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Denbigh School

Equality & Diversity School Policy (incorporating Disability Equality Scheme and School Accessibility Plan)

2014 - 2017

1.0 Scope This Policy for Denbigh School brings together all previous policies, schemes and action plans around equality and diversity. It includes all the protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act 2010 as well as other aspects which have the potential to discriminate against or devalue any individuals within our community. We are further committed to the development of cohesive communities both within our school’s physical boundaries and within our local, national and global environments. Our Equality and Diversity Policy is inclusive of our whole school community, students, employee’s, volunteers, parents/carers, applicants, governors, visitors and partner agencies – who we have engaged with and who have been actively involved in and contributed to its development. Denbigh School is a comprehensive school for students aged between 11 and 19 years. This policy applies to all processes relating to education, employment and training and to any dealings with suppliers or communities. Decisions relating to suppliers and communities will be based on business related criteria only and any irrelevant information will not form part of the process. The purpose of this Policy is to set out how our practice and policies have due regard to the need to:

Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

Advance equality of opportunity, and

Foster good relations between groups. It explains how we aim to listen to and involve students, staff, parents and the community in achieving better outcomes for our children and young people. 2.0 Overall aims of our Equality and Diversity Policy

To eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

To promote equality of access and opportunity within our school and within our wider community.

To promote positive attitudes to difference and good relationships between people with different backgrounds, genders, sexual orientation, cultures, faiths, abilities and ethnic origins.

3.0 Our approach We actively seek out opportunities to embrace the following key concepts:

Identifying commonality and shared values, aspirations and needs underpin our approach. We value our fundamental similarities and universality.

Valuing difference and diversity. We appreciate the richness within our differences and look for ways of celebrating and understanding them better.

Interdependence, interaction and influence. We recognise that, as they evolve, distinct cultures, beliefs and lifestyles will impact on and inform each other.

Social cohesion within our school and within our local community.

Excellence. We aim to inspire and recognise high personal and collective achievement throughout our community, the UK and the wider world.

Personal and cultural identity. We will provide opportunities to explore and value the complexity of our personal and cultural identities.

Fairness and social justice. We will develop our understanding of the inequality that exists in our society and explore ways of individually and collectively promoting a more equitable society.

4.0 Our Commitment and Vision Statement about Equality At Denbigh we are fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and we value the differences that a diverse community brings to the School.

We value equally each member of the School community and will not discriminate because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. We will not discriminate because of any other irrelevant factor and will build a culture that is committed to equality of opportunity and one that values meritocracy, openness, fairness and transparency. Our aim is to create and maintain a trusting, secure and happy environment where everyone can work as equals

We believe that equality of opportunity should be addressed through all aspects of the School’s work. In their daily interactions, employees and students must be aware that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, thus providing an environment in which each individual has equal worth and everyone is encouraged to fulfil his or her potential. Denbigh School seeks to foster warm, welcoming and respectful environments, which allow us to question and challenge discrimination and inequality, resolve conflicts peacefully and work and learn free from harassment and violence.

Striving to ensure that the School environment is free of harassment and bullying is an important aspect of ensuring equal opportunities in employment.

All employees and students are responsible for the promotion and advancement of this policy. Behaviour, actions or words that transgress the policy will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly. The School's disciplinary policy will be referred to, in relation to employees who do not adhere to this policy.

We recognise that there are similarities and differences between individuals and groups but we will strive to ensure that our differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning and to create inclusive processes and practices, where the varying needs of individuals and groups are identified and met. We therefore cannot achieve equality for all by treating everyone the same. We will build on our similarities and seek enrichment from our differences and so promote understanding and learning between and towards others to create cohesive communities. 5.0 Our duties We recognise and accept our equality duties as set out in the Equality Act 2010 and have sought to involve the whole school community in the process in order to ensure better outcomes for all. We have due regard to the need to ensure that persons with a protected characteristic are not disproportionately, negatively impacted as a result of our decision or policy making. We positively foster good relations between different groups of students and the wider school community. We will ensure we identify opportunities for promoting our vision, the key concepts and our duties on equality legislation across all aspects of school life. These opportunities are likely to include all or some of the following dependent on our current priorities.

The engagement, participation and involvement of a broad and diverse range of children, young people, their parents and partner agencies.

