PROJEKTLISTE - ICJA...war and live in an area affected by conflict, a branch of our organization...

Post on 17-Aug-2020

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Sommerausreise 2020Stand: 25.03.2020


Georgia Civil Forum for Peace, NGOWork with young people from socially

disadvantaged families.

Sep 202012 Months

Italy CAG Tempo per il Barrio

Leisure meeting place for children and

adolescents from socially disadvantaged


Sep 202012 Months

Morocco „Immigrant Center“ CSM Morocco Work with refugees. Sep 2020 12 Months

PolandKindergarden: Przedszkole Miejskie

nr 4 z Oddziałami IntegracyjnymiIntegration kindergarden. Sep 2020 11 Months

Russia Down Syndrome AssociationKindergarden, support children with Down

Syndrome.Sep 2020 12 Months

Russia Parus NadezhdyNGO for people with disabilities Sep 2020

12 Months

Slovakia KERIC, NGOWork with young people from socially

disadvantaged families.

Sep 202012 Months

Spain Basida Manzanares Care and treatment of people with HIV.July-August 2020

9 Months

GEORGIAGeorgia Civil Forum for Peace NGO; work with young people from socially disadvantaged families.

September 2020. 12 months. NGO Civil Forum for Peace.


The purpose of the project is to develop andpromote knowledge of post-conflict reconstructionconfidence and peace building. During the projectimplementation, the volunteers will assist with thework of Civil Forum for Peace, organizational andadministrative work, building networks andpartnerships, planning, and implementing projects.This will provide the volunteers with opportunitiesto acquire skills in several key competences througha sustained period of volunteering and extensiveopportunities for informal and non-formal learning.They will also get to know young people and worktogether with them in promoting volunteering andsolidarity


The weekly working hours will be 30-38 hours; five

days a week and the pocket money will be 3

Euro/day in monthly payments. The

accommodation and food are provided by the



Volunteers mainly work with local youth which are affected by

war and live in an area affected by conflict, a branch of our

organization Civil Forum Shida Kartli is located in one of the

IDP settlement in Gori. The activities for volunteers will be

diverse and combined with working with youth clubs in Gori.

Experience in youth work would be an advantage.



TASKS To work with youth clubs: lead training and workshops about Human rights, peace building,

European values, intercultural dialogue, ethnic minorities, migrant issues, conflictmanagement tools, mediation, leadership, active citizenship, eco friendliness.

To run a discussion club: to teach skills for debate, so the debate participants will improvetheir public speaking skills, critical thinking, respect other’s opinions, formulate argumentsand improve speaking English;

Graphic design club: This club will give participants space to learn basic instruments ofgraphic design, how to use it during presentations, how to create comics, use graphicdesign to express interest about various topics

To promote the European Solidarity Corp through informational meetings with universitiesand local youth organizations;

Running an English language club for IDP local youth, with the aim of supporting youngpeople and to develop their skills, such as the practical use of English in writing andspeaking. This will also include running a movie and discussion club.

Organizational and administrative work including networking with international partners,help to find partners for youth exchanges and training.

Helping with the implementation of current projects and planning of new projects;

Volunteers were also involved in:

Helping with and learning about the work of a peace building by Non-GovernmentalOrganizations;

Conducting research into conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding in Georgia and the town of Gori in particular, in the context of the conflict in SouthOssetia;

Producing analytical reports/policy papers on these topics that will provide knowledge ofthe benefit to the local community, civil society and other parties such as academics andresearchers, in Georgia and internationally.


ITALYLeisure meeting place for children and adolescents from socially disadvantaged families. September

2020. 12 months. Assoziazione Joint, CAG Tempo per il Barrio in Milano/Italy


We work for the promotion of the social integration of

citizens through the management of social, health and

educational services. Particular attention is paid to the

well-being of children, families and local communities,

with regard to situations that preclude the harmonious

and serene development of children. The volunteers

should have motivation to help people at risk of social




The weekly working hours will be 36 hours; five days a week.

