Promoting Manchester

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Promoting Manchester

Jordan Robson

I made the image darker to make the patterns on the wall and the lights in the bottom of the picture stand out.

I made the brightness darker to bring definition to the lights on the sign however the text hasn’t changed.

A reoccurring theme with my pictures is that I made them darker and this is the same.

I took a different path with this picture and made it so the key aspect was the light on the picture.

I changed the brightness and contrast to make the lights in the water brighter in the picture.

I made the image darker to make the Namco sign stand out the most in this picture.

I changed the brightness and contrast to make the word ‘BAR’ stand out in this picture making the background dark.

I made the image darker to make the patterns on the wall and the lights in the bottom of the picture stand out.