Preparation for entry to the School

School policies

Breaks and lunchtimes

The provision of school meals

Interaction with peers

Opportunities for assessment and accreditation

Exam arrangements

Behaviour management approach and sanction

Exclusion procedures

School clubs, activities and school trips

The School’s arrangements for working with other agencies

Preparation of students for the next phase of education

Learning and teaching and the planned curriculum

Classroom organisation


Grouping of students


Access to School facilities

Activities to enrich the curriculum, for example a visitor to the School

School sports

Employees and staff welfare

6.0 The roles and responsibilities within our school community Our Headteacher will:

ensure that staff, parents/carers, students and visitors and contractors are engaged in the development of and informed about the Equality Policy.

oversee the effective implementation of the policy.

ensure staff have access to training which helps to implement the policy.

develop partnerships with external agencies regarding the policy so that the school’s actions are in line with the best advice available.

monitor the policy and report to the Governing Body at least annually on the effectiveness of the policy and publish this information.

ensure that the Senior Leadership team is kept up to date with any development affecting the policy or actions arising from it.

Our Governing Body will:

designate a governor with specific responsibility for the Equality Policy.

ensure that the objectives arising from the policy are part of the School Improvement Plan (SIP).

support the headteacher in implementing any actions necessary.

engage with parents and partner agencies about the policy.

evaluate and review the policy annually and the objectives every 4 years. Our Senior Leadership Team will:

have responsibility for supporting other staff in implementing this Policy.

provide a lead in the dissemination of information relating to the Policy.

with the Headteacher, provide advice/support in dealing with any incidents/issues.

assist in implementing reviews of this policy as detailed in the SIP. Our students will:

be involved in the development of the Policy and will understand how it relates to them, appropriate to age and ability.

be expected to act in accordance with the Policy.

be encouraged to actively support the Policy. Our parents/carers will:

be given accessible opportunities to become involved in the development of the Policy.

have access to the Policy through a range of different media appropriate to their requirements.

be encouraged to actively support the Policy.

be encouraged to attend any relevant meetings and activities related to the Policy.

be informed of any incident related to this Policy which could directly affect their child.

Our school staff will:

be involved in the development of the Policy.

be fully aware of the Equality Policy and how it relates to them.

understand that this is a whole school issue and support the Equality Policy.

make known any queries or training requirements. Relevant voluntary or community groups and partner agencies will:

be involved in the development of the Policy.

be encouraged to support the Policy.

be encouraged to attend any relevant meetings and activities related to the Policy.

7.0 Implementation, monitoring and reviewing This policy was published on 19 November 2013. It will be actively promoted and disseminated through various means, including our student councils, Committee meetings and via our staff portal. Implementation, monitoring and review are the responsibility of our Senior Leadership Team and our Governors, who have agreed and published this policy which sets out our priorities and supports these with specific and measurable objectives. We will report annually on the policy and analyse whether our policy and related objectives have furthered the aims of the general equality duty and in particular educational outcomes for all within our school community with reference to the protected groups. 8.0 Assessing the Equality Impact of Policies The requirement to assess the impact of policies is a specific duty of Race, Gender and Disability Equality legislation. However, in order to embed best practice into all of the School’s activities; consideration of the impact on equality shall form an integral aspect of all policy formulation and formal reports. Denbigh School seeks to ensure that its policies and procedures are inclusive and that students and staff from a diversity of backgrounds are equally satisfied with the School and have confidence in its commitments to promote equality and good relations between different groups. The School will regularly review policies and procedures to assess their impact on students and staff from different groups, and will build consideration of Equality and Diversity Implications into its strategic planning and review at School and department level.

The School will:

benchmark existing policy statements from other organisations and advisory groups;

develop human resources and other policies (outlining scope, responsibility, accountability) ; and

cascade new policies with Headteacher and Governing Body endorsement through consultation.

Assessing the impact of policies and procedures will be achieved through an inclusive and interactive process of Equality Impact Assessments. The purpose of screening is to identify those policies and procedures that are likely to have a significant impact on identified inequality so that greatest resources can be devoted to these policies and procedures. The School will review each policy in relation to the following criteria:

Is there any evidence of higher or lower participation or uptake by different groups?

Is there any evidence that different groups have different needs, experiences, issues and priorities?

Is there an opportunity to promote equality or good relations between groups in a better way by altering policy or practice, or working with others in the wider community?

Is there any evidence from consultations with members from under-represented communities or from research that particular policies create problems for specific groups and is this disproportionate?

If the answer to any of the above questions is positive, then consideration will be given as to whether the policy will be subject to Full Equality Impact Assessment procedure. The screening process will identify priorities for equality impact assessments and lead to a timetable for conducting (full) equality impact assessments. Both the screening process and subsequent equality impact assessments will generate ongoing action plans. The School recognises that equality monitoring is vital both for the screening process and subsequently equality impact assessments. Existing monitoring data on staff recruitment and selection, student admissions and retention are already informing reviews of school policies. 9.0 Our Staff - Recruitment, Retention, Promotion, Career Progression,

Training and Development We comply with legislation which protects our staff from discrimination based on protected characteristics. With regard to disability, we make such reasonable adjustments as are necessary to prevent a disabled person being at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with people who are not disabled.

Denbigh School is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and respect for cultural diversity. This commitment means that it is particularly concerned to ensure that staff are selected, developed and promoted on the basis of merit and that at the same time positive action is taken to facilitate the creation of a more diverse workforce. Within the parameters of this Policy, the School will strive to establish an employee profile that reflects that of our local community and wider society. The School will ensure that there are no barriers to applicants or employees. We will ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and take seriously and act on incidents of harassment and discrimination recognising that our staff may be either victims or perpetrators.

Person and job specifications will be limited to those requirements that are necessary for the effective performance of the job.

Candidates for employment or promotion will be assessed objectively against the requirements for the job, taking account of any reasonable adjustments that may be required for candidates with a disability. Disability and personal or home commitments will not form the basis of employment decisions except where necessary.

In accordance with the Equality Act we do not enquire about the health of an applicant until a job offer has been made or require job applicants to complete a health questionnaire as part of the application procedure.

The School will consider any possible indirectly discriminatory effect of its standard working practices, including the number of hours to be worked, the times at which these are to be worked and the place at which work is to be done, when considering requests for variations to these standard working practices and will refuse such requests only if the School considers it has good reasons, unrelated to any protected characteristic, for doing so. The School will comply with its obligations in relation to statutory requests for contract variations. The School will also make reasonable adjustments to its standard working practices to overcome barriers caused by disability.

The School offers equal access to training for all. The School provides access to regular in house training in a variety of forms and encourages employees to develop new and existing skills. We interpret our duties positively; take the necessary actions to remove barriers to inclusion and work hard to ensure a safe, positive and inclusive environment. To enable the School to fulfil its aims in relation to staff, the School will monitor staff applications, shortlists, appointments, promotions, staff development and training on an annual basis. Data will be analysed to:

Identify any practices that may be discriminatory, either directly or indirectly.

Inform planning processes at all levels.

Facilitate the establishment of targets and specific action plans.

Review the impact of policies in tackling discrimination, creating genuine equality of opportunity and promoting good relations between groups.

An annual monitoring report will be presented by the Headteacher to the HR Committee and the Governing Body, and a digest of monitoring outcomes will be published on the School website in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. 10.0 Our Students Every student has the right to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being in accordance with the Every Child Matters agenda. Denbigh School recognises and accepts its responsibility under the law and opposes discriminatory attitudes or behaviour on the basis of any of the "protected characteristics”. All students are encouraged to work and play freely with, and have respect for, all other students irrespective of their age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief, special educational needs (or any other “protected characteristic”), subject to consideration of safety and welfare. The diversity of language spoken by members of the School community should be accepted as part of our School ethos, its environment and daily life. Denbigh School opposes all bullying and discrimination on the basis of a person having special educational needs or because English is an additional language. Abusive behaviour of any form is unacceptable and any such behaviour will not be allowed to go unchallenged. However, the challenge itself should take the form of a learning opportunity for the offender. 11.0 Statement of Student Entitlements There should be equal access to all aspects of the curriculum for all students according to educational need. Expectations for all of our students are high. All students regardless of gender, race, religion, class and ability should have equal opportunities to achieve their potential at Denbigh, in order to support their progression beyond the School. The School’s facilities, resources and career opportunities offered should not be considered appropriate to, and therefore restricted to, any single category of students. School dress requirements should not disadvantage students or staff on cultural or religious grounds.

12.0 The School – Culture and Environment All students and adults within the School have a right to be treated with respect. This includes a right to:

Study, learn and work

Physical, emotional and verbal respect, that is free from violence, bullying and abusive language.