Availability to work during Saturday and Sunday in case of events

and the pocket money will be 5 Euro/day in monthly payments.

You will share a flat in Milan, with a double room, bathroom, living

room and kitchen.

The volunteer will receive money for food from the project.


After-school activities with children and youngsters.

Designing and conducting workshops and educational courses for children and teenagers

through non-formal education techniques in the field of artistic, cultural, musical learning

in the morning and in the afternoon.

Supporting educators in organizing sport activities.

Active practice in sports such as volleyball and soccer at least three afternoons a week.

Activities and development of new ideas in order to involve the local community trough

intercultural and linguistic meetings in English, Italian and the volunteers mother tongue.

Designing and structuring a forum on a topic of social interest chosen by the volunteer

Organizing intercultural events like regional and international dinners in order to involve

and meet the community.

Dissemination of Erasmus+; spreading information about the offered opportunities

through meetings at a local level and within the centre among young people .

Participation in the holidays with youngsters.

Help with homework.

Logistic activities (purchase, cleaning, cooking) in different events.

Intermediate knowledge of English and strong motivation to learn Italian by attending the

Italian course at least twice per week.


MOROCCOWorking with refugees. September 2020. 12 months. CSM Morocco, „Immigrant Center“ CSM

Morocco in Rabat


CSM, Chantiers Sociaux Marocains, is a non-profit NGO, founded in 1963.CSM is a national association, with several sections all around Moroccoand a large international relation of cooperation. The volunteer will beworking mainly at the immigrants centre run by CSM in Rabat. Inparticular occasions he/she will carry out activities also with schools,youth clubs, youth organisations, theatres and other community eventspaces CSM collaborates with. Tolerance and intercultural understandingare prerequisites and basis of this project and of CSM's life. Interculturalunderstanding is one of the main topics of the project and the volunteerwill have all opportunities to establish good personal contact with thelocal people and with the immigrant population by preparing andcarrying out workshops and activities for and with immigrants. Theproject will allow the volunteers to acquire skills and competences theycan find most relevant in their lives working and learning in the field theywould love to get involved. This will definitely increase the opportunitiesfor their future careers: they will meet different cultural backgrounds,they will be encouraged in speaking, writing and working in new anddifferent languages. They will be in contact with the local communitiesand will be in touch with civil society organisations in the areas youthwork and migration.



The weekly working hours will be 30-38 hours;

five days a week and the pocket money will be 3

Euro/day in monthly payments. Accommodation

and food: Host family.



The activities will be varied, sometimes supporting language lessons,

basic math for children, sports activities, cuisine, sometimes interacting

and learning in workshops and a chance to learn collaborate with the

wider community through planning intercultural events. Thus the ESC

volunteer and the local communities will benefit a great deal from this

additional offers and learning opportunities. The volunteers will be able

to work from theory to practice, as an individual and as part of a team

while taking part in workshops as well as planning projects. We also

offer young people the opportunity to use their own initiative and

create their own projects.



The project has the following expectations towards the

volunteer’s required skills and interests:

Enjoy working with young people and children.

Be open-minded and motivated and ready to work in ancultural divers team.

Be willing to take responsibility and work independently.

Be willing to bring in own skills and interests.

Interest and experience in working with refugees andimmigrants.

POLANDIntegration kindergarten. September 2020. 11 months. Kindergarten: Przedszkole Miejskie nr 4 z

Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Pułtusku


Kindergarten n°4 is one of several municipal kindergartens in Pultusk. It provideseducation and everyday care to about 195 children, aged 3–6, living in the town. They aredivided into groups of about 20-25 pupils according to their age. Some classes areintegration classes including 1-3 children with mild disabilities or behavioral disorders.



