Post on 10-Feb-2020

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Financial support by funds from the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development

Generating of new scientifical knowledge on the nutritional characteristics ofprocessed feeds (achieved by applying processing techniques within the projector their present on the "feed market" in Romania

INCDBNA Balotesti - Project coordinator

INMA – Partner 1

USAMV - BTH Bucuresti - Partner 2


DATABASE comprising vegetable sources processing units for food / non-food (relevant

for the ruminant feeding) and the by-products generated byproduct

Source of



type Unit Byproduct (potențial feed) Row matherial

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Rapeseed cake (cold pressing oil ) rapeseed

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Wheat germ cake (cold pressing oil) wheat germ

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Soybean cake (cold pressing oil) soybean

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Pumpkin seeds cake (cold pressing oil ) pumpkin

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Poppy cake(cold pressing oil) poppy

IBNA oils 2E-PROD Linseed cake (cold pressing oil) linseed

INMA milling A.F. ZAMFIR C Maize (from maize), Maize

INMA milling A.F. ZAMFIR C Bran (from maize) Maize

IBNA milling AGFD TANDAREI SRL Maize germ Maize

IBNA milling AGFD TANDAREI SRL Maize gluten Maize

> 100 inputs, > 10 processing type, > 60 deliver units, > 30 byproducts identified

Description of processing technologies leading to obtaining of main


Inventory of main feed processing technologies / technique in order to

improve or preservation of the nutritive value.

Identification of nutritional characteristic little known for each byproduct

identified in database.

Bibliographic study focused on 3 way:

Many criteria


(the opportunity of

research studies,

practical aspect,

potential impact)


# Clarifying issues related to valorisation

of byproducts results from oil plant

pressing industry in ruminant

# Clarifying issues related to valorisation

of fodder on which fermentative or

enzymatic processing were carring out

Nutritional recommendations obtained as result of fodder effects assesing at ruminal level.

in vitro trial were hiderlight a wide range of organic substance digestibility for 15 byproducts

studied (from 22.53 for grape seed meal to 81.82% for sesame meal), which allow us to valorise each of

them in vary strategy. The condition is that byproduct to be available in sufficient quantities (especial

for linseed and camelina cake, etc.).

Analises of ruminal parameters (dynamics pH, dynamics NH3, dynamics fatty acids volatile – total and

individual) obtaining by replacement of sunflower meal with camelina cake and linseed on fistuled ram.

We didn’t noticed relevant differences between groups which lead to conclusion that both camelina

and linseed cake could replace sunflower meal without negative influence on ruminal metabolism.

Analises of ruminal parameters obtained by using enzymatic mixture 1 and 2 at

fistuled ram in diet with dry grape pomace (15,5% in DM) didn’t highlight effects nu au

relevat notable efects on ruminal used of heavy digestible byproducts.

As fallow of PCR analyses of ruminal content samples from both experiments on

fistuled animals (diet 1 with camelina and linseed cake; diet 2 with dry grape pomace,

with or without addition of enzymes) certain changes were noticed on bacterial

population. These changes did not lead to major changes of main parameters, rely on

ruminal metabolism (pH, concentration of NH3, fatty acids volatile concentration).

Coriander and linseed cake were analysed in vitro. The protein value – 15.70% (coriander cake)

and 35.50% (linseed cake).

Digestibility coefficient of organic substance was comprised between 42,21% (coriander cake)

to 63,89% (linseed cake).

This allow us to apply different feeding strategy depending on the farmer’s need, market

availability, etc., for their valorisation in animal feeding as alternative resources. These feed

have potential effect on milk nutritional quality and on health status.

The surface cultivated with linseed and camelina could be extended. As a consequences, the

increase the available quantities for animal feeding.

Dietary effects of camelina and linseed cake in farm condition

Compoziția laptelui în acizi grași







Total n-


Total n-



M (sunflower meal) 70,970 24,468 3,332 2,979 0,353 0,306

E1 (Camelina cake) 62,623 30,192 6,275 5,812 0,463 1,155

E2 (linseed cake) 67,012 26,925 5,064 4,270 0,794 0,586

Testing in farm condition of dietary hamp cake effects on dairy cattle. We aimed to

identify the effects on milk production (effectiveness and nutritional quality) and health


Milk chemical composition (%) – preliminary data




Sunflower meal group Hamp cake group

3.928 3.653

3.448 3.442

4.770 4.735

The effects of dietary camelina/linseed cake (experiment 1) and hamp cake (experiment 2)

were evaluated on animal immune status and consumer helth

The TNF-alfa content in milk sample was lower in the 2

experiments but the value were comprised in reference limit

(Hisaeda, 2001).

Study on potential effects of improved nutritional milk on health status of the consumer

# nutritive value of milk: proximal composition, amino acids

profile fatty acids level, etc.)

# active substances with a lower level in milk DM but with potential

to beneficial influence health of consumerIL-6, TNF, IGF1,

BCAA, ...

α-lactalbumin; glutamin; palmitic acid; etc.

Activating of mTORC1; insulin metabolism, etc.

Relation dairy product “civilisation


(cardio, obezity, diabetes, alergy, acne,


diet “Western”

Survey on milk product improved

nutritional –specific case

(patients with acne)

- interest

- confident

# 4 articles in BDI base;

# 1 articol in technical journal;

# 5 events participation (3 symposium, 1 conference, 1 international exhibition);

Articles, scientific comunication, informative material, project

web page

# INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISB-INMA TEH’2016-Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering, 27–29 October

2016, (Section 3 Food Industry 28 october), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, cu lucrarea „Mechanical

Processing of Camelina Seeds for Assuring the Required Conditions at Superior Capitalization of Byproducts”.

# INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISB-INMA TEH’2016-Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering, 26–28 October

2017, (SECTION 2 - ECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT, 27 October), University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, cu lucrarea

„Theoretical considerations on flattening process of cereal grains with high humidity for use as fodders”.

# Poster: Nedelcu Ancuţa, Ciupercă Radu, Dumitraşcu Andrei, Zaica Ana, Anghelet Alexandra, Bunduchi George,

2018, Obținerea șroturilor prin procesarea mecanică a semințelor oleaginoase cu stația pilot pentru extragerea

uleiurilor vegetale, Conferința „Tendințe în construcția echipamentelor tehnice destinate agriculturii şi industriei

alimentare în contextul schimbărilor climatice (agricultura de precizie, conversia resurselor biologice regenerabile în

bioproduse și bioenergie)”, 17 mai 2018, ASAS, Romania.(Fig. 1)

Scientifical events

• By activities of this project was generated a wide range of new acknowledge on using at

ruminal level of some processing by-products (camelina cake, linseed cake, hempseed


• Assessing of the effects of dietary incorporation of this ingredients in ruminants feeding

highlight new nutritional solution for farmers (diets formula, compound feed structure,

nutritional recommendation).