The safety of their property

Freedom from sexual comments or harassment and inappropriate humour

Equal opportunities according to their need in relation to course access, recruitment, access to extra-curricular activities, work experience

Every student should be helped to develop a sense of personal and cultural identity that is confident and open to change, and that is receptive and respectful towards other identities Every student should develop the knowledge, understanding and the skills that they need in order to participate in Britain’s multi-ethnic society, and in the wider context of an interdependent world. 13.0 Policy Statements on Key Issues in Education The Curriculum Our structure is such that every student has equal access to all aspects of the curriculum, and is treated according to his or her educational needs. Attention is paid to differentiation of learning, formative and diagnostic assessment, student self-assessment and review of progress between students and teachers. Learning tasks and the pace of learning are carefully considered to fit the needs of the full range of student ability. Commitment to the principle of equal opportunities is seen in Faculty Schemes of Work and in the tutorial programme for all students. Students are encouraged to look at non-traditional gender-specific work placements on their work experience and in their exploration of choices for career paths. Personal Development and Self-Esteem The Personal, Social Health and Economic Education programme is carefully structured to support equality of opportunity and racial diversity. Areas of study include the development of healthy relationships, personal and social responsibility, assertiveness skills, strategies for resolving conflicts, working together in groups, enhancing the understanding by all members of the community of one another’s backgrounds, viewpoints, traditions and ways of life The ethos of the school promotes high expectations of achievement, behaviour, and personal and social responsibility of students, high expectations of both teachers and

students of themselves, and the development of self-esteem in all individuals. Teachers are responsible for promoting positive attitudes towards different ethnic groups, including those not represented in School. Use of Spoken and Written Language Care is taken to avoid the use of gender specific or stereotypical language, both spoken and written, and when purchasing new posters and books, staff are encouraged to select in accordance with the principles of equality of opportunity, choosing literature and images which promote positive views of women and those from a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Communication Procedures Anti-social behaviour, taking the form of bullying, racial or sexual harassment, denigration of another’s religion, language or culture is dealt with by teachers, tutors or more senior staff as is appropriate for the particular occasion, and students are aware that reports of bullying will be listened to and acted upon. The support and active involvement of parents is usually sought when such situations occur. Monitoring and Evaluation – Education Provision All Faculty leaders are responsible for the provision of equal opportunities and the quality of learning in their faculties and year groups, and, through discussion with their team members, review and evaluate the curriculum as an ongoing process. The Learning Support department disseminate entry assessment data for each student to Subject Leaders, the relevant Head of House, and Form Tutors at the beginning of the student’s education at Denbigh. Individual educational needs are diagnosed, and as a result appropriate action is taken. The efficacy of this action is monitored by the Learning Support Department. Key Stage Directors, Heads of Faculty, Heads of House, and Key Stage Leaders collect data of students’ achievements on a regular basis, and examine this data – along with form tutors and subject teachers – to investigate whether students are fulfilling their potential. Action is taken – discussion with the student, negotiation of targets, and contact with parent – if it is thought that any student is under-achieving. Each student uses a diary or personal organiser to record, plan and review homework, and the use of the diary is monitored by the Form Tutor, Heads of House and parents, to ensure that opportunities for independent study are being taken. Examination statistics are analysed to investigate whether groups of learners- including boys, girls and minority racial groups - are accessing their entitlements. Key Stage Directors, working with the Leadership team, manage the results of this investigation, taking appropriate action if and when necessary. Subject Leaders themselves review the processes of monitoring and evaluation carried out by their teams, in discussions with the Leadership team either individually or in team meetings. Targets may then be set as a result of needs identified.

The Leadership team has oversight of all of this process and advises and supports changes in practice if it considers this to be necessary. Admissions, Access and Widening Participation Denbigh School aims to support all students to achieve their full potential, and will ensure that its teaching, learning and assessment policies support this aim. To enable the School to fulfil its aims in relation to students, the School has screened its policies in this area and will monitor student applications, admissions, progression, awards across all the differing equality dimensions on an annual basis. Data will be analysed and used to:

Identify actual and potential inequalities or unfair practices

Inform planning and decision making processes at School and departmental level

Facilitate the setting of targets and the establishment of action plans

Review the impact of policies in tackling discrimination and promoting equality and good relations between different groups.

