Programación_Oxford Playschool Plus Starter_A_B English

Post on 04-Mar-2015

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Starter - A - B







THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT..........................................5



KEY COMPETENCES.................................................................................................13

ASSESMENT CRITERIA.............................................................................................15

PROGRAMME OF UNITS: Playschool Plus Starter...............................................17

PROGRAMME OF UNITS: Playschool Plus A........................................................52

PROGRAMME OF UNITS: Playschool Plus B........................................................90

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Pre-Primary, 2nd Level



Town Province Postcode




Pre-Primary, 2nd evelYear:

Number of pupils Number of groups

1st year 2nd year3rd year


Material Resources Available in the School

(omit those which are not relevant)

Video recorder TV Radio cassette player / CD player Video camera Computers Interactive whiteboard

(Write here any remarks concerning when, how and why these resources are used.)

Special Resources Available in the School

(omit those which are not relevant)

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Language classroom Language lab Computer room Playground Gym Theatre Library

Criteria for Using Common Spaces

(Write here any remarks concerning when, how and why these resources are used for English classes.)

Distribution of Classroom Space

(omit those which are not relevant)

Distribution of desks in rows U-shaped distribution of desks Specific corners: class library, cross-curricular subjects, games, crafts, etc. Others.



(Write here any educational or educational-recreational activities planned)

Participant group/s

Participant teachers

Term/Dates Outing and activity descriptions


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Learning a foreign language is considered an enriching component of Pre-

Primary education, both because of the cultural needs of our times and the high degree

of compatibility of the procedures involved in learning English with the aims proposed

by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3rd May.

The ability of small children for learning languages is well-known and

acknowledged by most experts, as well as the possibility of incorporating the teaching

of English into the general Pre-Primary Education methodology. Learning a foreign

language from such a young age requires language acquisition to take place in a

recreational and stimulating environment in order to train children for a continued

process which will span from Primary to Secondary Education. Children who maintain

this kind of contact with a foreign language during Pre-Primary will develop, almost

effortlessly, attitudes and abilities (especially listening comprehension and

pronunciation) which will help them throughout their student years.


1. The aim of Pre-Primary education is to contribute to the physical, emotional,

social and intellectual development of boys and girls.

2. Both levels will be focused on emotional development, movement and body

control habits, on communication and language, on guidelines for coexistence

and social relations, as well as on discovering the environment’s physical and

social characteristics. Girls and boys will also be encouraged to form a positive

and balanced self-image and to acquire personal autonomy.

Pre-Primary education will contribute to the development of abilities in girls and

boys which will enable them to:

a) Get to know their own bodies as well as the others’, and their possibilities of

action. Learn to respect differences.

b) Observe and explore their family, natural and social environment.

c) Acquire progressive autonomy in their daily activities.

d) Develop their emotional abilities.

e) Interact with others and progressively acquire basic coexistence and social

relations guidelines, as well as practice solving conflicts peacefully.

f) Develop communicative skills and ways of expressing in different languages.

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g) Start acquiring logical-mathematical skills, as well as reading and writing,

movement, expression and rhythm skills.


The three pre-primary fields of experience are:

Self-knowledge and personal autonomy

Knowledge of the environment

Languages: Communication and representation

It is worth noting that the aim of this project’s materials is for the teaching method

not to be limited to learning English. On the contrary, due to the fact that they cover

knowledge which is close to the children’s experiences, they will also be in touch with

concepts, procedures and attitudes related to identity and personal autonomy, physical

and social environment and communication and representation. Teaching English will

provide the opportunity to include these areas as a whole, as well as to prove their

interdependence. Therefore, the activities suggested by our method will not only

enable children to learn English but will also be used as a communication tool which

will allow them to discover and get to know their bodies and to acquire a positive image

of themselves and their classmates, in order to adopt an autonomous behaviour with

basic health and well-being habits and to start and develop their social relations with

other children and with adults.

Methodological Principles of Pre-Primary English Teaching

Adequate Linguistic Input

For Pre-Primary children, learning a foreign language is very similar to the

process of learning their mother tongue. The child should get in touch with a simple but

natural language that is not limited to a few words from a particular vocabulary group,

but which constitutes the tool to access the world around them. In other words, the

sentences in the Class Materials unit are as important as those which describe the

daily routine in English class.

Coordination with Tutors

In this stage, English is taught as a communication and representation tool, and

therefore becomes part of the general curriculum, which makes it possible to cover a

series of concepts, procedures and attitudes that fit Pre-Primary perfectly. This is why

coordination with the children’s tutors is essential for English learning to be approached

together and as a whole with other curriculum areas. It is also very important that, at

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the beginning of the school year, English teachers and tutors reach an agreement so

that the topics dealt with in Class Materials match up with those in other areas. The

order of the method’s units is not unalterable; because they are punched worksheets,

these units can be arranged so that they match up with the topics dealt with by the


Class Routines

One of the foundations of the Class Materials are the routines integrated into

the course in order to develop both socio-cultural competence (children learn what they

should expect from their class and what is expected from them) and communicative

competence (children acquire a new communication tool and a series of strategies to

understand and be understood). Every lesson presents an identical structure which is

completed with the different versions of the same type of games and activities.

Short Activities

The ability to pay attention and to concentrate is very limited in Pre-Primary

children. This fact has been taken into account when creating the sequence of activities

suggested in Class Materials. The teacher should not spend too long on a particular

activity, on the other hand, classes should be taught so that activities follow one

another dynamically. This is the reason why it is not advised to devote more than ten

minutes to each of them.

The Silent Period

New English language learners experience what linguists call the “silent period”.

In this stage, they refuse to speak English; nevertheless, they are able to hear

everything and to use what they hear to organize their notions about how this new

language works. It is more important to offer them plenty of opportunities to understand

how the language works than to insist on them uttering certain words or sentences. In

order for them to do that, they will be provided with different answer possibilities

according to each type of learner. This way, if we ask a question, they will have the

opportunity of showing that they have understood it by means of a physical answer. For

instance, we can ask children to stand up, to raise the flashcard which has the

requested picture or to go to the corresponding wagon in the poster. By imitating the

way the first language is acquired, we will provide them with positive answers which will

allow them to communicate.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration

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Teachers should also maintain close contact with parents by explaining them

what they can expect from their children and the teaching method that is going to be

developed, as well as providing them with clues which can help them support their

children during their learning process. It is usually a good idea to do an end-of-the-year

play where students can sing their favourite songs and share their achievements with

their parents.

Integrating Class Materials with the Aims of Second-Level Pre-Primary

Class materials have been designed so that their Objectives match those of the

Pre-Primary stage set by the 1630/2006 Spanish Royal Decree of 29th December,

which established minimum teaching standards for Second-Level Pre-Primary (see a

list of Objectives below). In short, we use class materials to help children, by means of

English, to get to know their body in order to develop a positive image of themselves; to

observe and explore their immediate surroundings; to get to know other cultural

expressions; to represent and evoke the different aspects of reality that they have

experienced, learnt or imagined; to achieve more and more affective and emotional

security; to use language in a way that suits different situations in order to understand

and be understood; to express ideas, feelings, experiences and desires; and to acquire

good eating and hygiene habits.

Next, the Objectives of each of the three Pre-Primary fields will be described:

1. Self-Awareness and Personal Autonomy

This field of knowledge and experience is concerned, at the same time, with the

gradual building of personal identity, the establishment of affective relationships with

others and personal autonomy as inseparable processes which are necessarily

complementary. This field’s contents are grouped and make sense because they are

complementary to the rest of the fields and should be interpreted within the educational

proposals, from the perspective of global action and learning processes.

In order to contribute to self-knowledge and personal autonomy, teachers should

encourage playing as a privileged activity integrating action with emotions and thought

and favouring social development.

School, especially at this age, is a particularly suitable sphere to enrich self-

knowledge and personal autonomy building processes, as long as it offers an

educational intervention adapted to the different individual needs within a context of

well-being, security and affection.

Contents are divided into four parts; body and self-image, playing and movement,

activity and daily life and personal care and health.

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Focusing on these topics is inherent in any Pre-Primary class. Furthermore, the

stories and topics dealt with in the class materials are meant to develop each pupil’s

personal autonomy as well as their self-knowledge. In English class, games and

movement are a key factor.


In this field, the aim of educational intervention will be to develop the following


1. To create an accurate and positive self-image through the interaction with

others and the gradual identification of one’s traits, possibilities and limitations,

by developing self-esteem feelings as well as personal autonomy.

2. To get to know and represent one’s body, their elements and some of its

functions, thus discovering possibilities of action and expression and

coordinating and evincing expressions and movements.

3. To identify one’s feelings, emotions, needs or preferences, and to be able to

name them, express them and communicate them to others, also identifying

and respecting those of other people.

4. To carry out, more and more autonomously, regular activities and simple tasks

to solve everyday problems, thus enhancing self-confidence and the ability to

take the initiative, as well as developing strategies to satisfy their basic needs.

5. To adapt their behaviour to the needs and requirements of the others by

developing respectful, helpful and collaborative habits and avoiding submissive

or dominant behaviours.

6. To make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related to security, hygiene

and improving one’s health by appreciating and enjoying daily situations of

balance and emotional well-being.

2. Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

This field of knowledge and experience is intended to help children in their process

of discovering and representing the different contexts which form the childhood realm,

as well as to make it easier for them to become a part of it in a reflective and

participatory manner. The field’s contents make sense because they are

complementary to the rest of the fields and should be interpreted within the educational

proposals, from the perspective of global action and learning processes. Therefore, the

realm cannot be understood without using the different languages, the same that

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oriented movements must be carried out from the knowledge of one’s body and its

spatial location.

Throughout this stage, boys and girls discover that they belong to the social realm.

School life implies establishing broader experiences which will bring them closer to

knowing people and interpersonal relationships, thus generating ties and developing

attitudes such as trust, empathy and attachment, which constitute the solid foundation

of socialization. When developing these emotional relationships, expressing and

communicating one’s own experiences, emotions and feelings will be taken into

account in order to build their own identity and favour coexistence.

Gradually, pupils will approach some of their own cultural features. Cultural

diversity makes it advisable to teach children social customs and traditions from an

open and integrating perspective which allows them to learn the different cultural

traditions and expressions that are present in the society and thus create respectful

and appreciatory attitudes towards them.

The importance of new technologies and their current incorporation to our society

makes it advisable for children to identify the role these technologies have got in their

lives, by becoming interested in learning about them and beginning to make use of


Contents are divided into three parts; Physical realm, objects, relationships and

dimensions, getting closer to nature, culture and life in our society. Foreign Language

materials can bring these topics closer to students by means of stories, videos and

other materials and teaching activities.


In this field, the aim of educational intervention will be to develop the following


1. To observe and explore the environment actively, thus interpreting significant

situations and facts and showing interest in learning about them.

2. To interact with the others, in a way that gets more balanced and satisfactory

each time, gradually internalizing social behaviour rules and adapting their

behaviour to them.

3. To get to know different social groups who share similar experiences as well as

some of their traits, cultural productions, values and lifestyles, thus generating

trust, respect and appreciation.

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4. To get started with Maths skills by handling objects and collections in a

functional way, identifying their attributes and qualities and establishing group,

classification, order and quantification relationships.

5. To learn and value the basic components of the natural realm and some of its

relationships, changes and transformations, thus developing careful, respectful

and responsible attitudes regarding its conservation.

3. Languages: Communication and Representation

Even though it can be useful within other fields, the most important field for Foreign

Languages is that of communication and representation. This field of knowledge and

experience is also aimed at improving the relationship between the child and the

environment. The different forms of communication and representation are a link

between the outer and the inner world, as they are instruments which make it possible

to represent reality, express thoughts, feelings and experiences and interact with


When using different languages, children will discover the most suitable way to

adapt each of them to the different realities or dimensions of the same reality. This

way, it will be easier for them to adapt each language’s codes to their communicative

intentions, thus getting closer to using those languages in a more personal and creative


The different forms of communication and representation integrated in this field are:

verbal language, plastic language, musical language, body language, audio-visual

language and the language of information and communication technologies, which, in a

certain way, incorporates the former ones.

On the other hand, oral language is especially important at this stage, it is the main

learning tool, it controls behaviour and articulates experiences, feelings, ideas,

emotions and so on. Verbalization, that is, expressing with words what they are

learning, thinking and feeling, is an essential tool to build their personal identity, to

learn, to learn to do and to learn to be. Oral language will encourage, by means of

different interactions, the access to ways that get more and more conventional and


In the second level of Pre-Primary the aim is for children to discover and explore

reading and writing by stirring up their interest and consolidating it. The functional and

meaningful use of reading and writing in the classroom will lead them, with the

appropriate educational intervention, to start learning some of the properties of written

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texts and its conventional characteristics, whose acquisition must be accomplished in

the first level of Primary Education.

Likewise, it is also necessary for them to develop positive attitudes towards their

own language as well as the others’ by awakening their sensitivity and curiosity

towards learning other languages. When introducing a foreign language, such curiosity

will be valued as well as the gradual approach to the meanings of messages within

known communication contexts, mainly in daily class routines.

Audiovisual language and information and communication technologies which are

present in children’s lives, require an educational approach that gets boys and girls

started in the comprehension of audio-visual messages and their correct use.


In this field, the aim of educational intervention will be to develop the following


1. To use language as a communication, representation, learning and enjoyment

tool, as well as to express ideas and feelings and value oral language as a way

to relate to others and regulate coexistence.

2. To express emotions, feelings, desires or ideas by means of oral language and

through other languages, by selecting the one that suits the intention and the

situation better.

3. To understand intentions and messages of other children and adults by

adopting a positive attitude towards their own language as well as the foreign


4. To understand, reproduce and recreate some literary texts by displaying

attitudes of appreciation, enjoyment and interest towards them.

5. To get started in the social use of reading and writing by exploring how they

work and appreciating them as communication, information and enjoyment


6. To approach the knowledge of works of art expressed in different languages

and to make artistic representation and expression activities by means of

various techniques.

7. To get started using a foreign language orally in order to communicate during

class activities as well as to show interest and enjoy participating in these

communication exchanges.

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The Spanish Organic Law of Education (LOE) defines the curriculum as

consisting of both traditional components (objectives, contents, teaching methodology

and assessment criteria) and key competences. Even though it is not until the 4 th year

of Primary Education that students take part in the so-called diagnostic evaluation, in

which they will have to show the acquisition of certain competences, during the second

level of Pre-Primary basic competences of education can be taught reasonably. This

evaluation in Primary Education does not affect students academically speaking, but

the fact that the results are used to help schools make decisions regarding the way

students should learn, gives us an idea of how educational processes are affected by

this, and thus become more functional.

An educational process based on the key competences differs from a

knowledge centred model where the theoretical information often seems to be

disconnected, in that it is based on the acquisition of integrated competences and basic

practical skills. These skills can be proved by the students. In short, a competence is

knowledge put into practice, integrating skills and attitudes in problem-solving within a

variety of contexts. “Competence” has been graphically and concisely defined as

knowledge in action, that is, using knowledge and abilities in specific situations (real

contexts, different from the ones in which the competence has been acquired),

activation of resources or knowledge the student has (although they may think they do

not have it because they have forgotten it).

