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NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013

Vol. 12 No. 2 April-June 2013


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A workshop onWelfare ofStudents from

North East Region wasorganized by the TaskForce to PromoteEducation Opportunitiesand Welfare of Studentsfrom North East Regionbelonging to STs, SCs andPwDs, Ministry of HumanResource Development,Government of India at

Promoting Education Opportunities for NE Students

NEHU on June 14.

Professor SanjayHazarika, Chairman ofthe Task Force andDirector Centre forNorth East Studies(CNES), Jamia MiliaIslamia, New Delhi saidone of the objectives ofthe workshop is to avoida disaster like CMJ fromhappening by focusingon issues of

discrimination, lack ofaccess to basiceducation as well asissues dogging theundergraduate and postgraduate students. Hefurther urged the UGCand MHRD to bring theissues faced by NEstudents in thecurriculum.

Prof. B. Myrboh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor delivers his speech while the panel members look on. (Publication photo)

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



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Giving apresentation on thefindings of the meetingof the Task Force whichwas held on May 11 atNew Delhi, Mr.Upamanyu Basu,Financial Adviser, UGCsaid the problems facedby students from theNorth East are many.He informed that themeeting, whose purposewas to get a first-handknowledge of theproblems of personsfrom the North East,discovered that theregion has a high rate of

dropouts, lack of trainedteachers, lack ofawareness ofgovernment schemes,corruption and braindrain (from NE). Healso mentioned theinsensitivity of officialswhen dealing withNorth East people.

To counter this,Mr. Basu said the TaskForce came up with thefollowing suggestions:Review of theimplementation ofschemes of MHRD,suggest monitoringmechanism for physicaland financial schemes of

MHRD focused onNER, suggest strategiesto enhance educationopportunities andwelfare of studentsfrom NER, includingmodification of existingschemes and proposalsfor new schemes,convergence ofschemes of MHRDwith those of otherministries so that thereis synergy in schemestargeted to promotee d u c a t i o n a lopportunities andwelfare of studentsfrom NER belonging toSCs, STs and PwDs.

Earlier, Prof. B.Myrboh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, NEHUsaid the workshop issure to createawareness among thes t u d e n t s .Acknowledging thefact that students fromthe North Eastespecially the SCs, STsand OBCs ared i s a d v a n t a g e dcompared to the rest ofthe country, Prof.Myrboh hoped that theGovernment of Indiawould continue to giveits support to thesegroups.

Promoting Education Opportunities...

Professor AndreBeteille, Chancellor, NEHU

and one of India’sleading sociologists

Democracy in Our Time

delivered anenlightening lecturetitled ‘Democracy inOur Time’ on May 15,at the VC’s Conference

Hall. Prof. A.N. Rai,Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r ,NEHU was theChairman on theoccasion.

Prof. Beteillebegan the lecture bysaying that on the whole,democracy is here tostay in India. “Despite

Prof. Andre Beteille, Chancellor, NEHU (Centre) delivers his lecture at the VC’s Conference Hall. (Publicationphoto)

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



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all the troubles that itfaces and that it wouldcontinue to face, I thinkdemocracy has come tostay,” he added.

Tracing the birthof democracy, Prof.Beteille said India hasadopted theWestminster Model orthe parliamentarysystem of democracywhose defining featureis that it gives arecognizable face to theOpposition. In theWestminster Model,Opposition is articulatedthrough a system of thepolitical party, Prof.Beteille informed. Hepointed out that theparty system in Indiaacquired its owndistinctive form unlikethose of Britain.

Prof. Beteillealso mentioned the roleof the Congress Party inthe evolution ofdemocracy in India.“Before Independence,the Congress played amajor role in theNationalist Movement.Its principal opponent at

that time was theMuslim League. Andafter Partition it had thewhole scene to itself,”he said. Because of itshistorical role in themovement of NationalIndependence, Prof.Beteille is of the opinionthat the Congress has aunique role as theguardian of democracy.“And even though it mayhave squandered itsheritage, no otherpolitical party in Indiahas that legacy, whichcreates a problem fordemocracy in India,”Prof. Beteille added.“Because democracyinvolves a legitimateopposition and not justany opposition.”

Prof. Beteillealso touched on thetopic of party systems.He said that accordingto political scientiststhere are two types ofparty systems – theparty system of the kindfound in England orUnited States ofAmerica, and the multi-party system of the kindfound in many European

countries like Franceand Germany. Prof.Beteille also drew theattention to a one partysystem of the kind foundin China or the SovietUnion. Of these, Prof.Beteille said he isskeptical of the one partysystem since it does notacknowledge thelegitimacy of dissent.Prof. Beteille furthermentioned the idea of aparty-less democracy,which he does not thinkwould work. “I think inthe end it either dissolvesitself in chaos or itbecomes a tool forauthoritarian objects.”

Coming back tothe Opposition, Prof.Beteille said that iflegitimacy is to be givento the Opposition, onemust also recognize thatthe Opposition need notnecessarily be organizedthrough the partysystem.

Prof. Beteille isof the view that theother way of articulatingdissent is through socialmovements. “The wayto move democracy

forward is throughhaving social movementin the way in which theinterest of the peoplecan be articulatedagainst the government.But he warned againstdepending too much onsocial movements. “Therisk is that the partywhether Congress orBJP is an institution – itslife is longer that the lifeof any individualincluding the person whofounded the politicalparty. The membershave to act with somedegree of responsibilityif were to act as apolitical party.”

Summing up thelecture, Prof. Beteille saidthere is plenty of scopefor improving theoperation of democracy.“I think that theOpposition and politicalparties be a part of that. Ialso think that socialmovements play a partand therefore we havebeen given a distinct formof democracy which hastaken us further awayfrom the WestminsterModel of democracy.”

Democracy in...

“Even if you could live to be 100, it’s really a very short time. So why notspend it undergoing this process of evolution, of opening your mind andheart, connecting with your true nature - rather than getting better and

better at fixing, grasping, freezing, and closing down”.—Anonymous

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



Professor B.Myrboh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor,

NEHU lauded theDepartment of Zoologyfor organizing the ScienceAcademies’ LectureWorkshop on ‘Frontiersin Life Sciences’ for thefirst time in the North Eastregion.

Science Academies’ Lecture Workshopenthuse the researchesof this region to carry onwith their work. He alsohoped that this kind ofworkshop would reviveinterest in research.“We have a hugeworkforce in Science,the only thing is how tochannel them, how togive them proper

Inaugurating theprogramme on May 21,Prof. Myrboh termedthe four-day workshopa good start and hopedthat the workshop would

direction, how to bringabout properawareness. This can bedone if moreprogrammes such as thisone is organized,” Prof.

Myrboh added.Earlier, after the

welcome speech byProf. N. Saha, Head ofZoology Department,Prof. S. K. Saidapur,former Vice-Chancellor,Karnataka Universityand one of the resourcepersons gave a briefintroduction on the

science programme ofthe Academies’. Prof.Saidapur, who is also theconvener of theworkshop informed thatthe Science Education

Programme (SEP) setup in 1994 helps inorganizing lectureworkshop, refreshercourses, summerfellowships and reviews(for teachers). He saidthat SEP in the NorthEast can generateinterest in the pursuit ofbasic sciences by

facilitating interactionslike workshops, etc.

The programmeended with a vote ofthanks by Prof. B.B.P.Gupta, coordinator.

Members of the panel get ready for the inaugural function. (Publication photo)

“We are each unique beings with a unique path in life. If we wish to be fulfilled, weneed to go to our own hearts for direction”.


NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



Professor A.N. Rai, Vice-Chancellor,NEHU stressed

on the importance ofhands on training in thefield of science andtechnology.

Inaugurating aHands on TrainingWorkshop on ‘Real-Time PCR and itsApplications on May 24,Prof. Rai said one needsa good hands on training

Hands on Training on Real-Time PCR

to use the techniquesnot just for research butalso for teachingpurposes. “Withchanging technology andadvancement inScience, one needs to beabreast of all the latestmovement if one wantsto be a good teacher,”he added.

