Propaganda Lesson

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Propaganda Lesson. Presented by: Miss P’Pool February 20, 2013. Developing Media Literacy. What is media literacy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Propaganda Lesson

Presented by: Miss PPoolFebruary 20, 2013Propaganda Lesson

1Developing Media LiteracyWhat is media literacy?

Media literacy empowers people to be both critical thinkers and creative producers of an increasingly wide range of messages using image, language and sound. It is the skillful application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. Media literacy goes beyond the idea of reading and writing. It requires media consumers to effectively analyze and evaluate the numerous media messages we encounter.

2What is Propaganda?Biased informationPlays on the emotions of readers or listenersDirects human action toward a given goalTrue, partially true, or blatantly false informationAdvertises a cause, organization, or movement and its opponentsSymbols, images, words, or musicCreated to shape public opinion and behavior3How Propaganda Can Alter HistoryHitlers Strategic Deception

4How Propaganda Can Alter History

Satan has taken off his mask!

He poisons our lives!

Behind the enemy powers: the Jew!5The following is an excerpt from the movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, based on the popular book.

The Boy in the Striped PajamasHow Propaganda Can Alter History

6Common Propaganda & Advertising Persuasion TechniquesBandwagonTestimonial

Emotional AppealExpert Opinion

7Bandwagon TechniqueAn appeal to the subject to follow the crowdTries to convince the subject that one side is the winning side (or best side) and that winning is inevitableAppeals to a persons desire to be on the winning side

8Testimonial TechniqueQuotations or endorsements which attempt to connect a well known or respectable person (most of the time) with a product or ideal with the intent to better sell the product or ideal

9Emotional Appeal TechniqueEveryone is affected by emotionsAppeals made to fear, sadness, envy, hatred, pity, pride, etc.Often make people want to act based on the emotion the appeal is focusing on

10Expert Opinion TechniqueUsed to make people feel safe buying productOften people trust what experts think of a productUsually misrepresented by finding experts to agree with what the company selling the product wants them to say

11Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

12Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

13Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

14Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

15Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

16Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

17Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

18Which Persuasive Technique is Being Used?

19How Words Influence PeopleBy using the correct words you can influence how people think about and feel about an image.

Your assignment:Pick one image and create a slogan/phrase that represents each of the four persuasive techniques we have discussed in class today.Make sure your words are powerful and make the point you are trying to get across.Target a specific audience with each slogan/phrase!20Ms. PPools Example Image & SlogansImpress all the ladies in the land by becoming a knight! Bravery, honor, and glory await you!4 out of 5 knights agree that lightweight armor is the best for fighting dragons! It protects the body while also being light enough to move in!Help the dragons protect their eggs from being crushed! Vote for Proposition 984 forcing knights to stop hunting them!Using the lightweight armor saved my life! If I had used heavy armor I would have been crushed! Luckily I was able to move out of the way just before the dragon landed on top of me! ~Sir Edward, Kings Knight

21Pick One of the Following ImagesWrite a slogan/phrase that represents each persuasive technique discussed today (bandwagon, testimonial, emotional appeal, expert opinion). Make sure you use powerful words!

22When You Finish..If you finish you assignment before class is over, here is something fun for you to do. Click on the link below to discover the tricks advertisers use to make food look so good during commercial breaks! This is yet another example of false advertising!