An annual monitoring report will be presented by the Headteacher to the HR Committee and the Governing Body, and a digest of monitoring outcomes will be published on the School website in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. 14.0 Disability Access The School will endeavour, as far as reasonably possible, to meet the needs of students, staff, parents and others with a disability, who use the School facilities. The School’s Disability Access Plan (see attached) outlines the steps being undertaken to ensure equality of opportunity and access to the curriculum, physical environment and information. 15.0 Equality and Diversity Training, Awareness and Guidance The School recognises that it needs to provide appropriate support to enable its Governing Body, staff and students to act in accordance with the Legislation governing the Equality and Diversity Policy. This includes:

Providing information on Equality Legislation and the implications for School policies, practices and individual responsibilities.

Ensuring that specific training and guidance is provided to those responsible for carrying out specific functions e.g. staff recruitment and selection or student admissions.

Providing guidance for all staff and students on how to deal with allegations of discriminatory incidents and breaches of the Equality and Diversity Policy and associated Equality Policies.

Ensuring that all managers are supported in implementing the Equality and Diversity Policy and making appropriate use of monitoring information.

Reviewing training events and staff development to ensure they embrace the values and principles of the Equality and Diversity Policy and associated Equality Policies.

16.0 Complaints, grievances and disciplinary incidences The School will take seriously any claims of discrimination or harassment, and any instances of non-adherence to the Legislation or not promoting the aims of the School’s Equality and Diversity Policy by its staff, students or visitors. We recognise that hate incidents or prejudice – based bullying behaviour is driven by negative assumptions, stereotypes or misinformation. These are then directed against an individual or group, based on difference (real or perceived), and linked to, for example racism, homophobia, negative views of disabled people or sexism. We will take action to prevent, challenge and eliminate any such behaviour. Through our school ethos and curriculum, we want our students to understand better the diversity that exists in society. We want to provide opportunities for them to explore the subtleties and complexities in order to prevent and respond to incidents and situations. We will address the experience, understanding and needs of the victim, the perpetrator, bystanders and the wider school community through our actions and responses. Those who believe that they have suffered discrimination, harassment or victimisation should raise the matter through the School’s grievance procedure. Any instance of breach of the Equality and Diversity Policy and associated Equality Policies will be investigated and where appropriate will be considered under the respective disciplinary procedures for staff and students. With regard to any breach of the policy by visitors, the School will take appropriate action in relation to the nature of the incident which could also include activation of criminal proceedings. 17.0 Equality Objectives Using the views of students, parents, staff and community and analysis we have set ourselves specific and measurable objectives that will help us achieve the aims of the general equality duty. These will be reviewed every three years. The enclosed action plan states our objectives for the next three years. 18.0 Publication Denbigh School is committed to putting its Equality and Diversity Policy into practice, and to meeting the requirements of the Legislation. It recognises that these are challenging objectives, and that their achievement will require strong leadership, training of governors and staff at all levels, consultation with internal and external

communities together with regular assessment of action and progress. The Equality and Diversity Policy and Action Plan will be published on the School web-site. The Policy will be reviewed every three years, with an interim review if appropriate in light of changes to Legislation or priorities identified consequent to the Equality Impact Assessment(s) being undertaken; and the Equality Scheme and Action Plan updated annually. The School will also make available via its web-site an annual report on progress against its action plan and targets.

Denbigh School Equality Action Plan June 2013 – November 2017

Link to Public Sector Equality Duty

Protected Characteristic

Aim Objective Target group(s)

Action Who’s responsible?

Key dates Milestone /progress

Promote positive attitudes and good relationships between people with different backgrounds. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

Sexual orientation/Race/Gender identity/Disability/Religion or belief

To prevent and respond to all hate incidents and prejudiced based bullying.

By July 2014, 90% of year 7 students will be equipped through the tutorial programme and assemblies with the skills and confidence to respond effectively to inequality discrimination. The School will aim to increase this to 95% by July 2016. By July 2014, 90% of staff will feel confident in resolving or seeking assistance with a prejudiced-related bullying matter. To maintain the number of reported prejudiced-related bullying incidents amongst staff at 0%.

Year 7 All staff members All staff members/Governing Body.