Earlier, after thewelcome speech byProf. N. Venugopal,

Head BotanyDepartment, Prof. N.K.Chrungoo, programmecoordinator gave a briefintroduction of the eight-day course sponsored bythe Department ofBiotechnology, NewDelhi. He informed thatthe centre for AdvancedStudies in Botanyorganized theprogramme so thatenhanced skills can be

passed on to thestudents and teachers.

Meanwhile, Prof.A.K. Mishra, Chairmansaid the purpose of theprogramme was todevelop skills and capacitybuilding among the youngparticipants from variousparts of the country.

The inauguralfunction finally endedwith a vote of thanks byProf. Chrungoo.

Prof. A. N. Rai, Vice-Chancellor, NEHU addresses the participants at the workshop. (Publication photo)

“The good news: God is a nag. God won’t give up, if we are destined to carryout some Divine idea, we won’t be able to shrug it off. For me, God doesn’t just

whisper within. If I’m supposed to get a message, I start to see it and hear iteverywhere - books, sermons, television shows, conversations with friends”.


NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



After 16 differentvenues indifferent coun-

tries, it was the North-East Hill University’sturn to host the 17th

I n t e r n a t i o n a lConference onFrankineae andActinorhizal Plants fromApril 10-12.

The programme,the first of its kind inIndia organized by theBotany Department,NEHU was attended by35 participants – bothinternational delegatesfrom France, China,Japan, USA, Australia,Sweden, Portugal,Egypt, and domesticdelegates from Siliguri,Coimbatore, Varanasi,Sikkim, West Bengal,Assam, Tripura,Nainital, Bangalore, aswell as from NEHU.

Taking pride inthe fact that NEHU ishosting such an eventfor the first time in India,Professor B. Myrboh,Pro-Vice-Chancellor,NEHU, hoped thatmany more suchprogrammes will beorganized in the future.

Prof. Myrboh,who was the chief guestat the inaugural functionheld at the Indian Councilof Social ScienceResearch, North EasternRegional Centre (ICSSR-NERC), said he came toknow from the organizingsecretary, Prof. A.K.

Intl Conference on Frankineae and Actinorhizal Plants

Mishra, whom hecongratulated for hispioneering work in thefield, that Frankineae andActinorhizal plants havesomething to do withnitrogen fixation which isan important fieldespecially in the contextof the North East. “WhyI say this is because in theNorth East, agriculturalland is very limited.People keep planting inthe same area time andtime again whicheventually leads to thedepletion of soil.” Whichis why, he says we needto put in place such plantsto enrich the soil again.Prof. Myrboh hoped thatthe three-day programmewould further discuss on

this matter.Earlier, Dr. P.

Normand from Lyon,France, gave a briefrecap of the pasti n t e r n a t i o n a lconferences onFrankineae. Dr.Normand, who is amember of theInternational AdvisoryCommittee, also gave afew highlights of theprevious meetings likethe one on frankineaediversity where a lot ofstrains of frankineaewere obtained andcategorized. “Ourmeetings are anopportunity to paytribute to the pioneersand should carry on,” heconcluded.

The inauguralfunction ended with avote of thanks by Prof.Mishra, who in hisspeech hoped that thethree-day programmewould yield sometangible results. He alsohoped that upcomingIndian scientistsinterested in actinorhizalsymbiosis could takeadvantage of theprogram and in turnhighlight the significanceof frankineae symbiosisas a very important areaof research. “Becauseultimately successfulagriculture revolvesaround successfulforestry.”

Prof. B. Myrboh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, NEHU shares a light moment with membersand delegates. (Publication photo)

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



Mr. Ranjit S.Mooshahary,the Governor

of Meghalaya urged thestudents of NEHU tolearn the art of hardwork, discipline andwork culture in order tobecome successful inlife.

In his speech asthe chief guest at theclosing ceremony of the

NEHU Varsity Week

NEHU Varsity Weekon April 26, theGovernor cautioned thestudents against toomuch celebration at thecost of one’s duty. “Youare at the stage of yourlife where you can makeyour own decisions, youmust realize yourresponsibility,” headded.

Mr. Mooshahary

also warned thestudents againstprocrastination, whichhe says has become away of life among thepeople in North East.

While appreciatingthe spirit in which the weekwas celebrated, Vice-Chancellor, ProfessorA.N. Rai said that lessonslearnt from pastexperiences should be

passed on to the next lot.Prof. Rai, who

attended theprogramme as the guestof honour, also informedthat the President ofIndia, Mr. PranabMukherjee hasconsented to be thechief guest at the 21st

NEHU Convocationslated for October 22this year.

Workshop on “NextGeneration Sequ-

encing Bioinformaticsand Data Analysis” wasorganized from June 17-21 under the aegis ofDBT-sponsored NER


Bioinformatics WorkshopTwinning project “NextGeneration Sequencingand GenomeInformation of ParasiteBiodiversity of medico-veterinary significancein North-East India”.

New EC Members

Prof. Anup KrRaychaudhuri, Di-

rector, S.N. Bose Na-tional Centre for BasicSciences, Kolkata &Prof. Sanjoy Hazarika,Director, Centre forNorth East Studies &Policy Research, JamiaMillia Islamia, NewDelhi have been nomi-nated to the ExecutiveCouncil by the Presidentof India for a period ofthree years. This wasinformed by the DeputyRegistrar (Conf).


The Department ofM a t h e m a t i c s

organized the ATMworkshop/conferenceon surgery theory andclassification ofmanifolds from June17– 26.

The Department ofA n t h r o p o l o g y

organized a five-dayUGC-SAM workshopfrom June 12-16.

Students of NEHU perform at the closing ceremony of the Varsity Week at the Convocation Hall.(Publication photo)

“True spirituality is amental attitude you can

practice at any time.”- Dalai Lama

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013



The Departmentof Management,Tura held a

human resourceconclave on May 18 atVivekananda Kendra,Guwahati, Assam, withan objective to promoteIndustry AcademiaInterface.

The Departmentalso conducted aplacement drive fromthe April 25-27 forPRADAN, a NationalLevel RuralDevelopment NGO.

Earlier, theDepartment ofManagement, NEHU,

The Annual Varsity Week, NEHU, Tura washeld from the April 5 to 13. Various eventslike games and sports, debates, essay/poetry

writing competitions, flower shows etc wereorganised. The week- long event concluded onApril 13 with a valedictory function and prizedistribution held at the auditorium of the NEHUTura Permanent Campus.

The Departmentsof English and Garo,NEHU, Tura Campusconducted a refreshercourse in English &Comparative Literatureand Language fromMay 6-26 at thePermanent Campus,Chasingre, Tura, withDr. Ramona M. Sangmaand Dr. Dokatchi Ch.Marak as coordinators.

Management Conclave & SymposiumTura, organised a day-long NationalSymposium on the“Role of SEBI andNSEIL in the IndianCapital Market”, on

April 4. The Symposiumwas inaugurated byProf. M.S. Sangma,Pro-VC, ICFAI Turaand former Pro-VC,NEHU, Tura, in the

presence of Prof.Eugene Thomas, Pro-VC, Tura. Prof. SujitSikidar was thekeynote speaker at thefunction.

English & Garo Refresher CourseThe keynote

address on the theme ofthe refresher course wasgiven by Prof. C. R.Marak, Retd. professorand head, Department ofGaro, Tura. Therefresher course wasconducted to serve theneeds of college

teachers from far flungareas of Garo Hills.

O t h e rparticipants includedteachers from theDepartments of Englishand Garo, NEHU, Tura,and from colleges inAssam near Garo Hills.

Varsity Week

A Refresher Course in English & ComparativeLiterature & language

Students from Deptt. of Management, NEHU Tura.

A National symposium gets underway.

