the Lens of

Political Economy of Journalism Prof. Dr. Deqiang JI, Communication University of China, Beijing

16:10 – 16:30 When ride-sharing apps meet the mobile media in China Prof. Dr. Xinchuan LIU, PKU

16:30 – 16:50 Educating journalists for a future with new technologies Klaus KRANEWITTER and Dr. Bernhard GOODWIN, LMU

16:50 – 17:10 Educating the audiences for new challenges in public communication Dr. Claudia RIESMEYER-LORENZ, LMU

17:10 – 17:30 Mobile media and Internet addiction among young people in China Prof. Dr. Jiang Qiaolei, Tsinghua University

17:30 – 18:00 General Discussion18:00 Transfer to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

Further participantsProf. Dr. Xiaoxi CUI, PKU Qiuxin CHEN, PKUProf. Dr. Yong HU, PKU Prof. Dr. Xinchuan LIU, PKUQi SONG, PKU Prof. Dr. Xinying SUN, PKUProf. Dr. Hongzhe WANG, PKU Prof. Dr. Weijia WANG, PKUProf. Dr. Jia DAI, Tsinghua University Prof. Dr. Yu HU, Tsinghua UniversityProf. Dr. Qiaolei JIANG, Tsinguha University Prof. Dr. Jingwei WU, Tsinghua UniversityDr. Wenjie YAN, Zhejiang University Prof. Dr. Guohua ZENG, CASSProf. Dr. Lun ZHANG, BNU Prof. Dr. Shaohai JIANG, NUSProf. Dr. Jun XIAO, WHU Prof. Dr. Wen GONG, QUST




(4) Translations of German Poetry - West-East

13:30 – 18:00

Venue School of Foreign Languages (New Building)Conference Room B134, Peking University, Peking University 北京大学外语学院(新楼)B134 会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. HU Wei (PKU)14:00 Grußwort und Vortrag

Ein Münchener, der die chinesische Revolution so beeinflusst hat wie kein zweiter Ausländer. Über Otto Braun alias Li De.

Prof. Dr. HUANG Liaoyu, PKU14:40 Der junge Goethe und seine Begegnung mit der „naturalistischen“ Philoso-

phie Spinozas

Prof. Dr. Friedrich VOLLHARDT, LMU15:20 Coffee and Tea Break(Venue: Rooftop Café, School of Foreign Languages)Chair Prof. Dr. WANG Bingjun, BFSU16:00 Das Heldenkonzept Karl Moors und der chinesischen Räuber vom Liang-

shan-Moor und ihre Dekonstruktion in Robert Walsers Räuber-Roman

Prof. Dr. FAN Jieping, ZJU16:30 Der „Qingdao-Fall“ unter der Feder von Alfred Döblin und Bertolt Brecht

Prof. Dr. LUO Wei, PKU17:00 Zum Performativen in Sprechstücken von Handke

Prof. Dr. LI Mingming, THU17:30 Gemeinsame Diskussion 18:00 Dinner

Venue: Shao Yuan Guest House, 2nd Floor Hongya Hall, PKU北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

09:00 – 12:00

Venue School of Foreign Languages (New Building)Conference Room B134, Peking University, Peking University北京大学外语学院(新楼)B134 会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Friedrich VOLLHARDT, LMU09:00 Vom Wandel der Dinge und ihrer Auffassung

Prof. Dr. WANG Bingjun, BFSU09:30 Über den Wandel der chinesischen Medea-Rezeption in der Republik China

Prof. Dr. LU Mingjun, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies10:00 Hölderlin in China

Dr. LIU Han, LMU10: 30 Coffee and Tea Break

(Venue: Rooftop Café, School of Foreign Languages)Chair Prof. Dr. FAN Jieping, ZJU

11:00 Lästerung! Lästerung? Über die Diskrepanz der pragmatischen und theore-tischen Dimensionen der Offenbarung in Lessings Erziehungsschriften

Dr. LU Baiyu, PKU11:30 Goethe und das Heilige Römische Reich

Pro. Dr. GU Yu, PKU12:00 LUNCH

Venue: Western Restaurant, 2nd Floor, No. 2. Building, Zhongguanyuan Global Village, Peking University北京大学中关新园 2 号楼 2 层时光西餐厅

(5) The Problem of Transferability of Key Concepts in the Humanities

13:30 – 17:00

Venue School of Foreign Languages (New Building), Room N201, Peking University北京大学外国语学院(新楼)201 室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Christoph BODE (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Jason GLECKMAN (Chinese Unversity of Hong Kong)The Problem of Transferability of Key Concepts in the Humanities: ‘Roman-ticism’ as a Test Case Prof. Dr. Christoph BODE, LMUTransferability Between Theology and Literature: The Protestant Reforma-tion and Shakespeare Prof. Dr. Jason GLECKMAN, CUHKPerforming the Storm in King Lear Prof. Dr. Julian LAMB, CUHKHume’s Mitigated Scepticism and Keats’s Fall of Hyperion Prof. Dr. Ou LI, CUHKLoss of Translation? English Travel Writing and its Dealings with Foreign Languages Dr. Katharina PINK, LMUFrom Page To Screen: Kubrick’s Ambiguous Translation of Thackeray’s The Luck of Barry Lyndon Lukas SCHEPP, M.A., LMUHeroes? Villains? Minor Characters? The Migrant in Shakespeare’s Plays and the Present Day Dr. des. Reto WINKLER, LMUFictional Worlds across Media – Creation, Disruption, Dissolution Dr. des. Laura ZANDER, LMU

