Progress Report of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force€¦ · Progress Report of Low-Carbon...

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Progress Report of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force

19 Oct. 2016

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan

The 52nd Meeting of the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG52) Moscow, Russia

EWG52 Agenda 5b

Ø The  12  LCMT-­‐TF,  on  Oct.  17  in  Moscow  Ø Review  the  LCMT  Project  Outcome  

p Finalizing  the  Concept  &  LCT-­‐Indicator  Ø Future  Plan  of  the  LCMT,  DisseminaHon  

p Study  on  Volunteer  CiHes/Towns  with  LCT-­‐I  p Hold  a  Symposium  

Ø Progress  of  Ongoing  LCMT  Project  p Phase  6;  Progress  of  F/S  p Phase  7;  SelecHon  of  the  City  

Today’s Contents


p Basic idea/principles p Effective approach p Guidance fot towns/cities

Achievements of LCMT Project (1)

Develop “Concept” report


p  Simple and easy to understand

p  For government officials’ use

p  More than 30 items in 5 categories

Ø  A set of self-diagnostic tool


Achievements of LCMT Project (2)

Develop “LCT-Indicator”

Overall Assessment Result Overall Rank


470 CO2 Reduction

Total Point average of (1)to(15)


Radar Chart Demand Side

Supply Side

Demand & Supply Side

Environment & Resource


Individual Assessment (more than 30 items)

Required  ・・・Optional  ・・・Total (average)

Image of assessment result

APEC Low Carbon Town-Indicator system


Next Stage of LCMT Project



We instruct the LCMT-TF to move the current LCMT Project into the next stage in order to disseminate Low-Carbon Towns in the Asia-Pacific region.

Instruction of the 12th APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting (Cebu, the Philippines, Oct. 2015, Extract)


Background, Dissemination, APEC LCMT Project

Basic Idea for Dissemination of LCT

Ø Show  Good  pracHce  of  LCT-­‐I  on  Volunteer  Towns/CiHes  p Seek  volunteer  towns    

•  self  diagnose  using  LCT-­‐I  •  IdenHfy    

p Conduct  study  of  the  volunteer  towns  p Share  good  pracHce  of  LCT-­‐T  among  APEC  region  

Ø Introduce  knowledge  of  LCMT  p Share  informaHon  on    

•  advanced  LCT  projects  in  the  world  •  the  previous  LCMT  case  towns  and  LCT-­‐I  volunteer  towns  

p Introduce  “Concept”  which  has  lots  of  knowledge


Symposium for Dissemination

Application and selection of Volunteer Cities/Towns

Volunteer Cities/Towns

Self Diagnoses Using LCT-I Identify Specific Field for Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study For a Town in Economy A

Nomination / Selection of Volunteer Towns

Feasibility Study For a city in Economy B

Review Team

Feasibility Study For a town in Economy C

Review  Team  Nomina-on


LCMT Symposium Ø Objectives

p Share information on advanced LCT projects in the world including the previous LCMT case towns in the APEC region

p Promote the use and recognition of the LCT-I System as a tool to disseminate the LCT in the APEC region

p Explore possibility of utilising the LCT-I System to develop bankable low-carbon development project in APEC developing economies

p Gather feedbacks from experts and delegates of LCT projects for the improvement of the LCT-I System

Ø Speakers p Developed APEC economy and a developed country outside the

APEC region p Financial institution (e.g. World Bank, ADB, etc.) p LCT-I Volunteer Towns p Review Team


When necessary budget is approved in Dissemination Phase 1 Ø Carry out in-depth Feasibility Study for the 3 LCT-I

volunteer towns in the specific areas identified as improvable.

Ø Holding a Symposium to share our knowledge among APEC region

Phase 7 Dissemination Phase 1

1st Symposium 2nd Symposium 3rd Symposium Final Symposium

FS (full scale) in 1 Case Town

FS (specific area) for 3 LCT-I Volunteer Towns from 1st Symposium

LCMT Symposium

Feasibility Study (FS)

Dissemination Phase 3

Dissemination Phase 2

Dissemination Project of LCMT

FS (specific area) FS (specific area)


LCMT Phase 6; Mandaue City in the Midst of Metro Cebu

u Metro Cebu is the second largest metropolitan area in the Philippines.

u Mandaue City has a population of 331,000 in 2010 which accounts for 13% of Metro Cebu.

u The city has a small territory of 3,064ha or 2.8% of Metro Cebu.

u The city functions as a connection point between Cebu and Mactan islands


LCMT Phase6; CO2e Baseline, BAU Scenario and Targets

•  CO2e  Baseline  in  2015:  1.12  million  tonCO2e  with  large  shares  of  transport  and  industry  acHviHes  (89%  in  total)  

•  BAU  in  2030:  2.51  million  tonCO2e    •  CO2e  reducHon  targets  to  BAU  

Scenario:  15%  by  2022  and  30%  by  2030  

49%  40%  


Baseline  2015









LCMT Phase7, Selection of Case City

Phase 1 Tianjin, CHINA

Phase 3 Da Nang, VIET NAM

Phase 2 Samui, THAILAND

Phase 4 San Borja, PERU

Phase 5 Bitung, INDONESIA

Phase 6 Mandaue, THE PHILIPPINES

Phase 7 Krasnoyarsk, Russia


Ø  The Concept of APEC Low-Carbon Town (LCT) and the LCT Indicator will be circulated for endorsement right after the EWG52.

Ø  Based on the experience so far, the LCMT Project will move to a dissemination stage.

Ø  We Seek volunteer towns to make a good practice of LCT, and we will hold a symposium to disseminate our knowledge to APEC region



LCMT project will move into dissemination stage!

Mandaue City: Phase6, finalize F/S Krasnoyarsk City for LCMT Phase7

Ø Phase 6: finalize F/S and Policy Review on Dec. 2016

Ø Main focus of the Phase 7: a low-carbon development plan in inland region with high demand for heating and cooling system

Thank you for attention!