Progression in the Curriculum: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

Post on 16-Oct-2021

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Group Key Vocabulary



How do people express their faith through the arts and in Christianity?

• Passion Plays Shrove Tuesday

• Mardi Gras

• Orthodox Church Ramayana

What do people believe about life after death?

• Pyre dharma

• Karma ganga

• Atman resurrection

• Reincarnation rebirth

• Paradise heaven Moska

What similarities and differences do

religions share?

• Font altar pulpit

• Lectern hassocks

• Chalice Patten baptistery

• prayer beads shoe rack

• wash facilities

• Mihrab Mimbar

• qibla wall madrassah minaret

What happened on the first Easter Sunday?

• Crucifixion Resurrection

What qualities are important to present day religious leaders?

How could we design a celebrations that in-volved everyone , whether religious or not?

• Eid-ul-Fitr Eid-ul-Adha

• Christmas Easter

• Resurrection

• Haji Sacrifice Fast

• Commemoration

• Cultural/Religious

• Ramadan

• Lent Non-denominational


What inner forces affect how we think and behave?

• Nineveh

How is Christmas celebrated around the world?

• Gospels

• Epiphany

• Babushka

• Advent

• Christingle

• Priests

What do religions and world views believe about God?

• Allah Ka'ba

• Brahman Deities

• Mool Mantra

• Trinity

How do Christians try to follow Jesus’s exam-ple?

• Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth

• New Testament

• Zakat

Should all creatures be treated equally?

Why is Muhammad and the Quran important to Muslims?

• Shahadah

• Bishmillah al-Rahman al Raheem

• The Hadith The Quran


How and why do Hindus worship in the home and in the Mandir?

• Aarti Aum

• Ganesha (Ganesh) Mandir

• Murti Prasad Puja Puja tray

Why is the Bible special for Christians?

• Bible Old Testament

What religions are represented in our neigh-bourhood?

• Mosque Church

• Gurdwara Hindu Temple

• Synagogue

• Buddhist Vihara or mediation centre

Why is Easter important to Christians?

• Palm Sunday The Last Supper

• Procession Eucharist

• Holy Week Easter

What makes me the person I am?

• Canticle

• Pandurang Shastri Athavale

• Bhagavad Gita

• Vedas Saint

• Sainthood Saint Francis

• (c1181-1226)

What happens when someone gets married?

• Nikkah Walima

• Mahr Saptapadi

• Griha Pravesh Mangalfera,

• Shilarohana, Aashirvaad

• Kanyadaan


How did Jesus and Buddha make people stop and think?

• Parable

What is the significance of light?

• Advent Christianity

• Diwali

• Dreidel Judaism

• Hanukkah(Hanukah, Chanukah)

• Hanukiah/ Hunakiah

• Hanuman Hinduism

How do Jews celebrate their beliefs at home and in the synagogue?

• Ark Bimah

• G-d Havdalah

• Hechsher Judaism

• Kiddush cup Kol Nidre

• Kosher Mitzwah

• Ner Tamid Rosh Hashanah

• Seder Plate Shabbat Shema

How and why do Hindus celebrate Holi?

• Holi - Krishna Idea of God

What can we learn about special signs and symbols used in special religions?

• Tasbih Topi

• Psalm Communion Mass

What do Sikh sayinsg tell us about Sikh beliefs?

• Khanda Nishan Sahib

• Kesh Kangha Kara Kachera Kirpan

• Guru Granth Sahib Hukamnama

• Gurdwara


Why did Jesus tell stories?

• Parable Samaritan Prodigal Sacred

• Disciples Moral Value Gospel

• Holy Apostle

Why are different books special for different people?

Why do people celebrate?

Why is Easter important to Christians?





• Resurrection

How does special food and fasting help people in their faith?

• Ramadan Lent

• Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday

Where did the world come from and how should we look after it?

• Creation Adam Eve

• Garden of Eden Paradise

• Lord Vishnu Lord Brahma

• Soma Surya

• Agni Vaya Varuna


What does it mean to belong to Christinaity?

• Christening Dedication

• Vicar, priest, minister Font

How do Christians celebrate Christmas?

• Christmas Advent

• Advent candle Advent wreath

• Advent calendar

What does it mean to belong to Sikhism?

• Guru Granth Sahib Guru Nanak

• Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa Five Ks

• Dastaar Bandi

• Amrit ceremony Chauri

• Gurdwara Sikh

• Khanda Nam Karan

• Granthi Hukam

What can be special about living with family and friends?

• Rakhi Shabbat Bible

• Kippur/Kippah Mezuzah

• Qur’an Kiddush

What does it mean to belong to Hinduism?

• Aum or Om Hinduism

• Vedas Mandir

• Diwali River Ganges

• Gods/Goddesses Krishna

• Atman Reincarnation

• Samsara Karma

• Dharma Moksha

• Puja Murti Offering

What does it mean to belong to Islam?

• Imam Eid – al – Adha

• Mosque Subha

• Eid–ul -Fitr Qur’an

• Allah Ibrahim

• Ismail Muhammad

• Halal Haram Masjid

Christianity Sikhism Islam

Year 2

Why did Jesus tell stories?

Why is Easter important to Christians?

Year 3

How do Jews celebrate their beliefs at

home and in the synagogue?

Year 1

What does it mean to belong to Christi-anity?

How do Christians celebrate Christmas?

Year 4

How and why do Hindus worship in the

home and in the Mandir?

Year 4

Why is the Bible special for Christians?

Why is Easter important to Christians?

Year 5

How do Christians try to follow Jesus’




Wider Opportunities and




Graduation celebration


Christmas performance



Christmas performance

Hindu temple


Diwali workshop


Christmas performance


Church visit—Easter




Gurdwara visit

Hinduism Judaism Other religions and

world views

Year 1

What does it mean to belong to Sikhism?

Year 1

What does it mean to belong to Hinduism?

Year 1

What does it mean to belong to Islam?

Year 1

What can be special about living with family and friends?

Year 2

1.Why are different books special for

different people?

2.Why do people celebrate? i.e.


3.How does special food and fasting

help people with their faith?

4.Where did the world come from and

how should we look after it?

Year 3

How and why do Hindu’s celebrate Holi?

Year 3

What do Sikh sayings tell us about Sikh


Year 3

How did Jesus and Buddha make

people stop and think?

What is the significance of light?

What can we learn about special

symbols and signs used in special


Year 4

What religions are represented in our


What makes me the person I am?

What happens when someone gets


Year 5

What inner forces affect how we think

and behave?

How is Christmas celebrated around the


Should all creatures be treated equally?

Year 5

Why is Mohammed and the Qur’an

important to Muslims?

Year 6

What do people believe about life after


What similarities and differences do

religions share?

What qualities are important to present

day religious leaders?

How could we design a celebration that

involved everyone whether religious or


Year 6

How do people express their faith

through the arts in Christianity?

What happened on the first Easter


Progression in the Curriculum: