Projects and concepts around ... the Silesian Digital Library

Post on 24-May-2015

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Wrocław, Access IT workshop, kweicień 2010 r., aut. Agnieszka Koszowska


the Silesian Digital Library

Projects and concepts around…


the community

in the creation

of a digital library

Wrocław, Access IT workshop, 27 April 2010

What is special about the Silesian Digital Library

• variety of institutions42 participants: public libraries, academic institutions, NGOs, educational institutions, cultural institutions, an archive

• variety of materialslibrary collections (regional heritage, rare materials, educational materials, scientific publications, doctoral theses, periodicals, special collections) and private collections,

• variety of ways to acquire digital contentdigitization of library collections, digital born materials, user gifts, volunteers’ contribution, users’ suggestions

• co-operation with the communityusers and volunteers’ contribution

Variety of materials74 types of dokuments

Types of documentsmonographs


scientific articles

doctoral theses

cartographic materials





Public libraries input

Regional and local materials (libraries collections)PeriodicalsLibraries’ own editions (incl. users’ works)Bibliographies (incl. regional bibliographies)Materials acquired from contributorsBibliophile editionsRare documents, pamphletsPromotional materials

„Outside” content

not available in librariesNGO’s collections

„Rodzina Policyjna 1939”

„Outside” content

not available in librariesprivate collections

private documentsphotographs

family albums

Users’ suggestions

Discussion forum of the community

of digital librarians and users

Library 2.0

- suggestion of materials to digitize, publish and make available in a digital library- co-operation of Polish digital librarians - discussions

Digitization in Poland - problems and challenges

• Lack of fundslow budgetary resources, difficulties in raising funds

• Lack of peopletoo few staff members, mental barriers

• Lack of knowledgelow training opportunities, low professional skills, too few „digitally” qualified librarians

• Lack of equipmentpoor technical facilities due to lack of funds

Projects and concepts around the Silesian Digital Library

The Social Digitization Workshop

…involving the community in the creation of a digital library

Project of the Silesian Library in Katowiceco-financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage launched in 2007

A solution to these problems may be…


The Participants of the Silesian Digital Library (i.e. all institutions co-creating the digital content of the SDL)

Institutions interested in the co-operation (e.g. future Participants of the Silesian Digital Library)

Librarians interested in acquiring new skills(e.g. to set up a digital library or another social digitization workshop)

Students gaining practical working experience(as a part of their curriculum)

Any member of the community(interested in contributing as a volunteer)

The Social Digitization Workshopis addressed to:

Facilities to create digital resources workstations for scanning, image processing and publication of digitized materials,

Advisory and training services organization and technique of digitization, processing, cataloguing and publication of digital resources,

Technical support and professional helpto any librarian interested in digitization

Opportunities for volunteers and traineesworkstations for scanning, training services, „meeting place”

The Social Digitization Workshopoffers:

The Social Digitization Workshop

E-inclusion and media education

Volunteers - senior citizens acquire ne skills

The Social Digitization Workshop

A good placeto meet,to learn,and to contribute

Impressive effectiveness

after a year of SDW exsistence:62.723 scans produced by volunteers (16% of the whole resources of the Silesian Digital Library)

Projects and concepts around the Silesian Digital Library

Digitization, translationand publication in the SDL of school chroniclesfrom Katowice schools

Project of the Upper Silesia Association in Katowice (regional NGO)

Original chroniclehand-writtenin German

re-writtenand translated

Projects and concepts around the Silesian Digital Library

„Mobile digitization workshop”- scanning of old guild bookskept in the City Museum in Żywiec

Rather a good practice

than a project

The Silesian Library staff visit the Museum with a scanner……and perform the scanning on the premises

Silesian Internet Library Of Rare Collections

Silesian Internet Library Of Rare Collections

Project of the Silesian Library in Katowiceco-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund, Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme

Digitization, publication and making available via the Silesian Digital Library of materials which are:

- rare, valuable and unique for the Silesian culture,- part of the national and European heritage,- important for the history of the region,- housed in the Silesian Library

The Silesian Digital Library

welcomes all users, friends and contributors