Proposed Kaufland Supermarket · 2018-11-19 · INTRODUCTION V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact...

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Expert: Simon Davies VicKaufland Australia Pty Ltd

Report Date: 16/11/18

Reference: V155990

Issue: Final

Proposed Kaufland Supermarket 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

Transport Impact Evidence

© GTA Consultants (GTA Consultants (Vic) Pty Ltd) 2018

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Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane

Canberra | Adelaide | Perth

Proposed Kaufland Supermarket 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

Transport Impact Evidence

Client: Kaufland Australia Pty Ltd

on 16/11/18

Reference: V155990

Issue: Final

V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1

1.1. Background 1

1.2. Development Proposal 1

1.3. Proposed Vehicle Site Access Arrangements 2

1.4. Expert Witness Details 2

1.5. Relationship to Applicant 2

1.6. Instructions and Scope of Report 2

1.7. References 3

1.8. Tests, Experiments & Assistance 3

2. Traffic Impacts 4

2.1. Preamble 4

2.2. Traffic Generating Comparison to Previous Use 4

3. Responses to Advisory committee Directions 6

4. Responses to Authority Comments 7

4.1. Authorities 7

4.2. Third-Party Submissions 10

5. Summary of opinion & Other Statements 11

5.1. Summary of Opinion 11

5.2. Other Statements 11


A. Simon Davies – Curriculum Vitae


V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong


1.1. Background

Kaufland is a German supermarket chain that is well established within Europe and looking to expand, noting that there

are no operational stores within Australia currently.

Kaufland supermarkets are generally in the order of 6,000sqm NLFA, which are larger than the typical Woolworths and

Coles supermarkets currently within Australia (typically up to approximately 4,200sqm NLFA). It is understood that

Kaufland supermarkets contain a wider range of products than what is typically available within the current major

Australian supermarkets, accounting for the increased floor areas.

Development Plans have been prepared for proposed Kaufland supermarkets at the following six locations, which are

planned to be the first stores opened in Victoria:

• 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

• 592-694 High Street, Epping

• 1126-1146 Centre Road, Oakleigh

• 266-268 Maroondah Highway, Chirnside Park

• 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo

• 1158 Nepean Highway, Mornington.

Initially, the Dandenong, Epping and Chirnside Park sites will be rev iewed directly by an Advisory Committee at

Planning Panels Victoria, with Hearings scheduled to occur between 23 November to 17 December 2018. Separate

traffic and transport evidence statements have been prepared for each development site.

Furthermore, a transport impact assessment report has previously been prepared for this site (dated 12 November

2018) which I adopt as part of my evidence. The following evidence outlines my expert opinion on the anticipated traffic

and transport impacts for the proposed Kaufland supermarket in Dandenong.

1.2. Development Proposal

The Dandenong development site is located at 1-3 Gladstone Road in Dandenong. It is proposed to develop a

supermarket on the subject site, with an additional shop tenancy located along the fron tage to the car parking area. Based

on a review of the development plans, a summary of the area schedule is provided in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Proposed Development Schedule (Dandenong)

Use Floor Area

Supermarket 5,449 sqm [1]

Retail 672 sqm [2]

[1] When assessing a supermarket, the Net Leasable Floor Area is utilised, which is included on the development plans. In this instance the Supermarket, Liquor,

Administration and Back of House floor areas from the development summary on plans have been consid ered as part of the overall supermarket floor area.

[2] The Retail use includes the Food Hall, Outdoor Eatery and the separate Shop tenancies floor areas from the development summary on the pl ans.

In addition to the above floor areas, it is proposed to provide a total of 425 on-site car parking spaces across the site,

including 10 parking spaces for people with disabilities.


V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

There will also be a loading dock accessed from the Gateway Boulevard on the eastern boundary of the site, capable of

catering for three 19m semi-trailers and a 12.5m Heavy Rigid Vehicle (HRV) waste compactor collection vehicle.

1.3. Proposed Vehicle Site Access Arrangements

It is proposed to utilise the existing main vehicle access point to the site, via Gateway Boulevard approximately 40m east

of Gladstone Road. This allows vehicles to utilise the signalised intersection of Gladstone Road / Gateway Boulevard as

the primary access to the site. The site will also utilise the existing secondary access in the south-east corner of the site

which is anticipated to primarily cater for the local residential catchment to the east via David Street.

The proposed access arrangements are consistent with those of the former Bunnings Warehouse which was previously

located on the site.

