Promo Day 2014: Promote, Network, & Learn

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Promo Day is a free annual online event dedicated to promoting, networking, and learning. This years event will take place on Saturday 31st May at Free presentations, live pitch sessions with publishers, and loads of opportunities to promote your books and services, whilst making connections with other industry members. #PD14 promotional slideshow


Thousands of writing and marketing industry professionals from around the world will gather to celebrate PD14, a special online

event dedicated to promoting, networking and learning.

Industry experts will share actionable ideas and information with tactics and strategies that will help you further your writing career

and improve your book marketing efforts.

You simply attend from the comfort of your own home or office.

Register today for this free event!

14+ FREE Presentations

14 presenters, one whole day of free presentations!  You'll also benefit from the networking opportunities that will

connect you with presenters and attendees from around the globe. No travel required!

LIVE Pitch Sessions

During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to pitch publishers. No need to find an agent or wait for months for a reply to your query. You can pitch them your manuscript directly during the Promo Day event.

Loads of Opportunities to Promote and Network

Throughout the day you can promote your books and services in the forums and take part in various promotional activities via social media, including one on one interviews and discussion panels, taking place via Google+ hangouts, Live Twitter chats, Live Facebook wall chats, and more…