Students at the Annual Varsity Week, NEHU, Tura

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013


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Mr. Donald B.Jyrwa has been

awarded a PhD inZoology by theUniversity for his thesistitled Studies onHelminthoses andMolecular Taxonomyof CaryophyllideanCestodes inFreshwater Fishes inMeghalaya. Mr. Jyrwaworked under thesupervision of Prof.Veena Tandon.

Ms. Naromongla Jamir has been

awarded a PhD inAnthropology by theUniversity for her thesistitled Participation ofNaga Women inElectoral Politics: ACase Study of KohimaTown. Ms. Jamirworked under thesupervision of Dr. LucyZehol.

Ms. Sunila Thapahas been awarded

a PhD in Zoology by theUniversity for her thesistitled Studies onHelminth ParasiteSpectrum of EdibleFreshwater Fishesand Fish-BorneZoonoses inMeghalaya, NortheastIndia. Ms. Thapaworked under thesupervision of Prof.Veena Tandon.

Ms. SupriyaBarsaikia has

been awarded a PhD inEducation by theUniversity for her thesistitled A Study ofHuman RightsPrivileges Available to

the Differently AbledLearners in Assam. Ms.Barsaikia worked underthe supervision of Prof.A. Henia.

Ms. Lucy R.Marak has been

awarded a PhD inEnglish by theUniversity for her thesistitled Myths andArchetypes in GaroFolk Narratives: ASelect Study. Ms.Marak worked underDr. J. Prodhani(Supervisor) and Prof.C.R. Marak (Jt.Supervisor).

Ms. Hannah Tiahas been

awarded a PhD inSociology by theUniversity for her thesistitled CommunicationProgramme inNagaland: A CaseStudy of Khuzama andKhensa Villages. Ms.Tia worked under thesupervision of Dr. I.L.Aier.

Mr. Neli Lokho Pfoze has been

awarded a PhD inBotany by theUniversity for his thesistitled EthnobotanicalStudies and Phyto-chemical Analysis ofSelected MedicinalPlants of SenapatiDistrict, Manipur. Mr.Pfoze worked under Dr.Yogendra Kumar(Supervisor) and Prof. B.Myrboh (Jt. Supervisor).

Ms. ManukondaRadhika has

been awarded a PhD inBiotechnology &

Bioinformatics by theUniversity for her thesistitled Studies on anti-Tumor Potential ofPotentilla Fulgens wallex Hook. AndThalictrum foliolosumde Candolee inmammalian cellsystems. Ms. Rakhikaworked under thesupervision of Prof.K.M. Rao.

Ms. Sairem Gloriahas been awarded

a PhD in Chemistry bythe University for herthesis titled Synthesesand Spectral Analysesof some PlatimunGroup MetalComplexes withMultidentate NitrogenDonor Ligands. Ms.Gloria worked under thesupervision of Prof.K.M. Rao.

Mr. Lalmuana-wma Chhangte

has been awarded aPhD in Physics by theUniversity for his thesistitled Spectroscopic,Electrical andThermal Properties ofCertain CondensedSystems. Mr. Chhangteworked under Prof. S.Kumar (Supervisor) andProf. Y.S. Jain (Jt.Supervisor).

Ms. SangeetaSaikia has been

awarded a PhD inSociology by theUniversity for her thesistitled A SociologicalStudy of the ForestVillages in Assam. Ms.Saikia worked under thesupervision of Dr.

Rekha Shangpliang.

Mr. NarendraB a h a d u r

Chettry has beenawarded a PhD inPhilosophy by theUniversity for his thesistitled Exploring Non-Violence inContemporary IndianContext: AP h i l o s o p h i c a lCritique. Mr. Chettryworked under thesupervision of Dr.Prasenjit Biswas.

Mr. Gajen Bhuyanhas been awarded

a PhD in Geography bythe University for histhesis titled Floods andits Socio-EconomicConsequences in thelower reaches ofDilkrong River. Mr.Bhuyan worked underthe supervision of Dr.H.J. Syiemlieh.