1.4. Expert Witness Details

Simon Davies BE (Environmental) (Hons)

Director – GTA Consultants (Vic) Pty Ltd

L25, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne

Areas of Expertise: Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning

I completed my environmental engineering degree majoring in traffic and transport with Honours at Monash University

prior to commencing work with GTA Consultants in 1999. I have nineteen years’ experience in traffic and transportation

planning including data collection and analysis, strategic planning, major and special event planning, parking precinct

plans, traffic impact assessments and traffic engineering design.

I have experience in managing a variety of projects and have been intimately involved in the preparation of a number of

parking studies and parking precinct plans. I also have considerable experience in presenting expert traffic and parking

evidence at the Victoria Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Planning Panels Victoria.

Further details of my experience are provided in Appendix A of this evidence.

1.5. Relationship to Applicant

I have no ongoing private or business relationship with the Applicant and have been retained to provide expert witness

services at this hearing for a mutually agreed fee.

1.6. Instructions and Scope of Report

I have been engaged by the Applicant to prepare and present expert traffic and transport evidence at the Advisory

Committee hearing.

Prior to preparing this evidence I was briefed by Planning Property Partners (PPP) regarding the proposal via oral and

written instructions.

This evidence sets out an assessment of the anticipated parking, traffic and transport implications of the propos ed

development, including consideration of the:

1. existing traffic conditions surrounding the site

2. parking demand likely to be generated by the proposed development

3. suitability of the proposed parking in terms of supply (quantum) and layout

4. suitability of the proposed loading arrangements

5. anticipated traffic generation characteristics of the proposed development


V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

6. proposed access arrangements for the site for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians

7. transport impact of the development proposal on the surrounding road network, including any suitable mitigation.

1.7. References

In preparing this evidence, reference has been made to the following:

• Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme

• Australian Standard/ New Zealand Standard, Parking Facilities (AS2890)

• plans for the proposed development prepared by Leffler Simes Architects (Rev ACP Issue), noting the following


o Revisions to the allocation of accessible car parks, conversion of six standard car parks to senior spaces

and the removal of 31 car parks to provide additional landscaping (mostly around the loading bay area), civic

plaza and trolley bay circulation.

o Increase in the extent of the shared zone to the primary frontage of the store. The shared zone is further

delineated through the inclusion of coloured concrete.

• ‘Proposed Kaufland Victorian Supermarkets, Stage 1 Preliminary Traffic & Transport Site Assessments’, report

prepared by GTA Consultants, dated 28 June 2018

• ‘Proposed Kaufland Supermarket – 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong’, report prepared by GTA Consultants, dated

12 November 2018

• Greater Dandenong Cycling Strategy 2017-2024

• various technical data as referenced in this report

• an inspection of the site and its surrounds

• other documents as nominated.

1.8. Tests, Experiments & Assistance

In preparing this evidence, I received assistance from the following people:

Chris Greenland Associate Director BEng (Hons), BSci

Andrew Harmer Consultant BEng (Hons)

Will Crough Consultant BEng (Hons)


V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong


2.1. Preamble

The traffic impacts of the proposed development undertaken in the transport impact assessment (TIA) report (dated 12

November 2018) have been adopted for this evidence. The TIA considers the traffic impact of the proposed

development in comparison to existing conditions with the intention of demonstrating that the surrounding road network

will continue to operate satisfactorily following the proposed development and no mitigating roadworks are considered


It is reiterating that the site was previously occupied by a Bunnings Warehouse and the access arrangements are

consistent with those of the previous use. While the site is currently vacant, the surrounding road network and access

arrangements previously accommodated traffic associated with the former use of the land. Notwithstanding that the TIA

demonstrates that the adjacent intersections are expected to continue to operate satisfactorily following the proposed

development, it is acknowledged that the intersection operation will diminish somewhat following the proposed

development compared to existing conditions due to the subject site currently being vacant. The following sets out a

comparison of the anticipated traffic generation of the former Bunnings use compared with the proposed Kauflan d

supermarket use to consider the net traffic impact of the change of use.

2.2. Traffic Generating Comparison to Previous Use

As mentioned in Section 2.1 of the transport impact assessment report, the site previously operated as a Bunnings

Warehouse up until 2017 and has since been demolished.

The characteristics of the previous site in comparison to the proposed site operation are summarised in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Previous Site Information - Bunnings Warehouse

Item Output

Size [1] 12,500 sqm (approx.)