1)PSHE Co-ordinator to roll out programme of work via tutorial and assemblies. 2)PSHE Co-ordinator to carry out survey amongst year 7 students during June 2014 and June 2015. 3)Implement School Council Equality and Diversity training The School to carry out awareness survey in July 2015. HR Adviser and Personnel Committee to review anti-bullying policies

PSHE Co-ordinator PSHE Co-ordinator Student Voice Leader and HR Adviser HR Adviser/Personnel Committee HR Adviser/Personnel Committee

June 2014/2015 June 2014/2015 December 2013 July 2015 July 2014

Training completed

Promote positive attitudes and good relationships between people with different backgrounds. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and

Sexual orientation/Race/Gender identity/Disability/Religion or belief

To promote equality and diversity amongst student population.

By Sept 2015 the number of reported prejudiced-related bullying incidents amongst students will reduce from 2% to 1%.

Students 1)Student Counsel to agree events in which they can promote E&D, for example black history month.

Student Counsel

Plan for 2014-2015 academic year to be agreed by July 2014.

March 2014 – Student Counsel/Events Group strategic meeting, annual plan to be agreed.


This will be further reduced to 0% by September 2016.

2) PSHE Co-ordinator to roll out programme of work via tutorial and assemblies to increase awareness of the reporting process. 3) Student Counsel and Student Affairs Committee to review anti-bullying policies

PSHE Co-ordinator Student Counsel/ Student Affairs Committee

Plan for 2014-2015 academic year to be agreed by July 2014 and annually thereafter. Final policy to be agreed by July 2014.

Promote positive attitudes and good relationships between people with different backgrounds. To promote equality of access and opportunity within our School and within our wider community To eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

Disability/All To improve the understanding of Equality and Diversity within the workplace and amongst the wider community.

By December 2013 all School Governors and Leadership Team Members will have attended E&D refresher training By June 2014 all staff members will have attended E&D refresher training. By December 2015 85% of all visitors, including parents, contractors/supplier to Denbigh School will be aware of the Schools approach to E&D and how they contribute to this.

Governors/Leadership Team All staff members All visitors

1)HR to roll out E&D refresher training programme by December 2013 to Governors and Leadership Team members. 2)HR to roll out E&D refresher training programme by July 2014 to all staff members. 1)HR to develop awareness programme and implement accordingly with support of Governing Body and Leadership team. 2)Student Counsel to implement plan to promote awareness of E&D throughout the School for academic year 2014-2014. The Student Counsel to carry out community awareness survey in December 2015.

HR Adviser HR Adviser HR Adviser Student Counsel The School

December 2013 March 2015 July 2015 September 2014 December 2015

Training completed Refresher training developed. Roll out to be agreed.

School Accessibility Plan 2013 - 2016

1. The aim of this plan is to ensure provision is made for existing and prospective students, parents, staff and other members of the community using our facilities with a disability according to the definition outlined in the Equality Act 2010.

2. The School Ethos towards Disability and Equality

Denbigh School has high ambitions for all of its students, regardless of disability, and expects them to participate and achieve their full potential in every aspect of school life. We aim to provide an appropriate but challenging education for students of all abilities, providing each student with the support to maximise their chances of success. The School responds in a positive manner to the diverse individual needs of each young person. We aim to be a friendly, caring and stimulating community, which motivates young people to enjoy learning and enthusiastically join in the wider activities. The School strives to identify and remove barriers which prevents students with disabilities taking an active part in every feature of school life.

3. The Denbigh School has three key duties towards disabled pupils in

accordance with legislation;

Not to treat disabled students less favourably for a reason related to their disability;

To make reasonable adjustments for disabled students, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage;

To plan to increase access to education for disabled students.

4. Attached is an Action Plan, relating to the key areas of accessibility. The School believes in principle in these actions but cost restraints may affect timescales and impact.

5. The Action Plan sets out the proposals of the Denbigh School to increase access to the education for disabled students in the three relevant areas:

Increasing the extent to which disabled students can participate in the school curriculum

Improving the environment and physical access to the school to increase the extent to which disabled students can take advantage of education and associated services

Improving the delivery of information to students who disabilities (versus that which is provided in writing for students who are not disabled).

6. At Denbigh School the aim is to ensure that every child is given the best opportunity to achieve. Reasonable adjustments will be made where possible to our policies and procedures to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. It is recognised that there is always room to improve and our accessibility action plan shows our objectives in continuing developments.

7. Definitions

The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as:

A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

Physical or mental impairment includes sensory impairments and learning difficulties. The definition also covers certain medical conditions when they have a long-term and substantial effect on a person’s everyday life.