The weekly working hours will be 30-38 hours; five days a week and the pocket money

will be 4 Euro/day in monthly payments. The volunteer will be receiving a food allowance

paid once a month and have to cook on their own. They are accomodated in shared

rooms (2 people in one room) in a shared flat with fully equipped kitchen and bathroom.

Pultusk is a small town where the workplace and other major insitutions and places of

interest will be located in a walking distance from volunteer’s flat.

Work-related training: introduction to pedagogical methods used in the kindergarten &

safety training.

Project-related training: group preparatory meeting incl. volunteering, ESC programme,

intercultural training, non-formal education. Manual, music, dancing or acting skills will

be helpful at work.


On-going support:

Volunteer’s work will be supervised and supported by an experienced teacher.

The volunteer will be supported by the project coordinator and a mentor responsible for personal support and

integration with the local community.


The role of ESC volunteer is to assist one of the groups and

support its teachers in everyday work with children. The

volunteer will be working mostly with the oldest, 5-6 years old

children, but occasionally will have a chance to support

younger groups. The volunteer’s tasks include:

Helping with regular educational activities (writing,

drawing, manual activities).

Preparation of celebrations and special events (e.g.

performance for Mothers’ Day).

Excursions as well as self-service activities (dressing

up, eating).

Individual support of children with disabilities.

Once or twice a month the volunteer will participate

in additional activities for youth from Pułtusk.

RUSSIADown Syndrome Association Kindergarten (support children with Down Syndrome). September

2020.12 months. ICYE Russia/"LASTOCHKI", Down Syndrome Association in Samara


Project aims: In our country the diagnosis "Down syndrome" turns out to be a

verdict which leads to the loss of parents in most cases. Nine out of ten

families reject their children immediately. And only five of these nine live more

than one year. Only 10% of children with Down syndrome live in families. The

rest of them are raised and educated in orphanages.

Some families did not want to put up with this situation and decided to

establish a public organization of parents and speech therapists. The mission of

this organization is to protect the rights of the disabled as guaranteed by the

Constitution of the Russian Federation.



The weekly working hours will be 30-38 hours; five days a week and the pocket money will be 3 Euro/day in monthly

payments. Accommodation and food: Host family.


The activities of the organization are focused on:

Protecting disabled children’s rights.

Participating in expanding laws and other juridical acts related to

the rights of the disabled.

Providing psychological support to children and their families.

Consulting families on the questions of disabled children’s rights.

Providing information on the rehabilitation and medical treatment

of disabled children.

Creating a library of specific literature.

Develop seminars and training for parents and specialists.

Provide leisure time for disabled children.


One on one support for children with Down Syndrome; the

volunteer should have Motivation and desire to work with

children with Down syndrome.

Supporting the kindergarten’s teachers in carrying out

educational activities.

Aiding children’s development through play.

Helping children with practical tasks such as changing and


Leading activities on topics that interest the volunteer and

are relevant to the project, e.g. musical workshop, session

about home culture etc.

Knowledge of English and Russian is very welcomed.

Knowledge and experience within psychology and/or

education are also appreciated.


Volunteers will help in the kindergarten where children with Down Syndrome attend alongside

other children without the condition. Tasks will include:

RUSSIANGO „Parus Nadezhdy“ for people with disabilities.

September 2020. 12 months. ICYE Russia/"LASTOCHKI“, in Samara


Samara Public Non-profit Organisation for Disabled People "Parus Nadezhdy"

was established in 2001. It is affiliated to the Samara Regional Public

Organisation of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled. Their mission is to

provide integration for disabled children and adults in the region of Samara into

society and to promote the ideas of an independent life philosophy and a social

approach to disability. The main goals of the project are to protect the rights and

interests of disabled people, to provide disabled children with equal

opportunities to participate in all spheres of social life, to integrate disabled

people into society.

Samara Public Non-profit Organization for Disabled People "Parus Nadezhdy" is

one such organisations. It was in 2003 established to help disabled children and

young people to achieve and maintain higher levels of independence and

personal fulfilment.