Traffic Generation Rates

Weekday PM [2] 3.6 – 4.0 movements per 100sqm

450 – 500 vph

Saturday Midday [3] 6.6 – 7.1 movements per 100sqm

825 - 890 vph

[1] Based on measurements undertaken on Nearmap Aerial Imagery (measured at 12,730sqm)

[2] Typical traffic generation rate of 3.6 – 4 movements per 100sqm provided, with application of the mid-point

[3] Typical traffic generation rate of 6.6 – 7.1 movements per 100sqm provided, with application of the mid-point

The above indicates that the previous Bunnings use could have been expected to generate in the order of 450 – 500

(say 475) vehicle movements during the weekday PM peak hour and 825 – 890 (say 860) vehicle movements during the

Saturday midday peak hour.

Table 2.2 has been prepared in order to compare and summarise the traffic generation of both the previous and

proposed site.

Table 2.2: Site Comparison

Peak Hour Bunnings Kaufland Difference

Weekday PM 475 vph 719 vph +240 vph

Saturday Midday 860 vph 796 vph -60 vph


V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

Table 2.2 indicates that the proposed Kaufland development could be expected to generate in the order of 240

additional vehicle movements during the PM peak hour and in the order of 60 less vehicle movements in the Saturday

midday peak hour when compared to the previous use of the site as a Bunnings Warehouse .

While the proposed use could be expected to have a greater impact on the road network during the PM peak hour when

compared to the previous use of the site it is expected to have a lesser impact during the Saturday midday period.

Given that the adjacent intersections are expected to continue to operate well within their theoretical capacity during

both road network peak periods, it is considered that no mitigating roadworks are necessary or warranted in this




V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong


COMMITTEE DIRECTIONS I have reviewed the Advisory Committee’s Directions letter (dated 8 November) and provide the following responses to

the matters relating to traffic and transport:

“Kaufland response to preliminary matters

14. Kaufland must respond to the following matters through either of its Part A or B submission or in evidence from


a). a response to all matters raised in the Council submissions and other submissions as required ”

Section 4 of my evidence provides direct responses to all relevant matters raised in the Council submissions and other

submissions for the Dandenong site.

“d). VicRoads’ request for a Traffic Impact Assessment Report (TIAR) for each site ”

A transport impact assessment report for the Dandenong site has been prepared and titled ‘Proposed Kaufland

Supermarket – 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong’, dated 12 November 2018 .

“h). interrelationships of each site with footpaths, pedestrian access points, car parking, public transport, landscaping

and overall movement analysis”

• Section 3 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant bicycle parking information

• Section 4 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant car parking information

• Section 5 of the transport impact assessment report prov ides the relevant car parking design and site layout


• Section 4 of my evidence provides additional discussion regarding footpath, public transport and circulation within

the site.

The above sections are considered to address all matters raised.

“i). justification for the proposed parking rates”

Section 4 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant car parking rate information.



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong


COMMENTS I have reviewed the submissions received for the Dandenong site provide the following direct responses to the matters

relating to traffic and transport:

4.1. Authorities

4.1.1. VicRoads

VicRoads has requested two additional conditions to be included within the Kaufland Incorporate Document as set out



16. Prior to the commencement of development a Transport Impact Assessment Report (TIAR) prepared by a VicRoads

prequalified traffic consultant must be submitted to and be approved to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and

VicRoads. The TIAR is to give consideration to the following:

- providing a separate left turn slip land from the signalised Gateway Boulevard/Gladstone Road access to

Gladstone Road.

- a widening of the Gladstone Road carriageway into the nature strip on the east side, to provide for two

southbound lanes and two northbound lanes along Gladstone Road, between Princes Highway and the Gateway

Boulevard/Perkin Court intersection.”

Left Turn Slip Lane on Gateway Boulevard

As set out in Section 6 of the transport impact assessment report, based on the post development SIDRA results, the

intersection of Gateway Boulevard / Gladstone Road is expected to continue to operate very well with acceptable

queues and delays on all approaches. In this regard I do not consider a left turn sl ip lane on the Gateway Boulevard

approach to be necessary or warranted.

Notwithstanding, to test the potential benefit of the proposed left -turn slip lane out of the site access, I have completed a

further SIDRA analysis of the post development models, modifying the Gateway Boulevard (site access) approach to

include the suggested slip lane as set out in Table 4.1 (the +/- difference from the post development operations without

the slip lane is shown in brackets).