There is an aspect that must be emphasized, what is called the combined

nature of competence: students use what they know in order to show that they can put

it into practice and that they know how to proceed. This way, it is proved to us that a

competence integrates the different contents worked on in the classroom (concepts,

procedures and attitudes), which is an example of the pupil’s comprehensive

education. To sum up, we are acknowledging that school not only provides the student

with technical and scientific knowledge, but also with citizenship skills, which is why

they have to show certain civic and intellectual attitudes which entail respect for others,

responsibility and teamwork.

There is also another important feature of competences: they allow students to

cope with the constant updating which takes place in any field of knowledge. Academic

education takes place in school during a limited period of time, but the need for

personal and/or professional training never ends. Competence based training in, for

example, the use of information and communication technologies will allow students to

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use this tool in order to gather the information needed in a particular time (obviously,

after an analysis of the quality of the material has been performed). If, in addition, we

take into account the fact that it is often impossible to cover the whole content of the

curriculum in sufficient depth, the importance of training students in the competence of

learning to learn is clear.

In our education system, the key competences that should be acquired by students

during their compulsory education, in order to deal with the demands of their personal

and professional life, are the following:

Linguistic competence.

Mathematical competence.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.

Data processing and digital competence.

Social and civic competence.

Cultural and artistic competence.

Learning-to-learn competence.

Autonomy and personal initiative.

Contribution of the Foreign Languages Field to the Acquisition of Key


Learning a foreign language contributes directly to the acquisition of linguistic

competence by completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and

expression to the general communicative competence of the student. A communicative

approach to language learning contributes to the development of this competence in

the same way as the first language does.

Foreign languages are essential to the development of this competence with

regard to oral discourse because listening and speaking are given special importance

at this stage. Likewise, because the ability of expression is developed, learning a

foreign language improves the general communicative competence.

When language is acquired, it is used as a vehicle for the process of human

thought and as an instrument for the interpretation and representation of reality. This

subject contributes to the development of competence in learning to learn because

general linguistic ability increases and offers potential resources for comprehension

and expression.

This subject is also a vehicle for the development of social and civic

competence. Languages are used by speakers as a means of social communication

and to become part of the common culture of different communities and nations. They

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are also, to a great extent, a vehicle for cultural communication and transmission,

encouraging respect, interest in and communication with speakers of other languages,

and recognition and acceptance of cultural and behavioural differences.

All the above-mentioned competences are currently directly related to data

processing and digital competence. Using digital resources as learning tools is inherent

in the subject and its everyday use directly contributes to the development of this


This subject area specifically includes an approximation to cultural statements

which are common in the countries where the target language is spoken, thereby

contributing to the acquisition of artistic and cultural competence by introducing

students to artistic works or authors who have contributed to their creation, as well as

to children’s literature.

Knowledge of a foreign language also contributes in different ways to the

acquisition of competence in autonomy and personal initiative. The teaching

programme encourages cooperation and the management of personal skills and

resources and social and negotiating skills within the “self-knowledge and personal

autonomy” field. This means setting up activities which lead to the development of

initiatives and decision making in the planning and organization of work, thereby

developing autonomy and personal initiative.

Finally, although competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical

world and mathematical competence are not specifically mentioned in Foreign

Languages Objectives, given the nature of the course materials, many opportunities to

develop these competences as well can be found during in class.


Even though Playschool focuses on motivating children more than on pointing

out their achievements, a control of their progress is important in order to be able to

carry out an individualized progress monitoring. Because children are just starting to

learn, the first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary’s assessment can be based on a

direct observation of their development. It is more important to encourage them to

participate by congratulating them for their progress and giving them small rewards. To

spend time, in short, establishing the foundations of their future language learning and

making them self-confident.

Progress monitoring is a constant work from the second year of Second-Level

Pre-Primary on. It can be carried out in any given moment by asking several questions

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at story-time, paying attention to the children while they work on their tables and

observing how they manage during class activities.

Assessment criteria can be divided in two sections:

Class Activities

Follows class instructions

Tries to communicate with the teacher/Monkey Puppet

Listens and understands songs/rhymes

Tries to take part in songs/rhymes (lyrics, actions or both)

Is able to follow the story

Takes part in games

Completes worksheets

Completes crafts and is careful with them

Answers instructions nonverbally

Answers instructions verbally

Recognizes key vocabulary of the unit and starts saying it in English

Attitude and General Remarks

Shows interest in learning

Makes an effort


Is self-confident in class

Respects class routines and rules

Develops gross motor skills

Develops fine motor skills

Cooperates with classmates

Listens to classmates

Respects speaking turns

COURSE MATERIALS (omit those which are not relevant)

1st year

Pre-Primary, 2nd level

Playschool Plus Starter – Oxford University Press

Teacher’s Book, Class Book, Audio CDs, Teacher’s

Resource Pack, DVD, Teacher’s CD ROM

2nd year

Pre-Primary, 2nd level

Playschool Plus A – Oxford University Press, Teacher’s

Resource Pack, DVD, Teacher’s CD ROM

3rd year

Pre-Primary, 2nd level

Playschool Plus B – Oxford University Press, Teacher’s

Resource Pack, DVD, Teacher’s CD ROM

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PROGRAMME OF UNITS: Playschool Plus Starter



Introductions, greetings, goodbyes.


To introduce and greet the book’s characters: Monkey, Rocket, Star.

To learn and practice saying Hello and Bye-Bye.

To listen, sing and mimic the vocabulary song: Numbers song.

To introduce and practice numbers 1 to 4.

To establish learner-friendly routines.


New: Hello, bye-bye, Monkey, Rocket, Star, one, two, three, four.


Hello, Bye-bye, Good morning/afternoon, Time to go!, See you tomorrow, See you next

lesson, Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What’s

this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?.


Hello. Goodbye.


Lesson 1

Greeting, introducing Monkey and singing the Hello song.

Introducing characters, becoming familiar with the Pocket Poster and the

character flashcards. Activities and games with both things.

Putting character stickers on the correct place (Stick on Rocket, Stick on Star,

CB, page 1).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs.

Lesson 2

Using the number Flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice vocabulary.

Learning, singing and mimicking the Numbers Song in order to consolidate the

lesson’s vocabulary.

Colouring and counting stars (Colour, CB, page 2)

Lesson 3

Using the flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the numbers vocabulary.

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Activities and games with number mini-flashcards in order to practice

recognizing and expressing numbers (CB, page 47).


Lesson 1

Playing with flashcards: Rocket or Star? (TB, page 33)

Photocopy Master 1: Draw your face and colour (TB, page 33).

Lesson 2

The addition game (TB, page 35).

Photocopy Master 2: Make a hello/bye-bye puppet (TB, page 35).

Lesson 3

Mini-flashcards game (TB, page 37).

Photocopy Master 3: Colour and count the blocks (TB, page 37).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 37).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

When students get to know and identify the characters in the book, they will

also form an idea of themselves, thus expressing and enjoying their own

identity within an encouraging class environment.

The aim is for students to form an accurate and positive self image through their

interaction with others and the gradual identification of their own traits,

possibilities and limitations, thus developing feelings of self-esteem and

personal autonomy.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Students are initiated into maths through activities with numbers and numerical


Languages: Communication and Representation

Oral language is especially relevant as a learning, representation,

communication and enjoyment tool, as well as for expressing ideas and

feelings. Children learn to greet each other and introduce themselves.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their


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Colours, clothes.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: It’s raining.

To listen and practice the story song: It’s raining, it’s sunny.

To introduce the colour vocabulary and practice it.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the weather sign) and use it in order to practice

its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Weather

Cross-curricular Poster.

To link the unit with another subject (Natural and Social Science: The Weather)

and develop their knowledge of the world through the English language.

Crafts: It’s sunny! It’s raining! It’s cloudy! To expand the weather topic.

To personalize a creative activity: drawing a pair of boots and painting them any

colour they choose.


New: Red, yellow, green, blue, boots, hat.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-4.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


It’s raining. It’s sunny.


Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

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Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: It’s raining. It’s sunny.

Putting character stickers on the correct character (Stick on the boots on

Rocket and Star, CB, page 3).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (colours) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the pop-out with the sign indicating whether it is sunny or raining

and play a game with it (CB, Unit 1, Pop-out It’s raining).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Lifting up the pop-out when the story says it is raining or it is sunny.

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: It’s raining. It’s sunny (CD). Lifting up

the pop-out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the colours flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: Splish! Splash! Splosh!

Connecting and using lines to match each circle with its corresponding pair of

boots (Match, CB, page 4).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the colour flashcards and mini-flashcards to

review the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: Splish! Splash! Splosh!

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: It’s raining.

Listening to it on the CD. Using the colour mini-flashcards whenever they are

mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic:

weather and clothes. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Weather. Acting the

TPR actions in order to reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Drawing the sun or the rain in the correct picture, thus showing that the student

has understood (Draw the rain and the sun. CB, page 5).

Lesson 6

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Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (It’s raining, it’s

sunny) and mimicking it.

Completing a drawing by colouring its parts as instructed (Colour, CB,

page 6).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing the Starter Unit: counting (TB, page 39)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 39).

Lesson 2

Playing with flashcards: Red and yellow (TB, page 41).

Using the pop-out for a mimicking game (TB, page 41).

Lesson 3

Colour puddles (TB, page 43).

Photocopy Master 4: Make a weather sign.

Lesson 4

Which colour? (TB, page 45).

Colour tables game (TB, page 45).

Lesson 5

The pop-out game (TB, page 47).

Make a hat (TB, page 47).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 49).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 49).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice colour vocabulary.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (Splish! Splash! Splosh!).

Personalizing an activity: drawing a pair of boots and colouring them with the

student’s favourite colour.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the weather topic by making a craft.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should use three

card stock sheets to make three collages: one for sunny weather, one for rain

and another one for a cloudy day.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 21


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children become more and more autonomous in their daily activities; they learn

to move within the classroom, enhance their self-confidence, improve their

ability to take the initiative and learn to satisfy their basic needs. All this things

make them feel comfortable with the environment and so they are able to

communicate their opinions and interests confidently.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

The topic in this unit is connected with the children’s environment. They have to

observe changes on the weather and are encouraged to pay attention to them

with the Unit’s story and the Routine Poster.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Plastic language is a good way of expressing themselves and sharing with

others. Children start showing interest in colours and shapes and develop their

aesthetic sense and their own taste, thus contributing to their all-round


By means of body performances and activities, children are encouraged to use

mimicry techniques and physical theatre as a support for oral communication.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their




Parts of the face.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Wash, wash,


To listen and practice the story song: Wash, wash, wash!.

To introduce the vocabulary of the parts of the face and practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: Happy face.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 22

To work on the unit’s pop-out (painted face and clean face) and use it in order

to practice its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Animal

faces Cross-curricular Poster.

To link the unit with another subject (Science: Animal Faces) and develop their

knowledge of the world through the English language.

Crafts: Make a big lion face to expand the animal faces topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your best friend’s face.


New: face, eyes, nose, mouth, big.

Review: red, blue, green, yellow. Hello, bye-bye. Rocket, Star, Monkey. Numbers 1-4.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Wash, wash, wash! I’m happy.


Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: Wash, wash, wash!

Putting stickers of the parts of the face on the correct place (Stick on the eyes

and mouth, CB, page 7).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (parts of the face) and using the Pocket

Poster to practice it.

Working on the pop-out with the painted face and the clean face and playing a

game with it (CB, Unit 2, Pop-out Wash, wash, wash!).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Pointing at the parts of the face on the pop-out whenever they are

mentioned in the story.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 23

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: Wash, wash, wash! (CD). Lifting up the

pop-out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the flashcards of the parts of the face to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: Happy face.

Connecting and using lines to match each part of the face with its

corresponding character (Match, CB, page 8).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the colour flashcards and mini-flashcards to

review the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: Happy face.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Wash, wash,

wash!. Listening to it on the CD. Using the face mini-flashcards whenever its

parts are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic:

Animal faces. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Animal faces. Acting the TPR

actions in order to reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Matching each part of the face with its corresponding animal (Match, CB, page


Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Wash, wash,

wash!) and mimicking it.

Completing a drawing by colouring the face like Rocket’s picture on the

story (Colour, CB, page 10).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 1 (TB, page 53)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 53).

Lesson 2

Playing with flashcards: Build a face (TB, page 55).

Using the pop-out for a mimicking game (TB, page 55).

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 24

Double ring song times (TB, page 57).

Photocopy Master 5: Complete and colour Monkey’s face (TB, page 57).

Lesson 4

Mini-flashcards snap (TB, page 59).

Monkey’s Nose Game (TB, page 59).

Lesson 5

Looking at animal faces (TB, page 61).

Make a hippo’s mouth (TB, page 61).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 63).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 63).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the vocabulary of the

parts of the face.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (Happy face).

Personalizing an activity: draw your best friend’s face

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of animal faces.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a big

lion face with a paper plate, paint, paintbrushes, black paper, glue, and yellow,

orange and brown wool.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through the knowledge of their own body (parts of the face) and how it works,

children discover possibilities for action and expression, identify their own

features and develop self-esteem and personal autonomy.

Students make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related to security,

hygiene and improving one’s health by appreciating and enjoying daily

situations of balance and emotional well-being.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

In this unit, children observe and explore some of the different contexts which

form their environment (school), thus making it easier to be part of it and

continue learning about the world that surrounds them.

By learning to relate to people (at school), children internalize social norms of

behaviour and adjust their own conduct to them.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 25

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children express feelings, desires or ideas by means of oral language and

other languages, choosing the one that suits their intention as well as the

situation they are in.

Children approach audio-visual language and information and communication

technologies. They also start establishing the differences between reality and

audio-visual representation.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their




Train ride.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Train ride.

To listen and practice the story song: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!.

To introduce the vocabulary of trains and practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: Off we go!.

To work on the unit’s pop-out, Train ride, and use it in order to practice its


To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Wheels

Cross-curricular Poster (wheels on the different means of transport).

To link the unit with another subject (Science: Wheels and Mechanisms) and

develop their knowledge of the world through the English language.

Crafts: Make a train to expand the topic of wheels and trains.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your favourite train.


New: train, station, fast, slow, train driver, guard, wheels, little.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye bye. It’s sunny. Red, yellow, blue, green,

orange. Numbers 1-4.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 26


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.



Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!.

Putting stickers of the parts of the face on the correct place (Stick on the train

driver and the guard, CB, page 11).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (trains) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the train ride pop-out and playing a game with it (CB Plus Unit,

Train ride Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Making the train go slow and fast like in the story.

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!.(CD). Lifting up the

pop-out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the train ride flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: Off we go!.

Connecting and using lines to match each part of the face with its

corresponding character (Match, CB, page 12).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the train ride flashcards and mini-flashcards to

review the vocabulary.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 27

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: Off we go!.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Train ride.

Listening to it on the CD. Using the train ride mini-flashcards whenever the

words are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic:

wheels. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Wheels. Acting the TPR actions in

order to reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Matching each wheel with its corresponding means of transport (Match and

draw the wheels, CB, page 13).

Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Train ride) and

mimicking it.

Completing a train drawing by colouring each part as instructed

(Colour, count the carriages. CB, page 14).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 2 (TB, page 67)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 67).

Lesson 2

Playing with the pop-out: Up, up, up! (TB, page 69).

Fast and slow (TB, page 69).

Lesson 3

Make a noise! game (TB, page 71).

Photocopy Master 6: Draw the passengers. Colour the train. (TB, page 71).

Lesson 4

Go to the station game (TB, page 73).

Actions game (TB, page 73).

Lesson 5

Make a tractor collage (TB, page 75).

How many wheels? (TB, page 75).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 77).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 77).

Review Lesson

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 28

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the vocabulary of


Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (Off we go!).

Personalizing an activity: draw your favourite train.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of train rides and wheels.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a train

using shoe or cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, paint, paintbrushes, glues and



Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Get to know their body, its parts and some of its functions, thus discovering

action and expression possibilities and coordinating and improving their

coordination and control over expressions and movements. Physical activities

and habits where the child has to participate and move, such as mimicry and

dance, are very important.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

In order to learn and understand how reality works, the child explores,

establishes connections, compares and so on. The current unit deals with this

using trains and the way they work.

Children relate to others in a more and more balanced way, gradually

internalizing social behaviour norms and adjusting their conduct to them.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children begin to understand the intentions and messages of other kids and

adults, thus adopting a positive attitude towards their own language and the

foreign one.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their




Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 29

Party food.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: The blue


To listen and practice the story song: Happy Birthday, Star!.

To introduce food vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: My party.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (balloon), and use it in order to practice its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Oranges

Cross-curricular Poster (producing and collecting oranges in order to make

orange juice).

To link the unit with another subject (Natural and Social Science: Plants and

How they Grow) and develop their knowledge of the world through the English


Crafts: Make a toy balloon to expand the topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your favourite party food.


New: grapes, juice, ice cream, cake, balloon, orange, orange juice, tree.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-4, red, blue, yellow, green,



Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Up, down, Happy birthday!


Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: Happy Birthday, Star!.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 30

Putting party stickers on the correct place (Stick on the candles and the blue

balloon, CB, page 15).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (food) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the blue balloon pop-out and playing a game with it (CB Unit 3, The

blue balloon Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Moving the balloon pop-out when they hear up/down.

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: Happy Birthday, Star!.(CD). Lifting up

the pop-out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the food flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: My party.

Colour food pictures as instructed (Colour, CB, page 16).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the food flashcards and mini-flashcards to review

the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: My party.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: The blue

balloon. Listening to it on the CD. Using the food mini-flashcards whenever the

words are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic: the

process oranges undergo from the tree to the juice bottle. Using the Cross-

curricular Poster: Oranges. Acting the TPR actions in order to reinforce the

vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Making a mini-book with the pictures provided (Make a mini-book, CB, page


Lesson 6

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 31

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (The blue

balloon) and mimicking it.

Go over the lines that connect the characters with the corresponding

food (Follow the paths. CB, page 18).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit: Train ride (TB, page 81)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 81).

Lesson 2

Flashcards game: Find the party food (TB, page 83).

Statues game using the pop-out (TB, page 83).

Lesson 3

Plasticine party (TB, page 85).

Photocopy Master 7: Make a birthday cake. Make a birthday card. (TB, page 85).

Lesson 4

Mini-flashcards game: It’s a party! (TB, page 87).

Mini-flashcards game: I love cake! (TB, page 87).

Lesson 5

Orange tree poster (TB, page 89).

Make orange juice (TB, page 89).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 91).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 91).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the food vocabulary.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (My party).

Personalizing an activity: draw your favourite party food.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of balloons and toys.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a toy

balloon using a balloon, a pair of card stock feet, markers, sticky tape and



Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 32

Learning to identify and express feelings, as well as tastes and preferences

(related with food, for instance), fosters a good knowledge of themselves and

their own features.

Children make progress in acquiring healthy habits and attitudes, thus

appreciating and enjoying daily situations of balance and emotional well-being.

Healthy eating habits are also encouraged by focusing on the fruit on the

birthday party table and, specifically, the interdisciplinary lesson of orange

growth and how to make orange juice with them.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Through the topic of food, children gradually internalize social behaviour norms

and adapt their conduct to them. They learn norms related to eating and sharing

an eating space with other kids as well. They also observe and recognize some

signs of cultural identity related to eating habits.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children begin to understand, reproduce and recreate some literary texts by

showing their appreciation towards them, enjoying them and being interested

on them. They work with songs and stories and perform simple roles.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their






To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Rocket’s car.

To listen and practice the story song: The red car.

To introduce food vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: Look! Look! Look!.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (sandbox with toys), and use it in order to practice

its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Circles

Cross-curricular Poster (Circles).

To link the unit with another subject (Maths: Geometric shapes) and develop

their knowledge of the world through the English language.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 33

Crafts: Make a teddy bear to expand the circles topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your favourite toy.


New: car, teddy, scooter, book, sand, book.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-4. Blue, green, red, yellow,



Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I like the red car best!


Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (Big Story Book:

Rocket’s car), with and without the CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s

song: The red car.

Putting car stickers on the correct place (Stick on blue car and the red car, CB,

page 19).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (toys) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the pop-out of the sandbox with toys and playing a game with it (CB

Unit 4, Rocket’s car Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Lifting the flaps of the toys pop-out one by one, to see what is


Singing and mimicking the story’s song: The red car (CD). Lifting up the pop-

out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 34

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the toys flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: Look! Look! Look!.

Connecting and using lines to match each toy with its corresponding figure

(Match, CB, page 20).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the toys flashcards and mini-flashcards to review

the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: Look! Look! Look!.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Rocket’s car.

Listening to it on the CD. Using the toys mini-flashcards whenever the words

are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic:

geometric shapes. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Circles to talk about

circles. Acting the TPR actions in order to reinforce the vocabulary and the

structures learnt.

Colouring and counting the circles (Colour and count the circles on each toy,

CB, page 21).

Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Rocket’s car)

and mimicking it.

Completing and colouring cars as instructed (Colour. CB, page 22).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 3 (TB, page 95)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 95).

Lesson 2

Flashcards game: Where’s the scooter? (TB, page 97).

Mimicry game using the pop-out (TB, page 97).

Lesson 3

Go to the toy you like best game (TB, page 99).

Photocopy Master 8: Make and do the jigsaw. (TB, page 99).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 35

Lesson 4

Tidy up! (TB, page 101).

Musical cushions (TB, page 101).

Lesson 5

Circle prints (TB, page 103).

Circle biscuits (TB, page 103).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 105).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 105).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the face vocabulary.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (Look! Look! Look!).

Personalizing an activity: draw your favourite toy.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of circles.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a teddy

bear using different sizes of yellow, orange or brown circles, a white teddy bear

template and glue.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Playing is a privilege. Through this activity children learn to interact with others,

share with others and work with their classmates, respecting turns in a game or

whenever they answer the teacher’s questions. This will create a positive and

accurate image of themselves.

Children make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related to safety,

hygiene and health: for example, they learn to take care of their friends and that

playing safe is important. They also become more and more interested in

outdoor activities.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

By learning actions and games, children learn to relate with others in a more

balanced and satisfactory way, thus internalizing social behaviour norms and

adapting to them.

Children observe and explore their environment actively, as well as the objects

and materials available there, how they work and how they are used on a daily

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 36

basis. They also learn about their position in space as well as the position of

objects, about relative positions and movement.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Body language has to do with moving your body as well as with expressions,

actions and movements and with a communicative and representative intention.

Symbolic play and physical theatre are also a way to show their emotions and

display their knowledge of the world.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their




Fish and frogs.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Happy little fish.

To listen and practice the story song: I’m a happy little fish.

To introduce the fish vocabulary and to practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: Swim and jump.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (from tadpole to frog), and use it in order to

practice its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Frogs

Cross-curricular Poster (From tadpole to frog).

To link the unit with another subject (Natural and Social Science: The evolution

of animals) and develop their knowledge of the world through the English


Crafts: Make happy little fish in order to expand the fish topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your favourite frog or fish.


New: Fish, frog, swim, jump, tail, legs, egg, tadpole.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-4. Little.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 37

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.



Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (Big Story Book:

Happy little fish), with and without the CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s

song: I’m a happy little fish.

Putting stickers of the parts of the face on the correct place (Stick on the fish

and his friend, CB, page 23).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (fish) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the pop-out of “from tadpole to frog” and playing a game with it (CB

Plus Unit, Happy little fish Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Lifting the flaps while listening to the story.

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: I’m a happy little fish (CD). Lifting up

the pop-out, according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the happy little fish flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: Swim and jump.

Colouring the little fish (Colour, CB, page 24).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the little fish flashcards and mini-flashcards to

review the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: Swing and jump.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Happy little

fish. Listening to it on the CD. Using the little fish mini-flashcards whenever the

words are mentioned in the story.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 38

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic: from

tadpole to frog. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Frogs. Acting the TPR

actions in order to reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Colouring the frog picture and folding the page to make a zigzag book (Colour

the frog. Make a zigzag book, CB, page 25).

Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Happy little fish)

and mimicking it.

Finding frogs and fish in a picture, circling them and counting them

(Circle and count the fish and frogs. CB, page 26).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 4 (TB, page 109)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 109).

Lesson 2

Pop-out game: Jump, little frog! (TB, page 111).

Mime game: Let’s swim! (TB, page 111).

Lesson 3

Fish statues game (TB, page 113).

Photocopy Master 9: Colour and count the frogs.

Lesson 4

Mini-flashcards game: Wait for it! (TB, page 115).

Go Fishing! Game (TB, page 115).

Lesson 5

Make a play dough frog (TB, page 1117).

Jump across the lily pads (TB, page 117).

Lesson 6

Flapping fish game (TB, page 119).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 119).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the happy little fish


Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (Swim and jump).

Personalizing an activity: draw your favourite frog or fish.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 39

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of fish.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make happy

little fish with a fish template, tissue paper, silver and golden paper, glue, ice

lolly sticks or straws.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children become more and more autonomous in their daily activities, thus

improving their self-confidence and their ability to take the initiative and to

develop strategies in order to satisfy their basic needs.

Pop-out activities help children improve their fine motor skills.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children learn to know and appreciate the basic elements of nature and some

of its connections, thus developing attitudes of care, respect and responsibility

on its preservation.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children start reading socially and practicing some pre-writing skills, thus

exploring how writing works and appreciating it as a communication, information

and enjoyment tool. Worksheets deal with different aspects of visual-manual

coordination through crafts and simple activities such as joining the dots, going

over the lines, and so on. The purpose of Big Story Books is to expose children

to written words in a passive way.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their






To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Twig’s rabbit.

To listen and practice the story song: Hop away!.

To introduce the animals vocabulary and to practice it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 40

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: My pet.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (animals), and use it in order to practice its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Pets

Cross-curricular Poster (Pets).

To link the unit with another subject (Natural and Social Science: Animals and

Pets) and develop their knowledge of the world through the English language.

Crafts: Make rabbit ears in order to expand the pets topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw yourself with your pet.


New: bird, cat, dog, rabbit, carrot.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-4. Teacher. Red, yellow,

green, blue, orange, ear.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’ve got a (cat).


Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (Twig’s rabbit), with

and without the CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: Hop away!.

Putting animal stickers on the correct place (Stick on the rabbit and the carrot,

CB, page 27).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (pets) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the pets pop-out and playing a game with it (CB Unit 5, Twig’s

rabbit Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Unfolding the animal flaps when they are mentioned in the story.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 41

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: Hop away! (CD). Lifting up the pop-out,

according to what the song is saying.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the pets flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: My pet.

Connecting and matching each character with their corresponding pet (Match,

CB, page 28).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the animals flashcards and mini-flashcards to

review the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: My pet.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Twig’s rabbit.

Listening to it on the CD. Using the animals mini-flashcards whenever the

words are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic: pets.

Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Pets. Acting the TPR actions in order to

reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Match each pet with its food (Follow the paths, CB, page 29).

Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Twig’s rabbit) and

mimicking it.

Connecting each pet with its silhouette and grouping them inside a closed

curved line (Group the pets with their silhouettes. CB, page 30).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit: Happy little fish (TB, page 123)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 123).

Lesson 2

Flashcards game: Pets and toys (TB, page 125).

Mime game with the pop-out (TB, page 125).

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 42

Walk like a cat, fly like a bird! game (TB, page 127).

Photocopy Master 10: Draw and colour your favourite pet (TB, page 127).

Lesson 4

Envelope game with the mini-flashcards (TB, page 129).

Action song game (TB, page 129).

Lesson 5

Meat or vegetables? (TB, page 131).

Feed the bird craft activity (TB, page 131).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 133).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 133).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the pets vocabulary.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (My pet).

Personalizing an activity: draw yourself with your pet.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the subject with the topic of pets.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make rabbit

ears with card stock, paints, wool or cotton and card stock strips.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Routines learnt in class will help them act with certain autonomy, thus

enhancing their self-confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, it will boost the

spirit of collaboration and respect for the group. Children are encouraged to

listen to each other, respect different opinions and appreciate the work of


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

This unit deals with the relationship between children and pets, learning and

exploring actively and interpreting several situations and significant facts and

showing interest in learning. When working on topics related to animals, each of

them is explored in its environment, such as the country or the house.

Children also learn to appreciate basic nature elements, thus becoming

conscious, respectful and responsible regarding its preservation. In this case,

they learn how to take care of their pets.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 43

Languages: Communication and Representation

Musical language is encouraged in every unit by means of songs and rhymes

which make it possible to develop abilities related to perception, the use of

instruments, body movement and creation that emerge when listening

attentively, exploring, handling and playing with sounds and music.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their




Human and animal families.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Get ready!.

To listen and practice the story song: Don’t stop!.

To introduce the family vocabulary and to practice it.

To introduce, practice and mimic the vocabulary song: The family song.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the spoon and the egg), and use it in order to

practice its words.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the Animal

families Cross-curricular Poster (Pets).

To link the unit with another subject (Science and Natural and Social Science:

Human or animal families) and develop their knowledge of the world through

the English language.

Crafts: Make ducklings puppets in order to expand the animal families topic.

To personalize a creative activity: Draw your family.


New: daddy, mummy, family, egg, spoon, lion, duck.

Review: Rocket, Star, Monkey, Hello, bye-bye. Numbers 1-3. Blue, red, yellow, green.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


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Lesson 1

Greeting, using the Pocket Poster as well as the unit’s flashcards and singing

the Hello song (in every lesson).

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song: Don’t stop!.

Putting animal stickers on the correct place (Stick on the eggs, CB, page 31).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs (in every


Lesson 2

Introducing the unit’s key vocabulary (family) and using the Pocket Poster to

practice it.

Working on the pop-out of the spoon and the egg and playing a game with it

(CB Unit 6, Get ready! Pop-out).

Watching the unit’s story on DVD. Performing the story with the pop-out they

have made. Raising the spoon and the egg every time they hear the word egg.

Singing and mimicking the story’s song: Don’t stop! (CD). Managing not to drop

the pop-out egg from the spoon.