Ms. ThangjamN i l a c h a n d r a

Singh has beenawarded a PhD inZoology by theUniversity for her thesistitled Studies ofGrowth, SexualMaturation andInduced Breeding ofE n d a n g e r e dCholoclate Mahseer,N e o l i s s o c h e i l u sH e x a g o n o l e p i s(McClelland). Ms.Singh worked under thesupervision of Prof.B.B.P. Gupta.

Ms. Tamsin Aftabhas been awarded

a PhD in Sociology bythe University for her

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013

thesis titled ASociological Study onW i t c h - H u n t i n gamongst the BodoCommunity inKokrajhar District ofAssam. Ms. Aftabworked under thesupervision of Dr. D.V.Kumar.

Ms. MonicaNeeta Laloo

has been awarded aPhD in Sociology by theUniversity for her thesistitled TraditionalPolitical Institutionamong the Khasis inMeghalaya withspecial reference toNonthymmai Dorbar.Ms. Laloo workedunder the supervision ofProf. C.L. Imchen.

Ms. NingthoujamT h o i n g a n b i

Chanu has beenawarded a PhD inPhysics by theUniversity for her thesistitled Macro-orbitalTheory and certainimportant Propertiesof a System ofInteracting Bosons.Ms. Chanu workedunder Prof. S. Kumar(Supervisor) and Prof.Y.S. Jain (Jt.Supervisor).

Mr. Ningthoujam Jiban Singh has

been awarded a PhD inMathematics by theUniversity for his thesistitled Some Problem inL o w - D i m e n s i o n a lTopology related toMapping ClassGroups. Mr. Singhworked under the

supervision of Prof.H.K. Mukherjee.

Ms. ChristinaKamsi has been

awarded a PhD in Hindiby the University forher thesis titled Galoevam Hindi Pradesh kiPramukh Lokkathaonmein Abhivyakt Samajevam Sanskriti: EkVivechan. Ms. Kamsiworked under thesupervision of Dr. D.K.Choubey.

Mr. AkshokKumar Jha has

been awarded a PhD inPhysics by theUniversity for his thesistitled A Study of ElasticScattering andElectron CaptureProcesses inCollisions of 3He2+ion with CO Moleculebelow 5 KeV. Mr. Jhaworked under thesupervision of Dr. AtulSaxena.

Mr. BiswanathKhilar has been

awarded a PhD inEconomics by theUniversity for his thesistitled Economics andQuality of SchoolEducation in Sikkim.Mr. Khilar workedunder the supervision ofProf. S.K. Mishra.

Ms. PreeticiaDkhar has been

awarded a PhD inBiochemistry by theUniversity for her thesistitled CarbonylModification ofProteins as a Functionof Age in Mice: Its

Modulation by DietaryRestriction andHormonal Treatments.Ms. Dkhar workedunder the supervision ofProf. R. Sharma.

Mr. Abdul Rashidhas been awarded

a PhD in Managementby the University for histhesis titled InstitutionalFinancing of Smalland MediumEnterprises: A Study inGaro Hills ofMeghalaya. Mr. Rashidworked under thesupervision of Dr. J.U.Ahmed.

Mr. KiewS h a p h r a n g

Kharnaior has beenawarded a PhD inChemistry by theUniversity for his thesistitled QuantumChemical Studies onthe Structure, Stabilityand Rearrangementsof VariousCnHn+Carbocations.Mr. Kharnaior workedunder the supervision ofProf. R.H.D. Lyngdoh.

Mr. Viki Mannershas been awarded

a PhD in Botany by theUniversity for his thesistitled DNAFingerprinting and invitro Propagation ofVanda Coerulea GriffEx. Lindl. Mr. Mannersworked under Dr. S.K.Kumaria (Supervisor)and Prof. PramodTandon (Jt. Supervisor).

Ms. SubarnaHajong has been

awarded a PhD inBotany by the

University for her thesistitled BiochemicalStudies and Effects ofPhoton Flux Densitieson In VitroEstablishment ofM y c o r r h i z a lAssociation inD e n d r o b i u mChrysanthum Wallex.Lindl. Ms. Hajongworked under Prof.Pramod Tandon(Supervisor) and Dr.Suman Kumaria (Jt.Supervisor).

