Project Image Morphing Presented By Sharmila Gupta.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Project Image Morphing

Presented By

Sharmila Gupta

Digital Image Manipulation





Interpolation/ Extrapolation


Simple pixel Modification

Simple Pixel Modification

Convert to Gray f(r,g,b) = .3r + .52g + 10b

Invert f(v) = 1-v

Brighten/darken f(v) = ßv for ß >= 0

Threshold if v > threshold then f(v) = 1 else f(v) = 0

Applying same degree of change in every pixel

Image Interpolation/Extrapolation

Change Contrast

Change Saturation

Original More Contrast Less Contrast

Offers a general, unifying approach to many common point and area image processing operations.

Brightness, contrast, saturation, tint, and sharpness can all be controlled with one formula, separately or simultaneously.

Original More Saturated Less Saturated

Image Interpolation/Extrapolation


Noise removal

Original More Bright Less Bright

median filtered imageImage with “impulse” noise


Compisiting images involves combining separate image layers into one

Layers may be moved and arranged.



Edge Enhancement


Original Edge Defined


Used for different image processing, removing blur-ness, defining edge, restore special effect by filtering, masking or other technique.

DitheringMonitors and image files limited to 256 colors can create the illusion of more colors by Dithering the available colors in a scattered pattern, approximating the desired color. Image editors often use dithering to convert true color images to indexed color images.

True-color Image Dithered Image

What is Image Morphing?

It comes from the word Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis: Change shape, size, form or appearance

Image Morphing

Transition from one object to another

What is Image Morphing ?

Morphing can be defined as:

Process of transforming one image into another.

An animation technique that allows you to blend two still images, creating a sequence of in – between pictures that when played in Quick Time, metamorphoses the first image into the second.

A process of transforming two images where it seems like the first melts, dissolves and re-arranges itself to become the second one

What is Image Morphing ?contd..

How is Morphing done?

First image is gradually distorted and is faded out

General View

The second image starts out totally distorted toward the first and is faded in.

It is broadly two-step process:

Classification of MorphingMorphing classified into three types

Image-based Method

Volume-based approaches

Boundary representations (B-rep) -based approaches

WarpingWarping two images to make them having the same shape

Image-based Morphing

Cross dissolvingCross dissolving the resulting images

Two steps are:

Image-based Morphing


Image-Based Morphing - Warping

Warping an image means apply a given deformation to it

Two ways to warp an image:

A warp is a 2-D geometric transformation and generates a distorted image when it is applied to an image

Forward Mapping

Reverse Mapping

Forward Mapping

Each pixel in the source image is mapped to an appropriate pixel in the destination image.

Some pixels in the destination image may not be mapped

Source Image

Source Image

Destination Image

Destination Image

Reverse Mapping

This method goes through each pixel in the destination image and samples an appropriate source image pixel

All destination image pixels are mapped to some source image pixel.

This mapping used in the Beier/Neely line morphing method.

Cross Dissolving A cross-dissolve is a sequence of images which

implements a gradual fade from one to the other.

Very primitive

No smooth transition

Image-based Morphing - Example

Image-based Morphing - Example

Do Morphing

Source Image Destination Image

Image-based Morphing - Example

Baby to Grandpa Morphing

Groom to Bride Compositing


Image-Based Morphing - Other option ! Better option than Cross - Dissolving:

Field/Line Morphing

Mesh Mapping

Multilevel Free-form Deformation (MFFD)

Field/Line Morphing

What pixel coordinate in the source image do we sample for each pixel in destination image ?

Correspondence achieved using feature line(s) in source and destination images

Source Image Destination Image

Field/Line Morphing

Two step process

Step I : Interpolating the lines: Interpolate the coordinates of the end points of every

pair of lines.

Step II : Warping the Images: Each of the source images has to be deformed towards the needed frame. The deformation works pixel by pixel is based on the reverse mapping. This algorithm is called Beier-Neely Algorithm.