Lesson 3

Reviewing and introducing new key vocabulary. Using the Pocket Poster and

the family flashcards to practice it.

Listening, singing and mimicking the vocabulary song: The family song.

Colour the family’s t-shirts according to the instructions (Colour, CB, page 32).

Lesson 4

Using the Pocket Poster and the family flashcards and mini-flashcards to review

the vocabulary.

Listening and mimicking the unit’s song: The family song.

Focusing once more on the unit’s story with The Big Story Book: Get ready!.

Listening to it on the CD. Raising the family mini-flashcards whenever the words

are mentioned in the story.

Lesson 5

Consolidating knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary topic:

animal families. Using the Cross-curricular Poster: Animal Families. Acting the

TPR actions in order to reinforce the vocabulary and the structures learnt.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 45

Connect by drawing a curved line around the lion family and another one

around the duck family (Group the lion family and the duck family, CB, page


Lesson 6

Watching the unit’s story on DVD for the second time (Get ready!) and

mimicking it.

Connecting each character with the corresponding mother or father (Match. CB,

page 34).

Rewarding students with stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 5 (TB, page 137)

Activity for story consolidation (TB, page 137).

Lesson 2

Circle game: Winner! (TB, page 139).

Character flashcard game (TB, page 139).

Lesson 3

Go to mummy and daddy using the pop-out (TB, page 141).

Photocopy Master 11: Follow the paths and find the families (TB, page 141).

Lesson 4

Circle game (TB, page 143).

Find the baby! (TB, page 143).

Lesson 5

Matching families game (TB, page 145).

Grouping animal families (TB, page 145).

Lesson 6

Performance (TB, page 147).

Photocopy Masters 12 and 13: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 147).

Review Lesson

Using mini-flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice the family vocabulary.

Practicing and mimicking the vocabulary song (The family song).

Personalizing an activity: draw your family.

Extension Lesson

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 46

Extension of the subject with the topic of animals.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make

duckling puppets with a duck template, sticky tape or glue, a straw or an ice

lolly stick and collage material: pieces of cloth, paper or feathers and buttons.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children make progress in the acquisition of healthy habits and attitudes,

appreciating and enjoying daily family situations of balance and well-being, for

instance, by enhancing their interest in outdoor activities and having contact

with animals, their family and nature.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

They get to know different social and family groups which are close to their

experience, as well as some of their characteristics, cultural productions, values

and ways of life, thus generating attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children express feelings, desires and ideas by means of oral language and

other languages, selecting the one that suits their intention and the context

better. The idea is for them to have the opportunity of expressing their tastes

and opinions and to encourage them to speak English when they have

something to say or express.

They carry out activities of artistic representation and expression by using

different techniques. Plastic expression is an integral part of the project as a

means of expression and for sharing with others.

Assessment Criteria

Because children are just starting their learning process, assessment during the

first year of Second-Level Pre-Primary can be based on the direct observation of their



Happy Halloween




To introduce Halloween vocabulary and celebrate Halloween in English.

To listen to and practice the story song: The pumpkins song.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 47

To consolidate language through a Class Book stickers activity.


New: pumpkin, orange.

Review: Colours: red, blue, green, yellow. Face, eyes, nose, mouth. Numbers 1-4.


Greeting, and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and practicing the unit’s vocabulary with the pumpkins and colours

flashcards (TB, page 150).

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song: The pumpkins song (TB, page


Putting a sticker on the correct place of a worksheet (Stick on the pumpkin.

Colour. Count the pumpkins, TB, page 35).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the songs Tidy up and Bye-bye.


Photocopy Master 14: Make a pumpkin counting book (TB, page. 151).

Photocopy Master 15: Match the pumpkins with the same faces. (TB, page. 151).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.


Happy Christmas


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 48



To introduce Christmas vocabulary and to put it into practice.

To listen to and practice the Christmas song: The star song.

To learn how to celebrate Christmas in English.

To consolidate language through several Class Book activities, like a stickers



New: Christmas, star, tree, Happy Christmas.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-4. Red, blue, yellow, green.


Lesson 1

Greeting, and singing the Hello song.

Introducing the Christmas vocabulary with the star flashcard (TB, page 152).

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song: The Star song (TB, page 152).

Playing a circle game (TB, page 153).

Putting a sticker on the correct place of a worksheet and trace and colour trees

(Stick on the star. Trace and colour the trees, TB, page 36).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the songs Tidy up and Bye-bye.

Lesson 2

Greeting, and singing the Hello song.

Practicing the Christmas vocabulary with the star flashcard and playing a game

with it (TB, page 154).

Singing and mimicking the Christmas song.

Colouring and making a Christmas card (Colour the tree and the star, TB, page


Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the songs Tidy up and Bye-bye.


Lesson 1

I’m a tree! TPR activity (TB, page 153).

Photocopy Master 16: Decorate the star (TB, page 153).

Lesson 2

Happy Christmas, Monkey! (TB, page 155).

Photocopy Master 17: Match the trees (TB, page 155).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 49


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.






To introduce spring vocabulary and celebrate its coming in English.

To listen to and practice the spring song: The springtime song.

To consolidate language through a stickers Class Book activity.


New: flowers, rabbits, birds.

Review: Red, blue, yellow, green. Numbers 1-4.


Greeting, and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and practicing the spring vocabulary with the flowers flashcard (TB,

page 156).

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song: The springtime song (TB,

page 156).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 50

Putting a sticker on the correct place of a worksheet and colour flowers and

leaves (Stick on the flowers. Colour the flowers, TB, page 38).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the songs Tidy up and Bye-bye.


Photocopy Master 18: Find, circle and count the birds and rabbits (TB, page 157).

Photocopy Master 19: Colour the rabbit. Stick on a tail (TB, page 157).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.




Greetings, goodbyes.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 51


To introduce and greet the book’s characters: Monkey, Rocket, Star, Twig and


To learn and practice saying Hello and Bye-Bye.

To introduce and practice numbers 1 to 6.

To encourage children to participate by singing the unit’s vocabulary song

(Number song).

To establish learner-friendly routines.


New: Hello

Monkey, Rocket, Star, Twig and Melody



One, two, three, four, five, six.


Hello, Bye-bye, Good morning/afternoon, Time to go!, See you tomorrow, See you next

lesson, Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What’s

this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?.


Hello. Goodbye. How many?


Lesson 1

Greeting, introducing Monkey and singing the Hello song.

Introducing the four characters, becoming familiar with the Pocket Poster and

the character flashcards. Activities with both of them.

Connecting by drawing lines on a picture, on the front and the back of the four

book characters (CB, page 1).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Tidy up and Bye-Bye songs.

Lesson 2

Using the number Flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice vocabulary.

Learning and singing a song in order to consolidate the lesson’s vocabulary.

Counting characters. Tracing and recognizing numbers (CB, page 2)

Lesson 3

Practicing and reviewing the numbers vocabulary.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 52

Activities with number mini-flashcards in order to practice recognizing and

expressing numbers (CB, page 3 and 63).


Lesson 1

Bring Monkey to me: Playing with the character flashcards (TB, page 35)

Photocopy Master 1: Make the character finger puppets (TB, page 35).

Lesson 2

Count with me (TB, page 37).

Photocopy Master 2: Make a number spinner and play with it (TB, page 37).

Lesson 3

What’s missing? (TB, page 39).

Stand in line (TB, page 39).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

When students get to know and identify the characters in the book, they will

also form an idea of themselves.

Routines learnt in class will help them act with certain autonomy, thus

enhancing their self-confidence and self-esteem. This will also boost the spirit of

collaboration and group respect. Children are encouraged to listen to each

other, respect different opinions and value the work of others.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Students are initiated into maths through activities with numbers and numerical


Languages: Communication and Representation

Oral language is especially relevant as a learning tool. Children learn to greet

each other and introduce themselves.



Parts of the face.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Where’s


To listen and practice the story song: Ooh Ooh Monkey!.

To introduce the vocabulary of the parts of the face and practice it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 53

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Monkey says.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make a cake!.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw yourself.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (Monkey’s mask) and use it in order to practice its


To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (play dough monkey. Learning body parts).


New: Ears, eyes, nose, mouth, face, hair, hands, cake. Arms, legs, tail.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-bye.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Where’s (Rocket)?, Ooh Ooh Rocket!, Here’s Rocket!, It’s Monkey!, Hurray!, Where?,

Monkey says…, Touch your (nose)!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Draw a line from the characters to the toy box in order to find Monkey (Follow

the paths to find Monkey, CB, page 3).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Finding and marking where characters are hidden (Find and circle. CB, page 4).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 54

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it. Joining the dots of a picture

and colouring it (Trace and colour. CB, page 5).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Joining the dots of Melody’s picture (Trace and colour. CB, page 6).

Lesson 5

Watching the interdisciplinary section on the DVD: making a cake.

Matching the pictures of the senses with the corresponding part of the

face/body (Match, CB, page 7).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (cake).

Drawing your reflection on a mirror (Draw your face, CB, page 8).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the monkey’s mask pop-out and playing with it (CB, Unit1, Where’s

Monkey? Pop-out).

Acting the story and singing the song (CD) while wearing the masks.

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing the Starter Unit: counting (TB, page 41)

Where’s Rocket? (TB, page 41).

Lesson 2

The bag game (TB, page 43).

Hide Monkey game (TB, page 43).

Lesson 3

Hurray! (TB, page 45).

Photocopy Master 3: Complete Monkey’s face.

Lesson 4

What is it? game (TB, page 47).

Pairs game (TB, page 47).

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Lesson 5

Senses Mime game (TB, page 49).

Let’s make a cake! (TB, page 49).

Lesson 6

Who is it? (TB, page 51).

Be my mirror! (TB, page 51).

Lesson 7

Ooh Ooh Monkey! (TB, page 53).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a Monkey invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

Monkey Mask game (TB, page 55).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 1 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 55).

Review Lesson

Practicing the vocabulary of the parts of the face.

Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of the parts of Monkey’s face by including other parts of a

monkey’s body.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a play

dough monkey and learn other parts of its body as well as the face. Singing an

alternative chant with other parts of the body.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through the knowledge of their body (parts of the face) and their functions,

children discover possibilities of action and expression, identify their own

features and develop feelings of self-esteem and personal autonomy.

Pop-out activities will help children develop coordination and manual abilities,

and therefore they will feel successful and acquire a positive image of


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 56

In this unit, children observe and explore part of the different contexts which

form their environment (the school), thus making it easier to be part of it and

getting to know the world around them.

By learning to relate to others (at school), children internalize social behaviour

norms and adapt their conduct to them.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Oral language is especially important as a representation, communication and

enjoyment tool. By means of stories and songs, children approach children’s

literature and use oral language, helped by representation and mime

techniques as well as by physical theatre.

Children approach technological tools and audiovisual productions.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize parts of the body and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing the Ooh ooh Monkey song and the Monkey says

“Let’s make a cake” rhyme.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.





To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Melody’s


To listen and practice the story song: Up, up, up!.

To introduce the colour vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Monkey says.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s paint the rainbow!. Children learn the

colours of the rainbow in English.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: make a balloon and colour it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 57

To work on the unit’s pop-out (a colourful balloon) and use it in order to practice

its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (learn how to mix colours).


New: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, indigo, violet, rainbow. Pink, white.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-bye.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’m sleepy!, It’s my balloon!, Come on!, Up, up, up! Wow! The playhouse is (yellow),

Knock, knock, knock, Can I come in?, Come in!. What colour’s this? What colour are

these?, I’m going to mix the colours. Watch!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Work with the Routine Poster: day, weather, birthdays, etc.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Colour the stripes of a balloon with their corresponding colours (Colour by

number, CB, page 9).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Colour the path with the indicated colours (Follow the paths and colour. CB,

page 10).

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 58

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary song and practicing it. Finding and marking the

paintbrushes in a picture (Find and circle. CB, page 11).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Identifying and marking identical balloons (Find and colour. CB, page 12).

Lesson 5

Watching the interdisciplinary section on the DVD: watching a rainbow and

learning its colours.

Colouring the rainbow (Colour, CB, page 13).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (rainbow).

Painting a balloon with their favourite colour (Colour your balloon, CB, page 14).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the balloon pop-out and playing with it (CB, Unit2, Melody’s balloon


Acting the story and singing the song (CD) while wearing the masks.

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 1 (TB, page 59)

Balloon game (TB, page 59).

Lesson 2

Monkey wants blue! (TB, page 61).

Binoculars (TB, page 61).

Lesson 3

Musical colours (TB, page 63).

Photocopy Master 4: Make a colour wheel.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 59

Lesson 4

TPR colouring activity (TB, page 65).

Find your partner(s) (TB, page 65).

Lesson 5

The colours of a rainbow (TB, page 67).

Let’s make a rainbow! (TB, page 67).

Lesson 6

Monkey’s guessing game (TB, page 69).

Balloon game (TB, page 69).

Lesson 7

TPR pop-out game (TB, page 71).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a colourful balloon invitation. Make an invitation for the

story’s play.

Lesson 8

Traffic lights (TB, page 73).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 2 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 73).

Review Lesson

Practicing the colour vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the colour topic: colours obtained by mixing them.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should learn how to

mix colours to obtain the desired ones. Singing a karaoke version of Up, up, up!


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children express and enjoy their own identity in a class environment that

encourages safety and self-confidence through plastic expression (learning the

colours and colouring).

Children adopt habits and attitudes related to safety, hygiene and health, thus

appreciating daily situations of balance and emotional well-being.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 60

In order to learn and understand how reality works, children explore, connect,

compare, and so on. This unit deals with this by means of learning the colours.

By observing and thinking about natural phenomena such as rainbows, children

learn about nature. An emotional attachment to nature is the basis to encourage

daily habits of respect, care and coexistence.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Plastic language is a good means of expression and for sharing with others.

Children become interested in colours and shapes and develop their aesthetic

sense and their own tastes, thus contributing to their integral development.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize colours and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing the Up, up, up! song and The playhouse song.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Bees and flowers.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: The honey bee.

To listen and practice the story song: Can you see the honey bee?.

To introduce nature vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Monkey says.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make a honeycomb!. Children learn the

process from bees to honey and make a honeycomb.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite animal.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the bee and the flower) and use it in order to

practice its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 61

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (make a butterfly).


New: honey, bee, frog, bird, flower, pond, bee-keeper, honeycomb, tree. Butterfly,

wings, legs.

Review: Numbers 1-6. Colours. Hat.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Buzz, buzz, buzz! All for me!, This way!, The bees make honey, For you and me.


Lesson 1

Greeting and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster: day, weather, birthdays, numbers, colours,


Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Draw the path from bee to honey using lines from picture to picture (Draw the

path from bee to honey, CB, page 15).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Count the objects or animals in the drawings and trace the number

corresponding to the amount of things in each drawing (Count and trace. CB,

page 16).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 62

Introducing the vocabulary song and practicing it. Tracing and colouring

pictures, then drawing a line from each animal to its corresponding picture

(Trace and colour. Match. CB, page 17).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Colouring a picture with the indicated colours (Colour and find. CB, page 18).