The School has adopted the social model of disability, which recognises that people with impairments are more disabled by the barriers of society (e.g. physical, environment, organisational and attitudinal) that by their impairments. The School is committed to the removal of such barriers wherever reasonably possible to do so.

Students at the School with a disability or learning difficulty are not automatically considered as having a special educational need. The Education Act (1996) states that ‘children have a special educational need if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them’. Children and young people have a learning difficulty if they:

Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning that the majority of children or young people of the same age;

Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children and young people of the same age in schools within the area of the LEA;

Are under compulsory school age and fall within the above definitions, or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them.

8. Accessibility Plan

The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following policies, strategies and documents:

Curriculum Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Policy

School Prospectus

The School strongly supports inclusion and demonstrates good practice with respect to meeting the needs of disabled people. Transition plans ensure that all new students to the School with any disability or learning difficulty are identified before they arrive at the School and any necessary access arrangements are put in place before they join.

Some examples are provided below where the School has implemented best practice and specific developments in line with its vision and policy, as follows:

Provision of individual and personal wheelchair buggy.

Disabled toilets.

Visually impaired student provided with individual key to lift.

Height adjustable furniture for students and staff with disabilities where there is a specific requirement.

Ramps have been fitted to the external grounds to enable access to the sports areas.

Height adjustable specialist cooking equipment install in the Food Technology Department.

Reception area refurbished with automatic doors improving accessibility for wheelchair users.

Teaching Assistants provide support where this is required.

Staff training from specialists in order to deal with the particular needs of students with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Students with specific difficulties are provided with resources.

Close working relationships are developed at an early stage with the students, their parents/carers and any relevant specialists.

There are many other examples. There are areas for improvement with regards to working with students with disabilities; these have been highlighted in this plan.

9. Focus Areas of Accessibility Plan (2013 – 2016)

Access to the Curriculum

Denbigh School is committed to promoting positive participation in the life of the school. We believe that students and adults with disabilities are uniquely placed to support the school in identifying and removing the barriers they face and in taking proactive steps to promote disability equality across the school – their participation in the development and implementation of this Scheme is our priority.

In order that students with a disability or learning difficulty can access the curriculum, the School will strive to:

continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all students;

continue to develop approaches to the differentiation of the curriculum to enable equal access for students with disabilities;

identify all students and known prospective students who face barriers to learning and full participation;

consider students and prospective students assessed needs and consider any reasonable adjustments which may be necessary to enable them to participate;

audit the approaches used when planning and delivering the curriculum;

audit staff training needs in relation to increasing participation in the curriculum;

audit student and prospective student needs in relation to the wider provision of school, including after school clubs, leisure, sporting and cultural activities and school trips;

seek to develop and share good practice in this area

Physical Environment

In order that students and other people within the School with a disability or learning difficulty can access the physical environment, the school will strive to:

ensure an access audit has been completed and incorporate the outcome into our improvement plan;

seek to include minor building works or developments to improve accessibility, identified by the school, or through the access audit into our improvement plan;

continue to provide specialist aids/equipment to individual students whenever this is reasonable to do so;

consider on a planned basis, how to improve accessibility through reorganising or rearranging aspects of the school environment in the most cost effective way.

Access to the Delivery of Information

In order that students and other people within the school with a disability or learning difficulty can access information, the school will strive to:

raise awareness amongst staff about the requirements to provide information in alternative formats if required

maintain up-to-date information on students’ needs for the provision of information in alternative formats and ensure it is shared amongst staff;

collect and share examples of good practice amongst staff;

review the school’s approach to the provision of written information in general to establish if the format could be improved routinely and in general to improve accessibility;

seek specialist advice and support in those cases which lie beyond the school’s immediate expertise;

maximise the use of ICT equipment in the delivery of information.

Denbigh Schools Accessibility Plan 2013 - 2016

Improving the Physical Access at Denbigh School

Improvement Item Activity Timescale Comments / Cost

Lift Keys Continuous review of the need to provide lift keys for first floor access

Ongoing Individuals needs assessed as and when required

Accessible tables Accessible tables for wheelchair users to be purchased

November 2013

Lift installation To install left to new sixth form block to provide equal access for all

September 2015 Expansion project

Light switches, power outlets and emergency alarm buttons

To be moved to wheelchair height, as finances and refurbishment allows

On-going – cost restraint

Continuous reviews undertaken as refurbishment takes place

Disability access - expansion

Expansion of the building to conform with regulations in relation to disabled access

September 2015