Program_furniture inventory_adjacency study_bubble diagram

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Unit 2: Planning the Space



Unit 2: Planning the Space

Homework: Program Worksheet Finish General Project Statement Finish Program Survey At least 5 images for Program Survey

Due Today: Workbooks 2 and 3 Please write Workbook 2 and save some space and Workbook

3 on your bookmark; tuck into workbook where your work is located and turn into me to be graded.

+Warm Up #5 This is the Coconut Chair designed by George Nelson.

I’d like you to design the Banana Chair, using the same approach to design that George Nelson did for his coconut chair.

+Program Worksheet #1: Answer these questions to ‘design your clients’

Answer the questions to Workbook #4 on the worksheet provided to you.

1. What type of person/people will be living in this apartment? List the ages of people living in the apartment Describe their occupation(s) Each person's hobbies and interests How often are they using the apartment? (Do they travel often or have a

vacation home? Work long hours? Stay home often?) How often do they entertain others in the apartment? Do they have pets and if so what kind and how many?

2. What geographic location would want the apartment you are designing to be in? (Name a city and state or city and country)

3. List 5 adjectives that would describe the mood you'd like to create in the apartment. 

+Planning Process (for a new space) Create Program: General Project Statement and Survey

Bubble Diagram

Block Diagram

Create Adjacency Study

Circulation Diagram

Room Requirements Survey

Floor Plan Drawing

Evaluate the Plan

Orthographic Drawing

Elevation Drawing

+Planning Process (for an existing space) Gather Information from Client

Analyze and Evaluate the Space

Create Program: : General Project Statement and Survey

Block Diagram

Circulation Diagram

Room Requirements Survey

Furniture and Fixtures Assessment

Floor Plan Drawing

Evaluate the Plan

Orthographic Drawing

Elevation Drawing

+Project #1: Apartment

You must use your design skills to plan a brand new apartment for between 1 and 3 people. Must contain: A bedroom A kitchen Living room Dining room Bathroom A patio or balcony

(depending on what floor you live on ) 

+Please follow along in your notes and fill out the information for your project.

Step 1: Program Definition: a written document of objectives and

requirements about the project. Necessary to ensure client and designer share a common point of view about their goals for the space

Program information includes: Kinds and numbers of rooms/spaces to be

designed Relationships between the different rooms/spaces Specific needs for storage/special


+Program Components

General Project Statement 1 or 2 sentences outlining the extent of work

to be done and the purpose of the space

Survey A collection of specific details abut the

client’s requirements for the space. Collected through discussion with the client and examination of the space

+Program Components – General Project Statement

General Project Statement 1 or 2 sentences outlining the extent of work to be done

and the purpose of the space.

Ex: Franklin Square is an apartment for an urban married couple in a newly constructed building

Franklin Square – title of project

Apartment for an urban married couple – purpose of the space

Newly constructed building – extent of work to be done

+Program Components – General Project Statement

Locate the project title; purpose of the space and extent of work to be done in the statement below

Bay Park Drive is a re-design of the first floor entryway and kitchen for a lawyer’s suburban single–family home

+Program Components – General Project Statement

Locate the project title; purpose of the space and extent of work to be done in the statement below

Bay Park Drive is a re-design of the first floor entryway and kitchen for a lawyer’s suburban single–family homeBay Park Drive – title of projectSuburban single-family home – purpose of spaceRe-design of first floor entryway and kitchen –

extent of work to be done

+Program Components – General Project Statement

Locate the project title; purpose of the space and extent of work to be done in the statement below

Central Square is a re-design of the clubhouse dining room of the Central Square Country Club

+Program Components – General Project Statement

Locate the project title; purpose of the space and extent of work to be done in the statement below

Central Square is a re-design of the clubhouse dining room of the Central Square Country ClubCentral Square– title of projectCentral Square Country Club dining room– purpose

of spaceRe-design of clubhouse dining room– extent of work

to be done

+Program Components – General Project Statement

Fill out the General Project Statement information and write the statement on your worksheet. Include: title of the projectpurpose of the

space extent of work to be


+Program Components – Survey


A collection of specific details abut the client’s requirements for the space

Collected through discussion with the client and examination of the space

Survey Information:

Data on activities and processes taking place in the space

Specific needs of the people using the space

Space and furniture requirements

Privacy requirements

Noise requirements

Visual requirements


Let’s brainstorm questions to ask your client for your program’s survey component

Think about: Specific needs of the people living in the space Data on activities and processes taking place in

the space Space and Furniture Requirements Privacy Requirements Noise Requirements Visual Requirements

Program Components – Survey

+Program Components – SurveyQuestions for Clients


Bed Time?

Cooking and Dining?

Play Time?

Exercise Time?

Storage Needs?

Growth of the Family – as everyone grows/leaves home/becomes elderly

+Program Survey Questionnaire For homework, due next class:

Part 1:fill out the program survey questionnaire as though you are the client of your apartment project DO NOT answer it as yourself. Remember – you’ve designed your

clients on your worksheet, imagine you are them. Think about their likes/dislikes/interests.

The information you provide will be used to start designing your client’s apartment

Part 2: Imagine you are the client (the apartment owner) and you’ve been asked by the designer to find images from the Internet; photographs and magazines that show the style you like. Find at least 5 images that your client would choose to communicate

the style/feel they would like the designer to use as inspiration in the apartment design. Make sure to remember all of the answers the client created in the Program Survey Questionnaire when looking for images.

Ex: Don’t find an image of a huge kitchen with lots of working areas if the client said they eat out at restaurants most nights of the week.