Lesson 5

Using the Cross-curricular Poster to introduce the interdisciplinary section

where students see pictures of the honey production process. Imitating bees.

Completing and tracing the drawings of a bee and a honeycomb (Trace and

colour, CB, page 19).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the nature flashcards.

Carrying out a TPR activity about the honey production process.

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of the bee and the flower and playing with it (CB Plus Unit,

The honey bee Pop-out).

Watching the Plus Story again on DVD: The honey bee.

Acting the story, mimicking it and singing the song.

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 2 (TB, page 77)

Little bees (TB, page 77).

Lesson 2

Bee, frog, bird (TB, page 79).

Buzz, buzz, buzz! (TB, page 79).

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 63

Find the honey bee (TB, page 81).

Photocopy Master 5: Find and circle the same picture.

Lesson 4

Odd one out (TB, page 83).

Bingo! (TB, page 83).

Lesson 5

Let’s make a honeycomb (TB, page 85).

Honey bee cake (TB, page 85).

Lesson 6

Monkey’s favourite (TB, page 87).

Fly to the flower (TB, page 87).

Lesson 7

Let’s fly, fly, fly (TB, page 89).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a honey bee invitation. Make an invitation for the story’s


Lesson 8

Where’s the bee? (TB, page 91).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Plus Unit: The honey bee Picture Dictionary (TB, page


Review Lesson

Practicing the nature vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Drawing and creating a flower (TB, page 92).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of the bee and its parts. Choose another bug as well.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a

butterfly. Singing a karaoke version of Can you see the honey bee?


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children learn how to express and control their own feelings and preferences,

as well as to respect the others through the activities and experiences that take

place in the classroom.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 64

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children learn to arrange, establish a sequence and quantify facts and

experiences, learning about and understanding the world around them, its

changes and transformations (the honey production process). This encourages

their respect towards nature.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Classroom language; the teacher’s messages as well as their classmates’

ones, instructions, and so on, develop children’s attention and comprehension,

and make them adopt a positive attitude towards their own language as well as

the foreign one.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the vocabulary of bees and flowers and start naming them in


They participate by singing the Can you see the honey bee? song and Let’s fly,

fly, fly!.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Actions and games.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Let’s play.

To listen and practice the story song: Come on!

To introduce the actions vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: The Monkey action song.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s have an obstacle race!. Children learn

rainbow colours in English.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 65

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw yourself on a swing.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the backpack and the sticking plaster) and use it

in order to practice its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (draw animals and colour them in order to learn all the things that they

can do).


New: play, jump, run, slide, climb, clap. Fly, swim.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-Bye, Yes/No, Hurray!, Where’s (Star)?


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Let’s (play), up, down, round and round, I can help!, That’s better!, I can (jump).


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster and the vocabulary learnt so far.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Drawing a line around the games and actions represented on the pictures, in

order of appearance in the story (Draw the path around the playground, CB,

page 21).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Drawing a line from Star to the characters until finding Monkey (Follow the

paths to find Rocket. CB, page 22).

Lesson 3

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 66

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary song and practicing it. Matching each picture of

Monkey with its corresponding silhouette (Match. CB, page 23).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Identifying and marking six differences on the pictures (Circle six differences.

CB, page 24).

Lesson 5

Watching a DVD about an obstacle race during the interdisciplinary section.

Completing the missing drawings (Count. Draw and complete, CB, page 25).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (playground).

Drawing themselves on a swing (Draw yourself in the playground. CB, page


Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of Star’s backpack and playing with it (CB Unit 3, Backpack


Acting the story and singing the song.

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit (TB, page 95)

TPR actions activity (TB, page 95).

Lesson 2

Chant (TB, page 97).

Guess the actions circle game (TB, page 97).

Lesson 3

Actions flashcard game (TB, page 99).

Photocopy Master 6: Match (TB, page 99).

Lesson 4

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 67

Pelmanism (TB, page 101).

Snap! (TB, page 101).

Lesson 5

Obstacle course (TB, page 103).

Monkey can (TB, page 103).

Lesson 6

Colours and actions (TB, page 105).

Charades (TB, page 105).

Lesson 7

Star’s backpack (TB, page 107).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a playtime. Make an invitation card for the story’s play

(TB, page 107).

Lesson 8

Help Monkey (TB, page 109).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 3: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 109).

Review Lesson

Practicing the actions vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the actions topic to things animals can do.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should expand the

topic of things that animals can do. Singing a karaoke version of The Monkey

action song!


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through the activities in this unit, children learn to interact with the others, to

share and work with their classmates and to respect turns when playing or

asking questions to the teacher. This will create a positive and accurate image

of themselves.

Children make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related to safety,

hygiene and health: for example, taking care of friends and the importance of

playing safely and increasing their interest in outdoor activities.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 68

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

When learning actions and games, children relate to others in a more and more

balanced and satisfactory way, thus internalizing social behaviour norms and

adapting their conduct to them.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Body language has to do with using their body, expressions, actions and

movement with both a communicative and a representative intention. Symbolic

playing and physical theatre are also ways to display their emotions and

acknowledge the world.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize actions and games, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing Come on and The monkey action song.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Clothes and costumes.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Let’s dress up!.

To listen and practice the story song: Magic star.

To introduce the colour vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: In something new!.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make a costume!. Children learn to create

and complete costumes.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: make a balloon and colour it.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the magic wand and the sweets) and use it in

order to practice its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 69

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (expand the topic of clothes and costumes and make a pirate hat).


New: hat, trousers, socks, T-shirt, shoes, dress, badge, crown. Cowboy, princess,


Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-Bye, Let’s (dress up!), jump, Hurray!, Yes/No, (You)

can (choose), Look! Red, green, blue.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

ow let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time to

say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’m a (pirate), Look at me!, Snap!, snap!, snap!, Toot!, toot!, toot!, Stop!, stop!, stop!.

Put on (a hat)!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster: day of the week, the weather, birthdays,

numbers, colours and so on.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Match the book characters with the corresponding costumes (Match!, CB, page


Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Drawing a path from the sweets to a character’s star. Draw them and colour

them properly (Follow the paths. Draw and colour the sweets. CB, page 28).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 70

Identifying and counting the clothes of each type on the picture (Count the

clothes. Circle the hats. CB, page 29).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD (TB, page 119).

Colouring Star and Rocket by number (Colour by number. CB, page 30).

Lesson 5

Watching a DVD about costumes and accessories during the interdisciplinary


Classifying and grouping the clothes of two different costumes (Group the

cowboy clothes and the princess clothes. CB, page 31).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (costumes party).

Drawing themselves on a mirror, wearing a costume (Draw your carnival

costume!. CB, page 32).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of Star’s magic wand and playing with it (CB Unit 3, Let’s

dress up! Pop-out).

Acting the story with the DVD and the magic wand and singing the song (CD).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 3 (TB, page 113)

Dressing up game (TB, page 113).

Lesson 2

Short action song (TB, page 115).

Making a fairy collage (TB, page 115).

Lesson 3

Guess the clothes (TB, page 117).

Photocopy Master 7: Colour the clown game (TB, page 117).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 71

Lesson 4

Two wins (TB, page 119).

Clothes miming game (TB, page 119).

Lesson 5

Make a crown (TB, page 121).

Lucky dip (TB, page 121).

Lesson 6

Colours and clothes (TB, page 123).

Up and down! (TB, page 123).

Lesson 7

Star’s magic wand (TB, page 125).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a magic star invitation. Make an invitation card for the

story’s play.

Lesson 8

Pocket Poster game (TB, page 127).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 4: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 127).

Review Lesson

Practicing the actions vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the colour topic: colours obtained by mixing them.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should expand the

topic of clothes and costumes by making a pirate hat. Singing a karaoke version

of In something new!


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through clothes and costumes, children acknowledge their body scheme and

acquire more control over their body, thus being more confident on its

possibilities and having more respect for the others. They learn how to use their

motor, sensory and expressive skills.

Children are encouraged to improve their habits and attitudes related to safety,

hygiene and health: for example, the importance of being generous and sharing

is emphasized.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 72

Children observe and explore their environment actively, as well as the objects

and materials available there, how they work and how they are used on a daily

basis. They also learn about their position in space as well as the position of

objects, about relative positions and movement.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Language contributes to the integral development of children by enhancing their

imagination and creativity. They learn by building their own identity, display their

emotions, their knowledge of the world and their perception of reality.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize clothes, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing Magic star and In something new!.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Dinosaurs and families.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Hey, Baby


To listen and practice the story song: I’m bigger than you.

To introduce the colour vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: The family song.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Different kinds of dinosaurs.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite dinosaur.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (Baby Dino) and use it in order to practice its


To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (Let’s draw a duck family!) to expand the topic of the dinosaur family.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 73


New: baby, sister, brother, mummy, daddy, family, dinosaur, egg. Duck, duckling.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-Bye, (It) can (swim).


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


A bigger dinosaur, I’m your (sister), Crack!, Stamp!, Stamp! Stamp!, Thump!, Thump!,

Thump!, Boom!, Boom!, Boom! I love my family, is?. Big, bigger, fly, swim.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster: numbers and colours.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Completing a jigsaw puzzle by matching each piece with its correct position on

the picture (Find and match, CB, page 33).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Finding and marking the place where the dinosaurs are hidden (Find and circle.

CB, page 34).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it.

Matching the black and white pictures (members of a family) with the

corresponding pictures in the middle and colouring them (Match and colour. CB,

page 35).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Following the line to cut strips of paper. Mixing them and arranging them

according to the story (Cut and order. CB, page 36).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 74

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary chant. Looking at the dinosaur pictures on the Cross-

curricular poster. Mimicking dinosaurs.

Matching dinosaur silhouettes with their corresponding dinosaur (Match. CB,

page 37).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the Cross-curricular poster

and by making a TPR activity (mimicking dinosaurs).

Drawing and colouring their favourite dinosaur from the family (Draw your

favourite dinosaur. CB, page 38).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of a baby dinosaur and playing with it (CB Plus Unit, Baby

Dino Pop-out).

Acting the story and singing the song (CD).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 4 (TB, page 131)

Stamp, stamp, stamp! (TB, page 131).

Lesson 2

Hey, Baby Dino! (TB, page 133).

Bigger and bigger (TB, page 133).

Lesson 3

Family photos (TB, page 135).

Photocopy Master 8: Make and play the family game (TB, page 135).

Lesson 4

I’m bigger than you! (TB, page 137).

Pairs game (TB, page 137).

Lesson 5

Let’s make dinosaur eggs! (TB, page 139).

Dinosaur Footprints (TB, page 139).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 75

Lesson 6

Pocket Poster game (TB, page 141).

Animal families (TB, page 141).

Lesson 7

I’m bigger than you! (TB, page 143).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a dinosaur invitation. Make an invitation card for the

story’s play.

Lesson 8

Guess the dinosaur (TB, page 145).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Plus Unit: Hey, Baby Dino! Picture Dictionary (TB, page


Review Lesson

Practicing the family vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Drawing the student’s family and colouring it.

Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of animal families.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should expand the

topic of dinosaur families to other animal families, such as ducks. Singing a

karaoke version of the Hey, Baby Duckling! song.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Playing is a privilege. With this activity, children learn to share, respect and

work with their classmates, integrating action with emotions and thought and

favouring social development.

Through stories, children learn to identify and express their own feelings and


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children learn to differentiate objects and elements on their environment and to

act before them. They group, classify, arrange by size, compare dimensions

and so on.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children deal with oral language in a more convenient way in order to achieve

positive communication with their equals as well as with adults, depending on

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 76

the communicative intentions. It is about understanding the different oral

messages by showing an attentive and respectful listening attitude.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the dinosaur vocabulary, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing I’m bigger than you and The family song.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.





To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Cherries.

To listen and practice the story song: I’m helping.

To introduce the colour vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Cherries are yummy.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make a fruit salad!. Children learn about fruit

and how to make a fruit salad.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite fruit.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (a lunch box full of fruit) and use it in order to

practice its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (plant seeds and observe how they grow).


New: apple, orange, banana, cherries, plum, pear, fruit salad, light, water.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-Bye, For me, Yes/No


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 77

Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Can I help you?, I’m helping!, Yum yum!, Oh, no!, Thank you, I’ve got (an apple), For

you, fruit salad.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster: day of the week, the weather, birthdays,

colours, numbers, etc.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Joining the dots of a picture and colouring it as instructed (Trace and colour,

CB, page 39).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Matching the plate or lunchbox with its corresponding fruit and drawing the fruit

(Match and draw. CB, page 40).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it.

Identifying and joining the dots of the fruit pictures (Trace and colour. CB, page


Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Finding and marking differences on a picture (Circle six differences. CB, page


Lesson 5

Watching a DVD during the interdisciplinary section, about making a fruit salad.

Matching each whole fruit with its corresponding half (Match. CB, page 43).

Lesson 6

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 78

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (fruit salad).

Drawing the student’s favourite fruit (Draw your favourite fruit. CB, page 44).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of a lunchbox and playing with it (CB Unit 5, Cherries: the

lunchbox Pop-out).

Acting the story and singing the song (CD).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit (TB, page 149)

Paper fruit (TB, page 149).

Lesson 2

Feely bag (TB, page 151).

Confetti fruit (TB, page 151).

Lesson 3

What’s missing? (TB, page 135).

Photocopy Master 9: Count, match and trace the number (TB, page 153).

Lesson 4

Fruit faces (TB, page 155).

Monkey wants fruit (TB, page 155).

Lesson 5

Let’s make a fruit salad! (TB, page 157).

Fun with seeds (TB, page 157).

Lesson 6

Odd one out (TB, page 159).

Lucky dip (TB, page 159).

Lesson 7

Lunchbox game (TB, page 161).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a yummy invitation. Make an invitation card for the story’s


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 79

Lesson 8

Fruits and colours (TB, page 163).

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 5 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 163).

Review Lesson

Practicing the fruit vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Colouring some photocopies with pictures of the fruit flashcards.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of colours: colours obtained by mixing others.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should learn how

plants grow and their need for water and light to do it. Making a drawing of the

plant they have planted, with water and the sun (Happy plants).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Learning to identify and express feelings, as well as tastes and preferences

(related to food, for instance) boosts a better knowledge of themselves and their

own characteristics.

Children make progress in acquiring healthy habits and attitudes as part of their

self-knowledge; for example, they learn that it is important to eat in a balanced

and healthy way. It also includes a message which says that we have to eat five

pieces of fruit or vegetable a day.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Through the topic of food, children gradually internalize social behaviour norms

and adapt their conduct to them. They learn norms related to eating and sharing

eating spaces with other kids. They also observe and recognize some cultural

identity signs around them which are related to food.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children approach audiovisual language and information and communication

technologies; they also start differentiating between reality and audiovisual


Assessment Criteria

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 80

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the parts of the body, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing I’m helping and Cherries are yummy.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Farms and farm animals.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Shut the gate!.

To listen and practice the story song: Cluck, baaa, quack, mooo!

To introduce the farm vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Open the gate, shut the gate!.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of the

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s visit the farm!. Children expand the farm

topic by learning about baby animals.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite animal.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the farm) and use it in order to practice its words.

