Project Managment

Post on 24-Apr-2017

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IBIT Student’s Aid is a nonprofit organization that aims to help needy students of IBIT by providing them semester based student aid scholarship. Our aim is to help those students of IBIT who have difficulty in financial matters and require some external source of financial help to relieve some of their financial burden. For this purpose IBIT Student Aid will provide the needy students, semester based financial help beside the needy student scholarship. This will assist those deserving students that require some sort of extra assistance besides the scholarships. Funds will be raised for this cause from the students, faculty and alumni of the department for this noble cause. Applicants for the Student Aid will be interviewed and their household income analyzed before registering them for the Student Aid. For this purpose records of the students will be examined and some assistance will be taken from the administration of the department.

The main motivation behind this project is that it is observed that there are some students in the department who belong to the lower middle or lower class who do not have sufficient money to solve their money related problems such as affording books for studies or transportation fares. For these small expenses which accumulate into financial burdens IBIT Student Aid will provide semester based stipend. This stipend along with the needy scholarship offered by the department will greatly resolve money related problems of such students. Other students especially alumni of the department will be encouraged to help these deserving students so that they could feel the contentment and satisfaction for providing assistance to these needy students.


We starting up an NPO in IBIT, hoping to be successful, need three things at start;

• The first is passion

• The second is a group of people who share this passion, and the vision to match.

• The third is a good relationship with the people we want to help – the beneficiaries.



The objectives of this project are discussed below:

1.The formation of a fund raising nonprofit organization in IBIT that will provide financial assistance for the needy and deserving students who require some extra financial aid beside the needy scholarship.

2. The set-up of the office and equipments for this NPO.

3. Holding fund raising events in IBIT for the pooling of financial resources to give Student Aid to the deserving students.

4. Contacting alumni of IBIT for the cause of fund raising and registering them in the donor list.

5. Formulation of the process by which applicants for the Student Aid will be examined and approved.

6. Seeking volunteers for the running of IBIT Student Aid’s office.

7. Developing website of the NPO.

8. Opening a bank account for the purpose of accumulating and storing funds.


For the purpose of polling resources for this cause the initial fund raising event will be held in the seminar hall. All the students will be encouraged to participate along with faculty members and alumni. They will be briefed about the organization and why there should be the existence of such an organization in IBIT.

Promotion would be done by distributing pamphlets among the students to create awareness among them. Along with that a website will be developed where the donors can contact us and their queries can be answered.

Social media sites such as Facebook will also be utilized and a Facebook page and group will be made for this purpose. The promotion done on the Facebook and twitter will be very beneficial as we can easily target the alumni students who have studied form IBIT and encourage them to participate in this cause.

For other queries people can contact us on our e-mail address.


Along with that students will be offered the opportunity to be volunteers to run the NPO. These volunteer students will be offered work stipend to operate the office for a few hours during the working days when they would be free.


The organizational hierarchy consists of a steering committee consisting of 3 members; Director IBIT, one faculty member and one member from us. The project manager would work under the directions of the steering committee and will directly answer to it. Under the project manager the project team will exist consisting of 4 heads: financial head, marketing head, human resource head and operations/ technical head.

The steering committee would consist of three members who would run the project and would give directions to the project manager and its team. They will set the course for the whole project.

The project manager would be selected by the project steering committee and would overview the project and direct the project team under it.

Under the project manager would exist 4 heads who would deal with financial matters, marketing and promotion, human resource and operations/ technical matters respectively and would directly answer to the project manager.

Two volunteers will run the operations of the NPO and will be given special allowance. They will be from the senior and the second most senior batches respectively and would be responsible for carrying out daily operations of IBIT Student Aid.



The total budget for our NPO is 200,000. We have estimated our cash outflows. The budgeting estimates for our projects are as follows:

Expenditure CostRent of room 10,000

System PC 10,000Printer 4,000

Furniture(Table, Chair etc) 25,000Extra(clock etc) 4,000Documentation 4,000

Website 3,000A/C opening + deposit 30,000

Broachers printing 5,000Seminar 17,000

Incentive to volunteers(2) 24,000Needy students (10) 54,000

Other expenses 10,000Total cost 200,000



Security:For security purpose we have all our cash in the bank account.

Communication:T he purpose of communication is to conduct awareness campaigns. Communication is an important part of the daily operation, it frames all media activities, including internal and external communications, public relations, and clarifies the organization's priorities, target audiences, resources and staff assignments.