+Warm Up #6 (this will be a 2 day warm-up)

Sketchbooks are on my cart

Design a child’s bed – inspired by a fairytale; fable or myth. Please write down what the fairytale; fable or myth is next to your drawing


Room List

Adjacency Study

Furniture Inventory

Homework: Furniture Inventory due Wednesday

+Room List Title an area in your Sketchbook as Unit 2: Planning

Sub-Title the page ‘Room List’

Get out your Program Survey

Make a list of all of the spaces you will need in your apartment, according to the Program Survey Living Room Dining Room Master Bedroom Bathroom Kitchen Patio or Balcony Closets and Storage Whatever else you need – additional bedrooms; bathrooms;

closets; workrooms; etc.


+Adjacency Study Matrix

Adjacency Study: an evaluation of the closeness of spaces from close to far apart

After knowing the number and type of rooms you have we must determine the relationship of rooms within the space to one another What rooms should be next to one

another What are the client’s needs for

proximity of space Ex: Kitchen next to Dining Room Ex: Bathroom next to Master


To do this we need to create a matrix to value the nearness between spaces

+Adjacency Study

Sub-title this section in your Sketchbook as: Adjacency Study: Project Title; Date

Construct a matrix like the one to the right – use a ruler to help you - with all of your rooms for the apartment project listed along both the side and the top of the chart. Keep them in the same order on both sides

Note: your rooms are different from the ones shown! Refer to your room list you just created!

Color code your adjacency study using the colored pencils

+Adjacency Study

Copy down the legend/key to the matrix shown in the upper left hand corner of the drawing

Keeping in mind the client’s program; evaluate the relationship between spaces, moving your way from box to box across the matrix

Fill in the answer to the box with the key you’ve created No relationship: there is no reason for

the spaces to be near one another Some relationship: there is a bit of

reason for spaces to be near one another but don’t need to be right next to each other

Critical relationship: extremely important for spaces to be right next to one another

For spaces that are the same (living room to living room) leave blank


+Furniture Inventory

Furniture Inventory: A list of all the necessary furniture; storage and built-in objects needed in a space. Secondary information such as size; shape; color and style is also provided. 

Purpose: Necessary for ensuring new-designed spaces are sized appropriately to accommodate furniture and storage necessities listed in the Program.

MUST refer to the Program survey to ensure designer is covering everything the client wants/needs Storage Entertaining Sleeping Relaxing Display of Objects Seating Areas Built-Ins

+Warm Up #6 continued

Continue with your previous warm up – creating a child’s bed inspired by a famous story; fairytale; fable or myth. Add color if you time.


Review Adjacency Study and Furniture Inventory

Bubble Diagrams


Homework: Final Bubble Diagram

+Next Steps: Bubble Diagram

Bubble Diagram – A sketch of different rooms within a space, represented by circles. Purpose: encourages

designer to explore various design solutions

Size of the circle indicates the hierarchy of importance of the room – the bigger the circle the larger the room

Acts as an outline for your plans to be developed later– almost like an outline for an essay

Used to experiment with design possibilities– don’t worry about specifics but rather the overall design concept

+Bubble Diagrams can be technical

+Or artistic

+Bubble Diagram

What is the most important space according to this bubble diagram?

What do you think the different colors are used for?

+Bubble-Diagram: Getting Started Have your program (general project statement and survey) as well as your furniture inventory next to you to review before you draw

Sub-title an area in your sketchbook as Bubble Diagram; Project Title; Date

ON THE SEPARATE PAPER Begin sketching and labeling various size bubbles for each space in your apartment – the size of bubble coordinating with the size of the room.

Don’t worry yet about where the bubbles are located in relationship to one another – make sure to spread them out so that there is space between each one

Color the spaces according to their use, assigning a color to each of the different categories below. Make sure to write what the key is to the colors. Public Space Private Space Workspace Storage


+Bubble Diagram – Link Lines

Link lines help show the relationships between spaces after you have an idea of where

When creating link lines on your diagram, refer to your adjacency study

= critical relationship

= some relationship

= no relationship

Goal is to make the heaviest lines as short as possible so people do not need to travel very far between critical relationship spaces – this means you may need to re-arrange the bubble diagram a bit

+Bubble Diagram – Link Lines

Cut out or-re-draw your bubbles from your bubble diagram

Arrange them according to your adjacency study in the area you sub-titled in your sketchbook

When you figured out where you think they need to be indicate the levels of adjacency of the different spaces by using link lines in pencil

= critical relationship

= some relationship

= no relationship

Goal is to make the heaviest lines as short as possible so people do not need to travel very far between critical relationship spaces – this means you may need to re-arrange the bubble diagram a bit

When you’ve arrived at the best solution, glue into place in your sketchbook

Remember – this isn’t a floor plan yet – it’s a visual outline for you to understand how rooms will relate to one another

+Sample Link Lines

+Sample Link Lines


+Bubble Diagram Do’s and Don’ts DO experiment with overall shapes and decide whether you want

the design to be formal or informal

DO be willing to do several different bubble diagrams to arrive at the best solution

DO make it a clean; attractive drawing – it is meant as a visual aid for the design process so make it something you and your client will understand

DON’T forget the program when developing the different ‘bubbles’ for your clients. Refer to the general project statement and survey before drawing

DON’T get too specific while drawing the “bubble” diagrams. Getting too specific too soon makes you forget that there are other design possibilities available for the design

+Final Copy Bubble Diagram - Homework Create an artistic quality final copy

of your bubble diagram Re-draw a final copy on the drawing

paper and title with: Bubble Diagram for YOUR

PROJECT TITLE Your first and last name; Date

Draw in pencil; then ink over with a Sharpie pen

Make sure to label the rooms neatly in capitol letters

Draw arrows to show the connection links between rooms like you previously did – thicker the arrow stronger the connection

Color with colored pencils, creating a color for each of the categories below. Make sure to include a key for it Public Space Private Space Workspace Storage