To be part of a performance of the story and sing the unit’s songs.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

Project (make an animal puppet).


New: cow, sheep, duck, hen, horse, farmer, farm.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Bye-Bye, Yes/No.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 81


Yes, please!, I like (sheep), Shut the gate, Rocket!, Oh Rocket!, The farmer’s got a

(cow), Open the gate!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster: numbers, colours.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Counting and marking the number of hens there are on the picture (Circle and

count, CB, page 45).

Tidying up and saying goodbye with the Bye-Bye song.

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Matching the animals with the places where they live (Follow the paths to find

the animal homes. CB, page 46).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it. Matching the animals in the

border of the picture with the ones inside the picture (Find and match. CB, page


Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary song and using the mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story and its song on the DVD.

Colouring a picture (Colour. CB, page 48).

Lesson 5

Watching a DVD during the interdisciplinary section, about farm animals.

Matching each animal with its baby (Match. CB, page 49).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the interdisciplinary section

DVD and the cross-curricular flashcards (the farm).

Drawing the student’s favourite animal (Draw your favourite animal. CB, page


Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster to review the vocabulary.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 82

Making the pop-out of a farm and playing with it (CB Unit 6: Shut the gate! Pop-


Acting the story and singing the song (CD).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the chant with the pop-out as well as optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers and an end-of-the-year diploma

(Photocopy Master 20).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Units 4 and 5 (TB, page 167)

How many? (TB, page 167).

Lesson 2

Animal circle game (TB, page 169).

Secret sheep (TB, page 169).

Lesson 3

Animal mime game (TB, page 171).

Photocopy Master 10: Match (TB, page 171).

Lesson 4

Open the gate, shut the gate! (TB, page 173).

Fast mini-flashcards (TB, page 173).

Lesson 5

Animal young (TB, page 175).

Popcorn sheep (TB, page 175).

Lesson 6

Cluck, baa, quack, moo! (TB, page 177).

Fast flashcards (TB, page 177).

Lesson 7

The farmer’s got a horse (TB, page 179).

Photocopy Master 11: Make a farm animal invitation. Make an invitation card for the

story’s play.

Lesson 8

Countdown (TB, page 181).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 83

Photocopy Master 12 and 13: Unit 6 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 181).

Review Lesson

Practicing the colour vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant.

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of colours: colours obtained by mixing others.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should learn more

about animals and make an animal puppet. Singing a karaoke version of the

following song: Cluck, baa, quack, moo.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

In this unit and throughout the whole school year, children develop attitudes and

abilities that gradually build their own identity.

They also make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related to improving

their health, such as, for instance, becoming more interested in outdoor

activities, contact with animals and nature.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

This unit deals with the farm, which is part of the children’s environment. They

learn about it and about how to react depending on the situation.

They also learn the basic elements of nature, thus developing awareness,

respect and responsibility regarding its preservation.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Musical language is encouraged in every unit with songs and rhymes which

allow the development of abilities linked to perception, the use of tools, body

movement and creation, which are born from paying attention, exploring,

touching and playing sound and musical games.

Assessment Criteria

During the second year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is


Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize farm animals, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing Cluck, baa, quack, moo! and Open the gate, shut

the gate!.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 84

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.


Happy Christmas




To introduce Christmas vocabulary and to put it into practice.

To listen to and practice the Christmas song: The Christmas presents song.

To learn how to celebrate Christmas in English.


New: Christmas, present, tree.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-4. Star.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Introducing the Christmas vocabulary with flashcards and the Pocket Poster

(TB, page 184).

Joining the dots to complete some pictures and colour them (Trace and colour,

CB, page 51).

Listening, singing and mimicking the Christmas song (TB, page 185).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the Bye-bye song.

Lesson 2

Practicing the Christmas vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the Christmas

flashcards and the characters.

Playing a game with them (TB, page 186).

Singing the Christmas song again.

Following the paths from the presents to their corresponding characters (Follow

the paths. CB, page 52).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the Bye-bye song.


Lesson 1

Little Christmas trees (TB, page 185).

Photocopy Master 14: Christmas card. Make a Christmas card (TB, page 185).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 85

Lesson 2

Ho! Ho! Ho!(TB, page 187).

Photocopy Master 15: Christmas present game (TB, page 187).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.


Happy Friendship Day




To introduce friendship vocabulary and to put it into practice (Valentine’s Day).

To listen to and practice the friendship song: The friendship song.


New: Come on!. Hold hands. Let’s sing.

Review: Colours.


Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song (TB, page 188).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 86

Playing a friendship game (TB, page 188).

Drawing a friend in the middle of the page (Draw and colour your friend. CB,

page 53).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the Bye-bye song.


Photocopy Master 16: Friendship Day card (TB, page 189).

Photocopy Master 17: Make a friendship circle (TB, page 189).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.


Summer Holidays


Summer holidays.


To introduce the vocabulary related to summer holidays.

To listen to and practice the summer holidays song: The summer holidays



Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 87

New: summer holidays, in the summer, sea.

Review: Jump (with me). Colours.


Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song (TB, page 190).

Joining the dots of a picture related to holidays and the beach (Trace and

colour. CB, page 54).

Tidying up and saying bye-bye with the Bye-bye song.


Photocopy Master 18: Make a seaside bucket (TB, page 191).

Photocopy Master 19: Colour by number (TB, page 191).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.




Greetings and goodbyes.


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 88

To introduce and greet the book’s characters: Monkey, Rocket, Star, Twig and


To review numbers 1 to 6. To introduce and practice numbers 7 to 10.

To review colours. To introduce and practice four new colours; and

To encourage children to participate by singing the unit’s vocabulary song

(Number song).

To establish learner-friendly routines.


New: Seven, eight, nine, ten.


Black, brown, pink, white.

Review: Rocket, Star, Twig, Melody, Hello, Numbers 1-6.

Blue, green, orange, purple, red, yellow, Playground, playhouse, slide, pencil,



Hello, Bye-bye, Good morning/afternoon, Time to go!, See you tomorrow, See you next

lesson, Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What’s

this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?.


Hello. Goodbye. How many?


Lesson 1

Greeting, introducing Monkey (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Using the Pocket Poster and the flashcards of Monkey and the rest of the

characters to introduce them.

Reviewing numbers 1 to 6 with the number flashcards. Using the flashcards to

introduce numbers 7 to 10 as well. Singing the Number song in order to practice

with numbers.

Joining the numbered dots of a picture and repeating the numbers out loud

(Join the dots, CB, page 1).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Using the number Flashcards and the Pocket Poster to practice vocabulary.

Singing a song (Number song) again to consolidate the lesson’s vocabulary.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 89

Carrying out an activity with the colour mini-flashcards in order to practice the

vocabulary (CB, page 63).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Singing the Number song again.

Practicing and reviewing the vocabulary of numbers and colours.

Colouring a little house by number (Colour by number, CB, page 2).


Lesson 1

Playing with the number flashcards to practice counting (TB, page 35)

Photocopy Master 1: Follow the paths and trace (TB, page 35). Draw a line following

the path of number four, from top to bottom.

Lesson 2

Look for the colours! (TB, page 37).

Photocopy Master 2: Count and match (TB, page 37). Count objects and match them

with the correct number.

Lesson 3

Photocopy Master 3: Listen and colour (TB, page 39). Colour according to the indicated

colours and numbers.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

When students get to know and identify the characters in the book, they will

also form an idea of themselves.

Routines learnt in class will help them act with certain autonomy, thus

enhancing their self-confidence and self-esteem. This will also boost the spirit of

collaboration and group respect. Children are encouraged to listen to each

other, respect different opinions and value the work of others.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Students are initiated into maths through activities with numbers and numerical

representations. Several activities are included, with which students can

practice skills such as counting, classifying objects, arranging objects, creating

or working with sequences, comparing sizes and working with different shapes.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 90

Oral language is especially relevant as a learning tool. Children learn to greet

each other and introduce themselves.

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize numbers and colours, and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing the Number song.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



The family.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Plus Story Book: My first


To listen and practice the story song: Let’s play today.

To introduce the vocabulary of the members of the family and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: My family’s here.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s take a family photo!.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: make a family picture (Draw

your family).

To work on the unit’s pop-out (characters: Twig Flint, Twinkle and Star) and

use it in order to practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and natural and social sciences (the family and its


To carry out a creative and personal project: make a family tree of the student’s


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 91

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s song.


New: mummy, daddy, brother, sister, granddad, granny, family.

Review: Hello. Numbers 1-6. Goodbye! Playschool, house.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Let’s paint, Let’s play, Playschool’s fun, Come on!, Who’s this?, Goal!,

He’s got blonde hair, He’s got blue eyes.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (Let’s play today).

Matching and arranging the scenes of the story (Follow the paths to Granny,

CB, page 3).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Finding and drawing a circle around Star’s family (Circle Star’s family. CB, page


Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (My family’s here).

Matching the front of each member of the family with their back (Match. CB,

page 5).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 92

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the family mini-flashcards to practice


Watching the cartoons of the story (My first day) and its song (Let’s play today)

on the DVD.

Joining the dots of the family pictures (Trace. CB, page 6).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (My family’s here song).

Watching the interdisciplinary section on the DVD: Let’s take a family photo!.

Asking and answering questions about the characters and their features.

Observing a drawing of the members of a family. Colouring their eyes and hair

by number (Colour by number, CB, page 7).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster (the family), the

interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s take a family photo!) and the cross-

curricular flashcards (A family photo).

Drawing your family on the frame (Draw your family, CB, page 8).

Singing My family’s song again.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the family flashcards to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of the characters: Twig, Flint, Twinkle and Star (CB, Unit1,

My first day Pop-out).and playing with them for a short time. Watching the unit’s

story on DVD again and unfolding the pop-out figures as the characters are

being mentioned on the DVD.

Acting the story.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the vocabulary chant (My family’s here) with

optional props.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 93

Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing the Starter Unit: counting and setting the rhythm (TB, page 41)

Daddy, go to green! (TB, page 41).

Lesson 2

Yes/No erasing game (TB, page 43).

Who is it? (TB, page 43).

Lesson 3

Where is granddad sleeping? (TB, page 45).

Photocopy Master 4: Follow the paths to find Granny and Granddad Monkey.

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Vocabulary of the face (TB, page 47).

Game with the mini-flashcards: Help Monkey (TB, page 47).

Lesson 5

Baby pictures (TB, page 49).

Magazine faces (TB, page 49).

Lesson 6

Drawing Game; Funny faces (TB, page 51).

What’s new? (TB, page 51).

Lesson 7

Game with the pop-out (TB, page 53).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a family invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

Pairs game (TB, page 55).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 1 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 55).

Review Lesson

Practicing the vocabulary of the family with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards

and the mini-flashcards.

Practicing the vocabulary chant (My family’s here).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 94

Decorating a frame with collage material and framing a picture of the student’s


Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the family topic, explaining and working on the student’s family


Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a family

tree, colour it and draw the members of their family in the corresponding boxes,

according to the generation. Displaying their work in the classroom.

Singing My family’s here song with different lyrics (karaoke version) and

mimicking it.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through stories, children learn to identify and express their own feelings and

emotions, needs or preferences and to be able to express and communicate

them to other people, identifying and respecting those of others as well. Oxford

Playschool Plus stories help students learn how to express their feelings and

emotions. The story’s characters will face problems that are common at their

age and solve them together.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

In this unit, children observe and explore their environment actively (their family

and its members), thus finding it easier to become part of it and getting closer to

know the world around them.

By learning to relate to others (at school and with their families), children

internalize social behaviour norms and adapt their conduct to them.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Oral language is especially important as a representation, communication and

enjoyment tool. By means of stories and songs, kids approach children’s

literature and use oral language.

Children approach technological tools and audiovisual productions.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 95

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize family vocabulary and start naming them in English.

They participate by singing Let’s play today and My family’s here.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Parts of the body.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Plus Story Book: Look out,


To listen and practice the story song: Swing swing!.

To introduce the vocabulary of the parts of the body and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Move your body!.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make a robot! by making a robot.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw yourself in the mirror

(Draw yourself in the mirror).

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the robot: Look out, Rocket!) and use it in order

to practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and science (the body).

To carry out a creative and personal project: draw the outline of a child and

colour it.

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s song.


New: arms, body, feet, hands, head, legs. Robot, round, up, down, boy, girl.

Clap, nod, shake, stamp, wave.

Circle, square, star, triangle. Boxes. Happy, sad.

Review: Oh no, Hurray!, Thank you. Los colores, Yes/No. Los números 1-6. Eyes,

nose, mouth, face

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 96

Dress, hat, shoes, socks, trousers, T-shirt.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Look out!, I’m sorry, The robot looks funny!, Move your body!, Move your body with me!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (Swing swing).

Matching the parts of the robot’s body with their corresponding place and

drawing them (Complete the robot. Colour, CB, page 9).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Drawing parts of the robot with a pencil and matching them with the parts of the

character. Say what part of the body it is out loud (Match. CB, page 10).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the body

flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (Move your body!).

Tracing Rocket’s picture and completing the parts of its body. Colouring it

(Trace and colour. CB, page 11).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the body mini-flashcards to practice


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 97

Watching the cartoons of the story (Look out, Rocket!) and its song (Swing,

swing!) on the DVD.

Finding and marking the robot on the right which is similar to the one on the left.

Reviewing the colours (Find and circle. CB, page 12).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (Move your body!).

Watching the interdisciplinary section on the DVD: Let’s make a robot!. Asking

and answering questions about the robot and its colours.

Observing a drawing of different geometric shapes on different colours. Tracing

them and indicating which colour is the last figure of a series (Draw and colour,

CB, page 13).

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster (parts of the body), the

interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s make a robot!) and the cross-curricular

flashcards (Robot).

Drawing your family on the frame (Draw your family, CB, page 14).

Singing Move your body again.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the body flashcards to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of the robot (CB, Unit 2, Look out, Rocket! Pop-out).and

playing with it. Watching the unit’s story on DVD again and folding parts of the

robot to show how the characters fix it on the story.

Acting the story.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and singing the vocabulary chant (Move your body) with

optional props.

Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 98

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 1 (TB, page 59)

Where’s Monkey game? (TB, page 59).

Lesson 2

Monkey says... (TB, page 61).

Flashcard game (TB, page 61).

Lesson 3

What is it? (TB, page 63).

Photocopy Master 5: Trace. Trace the path followed by a ball from kid to kid.

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Vocabulary of the face (TB, page 65).

TPR time (TB, page 65).

Lesson 5

Shapes house (TB, page 67).

Lucky dip (TB, page 67).

Lesson 6

Chinese whispers (TB, page 69).

Hand flowers (TB, page 69).

Lesson 7

Story memory game with the pop-out (TB, page 71).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a happy robot invitation. Make an invitation to go to the

story’s play.

Lesson 8

Touch Monkey! (TB, page 73).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 2 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 73).

Review Lesson

Practicing the body vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (Move your body).

Using play dough to make a classmate.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 99

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of the parts of the body and the shapes by making life-

size drawings.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a life-

like outline of a child and colour it. Describing the drawings. Displaying their

work in the classroom.