The staff of the organisation includes 3 people aged of 35-40 years old. The

"support service for disabled children" was planned by Parus nadezhdy long ago

but unfortunately could not be implemented without volunteers' help.


RUSSIANGO „Parus Nadezhdy“ for people with disabilities.

September 2020. 12 months. ICYE Russia/"LASTOCHKI“, in Samara


Taking into consideration the speed of development of civil society in Russia and often people’s "deafness" to the disabled, Parus

nadezhdy has decided to host European volunteers within the EVS. They have already hosted more than 20 EVS volunteers from

different countries: United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg etc. By this project and prepared volunteers

activities we want promote healthy lifestyles, social inclusion and active participation. Show local community but also at

international level that disabled people are among us and sometimes need some support but mostly they just need to feel needed

and feel as equal citizen.

Disabled people in Russia come across many difficulties. Due to the unstable economic situation in Russia, disabled people are

included into the group of "socially unprotected". As a result, most of the Russian disabled have to spend their lives at home,

having no access to education, culture, arts, etc. The situation with the disabled children is even worse. Starting from their

childhood, they already understand that they are not like their friends - they are "different" and the people around them give them

to feel it at every step. They can not see, hear or play like the others. During their whole life, they suffer from an inferiority complex.

We strongly believe that each child deserves the right to be healthy and educated. This ESC project has been established to assist

disabled children and young people to achieve and maintain higher levels of independence and personal fulfilment.

In this frame, Parus Nadezhdy offers the opportunity for volunteers to discover Russia and the social work with the disabled

people. We would like through this project support and promote social inclusion of disabled people. Our purpose is the integration

and raise awareness of the local community about human face which lies behind the disease. Despite the fact that every day talks

about tolerance, people still afraid and see only the disability, otherness and not the human. We want to prevent this.



The volunteer will participate in the general activities of the Samara Public

Organization for Disabled People "Parus Nadezhdy";

Communicating with disabled people at the center or at home twice a

week, providing them with moral support and physical assistance;

Working with children. This may include reading, drama, sports, etc.

Revealing their creative abilities is important;

Implementing a club for children, the aim of which will be to tell them

about the history, culture, customs and traditions of the volunteer’s native


Providing disabled children, adults and their families with social and

psychological support

Organizing and conducting conferences, seminars and lectures on the

problems facing the disabled people

Cooperating with other public organizations dealing with similar problems

▪Revealing children’s creative and intellectual abilities


SLOVAKIAWork with young people from socially disadvantaged families. September 2020. 12 months.



KERIC is a non-profit non-governmental organisation working mainly with children and youth,aged 4-30, as well as adults in the region of north Slovakia - Kysuce. Our mission is to connectour region Kysuce with the whole world and to help people from our region become moreopen and tolerant towards other cultures. KERIC employs 3 people full time, 11 people part-time. At the moment, we are hosting 6 EVS volunteers from Europe, Asia and Africa as well asLatin America. We have a group of about 18 Slovak local volunteers who help us in ouractivities. They have high potential to become EVS volunteers.

KERIC provides space for young people to realize their ideas and to receive education in anon-formal way in their leisure time. Furthermore, we try to provide opportunities for peoplefrom the Kysuce region to meet foreigners and people of different cultural backgroundgenerally. For many of them, KERIC is the only opportunity to meet foreigners and get intouch with other cultures.

We put a great emphasis in all our activities on active participation of young people. All ouractivities have an international dimension.

Every year, between 250 -300 children and adolescents take part in regular activities of KERICon a weekly basis (courses, workshops.) and between 300 -600 on an irregular basis(information campaigns, outdoor trips, street activities, summer camps, etc.)

KERIC also cooperates with local schools. Through this cooperation, between 1 500 – 2000children and young people can get in touch with the EVS volunteers in KERIC and thus receiveeducation in a non-formal way. We cooperate with local secondary schools, local municipalityand other NGOs.



