Project: 01

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Concept, design, prototype and present a mobile shopping app that genuinely satisfies some need or goal of a complete stranger in a very limited amount of time. Link to prototype:!/projects/528edd976fa13fde09000cf6/preview


Designed by: Jason ScottStudent Project: General Assembly UXDI Winter 2013

Chef’s AssistantSocial Grocery-Shopping Made Easy

Sunday, November 24, 13

About the Product: Chef’s Assistant is a social grocery-shopping app designed for co-ops. The app offers custom recipes that match you and your co-op mates unique taste and diet preferences. Choose recipes together and even shop for specific items together via the app in real-time. Once all of the grocery items are selected, checkout, split the cost and have the items delivered to your door at a convenient time that you select.

About the Project: CHALLENGE: Over the course of 3 days I was charged with the task to concept, design, prototype, and present a mobile shopping app that genuinely satisfied a need or goal of a complete stranger.

SOLUTION: Chef’s Assistant (CA) is the result of my efforts in satisfying the needs of Meghna Dholakia, a Bay Area native who currently lives in a co-op and is in charge of coordinating groceries and meal planning for her co-op mates. Being frustrated with the current process of manually taking grocery orders from her house mates and splitting the costs, she needed a fluid, shared meal-planning and shopping experience that could be delivered via web and mobile channels.

Sunday, November 24, 13


preferences screen custom recipes screen recipe detail screen

Sunday, November 24, 13


Sunday, November 24, 13


Method: In getting to know the needs and goals of a complete stranger, research began with getting to know my user. Multiple user interviews were conducted. I had the user map out their day-to-day behaviors over the course of a week to discover important recurring behaviors. We then co-created a concept map that displayed the relationship of recurring actions and behaviors to discover if some held more importance than others. Finally we discussed and discovered pain-points that existed with the most important actions and behaviors.

Findings: I found that my user (Meghna Dholakia) loves co-op living, cooking and takes pride in playing the role of “House Chef” where she is in charge of coordinating the grocery needs, meal planning and shopping for her co-op mates. She expressed several frustrations with the inefficiency of her current coordinating process.

Opportunities Identified: Create a fluid, shared meal-planning and grocery shopping experience that could be delivered via mobile channels.

We identified three types of potential users for this product: 1). Co-ops2). Roommates3). Families

Sunday, November 24, 13



Method: I tested multiple users with paper prototypes in a participatory design session and asked them about their experience to discover places for improvement and innovation.

Findings: The app concept was understood, yet several initial screens were confusing and had to be reworked. The initial app was too feature-richand needed to be simplified to only primary actions.

Opportunities Identified: Getting rid of the ability to schedule meals was critical to delivering an minimal viable product.

Sunday, November 24, 13


Method: After several paper-prototype were tested, an optimal paper prototype was linked together with the app Paper On Prototype to captur the screen-based version of the experience.

AWARENESS Awareness of the product while it lives in the mobile device

SET UP AND FIRST RUNFirst time experience - setting up an account - setting preferences

CORE PRODUCT EXPERIENCE- setting preferences- view and select recipes- checkout

Sunday, November 24, 13

THANK YOUDesigned by: Jason

Sunday, November 24, 13