18:00 Transfer to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

Further participantsProf. Dr. Fengfeng GAO, PKU

November 22-23, 2018




(6) Sun-Earth Interactions: From the Magnetopause to the Surface

13:30 – 18:00

Venue Physics Building, Room N415, Peking University北京大学物理楼北楼 415 会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Stuart GILDER (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Qiugang ZONG, PKU13:30 – 13:40 Welcome Speech

Prof. Dr. Qiugang ZONG and Prof. Dr. Stuart GILDER13:40 – 14:00 Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Waves in the Magnetosphere of Earth and Other

Planets Prof. Qiugang ZONG, PKU

14:00 – 14:20 Energetic Particle Instrument in Space Prof. Linghua WANG, PKU

14:20 – 14:40 Circulation of heavy ions in the magnetosphere Dr. Elena KRONBERG, LMU

14:40 – 15:00 Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequen-cy waves: Theory and Observations Prof. Xuzhi ZHOU, PKU

15:00 – 15:20 Generation of Solar Spicules by Dynamical Interactions of Magnetic Fields Dr. Tanmoy SAMANTA, PKU

15:20 – 15:30 Tea and coffee break15:30 – 15:50 Interactions between ULF waves and cold plasmaspheric particles

Dr. Jie REN, PKU15:50 – 16:10 Portable Deep Dielectrics Charging Effects Monitor for a GEO Mission

Dr. Xiangqian YU, PKU16:10 – 16:30 Solar cycle variations seen in ground-based geomagnetic records

Prof. Dr. Stuart GILDER, LMU16:30 – 16:50 178 years of magnetic field measurements in Munich

Dr. Florian LHUILLIER, LMU16:50 – 17:10 New technology for magentic measurements

Dr. Michael WACK, LMU17:10 – 17:30 Global mantle convection modelling through geologic time

Prof. Dr. Peter BUNGE, LMU17:30 – 17:40 Conclusion of Session18:00 Transfer to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Hongya Hall, 2nd Floor, Shao Yuan Guest House, Peking University北京大学勺园中餐厅二层弘雅厅

Further participants and poster presentationsXingyu ZHU (PKU): The Three-Wave-Mode Synthetic Nature of Magnetic and Electric Fields for Wide-Band Frequency in the Earth’s Magnetosheath-Outside the MagnetopauseYajie CHEN (PKU): Diagnosing the Magnetic Field Structure of a Coronal Cavity Observed During the 2017 Total Solar EclipseZihao YANG (PKU): Mapping the Coronal Magnetic Field through Alfvenic Wave Observations

(7) Pharmaceutics and Drug Innovations

13:30 – 17:30

Venue Pharmaceutical Science BuildingConference Room N241, Peking University Health Science Center北京大学医学部药学楼 241 会议室(北京市学院路 38 号)

Chairs Prof. Dr. Wan-Liang LU (PKU) and Prof. Dr. Ernst WAGNER (LMU)13:30 – 13:50 Manipulation of Viral Genome for Conversion of Life-Threatening Viruses

into Therapeutics Prof. Dr. Demin ZHOU, PKU

13:50 – 14:10 Potential of Natural Compounds as Leads and Tools in Cancer Research Prof. Dr. Angelika VOLLMAR, LMU

14:10 – 14:30 Cellular Trafficking and Biocompatibility of Nanomedicines Prof. Dr. Qiang ZHANG, PKU

14:30 – 14:50 A functional drug depot-anchoring hydrogel for stem cell transplantation Prof. Dr. Jian-Xin WANG, Fudan University

14:50 – 15:10 Discovery of the effective components of Chinese herbal medicines Prof. Dr. Min YE, PKU

15:10 – 15:30 Tea and coffee breakChairs Prof. Dr. Hua LU (PKU) and Prof. Dr. Weiyue LU (Fudan University)15:30 – 15:50 Gene therapy of human achromatopsia

Prof. Dr. Martin BIEL, LMU15:50 – 16:10 Development of Carbohydrate-Based Anti-Cancer Vaccines

Prof. Dr. Xin-Shan YE, PKU16:10 – 16:30 Image-Guided Glioma Drug Delivery by Tuning Blood Brain Barrier Permea-

bility Prof. Dr. Cong LI, Fudan University

16:30 – 17:00 Effect of Helix on the Immunogenicity of Protein-Polypeptide Conjugates Prof. Dr. Hua LU, PKU

18:30 Dinner Venue: 2nd Floor, Shang Shan Yuan Restaurant, Master Inn Beijing Hosted by Dean Demin ZHOU, PKU

Further participantsDr. Elvir BECIROVIC, LMU Prof. Dr. Rongqin HUANG, Fudan UniversityDr. Ulrich LÄCHELT, LMU Prof. Dr. Zicai LIANG, PKUProf. Dr. Jianfeng LU, Tongji University Dr. Stylianos MICHALAKIS, LMU



(8) Precision Medicine for Tumors in GI and Hepatic Disease

15:30 – 17:30Venue: Pathology Building, Conference Room No.2/F, Peking University Health Science Center,北京大学医学部病理楼二层会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Alexander GERBES (LMU), Prof. Dr. Xin-Xia TIAN (PKU), Prof. Dr. Ren ZHOU (Zhejiang University)

Molecular Pathology15:30 – 15:55 The practicing and pattern of Quality Control of Molecular Pathology in Chi-

na and the possibility of international cooperation Professor Dr. Zhengrong MAO and Prof. Dr. Ren ZHOU, Zhejiang University

15:55 – 16:20 Combined Inactivation of TP53 and MIR34A Promotes Colorectal Cancer - Development and Progression in Mice via Increasing Levels of IL6R and PAI1 Prof. Dr. Heiko HERMEKING, LMU

16:20 – 16:45 The analysis of BRCA by NGS and its clinical application Prof. Dr. Bo ZHANG, PKU

16:45 – 17:10 DNA repair pathways methylation and ALT assicoiated with DAXX/ATRX-de-ficient in pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms Prof. Dr. Jie CHEN, Beijing Union Medical College

18:00 Transfer to dinner venue18:30 Dinner

Shao Yuan Guest House ( 北京大学勺园 ), 2nd Floor Hongya Hall, PKU

09:00 – 11:00Venue Pathology Building, Conference Room No.2/F, Peking University Health Science Center,北京大学医学部病理楼二层会议室

Tumor Immunology & Immuno-Therapy of Tumor09:00 – 09:25 Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma in the era of precise

medicine Prof. Dr. Xiao XU, Zhejiang University

09:25 – 09:50 Inducible liver-specific disruption of Nrf-1 results in progression of nonal-coholic steatohepatitis to hepatocellular carcinoma Dr. Mei-Guo LI, PKU

09:50 – 10:15 Towards precision medicine of breast cancer: SRRSH experience Prof. Dr. Wenhe ZHAO, Zheijiang University

10:15 – 10:40 Association of genetic polymorphisms with breast cancer susceptibility and patient’s prognosis among Chinese Han Women Prof. Dr. Xin-Xia TIAN, PKU

10:40 – 11:00 Transfer to other workshop venues / Tea and coffee breakLunch Venue: to be confirmed

Further participantsDr. Qing CHANG, Associate Professor, PKU Prof. Dr. Thomas GUDERMANN, LMUYan-Fei HUO, student, Dept. of Pathology, PKU Dr. Jianguo SHEN, Zhejiang UniversityDr. Qun WEI, Zhejiang University Han YANG, student, Dept. of Pathology, PKUHui YANG, student, Dept. of Pathology, PKU Dr. Jichun ZHOU, Zhejiang UniversityYan-Ting ZHOU, student, Dept. of Pathology, PKU

(9) Joint Simulation courses: A Chinese – German cooperation

13:30 – 17:30

Venue Inpatient Building, Conference Room No.1, 3rd floor, 1st Hospital of Peking University北京大学第一医院儿科住院楼三层第一会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Orsolya GENZEL-BOROVICZÉNY (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Jiangqin LIU (Tongji University)

13:30 – 17:30 Presentations and Discussions18:00 Dinner

organized by 1st Hospital

ParticipantsProf. Dr. Xinlin HOU, PKU Dr. Linda SANFTENBERG, LMUProf. Dr. Hongmei WANG, Zhejiang University Dr. Rong YIN, Fudan UniversityDr. Yingjing ZHENG, Zhejiang University

(10) Environmental Pasts - Enviromental Futures: Perspectives on China

09:00 – 15:30

Venue Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, conference room No. 3, Peking University北京大学英杰交流中心第三会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Christof MAUCH (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Maohong BAO (PKU)Welcome and Introduction

Chinese Environments in Global PerspectiveConserving Nature in China: A Western Idea? Prof. Dr. Shen HOU, Renmin UniversityGlobal Environmental Visions: Perspectives on China’s Relationship with the European Union Prof. Dr. Sophia KALANTZAKOS, LMUShadows in Tigers’ Forest: China’s Impact on Forest Conservation in Rus-sian Far East (with implications for intact forest landscapes globally) Dr. Elena FEDITCHKINA TRACY, WWF Russia / RCC FellowTea and Coffee Break Environmental governance and civic participation: changing narratives of China’s green transition in German news media Fengmin YAN, Free University of BerlinThe Development of Chinese Environmental History as a Response to Inter-national Scholarship Prof. Dr. Fei SHENG, Sun Yat-Sen University Venue: Time Western Restaurant, 2nd Floor, N0. 2 Bldg. Global Villange, PKU ( 北京大学中关新园 )

Regional Perspectives – Climate – Water - EnergyResidential Electricity Consumption and Time-Use Quantified Lifestyles in Urbanizing China Pui Ting WONG, The Chinese University of Hongkong