Ms. IaraplangDkhar has been

awarded a PhD inEducation by theUniversity for her thesistitled Education ofGirls in Jaintia HillsDistrict of Meghalaya.Ms. Dkhar workedunder the supervision ofProf. A. Henia.

Ms. ShokipTumtin has been

awarded a PhD inChemistry by theUniversity for her thesistitled Synthetic Studieson Oxazine andPyrazine Derivativesand their relatedHeterocycles. Ms.Tumtin worked underProf. B. Myrboh(Supervisor) and Dr.R.L. Nongkhlaw (Jt.Supervisor).

Mr. Sanjib Paudelhas been awarded

a PhD in Physics by theUniversity for his thesistitled Theoretical Studyof the Dynamics ifHighly Charged Ion-Atom Collisions. Mr.



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NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013


Paudel worked underthe supervision of Dr.Y.N. Tiwari.

Ms. Indrani B.Bhuyan has

been awarded a PhD inEnglish by theUniversity for her thesistitled The Role of theNarrator in SelectedNovels of Conrad,Melville and Bronte.Ms. Bhuyan workedunder Prof. EstherSyiem (Supervisor) andProf. Temsula Ao (Jt.Supervisor).

Ms. KalpanaSaikia has been

awarded a PhD in Hindiby the University forher thesis titled Hindiaur Asomiya KePramukh AnchalikUpnyson ka TulnamakAdhyayan. Ms. Saikiaworked under the

supervision of Dr. D.K.Choubey.

Mr. Prianjan hasbeen awarded a

PhD in Hindi by theUniversity for his thesistitled Hindi BhashhaEvam Sahitya KeVikas meinSwaichchhik HindiSansthaon KaYogdan. Mr. Prianjanworked under thesupervision of Dr. D.K.Choubey.

Mr. ChinmoyDeka has been

awarded a PhD in Hindiby the University for histhesis titled EkkisvinSadi ki Hindi aurAsamiya Kahaniyonmein AbbhivyaktJanjatiya Samaj. Mr.Deka worked under thesupervision of Dr. B.P.Tripathi.


Editorial Board : Asstt. Editor : Georgina Umdor — Production : Amitava Deb — EditorialAssistant : Surajit Dutta, Prepress : S. Diengdoh.

Dr. E. Jyrwa - Adult &ContinuingEducation

Dr. T. B. Subba - AnthropologyProf. N. Venugopal - BotanyProf. A. Alam - Bio-ChemistryDr. V.K. Shrotriya - CommerceProf. B. Marboh - ChemistryDr. S. Lamare - St. Edmund’s

CollegeProf. R. N. Sharan - Dean of WelfareDr. M. M. Mazumdar - EnglishProf. B. Mishra - EconomicsProf. S. M. Sungoh - EducationDr. A. C. Mohapatra - GeographyDr. M. P. Pandey - HindiProf. Manorama Sharma - History

Dr. S. Dkhar - KhasiDr. Shailendra K. Singh - LinguisticsProf. M. M. Raza - Library & Info.

SciencesProf. S.B. Prasad - NEHUTAProf. P. N. Pandita - PhysicsProf. H. K. Mukherjee - Physical

SciencesProf. R.N.K. Hooroo - ZoologyProf. B. K. Tiwari - Environmental

ScienceProf. D.L. K.Mawphlang - Cultural &


Ms. Ramona M. Sangma - TuraCorrespondent

Dr. Lalhmachhuana - DocumentationOfficer,Central Library

Mr. SanjeebKumar Sarma

has been awarded aPhD in English by theUniversity for his thesistitled An East-WestInterface: John Keatsand Indian Thought.Mr. Sarma workedunder the supervision ofDr. Utpala Sewa.

Mr. LalginChongloi has

been awarded a PhD inAnthropology by theUniversity for his thesistitled Marriage amongthe Thadou ofManipur: AnA n t h r o p o l o g i c a lStudy. Mr. Chongloiworked under thesupervision of Prof.Henry Lamin.