For efficient performance of the NPO all members must coordinate with another so that every member of the NPO knows about one another’s activities.


We have decided that as our funds increases we will also increase the number of the recipients.


We will definitely train our team members for the efficient and effective working of our NPO. We will also train the volunteers so that they can perform well in order to achieve our goals.


With all that is entailed in being a leader, it is easy to understand why someone would make the distinction that all they wanted to be was a project manager. Minding the scope, schedule, and budget sounds quiet and peaceful, even mundane. Taking a subordinate, individual contributor role managing team members to someone else's direction, is tranquil in comparison to a leader's responsibilities. One must remember, though, there are two paths in project management—successfully managing the most difficult of projects as a leader, or following a cookbook project management style as a coordinator. The demand will increase for the former, while the latter will be commoditized and relegated to any resource, remote or local. To advance the project management discipline, leadership qualities are essential.


Below are the top 10 qualities of a successful leader in rank order, according to their frequency listed:

Inspires a Shared Vision:An effective project leader is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who "lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change. Visionary leaders enable people to feel they have a real stake in the project. They empower people to experience the vision on their own.

A Good Communicator:The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost always named as the second most important skill by project managers and team members. Project leadership calls for clear communication about goals, responsibility, performance, expectations and feedback.There is a great deal of value placed on openness and directness. The project leader is also the team's link to the larger organization. The leader must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication, project leaders support individual and team


achievements by creating explicit guidelines for accomplishing results and for the career advancement of team members.

Integrity:One of the most important things a project leader must remember is that his or her actions, and not words, set the modus operandi for the team. Good leadership demands commitment to, and demonstration of, ethical practices. Creating standards for ethical behavior for oneself and living by these standards, as well as rewarding those who exemplify these practices, are responsibilities of project leaders. Leadership motivated by self-interest does not serve the well being of the team. Leadership based on integrity represents nothing less than a set of values others share, behavior consistent with values and dedication to honesty with self and team members. In other words the leader "walks the talk" and in the process earns trust.

Enthusiasm:Plain and simple, we don't like leaders who are negative - they bring us down. We want leaders with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude. We want to believe that we are part of an invigorating journey - we want to feel alive. We tend to follow people with a can-do attitude, not those who give us 200 reasons why something can't be done. Enthusiastic leaders are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism. Leadership emerges as someone expresses such confident commitment to a project that others want to share his or her optimistic expectations. Enthusiasm is contagious and effective leaders know it.

Empathy:What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Although the words are similar, they are, in fact, mutually exclusive. According to Norman Paul, in sympathy the subject is principally absorbed in his or her own feelings as they are projected into the object and has little concern for the reality and validity of the object's special experience. Empathy, on the other hand, presupposes the existence of the object as a separate individual, entitled to his or her own feelings, ideas and emotional history (Paul, 1970). As one student so eloquently put it, "It's nice when a project leader acknowledges that we all have a life outside of work."

Competence:Simply put, to enlist in another's cause, we must believe that that person knows what he or she is doing. Leadership competence does not however necessarily refer to the project leader's technical abilities in the core technology of the business. As project management continues to be recognized as a field in and of itself, project leaders will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in leadership skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if leaders are to be seen as capable and competent.


Ability to Delegate Tasks:Trust is an essential element in the relationship of a project leader and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions - how much you check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate. Individuals who are unable to trust other people often fail as leaders and forever remain little more that micro-managers, or end up doing all of the work themselves. As one project management student put it, "A good leader is a little lazy." An interesting perspective!

Cool Under Pressure:In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with no major problems or obstacles to overcome. But we don't live in a perfect world - projects have problems. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity. Out of the uncertainty and chaos of change, leaders rise up and articulate a new image of the future that pulls the project together.

Team-Building Skills:A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right objective. In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalize on each at the proper time, for the problem at hand.

Problem Solving Skills:Although an effective leader is said to share problem-solving responsibilities with the team, we expect our project leaders to have excellent problem-solving skills themselves. They have a "fresh, creative response to here-and-now opportunities," and not much concern with how others have performed them.

Demonstrate a drive for resultsProject management isn’t easy or filled with glory. The reality is that projects are tough and can be stressful, frustrating, and have administrative challenges that can detract from the end goal. Focusing on the tasks that need to be accomplished (regardless of obstacles) and keeping the end goal in mind are easier said than done, but both concepts are critical nonetheless.Effective project managers take responsibility to achieve the results defined by the project; this means you may not be able to simply delegate tasks to others and wait for the status update. On some of my projects, I never thought I’d be the person responsible for data cleanup in legacy systems or have to conduct menial and administrative tasks in preparation for the next day’s workshop; however, sometimes completing menial tasks and focusing on the end result helps move the project forward.


Demand the truth:In order to making the best decisions, project managers need to know the real issue or risk affecting the project. Effective project managers need to demand the truth from their teams and then present the truth to their management and peers. Minimizing problems and hiding issues with colorful explanations doesn’t help the project team or the project manager succeed. By asking team members to explain the status in basic terms without corporate rhetoric or political spin, the entire team will benefit.

Demonstrate courageProjects don’t always go as planned, and it’s the project manager’s job to present the current status updates and describe any corrective actions needed to improve project performance. In some organizational cultures, there is a tendency to avoid reporting bad news until it’s too late. If you present a positive status update, it may give you a little more time to resolve problems on your own, but when a project is in trouble, project managers often need management support and attention to help turn things around.It takes courage to communicate that there are problems with the project and to ask for help. It takes courage to have a conversation with a team member who isn’t performing well or to talk with a peer who isn’t providing the necessary support. It takes courage to make the hard decisions to cancel a project to save funding or to let an employee know they no longer have a position with the project. As project managers, these situations are difficult, but dealing with them is our job.


Project managers team building tool. Partnering is premier tem building tool available to the project manager. It is the aligning the team to pull together for a smooth running project that meets its potential.

Partnering improves performance through enhanced team work. Project draws to gather a mix of people and the organization, which have stake in the project process. Through partnering the community, consultant, prime and sub consultants and supplier form as one project team to mutually develop commitments to cooperation, shared goals, open communications, and rapid issue resolution.Too often projects fails to meets its potential because contributors prioritize individual interests creating rival relationships.

Role of partnering in project management:

Establishing direction:Partnering provides a venue where project teams, with contributions and guidance by partnering executives, establish directions. That consider the goals of each or the organization and craft a partnering charter to establishing a mission and the goals that when met by a successful project for all.


Motivating & inspiring:Partnering empowers the managers to motivate the individuals by helping them to be active member of a winning team_ a team with high purpose and the means to succeed. Motivation and inspiration from their team’s self determination of their goals.Partnering resolve this paradox. It allows project manager to establish venue where project teams, with contributions and guidance by partnering executives, establish directions and individual contributors from the organizations can share in leading the project to success.Considering leadership, the PM BOK identifies the paradox of project management.

“The project manager is expected to be the project’s leader….leadership is not, however, limited to project manager.”


Planning phase for project includes:

Plan what information we need and how to gather it, perhaps through a Needs Assessment.

Get information from staff outside our NPO and from the beneficiaries – and will make sure that what we say is taken seriously.

We Decide what the project should do and start planning; identify goals, objectives and activities.

We involve the beneficiaries in the planning process.

We Build Good Practice and Transparency into the plan.


This is another important part of our project in which we use our resources which makes our project complete and the process of awarding money will be complete. When we use our resources then one important and technical thing must be in our mind which is we allocate our resources in a effective and efficient manner so that our limits of budget not cross and we easily complete our project in IBIT and for this purpose we allocate resources at the best place where they require to perform best actions at the time of working.


Above discussed thing will be accomplished by effective way of use of 5M’s,and our NPO use these 5M’s at IBIT to provide money to needy students and in this process our NPO require some members of IBIT who play some vital role in their department.

1. Money:

This resource is very important because all functions, tasks and activities done by this resource or using by this resource. Our NPO raise fund for needy students by making people aware from many other ways such as by advertising about needy people and telling them their circumstances.

We allocate our money in our project just like HEC distribute money in PU students such as As many as 303 students of Faculty of Behavioral & Social Sciences, 643 of Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, 250 of Faculty of Arts & Humanities, 1,030 of Faculty of Commerce, 428 of Faculty of Law, 114 of Faculty of Oriental Learning, 74 of Islamic Studies, 312 of Faculty of Engineering & Technology, 405 of Faculty of Life Sciences, 1118 of Faculty of Sciences, 272 of Pharmacy and 31 students of Faculty of Education will be offered scholarships on open merit and needy basis.