November 22-23, 2018





The rise and fall of reeds on Shanghai Chongming Island – a micro-envi-ronmental history study of Chinese urban and rural development Linjun XIE, University of Nottingham / RCC Doctoral StudentHong Kong’s nature: a moral history from a colonial project to contempo-rary environmental activism Maxime DECAUDIN, University of HongkongLandscape and nature in Chinese tea culture Volker HEUBEL, Tongji UniversityConcluding DiscussionWalk to closing plenum

11) Analytical Tools for studying Brain Physiology and Disease

November 23, 09:00 – 15:00

Venue Pharmaceutical Science BuildingConference Room N241, Peking University Health Science Center北京大学医学部药学楼 241 会议室

Chairs Prof. Dr. Chris TURCK (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Yaoyang ZHANG (CAS Shanghai)09:00 – 09:25 Selenocystine-specific mass spectrometry reveals tissue-distinct seleno-

proteomes and new selenoproteins Prof. Dr. Yaoyang ZHANG, CAS

09:25 – 09:50 Epigenetic changes and regulation of brain aging Prof. Dr. Jackie HAN, CAS

09:50 – 10:15 Why monkeys are excellent animals for human brain diseases study? Evi-dence from the disease moddeling perspective Prof. Dr. Xintian HU, CAS

10:15-10:45 Tea and coffee break10:45 – 11:10 Metformin induces IKKa dependent Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy and

reduces the cytotoxicity of A in Alzheimer’s disease Prof. Dr. Hongguang XIA, Zhejiang University

11:10 – 11:35 Psychiatric disorder biomarker discovery using animal models Prof. Dr. Chris TURCK, LMU

11:35 – 12:00 Vascular biology of the brain: preclinical models and clinical perspective Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer GLAß, LMU

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break13:00 – 13:25 Nanoliter-scale oil-air-droplet chip-based single cell proteomic analysis

Prof. Dr. Dr. Catherine C. L. WONG, PKU13:25 – 13:50 Identification of functional human cell groups of the oculomotor system

allows the post-mortem analysis of clinical cases with eye movement disor-ders on the cellular level Prof. Dr. Dr. Anja HORN-BOCHTLER, LMU

13:50 – 14:15 Probing single molecule identities within a nano channel device: from a single ion to genetic sequences Prof. Dr. Dr. Shuo HUANG, Nanjing University

14:15 – 14:40 Activatable molecular probes for multimodality imaging Prof. Dr. Dr. Deju YE, Nanjing University

15:30 Transfer to closing plenum

Further participantsDr. Yuping LI, Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital Prof. Dr. Jun WANG, PKUYan YU, LMU Dr. Hengzhu ZHANG, Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital

(12) “Translations and Interactions” in Internationalization

10:30 – 15:15

Venue Moonlight Hall, Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University北京大学英杰国际交流中心月光厅

Chairs Dr. Stefan LAUTERBACH (LMU) and Dr. Hongwei XIA (PKU)10:30 – 10:45 PKU Introductory remarks

Dr. Ruqing ZHENG, PKU10:45 – 11:10 A Few Thoughts on Developing Partnerships

Prof. Min LI, Zhejiang University 11:10 – 11:35 Globalization and Internationalization in Teacher Education – Challenges

and Perspectives for the 21st Century LMU Prof. Dr. Christiane LÜTGE, LMU

11:35 – 12:00 Internationalization at CUHK Amy CHAN, Chinese University of Hongkong

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break Venue: Time Western Restaurant, 2nd Floor, No. 2 Building, Global Village, PKU; 北京大学中关新园 2 号楼 2 层时光西餐厅。

13:30 – 13:55 The LMU Summer University - An example of LMU - ChAN Cooperation Stefan JAGDHUBER, LMU

13:55 – 14:20 Communication tools: How to spread the results of international accademic cooperation Michael ARRI , LMU

14:20 – 14:45 Innovation and Cooperation - A Case of Nanjing University Dr. Xiaorong LI, Nanjing University

14:45 – 15:10 The LMU-ChAN/Network(s) as example for the interaction between bilateral and multilateral (international) cooperation – an outlook Dr. Stefan LAUTERBACH, LMU

15:10 – 15:30 Final discussion and concluding remarks

ParticipantsYun LI, PKU Lijuan YUAN, SJTUDr. SHI Yanan Renmin University Ying WANG, Fudan UniversityQin CHEN, Nanjing University Jun TONG, ZJU Xiaowei SONG, BayChin Nicola HILLMER, LMU Jean SCHLEISS, LMU Hans van ESS , LMUWencke VONDERHAGEN, LMU Dongmei ZHANG, LMU



Satellite Symposium on “Time and Cognition”

Peking University November 24-25

Venue School of Psychological and Cognitive SciencesWang Kezhen Building, 11st floor, Conference Room, Peking University北京大学心理与认知科学学院,王克祯楼十一层会议室

10:00 – 12:50

Convenor Yan BAO (PKU), Bin ZHOU (CAS), Eva RUHNAU (LMU), Ernst PÖPPEL (LMU)Rhythm perception in dynamic visual processing Yan BAO, Peking UniversityContextual effects in subjective duration judgment of visual stimuli Bin ZHOU, Chinese Academy of SciencesTemporal perception in visual processing as a research tool Lihua MAO, Peking UniversityCoffee breakNeural basis of involuntary orienting of visual attention to sounds Wenfeng FENG, Soochow UniversityTemporal averaging and cross-modal integration Lihan CHEN, Peking University