MPhil Awardees

Ms. Donna R.Diengdoh has

been awarded an MPhilin Sociology by theUniversity for herdissertation titled ASociological Study ofNepali EveningSchool in Shillong.Ms. Diengdoh workedunder the supervision ofDr. B. Panda.

Mr. Pritom JyotiSarmah has been

awarded an MPhil inGeography by theUniversity for hisdissertation titledNatural Resourcesand LivelihoodPattern among theMishing Communityof Majuli Island. Mr.Sarmah worked underthe supervision of Prof.A.C. Mohapatra.

contd... from pg. 10

NEHU News : Apr.-June 2013

North-Eastern Hill University Publications(Selected Titles)

Published by NEHU Publications Shillong - 793 022. Telephone :272 1423/1424

1. 1997 D. R. Syiemlieh Anecdotes of an Indian Life Rs. 170.00

2. 1996 Daniel O’Connor A Liberating Force and a Friend Rs. 140.00

3. 1999 S. K. Bose Coins and Tokens of Assam Rs. 340.00 (HB)

Rs. 250.00 (SB)

4. 1999 R. P. Sharma Critical Asides : Musings on Language,Literature & Life Rs. 200.00

5. 2000 P. P. Gokulanathan Environmental Education Rs. 80.00

6. 1986 Mrinal Miri (Ed) Five Essays on Kant Rs. 40.00

7. 1995 G. Hargopal Gandhian World View Rs. 120.00 (HB)

Rs. 65.00 (SB)

8. 1996 H. K. Barpujari Problems of the Hill Tribes (Vol.I) Rs. 220.00 (HB)

Rs. 160.00 (SB)

9. 1998 H. K. Barpujari Problems of the Hill Tribes (Vol. II) Rs. 210.00 (HB)

Rs. 150.00 (SB)

10. 1986 A. J. M. Mills Report on Khasi & Jaintia Hills Rs. 225.00

11. 1986 J. B. Bhattacharjee (Ed) Studies in the History of North-East Rs. 200.00

12. 1996 F. S. Downs The Christian Impact on the Status ofWomen in Northeast Rs. 170.00

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14. 1997 B. N. Saraswati The Sacred Science of Nature Rs. 150.00

15. 1999 Helen Giri U Khasi, ha ka Por u Phareng Rs. 150.00

16. 1998 Nari Rustomji Verrier Elwin : Philanthropologist Rs. 275.00

17. 1998 Nari Rustomji Verrier Elwin and Indian’s North-Eastern Borderlands Rs. 45.00

18. 2000 Ramchandra Guha 12th Elwin Memorial Lectures Rs. 50.00

19. 2002 Sujata Miri & Introduction to Social & PoliticalJagat Pal Philosophy Rs. 120.00

20. 2002 V. Tandon SEM Pictorial Guide to Trematodesof Livestock and Poultry in India Rs. 700.00

21. 2003 T. Ao Songs from Here and There Rs. 105.00

22. 2003 Kynpham Singh Anthology of Contemporary PoetryNongkynrih & Robin from the Northeast Rs. 230.00 (SB)Singh Ngangom (Ed.) Rs. 320.00 (HB)

23. 2003 S. K. Barpujari The Nagas : The Evolution of theirHistory and Administration (1832-1939) Rs. 550.00 (HB)

24. The NEHU Journal (Bi-Annual) Rs. 100.00

25. 2004 Reverend Robert Evans The Great Earthquake of 1897 in theKhasi and Jaintia Hills(Translated by Basil Morris) Rs. 95.00

26. 2004 M. N. Karna Agrarian Structure and Land Reformsin Assam Rs. 250.00

27. 2004 A. N. Rai & M. B. Syiem Laboratory Safety Guidelines Rs. 60.00

28. 2006 B. Kharbuli, H. Kayang, Bio-diversity in North East India Rs. 420.00 (HB)D. Syiem (Ed.) Rs. 370.00 (SB)

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30. 2006 Helen Giri (Ed.) Katto Katne Shaphang ka Put Ka Tem Rs. 60.00 (SB)Tynrai