It was also decided in the meeting that a notice be sent to all the heads of teaching departments to send the lists of eligible students to the Scholarship Committee within 30 days for the award of merit and needy scholarships. It is noteworthy that under the PU annual scholarship scheme, Rs 12,000 each would be given to 2,500 students on merit and 2,500 needy students.

Like this way we distribute money from our budget by making a strategy distributing money in BBIT students and MBIT students by deciding number of students. It means number of students is divided in both degrees at IBIT.

2. Manpower:

This is actually a basic tool which controls and remote all other 4M’s. Project manager of our NPO who handle this project have right to take decisions about this project and allocate all resources.

3. Machinery:

All the machinery which is used in this process bought under budget just like printers, PC and other stuffs.

4. Method:


This is 2nd most important tool because method is very important. Method or technique is the way which tell us the whole process whether it works or not.

5. Material:

Method, Manpower tells us what type of material we use which helps us to complete our project successfully.


As we know we are running NPO who is giving award to needy students of IBIT in the form of money, books and other things which is helpful for those students who are facing problems about tuition fee of university and about purchasing books and stationary.

When this type of fund is open for needy students then it may be many types of risks are present which is very ineffective for this activity so that we should manage these risks and these risks and their solutions are:

First of all we find out or identify those students who are really needy and for this purpose and managing this risk we apply many strategies such as

We give a notice in IBIT notice board for applying needy scholarship and we require some documents like affidavit form, income of guardians and some others important and authentic documents which can prove an applicant is really needy.

We can hold interview which is very helpful way to judge an applicant whether he/she is needy or not. After interviewing, judges who are examine all applicants; can take decision about choosing needy students.

We can help from those students who have efficient and effective social network because those students know about conditions of many students so by this information NPO can make right decision.

Sometimes in IBIT two types of scholarship are advertised Needy base scholarship Merit base scholarship So we should clearly difference between these students because our NPO is about

helping needy students so we hire efficient and effective employees for collecting forms of all applicants.


We held interviews, investigations about all applicants because our NPO don’t want any type of fraud from applicants its means if a student is not needy and apply for scholarship and got the scholarship.

All the process of this project of our NPO must be in the limits of calculated budget and this thing only done if all members of our NPO are credible and sincere with their work.


Executing consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project plan to accomplish the project's requirements. Execution process involves coordinating people and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project in accordance with the project management plan. The deliverables are produced as outputs from the processes performed as defined in the project management plan and other frameworks that might be applicable to the type of project at hand.


We will give aid to only 10 students at first for testing purpose. After successful testing we will increase the no of students.


The Quality Standards of our NPO are as follows: Our NPO Is legally registered with the appropriate authorities. Has written and shared vision, mission/goal, objectives and values (or equivalent). Has an office and address. Actively avoids any conflict of interest among members, staff, and board members. Prevents any abuse of its property, whether by Board members, staff or its membership. Only receives funds that are consistent with its mission or goal.


Has a properly managed bank account Has written activity plans that aim at achieving its objectives, mission and/or goal. Has made efforts to monitor and evaluate its activities. Has established and uses feedback mechanisms from its Beneficiaries.


Operations consist of all the activities that we are to do in order for the project to work. In case of our project the activities consist of Renting of room, buying the PC, Printer, furnitue(Table, Chair etc), Extra items(clock etc), Documentation, Website development, Account opening at the bank and depositing cash in there, Broachers printing, Conducting Seminar, giving incentives to volunteers, giving the student aid to needy students, and doing other major activities thatcan assist us in completing our project such as spreading awareness about our cause to the students, faculty and alumni of IBIT as well as obtaining the donations as soon s possible etc.


In our project the procurement can mean two things: the procurement of necessary equipments and items that are required in our project such as Renting of room, buying the PC, Printer, furniture(Table, Chair etc), Extra items(clock etc), Documentation, Website development, Account opening at the bank and depositing cash in there, Broachers printing, and the procuring of donations and funds to give the incentives to the volunteers that will carry on daily operations as well as the donations that are to be given to the needy students. We will deal with such procurement.


Our project is not so large that it would require massive logistics support. The only logistics that we would require would be the shifting of the necessary equipment to the office of Student Aid in IBIT such as the transferring of bought furniture. The cost that would incur during this would be added in the logistics cost along with other expenses.