13:00 Transfer to Forbidden City

10:00 – 17:30

Convenor Yan BAO (PKU), Bin ZHOU (CAS), Eva RUHNAU (LMU), Ernst PÖPPEL (LMU)How human brain encodes duration: an fMRI study on temporal reproduc-tion Xuanyu WANGTemporal reproduction – a new indicator for the 3-second time window Nan MUHow humans estimate temporal duration based on contextual information Tianhe WANGDoes semantic meaning affect the time course of bistable perception? Yuelin LIUCoffee breakSubjective time dilation in different regions of the visual field Xiaoxuan LITemporal twilight zone and beyond - Timing mechanisms in consciously delayed actions Taoxi YANGTime windows and brain connectivity Garam JEONGOn time and consciousness - the islands of ‘now’ and what/how is be-tween? Morteza IZADIFARThe role of attention in multisensory temporal order processing Mengtong CAIDoes spatial attention modulate visual temporal order perception? Xin CHEN

Gender effect of temporal order perception in auditory and visual modali-ties Yifan ZENG Topological feature change and subjective time dilation effect Jiani WANGCoffee breakEffects of lexical tone and voice onset time on single-syllable duration per-ception in Mandarin Xinchi YU Holistic strategy is selectively adapted in temporal order perception of tones Zhilin ZHANGDecision-making under time pressure Nejra RIZVANOVICTemporal rhythm in random number generation Haiming YANG Coffee breakWhen losing time means saving time - when saving time means losing time Mario KARABOJA Self-bias and the attentional blink Jana von TROTT ZU SOLZTwo souls in one body - a bicultural identity Areso FORMULI150 years later: Early concepts on „time and cognition“ Ernst PÖPPEL

18:00 Reception

Satellite Symposium on Art HistoryZhejiang University November 26

Venue Zhejiang University, Zijingang Campus, West 3B-112

Chairs Prof. Dr. Zhe MIAO (ZJU) and Dr. Christiane HILLE (SOAS)Preparational workshop for the Project “Jiangnan Junctions: Global Perspectives on the Arts, Exchanges and Reflections South of the Yangtze, 1100 – 1900“

ParticipantsProf. Dr. Roland ALTENBURGER, JMU Prof. Dr. Qianshen BAI, ZJUProf. Dr. Jieping FAN, ZJU Prof. Dr. Stephan HOPPE, LMUDr. Andrea GÁLDY, LMU Prof. Dr. Clarissa von SPEE, Museum of ClevelandProf. Dr. Yong WANG, ZJU Selena WANG, ZJUMariana ZEGIANINI, SOAS London




LMU-China Academic Network4th Scientific ForumSatellite Symposiums

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU)

● Michael Arri, LMU, Communications and Media Relations● Dr. Elvir Becirovic, LMU, Postdoc, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Center for Drug Research● Anna Lisa Beck, LMU, LMU-ChAN Project Assistant● Prof. Dr. Martin Biel, LMU, Head of Pharmacology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Center for Drug Research● Prof. Dr. Johann H. Christoph Bode, LMU, former Chair of Modern English Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of English and American Studies● Corinna Breuer, LMU, current Exchange Student at Fudan University, School of Journalism● Prof. Dr. Peter Bunge, LMU, Head of Geophysics, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences● Dr. Elena Feditchkina Tracy, LMU, WWF Russia & Rachel Carson Center● Arusu Formuli, LMU, Doctoral Student, Medical Faculty, Institute of Medical Psychology, Cognitive Neurosciences● Dr. Andrea Maria Gáldy, LMU, Lecturer of Art History● Prof. Dr. Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczény, LMU, Head of Neonatology, Medical Center of the University of Munich● Prof. Dr. Alexander L. Gerbes, LMU, Head of Liver Center Munich, Medical Center of the University of Munich● Prof. Dr. Stuart Gilder, LMU, Professor for Magnetism, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences● Prof. Dr. Rainer Glaß, LMU, Head of Neurosciences - Bra in & Mind , Graduate Schoo l o f Sys temic Neurosciences, Medical Center of the University of Munich● Dr. Bernhard Goodwin, LMU, Managing Director, Department of Communication Science and Media Research● Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann, LMU, Vice-Dean,

Chair and Head of the Walther-Straub-Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Center of the University of Munich● Prof. Dr. Heiko Hermeking, LMU, Professor for Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathology, Medical Center of the University of Munich● Dr. Nicola Hillmer, LMU, International Cooperation, LMU-ChAN● Prof. Dr. Martin Högl, LMU, Head of Institute for Leadership and Organization (ILO), Faculty of Business Management● Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe, LMU, Chair of Art History with the Focus on Bavaria, Faculty of History and the Arts, Department of the Arts● Prof. Dr. Anja Horn-Bochtler, LMU, Senior Scientist "Oculomotor Research Group", GSN Associate Faculty, Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind● Prof. Dr. Gerhard Illing, LMU, Chair of Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics● Morteza Izadifar, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Stefan Jagdhuber, LMU, Head Coordinator EU Studies, Munich International Summer University (MISU)● Garam Jeong, LMU, Doctoral Student, Department of Physics● Prof. Dr. Sophia Kalantzakos, Global Distinguished Professor, Environmental Studies and Public Policy, New York University Abu Dhabi & Affiliated Professor Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich● Mario Karaboja, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Dr. Veronika Karnowski, LMU, Research Assistant, Department of Communication Science and Media Research● Klaus Kranewit ter, LMU, Lecturer Pract ice of Journalism, Department of Communication Studies and Media Research● Dr. Elena Kronberg, LMU, Research Assistant, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