The weekly working hours will be 30-38 hours; five days a week and the pocket money will be 5 Euro/day in

monthly payments. The best sentence to describe this experience in general is "Living together", you share the flat

with people from different parts of the world so as you can imagine it is a "life experience" including everything

that this could mean... good and bad moments... The volunteer will receive food fee (145 €) from the project.



Adult education activities:

Language courses aiming at developing

communication skills and specialised IT courses.

KERIC regularly hosts trainings and seminars in the

field of adult Education on EVS, Project

management, ICL and Direct participation.

We have run 14 English language training courses

- aimed at developing English language skills and

project management skills.

KERIC runs international trainings for adults -

especially educators, YWs and teachers, from

Slovakia as well as abroad - Europe, Asia, Latin


We are not a member of any umbrella


There is no membership – KERIC is open to

anybody interested to take part in activities. Young

people with less opportunities are a priority.

Slovakia Tasks:

Communication English courses for children: (2 – 6 hours a week).

Communication courses for teenagers/adults in the volunteers mother

tongue: (2 – 6 hours a week).

Cooperation with local elementary schools: (6 to 8 hours a week).

Office work (2 to 6 hours a week).

Regular KERIC team meetings and mentor meetings (2 hours a week).

Non-teaching activities - workshops, sports and creative activities (1 to

8 hours a week).

Preparation for classes (4 – 12 hours a week).

SPAINCare and treatment of people with HIV. July-August 2020. 9 months. Basida Manzanares, Ciudad



BASIDA MANZANARES is one of the 3 houses of Basida. In 1996, BASIDA opened

a new house in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), with the expectation of reducing to a

certain extent the social problems in which people, infected with AIDS, are

immersed. It is a property which is located 10 km from Manzanares, in its rural

outskirts. The hosting structure works as a self-managed Community, where they

have the hosting home for people with AIDS as well as, the place where they

develop the care activities for the patients and the volunteers’ accommodation.

Manzanares is a town in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La-Mancha,

located 10 km from Ciudad Real and 175 km from the capital Madrid. It has a

population of about 18,890 inhabitants. Manzanares, the crossroads of La

Mancha, is a meeting point in La Mancha, if you travel from North to South or

from East to West. It is therefore, very well connected with other towns in Castilla-

to La Mancha and Madrid, you can get by bus and by train. It is located on the

route of Don Quixote, a tourist attraction. Manzanares is a town with high

economic activity, especially with regards to the manufacture of primary products

and the production of wine and cheese. Due to the distance of the home from the

city, all the people in the organization offer transport facilities to the volunteers if

it is needed. There are buses and trains to Madrid.



The weekly working hours will be

30-38 hours; five days a week and

the pocket money will be 5

Euro/day in monthly payments. The

volunteer will receive food at the



Volunteers will be able to participate in all activitieswhich develop in professional departments previouslymentioned, always taking into account factors such asthe characteristics of the volunteer, the previousprofessional training and the personal preferences;considering these aspects are fundamental to get thevolunteer to integrate and to adapt to the dynamics ofthe shelter and at the same time he/she gets to get onwith the group.

Some of the most frequent activities to be carried out by thevolunteers are:

Attendance to sick people and to those who are in bed.

Help in the activities of physical rehabilitation and ofoccupational therapy for their cognitive rehabilitation.

Participating with the others volunteers in the dailyhouse activities.

Participation in workshops (carpentry, gardening,painting…), depending on the period of the year.

Participation in the educative department: workshop ofadult literacy, out-of-school support to children who livein the shelter.


Organization of workshops and activities of free time (excursions, cultural activities,…)


Basic level of Spanish.

A willingness to learn about the experience of people

with HIV‐AIDS and drug dependency.

A motivation to learn and self‐improve.

Engagement with the activities they take part in and

a desire to work as part of a team.

No specific or professional training is required.

You can get know more about the hosting project

throughout this presentation:
