Projet Kris

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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Some minutes have passed since I have this blank paper in front of me, thinking what would be the best way to start this letter, the least ridiculous. I take breaks, I write, I erase and I forgot. I try to not think about the person who will receive this letter, because that blocks me even more. I tell myself that I’m making such a ridiculous thing by putting my feelings on paper to a person who doesn’t know me, and that, in the end, I don’t really know. Isn’t it stupid? I try to convince myself it's not, because I really want you know that you are supported: even if you don’t know our names, that you can hear our voices; even if you don’t see our faces, that you can read our encouragements. Yes, this is exactly what I want. And I think that’s why I’m writing this letter. Of course, I’d be lying if I don’t say that I'm writing to, perhaps, make you smile. It would be a lie if I'm telling you that I don’t want to touch you with this letter a minimum. We’re all selfish, aren’t we? So, maybe, I’m writing this letter because I want you to know that there is a person like me somewhere who support you. The reason I'm writing this letter is because it’s your birthday, it seems that you’re born a certain 6 November 1990. Actually, I don’t know how to wish you your birthday. I mean… of course, it’s easy to say “Happy Birthday to you”, but is it really significant? I am happy to be able to send best wishes to you for happiness, celebrity, and all I can wish you, just like

others fans. I’m sure, yes, I have the conviction that it will please you, because you’re a good person. I really want to believe in it. It’s true, I don’t know you and I only know the image you give of yourself. Is it really you? I probably would never know, but your glaze makes me hope. Because, for me, eyes reflect the spontaneity of the person who express it. You can’t lie through the eyes. This is why I believe in your sincerity. I just hope that, if you read me, you don’t think I’m stupid – even if it’s what I am thinking of myself right now – because if I'm writing this letter, it’s really for you to know that you are supported and that there are many fans who follow you and really love what they think you are. I think you’re a person who truly likes what he does. You’re happy to go on stage, I think you love the relationship there is between the public and you. I am sincerely touched when I see your eyes shining with emotion when the public express his love for you. I admire your modesty and the decency that emerge from your actions: for example, the way you try to hide your tears from us or your emotions. You try to control yourself, and to stand up, dignified, to be the leader you have to be. And I really think you’re a very good leader. Ok it’s not so long since you have started, even if it will already be seven months two days after your birthday, but I think you have this natural ability to be on the front of the stage, while letting others exist. We can see it, or in any case, I believe in it, you could defend your members if it would be necessary and you

would assume very well your role of leader if circumstances demanded it. You have, I think, a lot of qualities: your modesty, your ability to be a natural leader, your beauty – of course -, your way of being with others, your way of thanking the fans, your speeches, your way of speaking. But it would not surprise me if I would learn that you’re slightly touchy and a sore loser. But it’s for that, it’s because you’re not in a frozen perfection that I began to admire you, and one day, I paid attention to you. Now, I’m sure you know that you’re my favorite. That doesn’t mean anything. You’re not my favorite because I have to have a favorite. No, you’re my favorite because one day, just like that, you appeared to me in ront of my eyes, as an evidence. I am not speaking about just EXO. You’re the idol I follow the most in all Kpop. Sometimes, I find myself ridiculous, and I hope that such perspective doesn’t make you afraid. Actually I’m not really the kind to admire people at all costs. I like many artists, it’s a fact, but few people, only, get my admiration and my respect. I don’t say it to make you feel flattered – even if, decidedly, you can feel like this. I say this because it’s the truth. I don’t usually admire someone; it makes me a little scared, admiring a stranger about who, in the end, we don’t know many things about. Doesn’t it make you afraid to know yourself admired by people whom you don’t know the name or the face?

If I’m writing this letter it is also to encourage you. Encourage you to continue what you’re doing so well already: to be a good leader for your members, to promote EXO when you’re separated from K, to continue to improve your rap skills which sound wonderful to my ears again and again. Please, continue all these little things that make you the idol you are and the idol we love. Do not force yourself to be someone else, just be you, because, believe me, you’re the kind of person I admire and who can be admired by others. I hope that in the meantime, we will have your comeback, and I'm sure it will be great, because I know you have worked hard to make us happy and we will work hard aswell to support you as best as we can to show you that your efforts were not in vain. But take breaks sometimes, come back to usin good health, you and the boys and make us smile! We are waiting just for you! With all my admiration and all my sincerity.

Manon - Hell F.

PS: I hope my English is good even if I’m French. There are many French fans who support EXO, so please give us your love!