LMU-ChAN Scientific Forum: List of ParticipantsUpdated on: November 19th, 2018

● D r. U l r i c h L ä c h e l t , L M U , G r o u p L e a d e r o f Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Center for System-based Drug Research, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy● Dr. Stefan Lauterbach, LMU, Director, International Office● Dr. Florian Lhuillier, LMU, Research Assistant for Magnetism, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences● Dr. Han Liu, LMU, Department of German Studies● Prof. Dr. Christiane Lütge, LMU, Head of TEFL, Faculty of Languages and Literatures, Department for English and American Studies, Institute of English Philology● Prof. Dr. Christof Mauch, LMU, Director of Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of English and American Studies● PD Dr. Stylianos Michalakis, LMU, Group Leader of Pharmacology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy● Nan Mu, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Dr. Katharina Pink, LMU, Academic Counselor, Department for English and American Studies, Institute of English Philology● Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst Pöppel, LMU, Human Science Center and Institute of Medical Psychology● Dr. Claudia Riesmeyer-Lorenz, LMU, Research Assistant, Student Coordinator for the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research, Department of Communication Studies and Media Research● Nejra Rizvanovic, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Dr. Michael Rochlitz, LMU, Research Assistant, Faculty of Sociology, Eastern European Studies● Prof. Dr. Eva Ruhnau, LMU, Institute of Medical Psychology, Managing Director Human Science Center● Dr. Linda Sanftenberg, LMU, Research Assistant of the Institute of General Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

● Lukas Schepp, LMU, Research Assistant, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of English and American Studies● Jean Schleiss, LMU, Deputy Director, International Office● Prof. Dr. Christoph W. Turck, LMU, Research Group Leader Proteomics and Biomarkers, Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Munich Center for Neurosciences● Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess, LMU, Vice-President for International Affairs● Prof. Dr. Friedrich Vollhardt, LMU, Chair of Modern German Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of German Philology, Comparative Literature, Scandinavian Studies and German as a Foreign Language● P r o f . D r. A n g e l i k a Vo l l m a r, L M U , C h a i r o f Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy – Center for Drug Research● Jana von Trott zu Solz, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Wencke Vonderhagen, LMU, LMU-ChAN Project Coordination, International Office● Dr. Michael Wack, LMU, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geophysics● Prof. Dr. Ernst Wagner, LMU, Chair of Pharmaceutical Bio logy and Bio technology, B io technology and Nanomedicine● Pui-Ting Wong, LMU, Doctoral Candidate, Rachel Carson Center● Linjun Xie, LMU, Visiting Doctoral Researcher, Rachel Carson Center● Yu Yan, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Taoxi Yang, LMU, Doctoral Student, Institute of Medical Psychology● Dr. Laura Zander, LMU, Research Assistant, Faculty of Language and Literature, Department of English and

American Studies● Dr. Dongmei Zhang, LMU, LMU-CSC Program Coordination, Key Cooperation Projects Japan & Singapore, International Office

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

● Amy Chan, CUHK, Senior Program Manager, Office of Academic Links● Prof. Dr. Julan Du, CUHK, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, ELB● Prof. Dr. Jason Gleckman, CUHK, Associate Professor, Director of MA in English (Literary Studies), Department of English● Prof. Dr. Julian Lamb, CUHK, Associate Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Arts● Prof. Dr. Pierre Landry, CUHK, Department of Government and Public Administration● Prof. Dr. Ou Li, CUHK, Associate Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Arts● Dr. des. Reto Winckler, CUHK, Department of English, Faculty of Arts

Fudan University

● Dr. Yajie Chu, Fudan U, Associate Professor, School of Journalism● Prof. Dr. Rongqin Huang, Fudan U, Associate Director, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy● Prof. Dr. Cong Li, Fudan U, Associate Dean of School of Pharmacy● Prof. Dr. Weiyue Lu, Fudan U, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy● Prof. Dr. Jianxin Wang, Fudan U, Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy● Ying Wang, Fudan U, Head of Division for Exchange Programs, Foreign Affairs Office● Prof. Dr. Ye Lu, Fudan U, Director, Communication and Social Study Institute in Fudan University's Information and Media Study Centre, Director of Secretary of China Mass Communication Association● Prof. Dr. Rong Yin, Fudan U, Children’s Hospital of

Fudan University, Department of Neonatology

The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

● Maxime Decaudin, HKU, Assistant Lecturer, Division of Landscape Architecture

Nanjing University (NJU)

