properties of atom

Post on 25-May-2015

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byGroup Six

Leader: Jameel Joshua Salacan


Crystal Formaran Kayecelyn Nimer

Rhona May Palma Soliesa

Ryszard Recato

Parts of the Atom

Three parts of Atom

Protons, Neutrons and, Electrons

Protons and Neutrons are in the centre of an atom which is called the nucleus. It is very small if you compare it with the whole atom and it has almost all of an atom’s mass. If an atom had a diameter of about 6 km the nucleus would only be as big as a tennis ball. The rest of the atom outside the nucleus is mostly empty. Electrons fly around in an atom very, very quickly. They have almost no mass and travel around the nucleus millions of times every second.

Example of an Atom


PROTON is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a positive electrical charge, equal and opposite to that of the electron. If isolated, a single proton would have a mass of only 1.673? 10-27 kilogram, just slightly less than the mass of a neutron.


NEUTRON is a subatomic hadrons particle that has the symbol n or n0, no net electric charges and a mass slightly larger than that of a proton.

Example of an NEUTRON


ELECTRON is a negatively charged subatomic particle. It can be either free (not attached to any atom), or bound to the nucleus of an atom. Electrons in atoms exist in spherical shells of various radii, representing energy levels. The larger the spherical shell, the higher the energy contained in the electron.


Atomic Number Z

"Atomic number" in German is "Atomzahl", so the Z symbol for atomic number probably comes from "Zahl" (number). The Encyclopedia of symbols has a more poetic interpretation:"The letter Z is one of the signs for the highest god in Greek mythology, Zeus. In modern physics Z represents the greatest energy, nuclear power, in its potential form, nuclear charge."

Example of an Atomic number Z

Atomic Mass A

The atomic mass is the number of portion and neutron in an atom although all atoms of the same elements have the same number of protons, they sometimes have more neutrons. Such atoms are called isotopes

For example: hydrogen has three isotopes most of the time a hydrogen atom has one proton and one neutron. Some time you can find hydrogen isotopes that have two or three neutrons, but they too have only one proton.

People who discovered



and Electron

Joseph John Thomson

James Chadwick

John Dalton- discovered the Atoms, Atomic mass A and other element

The End

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