We will provide customer support by answering to the queries of our donors such as the alumni of IBIT and the current students of the department as well resolving queries and conflicts relating to those needy students who are registered for the Student Aid. For this purpose they can contact us on our website or by email (yet to be developed). The feedback of students and donors would be also welcomed to improve the project and their recommendations would be analyzed and implemented as necessary.


Monitoring and controlling consists of those processes performed to observe project execution so that potential problems can be identified in a timely manner and corrective action can be taken, when necessary, to control the execution of the project. The key benefit is that project performance is observed and measured regularly to identify variances from the project management plan.

Monitoring and controlling process in our project includes:

Measuring the ongoing project activities ('where we are').

Monitoring the project variables (cost, effort, scope, etc.) against the project management plan and the project performance baseline (where we should be).

Identifying corrective actions to address issues and risks properly (How can we get on track again if there are some problems).

The monitoring and control process also provides feedback between project phases, in order to implement corrective or preventive actions to bring the project into compliance with the project management plan.

Project maintenance is an ongoing process, and it includes:

i. Continuing support of end-users i.e. needy students.

ii. Correction of errors if any.

iii. Updating process if any.

In this part, Project manager monitor all the process, steps which is handling by other members and this is start from defining and introducing project to future expectations. By monitoring progress we complete our project under the limits of budget.

We have Developed a monitoring system in which, where possible, the


Beneficiaries can play a role as we have to monitor the progress of our project. It involves a set of questions to be asked such that:

• How will we know if we are reaching the right person?

• What will the members want to see as a sign of progress?

• What can the sub-committees do to keep the project activities going when the money stops and the professionals leave?


Tasks Sheet

No Tasks Implemented By Supervised By Approved BY


Documentation Fazal Ur Rehman Steering Committee

Proposal Fazal Ur Rehman Steering Committee


Approval From Director Fazal Ur Rehman Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorMeetings Anam Ibrar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorArrange Office Umar Hafeez Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorPurchase Of Equipment Zahra Sarwar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorA/C Opening Zahra Sarwar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorWebsite Umar Hafeez Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorHiring of Volunteer Anum Mukhtar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorSocial Media Umar Hafeez Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorSeminar Anam Ibrar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorPromotion Anam Ibrar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorSurvey Anam Ibrar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorSelection of Needy Students

Anum Mukhtar Fazal Ur Rehman Director

Distribution Zahra Sarwar Fazal Ur Rehman DirectorReport Generation Anum Mukhtar,

Zahra SarwarFazal Ur Rehman Director

Change Management Fazal Ur Rehman Steering Committee


Review of Project Fazal Ur Rehman Steering Committee


Approval Approved



If any need would be felt, any member of the management or the volunteers assigned fot he job of running the NPO will be replaced by some other member if such a condition arises for this need on the directions and recommendations of the board.


Closing includes the formal acceptance of the project and the ending thereof. Administrative activities include the archiving of the files and documenting lessons learned.

This phase consists of:

Project close: Finalizing all activities across all of the process groups to formally close the project or a project phase.


Three factors are essential in reducing the overall project duration: reducing cost, reducing time and reducing energy.

In order to reduce the cost of our project we would need to get the funds for our NPO as soon as possible. Although from the prior fixed budget of 200,000 we have started the project and would be able to give around 10 students the Student Aid, however in order to increase the number of students to whom we can assist in their monetary methods we would require the donations as soon as possible so that we can increase the number of recipients of the donations in the next semester.

For reducing the time of the project we would have to limit the time spent on the setting up of the office as well as in the preparation for the lists of the needy and deserving students who require our assistance.

As for the reduction in the energy spent we have to search for other ways in order to get the donations with much ease y having swift transactions and convincing the donors from the students and alumni of IBIT that this NPO is genuine and that they can trust that we would spend their donations in the noble cause of helping out deserving students.


We have some effective methods to reduce project duration:

Adding Resources: we can reduce project’s time by assigning additional staff and equipment to activities.

Outsourcing Project: the project time we can be reduced by subcontracting an activity. The subcontract may have access to superior technology or expertise that will accelerate the completion of the activity.

Scheduling Overtime: The easiest way to add more labor to a project is not to add more people, but to schedule overtime


After the success of our project in IBIT we have a plan to launch our organization in different departments of Punjab University as well as in other universities of Lahore. After the success of our project our first priority will be IAS department and then after that we will go to other departments.



IBIT Student Aid Project’s MS Project Screenshots

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):