● Qin Chen, NJU, Coordinator for European Affairs, Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges● Prof. Dr. Shuo Huang, NJU, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biomimetic Nanotechnology Lab● Dr. Xiaorong Li, NJU, Director, Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges● Prof. Dr. Deju Ye, NJU, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Deju Ye Lab

Peking University (PKU)

● Pro f . D r. Maohong Bao , PKU, P ro fesso r o f Environmental History and Asia-Pacific Studies● Prof. Dr. Yan Bao, PKU, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences● Prof. Dr. Qing Chang, PKU, Associate Professor, Associate Director, Department of Pathology, Health Science Center● Dr. Lihan Chen, PKU, Center for Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Psychology● Qiuxin Chen, PKU, Doctoral Student, School of Journalism and Communication● Yajie Chen, PKU, Doctoral Student, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Prof. Dr. Yi Chen, PKU, School of Economics● Prof. Dr. Heping Cheng, PKU, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Life Science Institute● Xiaoxing Cui, PKU, M.A., School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Fengfeng Gao, PKU, Chair of the English Department● Prof. Dr. Limei Guo, PKU, Associate Director, Department of Pathology

● Prof. Dr. Yu Gu, PKU, German Studies Center● Prof. Dr. Xinlin Hou, PKU, Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital● Prof. Dr. Liaoyu Huang, PKU, Director, German Studies Center● Yanfei Huo, PKU, Student, Department of Pathology● Prof. Dr. Wei Hu, PKU, German Studies Center● Prof. Dr. Yong Hu, PKU, School of Journalism and Communication● Dr. Sherry Tao Kong, PKU, Associate Research Fellow,Institute of Social Science● Dr. Meiguo Li, PKU, Associate Professor, Associate Director, Department of Pathology, Health Science Center● Dr. Yun Li, PKU, Office of International Relations, Chief Division of Exchange Programs● Prof. Dr. Zicai Liang, PKU, College of Chemistry● Dr. Xinchuan Liu, PKU, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Wei Luo, PKU, German Studies Center● Dr. Baiyu Lu, PKU, German Studies Center● Prof. Dr. Hua Lu, PKU, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering● Rong Lu, PKU, M.A., School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Wanliang Lu, PKU, Head of Department of Pharmaceutics and Vice Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences● Lihua Mao, PKU, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences● Prof. Dr. Xuezheng Qin, PKU, Deputy Dean School of Economics● Dr. Jie Ren, PKU, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Dr. Samanta Tanmoy, PKU, The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA)● Qi Song, PKU, Doctoral Student, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Xinying Sun, PKU, School of Public Health● Dr. Qi Tang, PKU, Assistant Professor, Centre for Human and Economic Development Studies● Prof. Dr. Xinxia Tian, PKU, Director, Sino-Austrian Center for Biomarker Discovery, Department of Pathology, Peking University Health Science Center

● P r o f . D r. Yu n Wa n g , P K U , D e p a r t m e n t o f Neurosciences, Health Science Center● Prof. Dr. Linghua Wang, PKU, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Prof. Dr. Sulao Wang, PKU, Director, Institute of Area Studies● Prof. Dr. Weijia Wang, PKU, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Catherine C.L. Wong, PKU, Center of Precision Medicine, Multi-Omic Research, Health Science Center● Dr. Hongwei Xia, PKU, Director,Office of International Relations● Prof. Dr. Qingjie Xia, PKU, Director, Centre for Human and Economic Development Studies at Peking University (CHEDS)● Han Yang, PKU, Student, Department of Pathology● Hui Yang, PKU, Student, Department of Pathology● Zihao Yang, PKU, Doctoral Student, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Prof . Dr. Min Ye, PKU, Vice Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences● Prof. Dr. Xinshan Ye, PKU, Deputy Chair & Vice Director, Department of Pharmaceutics● Prof. Dr. Cheng Yuan, Associate Professor, PKU, School of Economics● Dr. Xiangqian Yu, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Prof. Dr. Qiang Zhang, PKU, Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs (Pharmaceutics)● Prof. Dr. Bo Zhang, PKU, Former Director, Department of Pathology, Health Science Center● Dr. Ruqing Zheng, PKU, Office of International Relations● Xingyu Zhu, PKU, Doctoral Student, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Prof. Dr. Bin Zhou, PKU, Life Science Institute, Zhao Lab● Prof. Dr. Demin Zhou, PKU, Director, State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, Associate Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Science● Prof. Dr. Xuzhi Zhou, PKU, School of Earth and Space Sciences● Yanting Zhou, PKU, Department of Pathology, Health Science Center

● Prof. Dr. Qiugang Zong, PKU, Director, Center for Space Science and Exploration (CSSE), Institute of Space Physics and Applied Technology, School of Earth and Space Sciences

Renmin University (RUC)

● Prof. Dr. Shen Hou, Renmin University, Associate Professor, School of History● Dr. Yan’an Shi, Renmin University, Director, International Office● Zheng Wang, Renmin University, Program Coordinator, International Office● Prof. Dr. Zhong Zhao, Renmin University, Professor and PhD Supervisor, School of Labor and Human Resources

Tongji University

● Dr. Volker Heubel, Tongji University, Visiting Professor, Institute of Philosophy● Prof. Dr. Jiangqin Liu, Tongji University, Department of Perinatology/Neonatology, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital● Dr. Jianfeng Lu, Tongji University, College of Life Science & Technology● Dr. Liqin Wang, Tongji University, Lecturer, International Political Economy, Department of Political Science and International Relations

Tsinghua University

● Prof. Dr. Jia Dai, Tsinghua U, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Yu Hu, Tsinghua U, Administrative Dean, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof . Dr. Qiao le i J iang, Ts inghua U, Huawei Technologies● Prof. Dr. Mingming Li, Tsinghua U, German Studies● Dr. Jingwei Wu, Tsinghua U, Assistant Professor, Assistant Director, Center for Journalism & Education Reform Studies, Editor, Global Media Journal

Zhejiang University (ZJU)

● Prof. Dr. Qianshen Bai, ZJU, Director, Art and Archaeology Center, Cultural Heritage Institute● Prof. Dr. Jieping Fan, ZJU, Dean of Institute of China Studies, Department of International Studies● Prof. Dr. Min Li, ZJU, Associate Professor, Director, Office of International Relations● Dr. Di Lu, ZJU, Assistant Professor, Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Research, First Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University● Prof. Dr. Zhe Miao, ZJU, Director, Art and Archaeology Center, Cultural Heritage Institute● Prof. Dr. Zhengrong Mao, ZJU, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Patho-Physiology● Prof. Dr. Shiyuan Pan, ZJU, Associate Dean, School of Economics● Dr. Jianguo Shen, ZJU, Fellow Surgeon, Department of Surgical Oncology, Breast Center, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital● Jun Tong, ZJU, Program Coordinator, Office of International Relations● Prof. Dr. Hongmei Wang, ZJU, School of Medicine, Institute of Social Medicine and Family Medicine● Prof. Dr. Shen Wang, ZJU, Assistant Director & Curator, Museum of Art and Archaeology● Prof. Dr. Yong Wang, ZJU, Director, Institute of Japanese Culture Studies● Dr. Qun Wei, ZJU, Fellow Surgeon, Department of Surgical Oncology, Breast Center, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital● Prof. Dr. Hongguang Xia, ZJU, Vice-Director, Molecular Medical Center, Professor and PhD Supervisor, Department of Biochemistry, Research Center of Clinical Pharmacy of the First Affiliated Hospital● Prof. Dr. Wenhe Zhao, ZJU, Chief, Department of Surgical Oncology, Breast Center, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital● Dr. Yingjing Zheng, ZJU, School of Medicine, Institute of Social Medicine and Family Medicine● Prof. Dr. Ren Zhou, ZJU, Director, Institute of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, Associate Director, Department of Pathology and Patho-Physiology

● Dr. Jichun Zhou, ZJU, Fellow Surgeon, Department of Surgical Oncology, Breast Center, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital

Other Institutions

● Xiaowei Song, Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für China, Beijing Office● Prof. Dr. Bingjun Wang, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Research Institute of Foreign Literature● Prof. Dr. Lun Zhang, Beijing Normal University, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Xintian Hu, Chinese Academy of Sciences Kunming, Kunming Institute of Zoology● Prof. Dr. Jackie D. Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai, Director, Han Lab Laboratory of Jing-Dong Jackie Han, School of Life Science and Technology● Prof. Dr. Yaoyang Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai, Interdisciplinary Research Center of Biology and Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry● Prof . Dr. Guohua Zeng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication● China Scholarship Council, N.N.● Dr. Clarissa von Spee, Cleveland Museum of Art, Chair of Asian Art, James and Donna Reid Curator of Chinese Art,● Prof. Dr. Deqiang Ji, Communication University of China, Associate Professor, National Centre for Communicat ion Innovat ion Studies, Vice Chair, International Communication Section, Editor-in-chief, International Association for Media and Communciation Research (IAMCR)● Dr. Hannelore Bossmann, Chief Representative, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), DAAD-Branch Beijing● Dr. Fengmin Yan, Postdoc, Freie Universität Berlin● Prof. Dr. Mingjun Lu, Guangdong Foreign Studies University, German Studies● Prof. Dr. Shaohai Jiang, National University of Singapore, Department of Communications and New Media, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences● Dr. Yuping Li, Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital,

Neurosurgery Department● Prof. Dr. Jie Chen, Peking Union Medical Center, Department of Pathology● Prof. Dr. Wen Gong, Qingdao University of Science and Technology● Raoul Wagner, Sino-German Center, Beijing● Dr. Christiane Hille, former LMU Research Assistant, Faculty of History and the Arts, current Feodor-Lynen-Research Fellow, School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS) London● Mariana Zegianini, Doctoral Student, School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS) London● Prof. Dr. Sheng Fei, Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Professor, School of Asian-Pacific Studies● Zhe Zhang, Sun Yat-Sen University, Deputy Director, Office of International Cooperation & Exchange● Dr. Jiarui Zhang, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Assistant Professor in Economics● Boyu Qin, Wuhan University, M.A., School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Jun Xiao, Wuhan University, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication● Prof. Dr. Hengzhu Zhang, Chairman, Yangzhou Federat ion of Neurosurgical Societ ies, Director, Neurosurgery Department of Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital












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