Divide the two image to be morphed into lines

Create Intermediate Morph for both images


Intermediate Morph ? Use corresponding lines in both the images to redefine a new

position for each pixel according to a parameter t If t = 0 for First image and t = 1 for Second Image then

Intermediate Morph: 0<t<1

BEIER-NEELY ALGORITHM (contd.) Compute line endpoints in the intermediate morph

A = endpoint of a line in First image

B = endpoint of a line in Second image

AB = endpoint of the line in Intermediate image = (1-t)*A+t*B

Use Field Morphing to warp First Image according to intermediate line endpoints

Use Field Morphing to warp Second Image according to intermediate line endpoints

Cross-Dissolve the warped images using t to define weighted pixel average


Cross Dissolve the intermediate warped images

Warped First Image Warped Second Image

BEIER-NEELY ALGORITHM - PIXEL POSITION1) Compute position of pixel X in destination image

relative to the line drawn in destination image.(x,y) (u,v)








Destination Image Source Image

Compute coordinates of pixel in source image whose position relative to the line drawn in source image is (u,v). (u,v) (x’,y’)










Destination Image Source Image


Computation of pixel X with respect to Line

X (x,y)

P (px,py)

Q (qx,qy)



Destination Image

(x,y) (u,v)(x-px)(qx-px)+(y-py)(qy-







(qy-py, -qx+px)


BEIER-NEELY ALGORITHM-WEIGHTED AVG. Computation of weighted pixel average

X (x,y)

P (px,py)

Q (qx,qy)



Weight =lengthp

a + dist


length = (qx-px)2 + (qy-py)2length = (qx-px)2 + (qy-py)2

dist = abs(v) if o<u<1or

dist = distance of (x,y) from P if u < 0or

dist = distance of (x,y) from Q if u > 1

dist = abs(v) if o<u<1or

dist = distance of (x,y) from P if u < 0or

dist = distance of (x,y) from Q if u > 1(a,b) controls influence of line for points near it

(a,b) controls influence of line for points near it


For each pixel X=(x,y) in the destination image DSUM=(0,0) , weightsum=0 for each line(Pi, Qi) calculate(ui,vi) based on Pi, Qi calculate (xi’, yi’) based on u,v and Pi, Qi calculate displacement Di = Xi’ – X for this line compute weight for line(Pi,Qi)



(x’y’) = (x,y)+DSUM/weightsum color at destination pixel(x,y) = color at source pixel(x’y’)

Mesh Morphing

Mesh is a rough presentation of an object

Meshed Image

Source and Destination images are meshed

Meshes for both images are interpolated

How it is done ?

Intermediate images are cross-dissolved

Mesh Morphing-Algorithm

• for each frame f do

– Linearly interpolate mesh M, between Ms and Mt

– warp Images to I1, using meshes Ms and M

– warp Imaget to I2, using meshes Mt and M

– Linearly interpolate image I1 and I2

• end

Mesh Morphing

Mesh Morphing - Pros and Cons

Hard to fit the mesh in the image

All control points affects the warping equally.

Not enough control on certain points when needed.



A Mesh A Rendered Image

Multilevel Free Form Deformation (MFFD) Morphing two sequences of live action, rather than

just two still images

Mark all features in key frames

Interpolate the features between key frames

Do image metamorphosis on set of image pairs

Multilevel Free Form Deformation (MFFD)

Volume Based Approaches Technique:

The objects are expressed as level sets of distance functions

Two steps:

Warp: deform the 3D space in order to make the two objects to be morphed coincide as much as possible

Interpolation: linear interpolate distance fields deformed by the warp

Interaction: The user interface allows to select feature (or anchor)

points in each voxelized object space and map the anchor points of the source object to the anchor points of the target object

Volume Based Approaches - Example

Volume Based Approaches - Example

Volume Based Approaches

D. Cohen-Or, D. Levin, A. Solomovoci. Three-dimensional distance field metamorphosis. ACM Trans. Graphics 17:116-141, 1998

B-Rep Based Approaches

Polyhedral Morphing using Feature based surface decomposition

The users only need to specify a few corresponding pairs of features on the two polyhedra. They can then specify the trajectories along which these features travel during the morph using Bezier curves, as shown in the next page.

The algorithm not only provides the user with high-level control in terms of specifying the features and trajectories, it also allows for local refinement

B-Rep Based Approaches

Destination Image Source Image

B-Rep Based Approaches

B-Rep Based Approaches

A. Gregory, A. State, M. C. Lin, D. Manocha, and M. A. Livingston. Interactive surface decomposition for polyhedral morphing. The Visual Computer (1999) 15:453-470

B-Rep Based Approaches - Examples

Jack and Jill

Coffecup to Donut

Project Image Morphing