Singing Move your body with different lyrics (karaoke version) and mimicking it.

Tidying up singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye singing another one

(Goodbye song).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children get to know their body, its parts and some of its functions, thus

discovering action and expression possibilities and coordinating and improving

their coordination and control over expressions and movements. They gradually

acknowledge their body scheme and acquire a growing control over their body,

thus showing self-confidence and respect towards others. They learn to use

their motor, sensory and expression possibilities.

Children gradually acquire habits and attitudes related to safety, hygiene and

health, thus appreciating and enjoying daily situations of balance and well-


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

In order to learn and understand how reality works, children explore, establish

relationships, compare, observe and so on, thus generating interpretations

about certain situations or significant events and experimenting different

aspects of social behaviour.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Language is used as a learning, representation, communication and enjoyment

tool. Through representations and physical response activities, children are

encouraged to use mimicry and physical theatre to support their oral


Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 100

They recognize the vocabulary of the parts of the body and start naming them

in English.

They participate by singing Swing, swing and Move your body.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.





To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Plus Story Book: Blast off!.

To listen and practice the story song: Blast off!.

To introduce the space vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: The spaceman.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Day and night. Children learn the difference

between day and night.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw the sky at night (Draw the

night sky).

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the rocket and the moon) and use it in order to

practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language, expanding the topic of space by talking about the

Solar System. Science (space).

To carry out a creative and personal project: make a star with balloons and

papier mache paste (Let’s make some round things!)

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s song.


New: comet, moon, spaceman, star, sun, rocket, space, bounce, Good morning,

Goodnight, daytime, lunchtime, night time, day, night. Earth, planets.

Review: jump, run, fly, Parts of the body, Colours, rainbow, Numbers 1-10,

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 101

circle, square, star, triangle, circle, window.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Blast off!, I open the door., There’s a space man., It’s amazing., Round the sun, Stars

shine, The spaceman flies in the rocket., He flies to the stars., Space is fun!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Working with the Routine Poster; day of the week, weather, birthdays, numbers,

colours, etc.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (Blast off!), with and

without the CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song.

Following the path of a rocket by joining the dots (Follow the path, CB, page


Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Counting the stars of different colours in a drawing and tracing the number of

stars of that colour (Count and trace. CB, page 16).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the space

flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (The spaceman).

Guessing the next colour from a series of pictures. Tracing the last picture of

the series and colouring it. Drawing the next object of the series in a box (Trace.

CB, page 17).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 102

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the space mini-flashcards to practice


Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (Blast off!).

Tracing the lines of a space picture with their corresponding colours (Trace. CB,

page 18).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (The spaceman).

Making a presentation with the Cross-curricular Poster during the

interdisciplinary section to look at pictures of different stars and establish the

difference between night and day (Day and night).

Matching and drawing a circle around the phenomena and stars you can see

during the day and the ones you can see at night (Circle the day things blue

and the night things black, CB, page 19).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary with the Pocket Poster and the space flashcards.

Reviewing the interdisciplinary topic with the Cross-curricular Poster and carry

out a TPR activity about the different elements of night and day. Children do the


Drawing a porthole with a view of the sky at night (Draw the night sky, CB, page


Singing the vocabulary song (The spaceman).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket to review the space vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of the rocket and the moon and playing with them (CB, Plus

Unit, Blast off! Pop-out).

Watching the Plus Story on DVD again: Blast off!

Acting the story, mimicking and singing the song.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 103

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the song with the pop-out and optional props.

Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 2 (TB, page 77)

Monkey says... (TB, page 77).

Lesson 2

Jumping stars (TB, page 79).

Yes/No (TB, page 79).

Lesson 3

Space travel (TB, page 81).

Photocopy Master 6: Trace the paths (TB, page 81).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Nature (TB, page 83).

Which word is it? (TB, page 83).

Lesson 5

Good morning, goodnight! (TB, page 85).

Rising sun, rising moon (TB, page 85).

Lesson 6

Shooting stars (TB, page 87).

Make a night sky (TB, page 87).

Lesson 7

Game with the pop-out (TB, page 89).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a space invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

Pass the flashcard (TB, page 91).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Plus Unit: Blast off! Picture Dictionary (TB, page 91).

Review Lesson

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 104

Practicing the space vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (The spaceman).

Making a rocket and colouring it. Playing with it by making it fly.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the space topic by speaking about the Solar System.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a star

with a balloon and papier mache. Singing a karaoke version of The spaceman.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Children learn to have a balanced and positive image of themselves, by means

of their interaction with others and the gradual identification of their own

features, possibilities and limitations, thus developing feelings of self-esteem

and personal autonomy.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children learn to arrange, establish a sequence and quantify facts and

experiences, learning about and understanding the world around them, its

changes and transformations (learning about space). This encourages their

respect towards nature, thus developing attitudes of care, respect and

responsibility on its preservation.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Classroom language; the teacher’s messages as well as their classmates’

ones, instructions, and so on, develop children’s attention and comprehension,

and make them adopt a positive attitude towards their own language as well as

the foreign one.

Children are encouraged to use mime techniques as well as body theatre as a

support for oral communication by means of representation and physical


Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 105

They recognize the space vocabulary and start naming it in English.

They participate by singing Blast off and The spaceman.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Music and musical instruments.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: It’s noisy!.

To listen and practice the story song: Shake, bang, ting!.

To introduce the vocabulary of musical instruments and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Play the piano.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s make some noise!. Children learn to make a


To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw yourself playing a musical


To work on the unit’s pop-out (music box) and use it in order to practice its


To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and music (musical instruments).

To carry out a creative and personal project: make a musical instrument, a

tambourine (Tambourine!)

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s song.


New: drum, guitar, piano, shaker, triangle, trumpet, shake, bang, play, sing, music box,

musical instruments. Tambourine.

Review: Thank you, play, Numbers 1-10, star, circle, box, Colours, paint, pencil


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 106

Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


Stop! It’s too noisy!


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (Shake, bang, ting!).

Matching the characters with the instruments that they are playing in the story

(Match, CB, page 21).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Circling the differences on two pictures (Circle five differences. CB, page 22).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the

instruments flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (Play the piano).

Following the paths of the same instruments and tracing the instruments of the

row below (Follow the paths and trace. CB, page 23).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the instrument mini-flashcards to

practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (It’s too noisy!) with its DVD

song (Shake, bang, ting!).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 107

Counting the musical instruments in a picture and write each of their numbers

on the corresponding box (Count and write the numbers. CB, page 24).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (Play the piano).

Watching an interdisciplinary section DVD, Let’s make some noise!. Asking and

answering questions to see if students have understood the video on how to

make a shaker.

Numbering boxes according to the order in which you make a shaker (Order the

pictures. Write the numbers, CB, page 25).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the instruments vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the

interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s make some noise!) and the cross-curricular

flashcards (Shaker).

Drawing themselves playing an instrument (Draw yourself playing a musical

instrument, CB, page 26).

Singing Play the piano again.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the instrument flashcards to review the


Making the pop-out of a music box (CB, Unit 3, It’s too noisy! Pop-out) and play

with it. Watching the unit’s story on DVD again, folding the star’s tips and

unfolding them once an instrument is mentioned.

Acting the story.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the vocabulary song (Play the piano) with the optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 108

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit (TB, page 95)

What is it? (TB, page 85).

Lesson 2

Stop! It’s too noisy! (TB, page 97).

Musical cards (TB, page 97).

Lesson 3

Find the shaker (TB, page 99).

Photocopy Master 7: Trace and colour. Make a trumpet. (TB, page 99).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Actions (TB, page 101).

Game with the mini-flashcards (TB, page 101).

Lesson 5

Let’s make a shaker (TB, page 103).

Musical paintings (TB, page 103).

Lesson 6

Colours commands (TB, page 105).

Xylophone colours and numbers (TB, page 105).

Lesson 7

Game with the pop-out (TB, page 107).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a musical invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s

play (TB, page 107).

Lesson 8

Pop-out time (TB, page 109).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 3 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 109).

Review Lesson

Practicing the instrument vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and

the mini-flashcards.

Practicing the vocabulary chant (Play the piano).

Copying the musical rhythms when the teacher claps.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 109

Extension of the music topic by learning to make another instrument: the


Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make a

tambourine using paper plates, crepe paper, paintings and collage material

(legume). Singing a karaoke version of The Monkey action song!.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Through the activities in this unit, children will learn to interact with the others to

share and to work with their classmates, thus respecting playing turns or turns

to ask questions to the teacher. This will create a positive and accurate image

of themselves.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

By means of actions and games, children relate with the others in a more

balanced and satisfactory way, internalizing social behaviour norms and

adjusting their behaviour to them.

Children are also initiated in mathematical, numerical and musical skills, thus

learning to group.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Body language has to do with moving your body as well as with expressions,

actions and movements and with a communicative and representative intention.

Symbolic play and physical theatre are also a way to show their emotions and

display their knowledge of the world.

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the vocabulary of musical instruments and start naming it in


They participate by singing Shake, bang, ting and Play the piano.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 110

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.





To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Beep Beep!

Choo choo!.

To listen and practice the story song: Let’s go for a ride.

To introduce the toy vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: I’m ready to play.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s play with transport toys!. Children learn

about transports.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite toy.

To work on the unit’s pop-out (the train) and use it in order to practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language.

To carry out a creative and personal project: make an airplane and learn the

prepositions up/down.

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s songs.


New: ball, car, doll, teddy, train, yo-yo, big small.

Review: Watch out!, Oh no!, Thank you, play, Colours, Numbers 1-8, dress, hair, round

and round, up, down, stars


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


It’s too big, Is it too small?, Beep beep!, Choo choo!, wheel, toy, I’ve got a train., I’m

ready., Let’s go


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 111

Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time, with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (Let’s go for a ride).

Follow the maze’s paths with the scenes in the story (Follow the paths, CB,

page 27).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Match each character with its toy in the story (Match. CB, page 28).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the toy

flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (I’m ready to play).

Finding and counting the toys on the picture and writing the number in its

corresponding box (Count and write the numbers. CB, page 29).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the toy mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (Beep beep! Choo choo!) with

its DVD song (Let’s go for a ride).

Finding toys that are the same and circling them (Find and circle. CB, page 30).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (I’m ready to play).

Watching an interdisciplinary section DVD, Let’s play with transport toys!.

Asking and answering questions about transport toys.

Tracing transport toy pictures (Trace, CB, page 31).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 112

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the instruments vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the

interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s play with transport toys) and the cross-

curricular flashcards (Transport).

Drawing their favourite toy in a toy box and colouring it (Draw your favourite toy,

CB, page 32).

Singing I’m ready to play again.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the toy flashcards to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of a train (CB, Unit 4, Beep beep! Choo choo!! Pop-out) and

play with it. Watching the unit’s story on DVD again and fold the wheel so that

sometimes you can see the broken wheel asnd others the yo-yo wheel once it

has been fixed.

Acting the story.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the vocabulary song (I’m ready to play) with the optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 3 (TB, page 113)

Let’s play again! (TB, page 113).

Lesson 2

Watch out! (TB, page 115).

Climb in! (TB, page 115).

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 113

Lesson 3

Memory game (TB, page 117).

Photocopy Master 8: Trace. Count and circle. (TB, page 117).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Clothes (TB, page 119).

What’s missing? (TB, page 119).

Lesson 5

Traffic lights (TB, page 121).

Shape boats (TB, page 121).

Lesson 6

Round the circle (TB, page 123).

Fly a kite (TB, page 123).

Lesson 7

Climb in, Teddy! (TB, page 125).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a toys invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

Lucky dip (TB, page 127).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 2 Picture Dictionary (TB, page 127).

Review Lesson

Practicing the toy vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (I’m ready to play).

Decorate a toy box.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the toys topic by learning the prepositions.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make an

airplane and exhibit all of them in class by hanging them to the roof. Singing a

karaoke version of I’m ready to play.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 114

Playing is a privilege. It is doing so that children learn to share, respect and

work with their classmates, thus integrating action with emotions and thought

and favouring social development.

Children are encouraged to improve their habits and attitudes related to safety,

hygiene and health, thus appreciating and enjoying daily situations of balance

and well-being. This unit deals with working together in order to achieve a better


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children observe and explore their environment actively, as well as the objects

and materials available there, how they work and how they are used on a daily

basis. They also learn about their position in space as well as the position of

objects, about relative positions and movement.

Children also learn to interact with the others, in a way that gets more balanced

and satisfactory each time, gradually internalizing social behaviour rules and

adapting their behaviour to them. Through playing, they will develop

coexistence routines, as well as to ask for things politely, to share the class

material and to collaborate with the group.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Language contributes to the integral development of children by enhancing their

imagination and creativity. They learn by building their own identity, display their

emotions, their knowledge of the world and their perception of reality.

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the toy vocabulary and start naming it in English.

They participate by singing Let’s go for a ride and I’m ready to play.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.

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The sea.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: My new shell.

To listen and practice the story song: I’m a big crab.

To introduce the vocabulary of sea creatures and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Down in the sea.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Turtles. Children learn about baby animals.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite sea


To work on the unit’s pop-out (My new shell: the crab and the shells) and use it

in order to practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and science. Expand the sea topic by talking

about animal shells (A collage with shells).

To carry out a creative and personal project: make a collage with shells of

different sizes.

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s songs.


New: (hermit) crab, fish, octopus, plants, shell, turtle, beach, aquarium, old, new.

Review: big, small, house, Nature, Colours, Numbers 1-10, sea, sky, sun, trees, chicks,

eggs, head, eyes, legs, It’s cloudy / raining / snowing / sunny / windy /, daytime, night

time, Good morning


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’m a crab., push, pull, swimming, A place to hide, Down in the sea, There’s an

octopus., There are plants.


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Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (My new shell), with

and without the CD.

Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (I’m a big crab).

Matching the pictures (Match, CB, page 33).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Circling all the pictures that belong to the story (Circle the picture in the story.

CB, page 34).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the sea

flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (Down in the sea).

Finding six differences on the pictures (Circle six differences. CB, page 35).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the sea mini-flashcards to practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (My new shell) with its DVD

song (I’m a big crab).

Matching each picture with its silhouette (Match. CB, page 36).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song. Looking at turtle pictures on the Cross-curricular

Poster. Mimicking the turtle.

Tracing the path that turtles follow to get to the sea and count the number of

turtles on each row (Trace and count. Write the numbers. CB, page 37).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

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Lesson 6

Going over the sea vocabulary with the Pocket Poster (sea and nature

flashcards), the Cross-curricular Poster and by carrying out a TPR activity

(Turtle mimicry).

Drawing an aquarium containing the child’s favourite sea creature and colouring

it (Draw your favourite sea animal, CB, page 38).

Singing Down in the sea again.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the sea flashcards to review the vocabulary.

Making the pop-out of a crab and shells and playing with it (CB, Plus Unit, My

new shell Pop-out).

Acting the story and singing the song (CD).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the vocabulary song (Down in the sea) with the optional


Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 4 (TB, page 131)

Crab says... (TB, page 131).

Lesson 2

Hide and seek (TB, page 133).

What can we see in the sea? (TB, page 133).

Lesson 3

Where’s it hiding? (TB, page 117).

Photocopy Master 9: Trace the paths (TB, page 135).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Families (TB, page 137).

What is it? (TB, page 137).

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Lesson 5

Paper plate turtles (TB, page 139).

Turtle races (TB, page 139).

Lesson 6

Fish, fish, octopus! (TB, page 141).

Swim, fish, swim! (TB, page 141).

Lesson 7

Game with the pop-out (TB, page 143).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a sea invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

The octopus is coming! (TB, page 145).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Plus Unit: My new shell Picture Dictionary (TB, page


Review Lesson

Practicing the sea vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (Down in the sea).

Making an aquarium with a cardboard box and a plastic bag.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the sea topic by talking about the sea.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should do a task

related to animal shells.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

To adapt their behaviour to the needs and requirements of the others by

developing respectful, helpful and collaborative habits and avoiding submissive

or dominant behaviours.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Children learn to differentiate objects and elements on their environment and to

act before them. They group, classify, arrange by size, compare dimensions

and so on.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 119

They know and value the basic components of nature and some of its

relationships, thus developing attitudes of care, respect and responsibility in

their conversation.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children start reading and writing socially, exploring the function of these

activities and valuing them as the communication, information and enjoyment

tools they are. They learn to appreciate the function of books and practice some

pre-writing skills.

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the sea vocabulary and start naming it in English.

They participate by singing I’m a big crab and Down in the sea.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.



Wild animals.


To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: Is it a


To listen and practice the story song: In the zoo.

To introduce the vocabulary of wild animals and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Animals.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s visit the zoo!. Children learn about wild

animals in the zoo.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: draw your favourite zoo animal.

To work on the unit’s pop-out: animals (Is it a monster?) and use it in order to

practice its words.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 120

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and science (animals).

To carry out a creative and personal project: expand the topic of wild animals by

making masks.

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s songs.


New: bird, elephant, giraffe, snake, tiger, zebra, monster, zoo, tail, scared, animals,

feather, soft, cold, smooth, long, rhino, ostrich, penguin, camel, meerkat.

Review: monkey, eyes, ears, feet, legs, nose, mouth, Numbers 1-8, Colours, Hurray!,

Wow!, happy, sad, noisy, apples, circle, square, triangle, star.


Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’m a tiger, Where are the monkeys?, I don’t know., Is it a monster?.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time (In the zoo), with

and without the CD.

Using a pencil to draw the path in a maze that Monkey will follow to find other

monkeys (Follow the path to find the monkeys, CB, page 39).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Matching the animals (Match. CB, page 40).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the flashcards

of wild animals to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (Animals).

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Counting the animals in a picture and writing the number of animals of each

kind in the box on the right (Count and write the numbers. CB, page 41).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the mini-flashcards of wild animals to

practice it.

Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (Is it a monster?) with its DVD

song (In the zoo).

Finding six differences in two pictures of wild animals (Circle six differences.

CB, page 42).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (animals).

Watching a DVD during the interdisciplinary lesson: Let’s visit the zoo! Asking

and answering questions about the animals on the pictures.

Using a pencil to trace the discontinuous lines on the animals’ skins (Trace and

colour, CB, page 43).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary of wild animals with the Pocket Poster (sea and

nature flashcards), the interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s visit the zoo!) and

the cross-curricular flashcards (Safari Park).

Drawing their favourite zoo animal (Draw your favourite zoo animal, CB, page


Singing The animals song again.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the flashcards of wild animals to review the


Making the animals pop-out and playing with it (CB, Unit 5, Is it a monster?

Pop-out). Watching the DVD of the story again and unfolding the pop-out

figures when animals are mentioned on the DVD.

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Acting the story.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the vocabulary song (Animals) with the optional props.

Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Plus Unit (TB, page 149)

Flashcard Game (TB, page 149).

Lesson 2

Is it a monster? (TB, page 151).

Has it got a tail? (TB, page 151).

Lesson 3

Odd one out (TB, page 153).

Photocopy Master 10: Trace the paths (TB, page 153).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Monkey is hungry (TB, page 155).

Group snap with the mini-flashcards (TB, page 155).

Lesson 5

What am I? (TB, page 157).

Animal descriptions (TB, page 157).

Lesson 6

Silhouette animals (TB, page 159).

Snake skin (TB, page 159).

Lesson 7

Mime game with the pop-out (TB, page 161).

Photocopy Master 20: Make an animal invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

Yes or no? (TB, page 163).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 5: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 163).

Review Lesson

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Practicing the animal vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (Animals).

Making a snake with a plastic plate.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Extension of the topic of wild animals by making masks.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should make animal

masks with plastic plates.

Singing a karaoke version of the vocabulary song (Animals).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

In this unit and throughout the course, children develop attitudes and abilities

that gradually build their identity.

They also make progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related with

improving their health, for example, by increasing their interest in outdoor

activities and in having contact with animals and nature.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

This unit deals with the environment: a visit to the zoo. Children learn and react

before different situations.

They also learn to appreciate nature’s basic elements by developing a

conscience and a responsibility on its preservation. A respectful attitude is

encouraged by working issues such as identifying and taking care of animals

and beginning to understand the role other species have in our lives.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Children understand intentions and messages from other kids as well as from

adults. They adopt a positive attitude towards their own language and the

foreign one through instructions and class language during games and plays.

Children approach audiovisual language and information and communication

technologies. They also start to distinguish reality from audiovisual


Assessment Criteria

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 124

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the vocabulary of wild animals and start naming it in English.

They participate by singing In the zoo and Animals.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.





To tell, listen to and perform the story using the Big Story Book: I love nuts!

To listen and practice the story song: Tweet tweet!

To introduce the food vocabulary and practice it.

To introduce the vocabulary chant and practice it: Please.

To transfer the unit’s vocabulary to a real life context by means of an

interdisciplinary DVD section: Let’s prepare lunch!, where a cheese and tomato

sandwich is prepared.

To personalize the topic with a creative activity: students have to draw their

favourite picnic food (Draw your favourite picnic food).

To work on the unit’s pop-out: the bird in the nest (I love nuts!) and use it in

order to practice its words.

To link the unit with another subject and develop their knowledge of the world

through the English language and science (senses).

To carry out a creative and personal project: children have to use their senses

to explore the food and guess what it is, thus expanding the topic of food.

To participate in the story’s play and sing the unit’s songs.


New: biscuits, cheese, juice, nuts, sandwiches, tomatoes, eat, drink, eating, falling,

flying, butter, bread, picnic, lunch.

Review: birds, happy, please, Watch out!, Numbers 1-10, Colours, Musical

instruments, circle, square, triangle, star, food, up and down.


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Sit down, please, Stand up, please, It’s Monkey, Very good!, Well done! What can you

see?, What’s this?, Who’s this?, What colour is it?, What number is it?, What’s next?,

Now let’s listen to the story, Let’s sing the song!, Now let’s act out the story!, It’s time

to say bye-bye!. See you tomorrow/next time/next lesson, etc.


I’m hungry!, I’m thirsty!, I love nuts!, Here you are, wash our hands, Let’s tidy up!,

We’re hungry! A cheese and tomato sandwich.


Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!) and singing the Hello song.

Introducing and listening to the unit’s story for the first time with and without the

CD. Introducing and mimicking the story’s song (Tweet tweet!).

Using a pencil to draw a line that matches each character with the food that he

or she is taking to the table (Match, CB, page 45).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another song (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Telling the story for the second time and singing the song. Children mimic the

story and the song.

Following a path and counting the birds and the peanuts there are (Follow the

path. Count and write the numbers. CB, page 46).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 3

Introducing the key vocabulary and using the Pocket Poster and the food

flashcards to practice it.

Introducing the vocabulary chant and practicing it (Please).

Drawing a red circle around the food pictures and a blue one around the

pictures of musical instruments (Circle the food red. Circle the musical

instruments blue. CB, page 47).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 4

Reviewing the vocabulary chant and using the food mini-flashcards to practice


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Watching the cartoons of the story on the DVD (I love nuts!) with its DVD song

(Tweet tweet!).

Tracing the discontinuous lines of the food pictures using the corresponding

colours (Trace and colour. CB, page 48).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 5

Singing the vocabulary song (Please).

Watching a DVD during the interdisciplinary lesson: Let’s prepare lunch! Asking

and answering questions about how to prepare a sandwich.

Arranging the pictures in the order a sandwich is prepared (Order the pictures.

Write the numbers, CB, page 49).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 6

Going over the vocabulary of picnic food with the Pocket Poster, the

interdisciplinary section DVD (Let’s prepare lunch!) and the cross-curricular

flashcards (A cheese and tomato sandwich).

Drawing their favourite picnic food (Draw your favourite picnic food, CB, page


Singing Please again.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 7

Using the Pocket Poster and the flashcards of picnic food to review the


Making a pop-out of a bird in its nest and playing with it (CB, Unit 6, I love nuts!

Pop-out). Watching the DVD of the story again and doing with the pop-out bird

the same the birds on the DVD story’s song are doing.

Acting the story.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 8

Acting the story and the vocabulary song (Please) with the optional props.

Rewarding students by giving them stickers.

Calming children down with the Settling song.

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Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Lesson 1

Reviewing Unit 5 (TB, page 167)

Musical picnixs (TB, page 167).

Lesson 2

What colour is it? (TB, page 169).

I love nuts! (TB, page 169).

Lesson 3

What’s wrong? (TB, page 171).

Photocopy Master 11: Match (TB, page 171).

Lesson 4

Review of Oxford Playschool A: Farm animals (TB, page 173).

Food survey (TB, page 173).

Lesson 5

Healthy food / Unhealthy food (TB, page 175).

Picnic plates (TB, page 175).

Lesson 6

Wash your hands! (TB, page 177).

Brush your teeth! (TB, page 177).

Lesson 7

Fly bird! (TB, page 179).

Photocopy Master 20: Make a bird invitation. Make an invitation to go to the story’s


Lesson 8

What does Twig love? (TB, page 181).

Photocopy Master 18 and 19: Unit 6: Picture Dictionary (TB, page 181).

Review Lesson

Practicing the food vocabulary with the Pocket Poster, the flashcards and the


Practicing the vocabulary chant (Please!).

Making faces with different kinds of dry pasta.

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Extension Lesson

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 128

Extension of the topic of food by exploring the five senses.

Widening the children’s knowledge of the world through English and motivating

them while they carry out their project. For their craft, they should guess the

food by means of their senses: touch, smell and taste. Singing a karaoke

version of the Please! Song.


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Learning to identify and express feelings, as well as tastes and preferences

(related with food, for instance), fosters a good knowledge of themselves and

their own features.

Children make progress in acquiring healthy habits and attitudes in order to

know themselves better, thus appreciating and enjoying daily situations of

balance and emotional well-being. They learn the importance of eating in a

balanced and healthy way and they get the message of a healthy diet. They

also learn that it is important to wash their hands before and after eating as well

as their teeth after eating.

Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Through the topic of food, children gradually internalize social behaviour norms

and adapt their conduct to them. They learn norms related to eating and sharing

an eating space with other kids as well. They learn to say please and thank you.

They also observe and recognize some signs of cultural identity related to

eating habits.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Musical language is encouraged in every unit by means of songs and rhymes

which make it possible to develop abilities related to perception, the use of

instruments, body movement and creation that emerge when listening

attentively, exploring, handling and playing with sounds and music.

Assessment Criteria

During the third year of Second-Level Pre-Primary, assessment is continuous:

Children get used to English class routines.

They recognize the food vocabulary and start naming it in English.

They participate by singing Tweet tweet and Please.

They listen in order to obtain specific information.

They answer instructions verbally and non-verbally.

They develop control over the pencil, fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

They complete their craft activities.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 129






To introduce autumn’s main characteristics.

To introduce and practice a song about autumn (It’s windy!).

To think about the weather in autumn.


New: autumn, flag, leaves.

Review: brown, green, orange, red, yellow, it’s windy, tree, nuts.


Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Practicing the topics of the seasons and the weather with the Routine Poster.

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song (TB, page 184).

Matching each leaf with its silhouette and colouring them (Match and colour.

CB, page 51).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Photocopy Master 12: Make an autumn tree (TB, page 185).

Photocopy Master 13: Make a wind flag (TB, page 185).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 130

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.


Merry Christmas!




To introduce and practice a Christmas song (Ho ho ho!).

To think about the weather in Christmas.

To celebrate Christmas in English.


New: Father Christmas, sleigh, Christmas day, Merry Christmas! It’s winter / autumn /

summer / spring.

Review: Colours. Numbers 1-10. It’s snowing / windy / sunny / Raining / cloudy, hat,



Lesson 1

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Practicing the topics of the seasons and the weather with the Routine Poster.

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song (TB, page 186 and 187).

Colouring a Father Christmas picture by number (Colour by number. CB, page


Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).

Lesson 2

Using the Routine Poster to practice the Christmas vocabulary.

Singing and mimicking the Christmas song (Ho ho ho!).

Moving across the classroom with the song as if they were snowflakes. When

music stops, they should hug the closest classmate.

Tracing and colouring snowflakes (Trace and colour, CB, page 53).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 131

Lesson 1

Merry Christmas! (TB, page 187).

Photocopy Master 14: Colour the reindeer (TB, page 187).

Lesson 2

Photocopy Master 15: Use glitter to decorate a snowflake (TB, page 189).

What season is it? (TB, page 189).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.


Carnival parade




To introduce and practice a song about carnival (Carnival parade).

To celebrate carnival in English.

To review colours, numbers and shapes.


New: carnival parade, dance, flowers.

Review: circle, square, triangle, star, drum, guitar, triangle, trumpet, ball, balloon, flag,

t-shirt, hat. Colours. Numbers 1-6.


Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 132

Greeting (Hello, Monkey!), and singing the Hello song.

Practicing the topic of geometric figures with the Routine Poster.

Using the Pocket Poster and the flashcards to review the colours.

Colouring the flags, balls and balloons in a picture according to the indicated

sequence (Colour. CB, page 54).

Listening, singing and mimicking the unit’s song (TB, page 191).

Tidying up while singing the Tidy up song and saying goodbye by singing

another one (Goodbye song).


Photocopy Master 16: Colour. Colouring a t-shirt (TB, page 191).

Photocopy Master 17: Colour. Colouring a carnival hat (TB, page 191).


Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy

Holiday units enhance the knowledge and experiences that children are having

throughout the school year and contribute to the creation of their identity, a

better knowledge of themselves and of their physical, natural and social


Physical, Natural, Social and Cultural Realms

Holiday units favour and encourage learning about different social groups, their

characteristics, cultural productions, values and ways of life, thus generating

attitudes of trust, respect and appreciation. This way, the participation of

children in holidays through games, crafts, songs and so on, is encouraged.

Languages: Communication and Representation

By using different languages, children will open new ways of communication

and representation, thus improving their abilities for receiving and interpreting

messages. This contributes to a better understanding of the world as well as a

unique, imaginative and creative expression.

Oxford University Press – Playschool Plus 133