Project Financing Fn

Post on 09-Apr-2018

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  • 8/8/2019 Project Financing Fn


    dApril 3, 20041

  • 8/8/2019 Project Financing Fn



    Project Financing means :Project Financing means :

    arranging funds for implementinganew project

    undertaking expansion, diversification, modernization or

    rehabilitation of existing projects.

    Dec 7, 20102

  • 8/8/2019 Project Financing Fn




    Project financing is a special case of financing in which lender relies on repayment

    from the net cash flow generated by the project.

    Project finance is provided against assets ofand the rights in a particular project

    rather than against the borrowers balance sheet.

    Financers are therefore concerned to analyze the risks associated with the project

    before they accept the investment opportunity which it represents.

    The cost and terms of financing reflect the financiers view about the riskiness of

    the project

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    Types of ProjectsTypes of Projects

    Manufacturing Projects

    Designed or built to order machines /equipment

    New product development projects

    Greenfield Projects

    Establish buildings or operating plants at remote sites Infrastructure projects

    Scientific Research Projects

    Innovative, experimental, developmental

    System development Projects

    Systems / software development & implementation

    Management Projects

    Managing change within organization

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    Characteristic features of major projects:Characteristic features of major projects:

    very large & capital intensive

    dedicated to a single purpose & none of the equipments can be used for other


    time for project development & implementation is quite long, returns are deferredfor some years

    they often exceed capacity ofa single organization to plan, supply & construct

    they are technically complex demanding resources of skill, manufacturing &

    production which are not widely available

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    IdentifyingIdentifying sourcesoffinance :

    IdentifyingIdentifying suitablesuitable sourcessources ofof financefinance isis thethe firstfirst stepstep inin planningplanning financefinance forfor aa


    FinanceFinance forfor projectsprojects fallsfalls intointo twotwo majormajor categoriescategories::

    DebtDebt:: BorrowerBorrower hashas thethe obligationobligation toto repayrepay.. DebtDebt alsoalso usuallyusually carriescarriesobligationobligation toto paypay interestinterest andand toto adhereadhere toto aa prearrangedprearranged repaymentrepayment

    scheduleschedule.. TheThe lenderlender hashas prioritypriority claimclaim ifif borrowerborrower goesgoes intointo liquidationliquidation..

    EquityEquity:: FundsFunds subscribedsubscribed byby thethe shareholdersshareholders fromfrom theirtheir ownown resourcesresources..

    ThereThere isis nono guaranteeguarantee thatthat thethe dividenddividend willwill bebe paidpaid andand investorsinvestors tendtend totolooseloose theirtheir moneymoney ifif thethe projectproject failsfails toto performperform.. EquityEquity shareholdersshareholders havehave

    thethe lastlast claimclaim ifif thethe projectproject goesgoes intointo liquidationliquidation

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    Sources of Finance :Sources of Finance :

    The main sources ofdebt finance are:

    Commercial banks

    Multilateral lending institutions

    Suppliers of equipment & services for the project

    Suppliers of raw materials to the project

    Buyers of output from the project

    The main sources of equity finance are:

    Corporate cash flow generated by existing business operations

    Corporate or individual investors, or funds raised through stock markets

    Joint venture partners

    Government subscriptions & aids Multilateral investment institutions

    Venture capitalists

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    Unconventional Sources of Project financing :Unconventional Sources of Project financing :


    Use of project assets through off-balance sheet financing.


    Sale of financial instruments due to mature in future.


    Seller accepts goods or services in lieu of cash payments.

    Switch Trading:

    Making use, via a third party, of uncleared credit surpluses arising from bilateral

    trade agreements.


    Exporter oftechnically advanced project incorporates an agreed value of materials,

    equipment & services supplied by the buyer.

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    Unconventional Sources of Project financing :Unconventional Sources of Project financing :

    Franchise Financing:

    Engineering & construction contractors become equity holding joint venture partners

    for the project they design & build.

    Debt/Equity Swapping:

    Multinational technology owner buys host country debt at a discount. The debt isredeemed in local currency at favourable rate of exchange for setting up a local

    company. The local company uses transferred technology to earn foreign exchange,

    replace imports & generate local employment.

    Build Operate Transfer (BOT):

    Government grants concession to a project company to build a facility and operate iton commercial basis. Facility is transferred to governmen t a t the end of the


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    dDec 7, 201010

    Project financing :Project financing :

    The most important thing in any project financing

    is preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)which should be made beautifully for getting theproject approved from banks/financialinstitutions. After preparation of DPR theproposal is moved to the banks/financialinstitutions for processing ofthe file.


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    dDec 7, 201011