Table 4.1: Gateway Boulevard Left-Turn Slip Lane – Post-Development Intersection Operation

Peak Hour Intersection Approach DOS Average Delay (sec) 95th Percentile Queue (m)

Weekday PM Gladstone Rd / Gateway Blvd / Perkins Crt

Gladstone Road (South) 0.36 (+ 0.00) 11 sec (+ 1 sec) 88 m (+ 3 m)

Gateway Boulevard (East) 0.37 (+ 0.01) 20 sec (- 11 sec) 47 m (- 7 m)

Gladstone Road (North) 0.34 (+ 0.01) 32 sec (+ 1 sec) 74 m (+ 1 m)

Perkins Court (West) 0.04 (- 0.02) 44 sec (- 8 sec) 5 m (+ 0 m)

Saturday Midday

Gladstone Rd / Gateway Blvd / Perkins Crt

Gladstone Road (South) 0.34 (+ 0.00) 15 sec (+ 1 sec) 100 m (+ 1 m)

Gateway Boulevard (East) 0.34 (+ 0.00) 19 sec (- 14 sec) 47 m (- 15 m)

Gladstone Road (North) 0.33 (+ 0.01) 26 sec (+ 1 sec) 76 m (+ 1 m)

Perkins Court (West) 0.01 (+ 0.00) 38 sec (- 5 sec) 2 m (+ 0 m)



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

The results indicated that the left-turn slip lane will have no notable impact on the operation of the intersection with the

exception of the left turn out of Gateway Boulevard which is the site access. This suggests that the left turn out

movement is not a critical factor in determining the green time for the east approach, and therefore the slip lane does

little to reduce the required green time allocated to this movement. As such, the existing fully controlled exit from

Gateway Boulevard is considered appropriate to be retained.

It is also noted that Gladstone Road is a Council controlled road while Princes Highway is a VicRoads controlled road.

The introduction of a left turn slip lane is not expected to have any impact on the queueing or delay experienced by

northbound traffic on Gladstone Road and thereby not expected to have any noticeable impact on the operation of the

Princes Highway / Gladstone Road intersection.

Widening of Gladstone Road

On-site observations indicate that this section of road currently operates informally as two northbound traffic lanes as

the northbound lane is approximately 5.5m wide and can fit two vehicles simultaneously. Given that the two informal

northbound traffic lanes are an existing condition that will continue to occur following development of the land, I do not

consider the widening necessary to facilitate the traffic associated with the proposed development.

It is also noted that Gladstone Road is a Council road and Greater Dandenong Council has not indicated any desire to

widen the existing carriageway noting that north of the Gateway Boulevard intersection the carriageway reduces to one

lane in each direction within a predominantly residential area.

4.1.2. Transport for Victoria

Transport for Victoria has requested that four conditions be included on any permit for the la nd including:

“1. Before the development starts, amended plans to the satisfaction of the Head, Transport for Victoria must be

submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the plans will be endorsed and will then form

part of the permit. The plans must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The plans

must be generally in accordance with the plans submitted with the application but modified to show:

a). the bus stop Gladstone Road upgraded to a fully Disability Discrimination Act – Disability Standards for

Accessible Public Transport 2002 approved stop including bus shelter and all associated infrastructure.

“b). details pedestrian access (DDA compliant) to the bus stop”

Given the nexus between the proposed development and the potential increased demands on bus usage at the

abovementioned bus stop, I consider the proposed upgrade to the bus stop on Gladstone Road to be appropriate in this


It is noted that the development plans indicate an east-west pedestrian connection between the main pedestrian entry to

the store and Gladstone Road which is considered to provide good pedestrian access to the bus stop.

Conditions 2 – 4 are standard conditions and are considered appropriate subject to inclusion of Condition 1 above.

4.1.3. City of Greater Dandenong Council

City of Greater Dandenong raised the following matters in relation to the internal car park / access design.

“Pedestrian Connectivity

• Additional pedestrian footpaths from all areas of the car park to the entry to the store are to be provided.”

As per typical supermarket (and all other large retail) developments, vehicles and pedestrians are proposed to utilise

the car parking area in shared nature to access the store entrance from the associat ed parking spaces.

Dedicated pedestrian footpaths are proposed running both north-south and east-west within the car park and around the

building. This is considered to be an appropriate design outcome for the development proposal.



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

• “The pedestrian footpath running toward David Street from the store entry should extend all the way to David

Street, and connect with the existing footpath network.”

This is considered appropriate and the north-south footpath has been amended to connect to David Street with a width

of 2.1m.

• “A pedestrian footpath should be provided from the store entry to connect to the pedestrian crossing at the

Princes Hwy and Gladstone Road traffic signals.”

The amended plans indicate the provision of an outdoor plaza in the south-west corner of the car park, with a pedestrian

path provided between this plaza and the Princes Highway frontage of the site in a similar location to the previous

pedestrian path to the former Bunnings to satisfy the above request.

• “A pedestrian footpath should be provided from the store entry to connect to the Gladstone Road and Perkin Court

traffic signals, and connect with the existing footpath network.”

Pedestrians seeking to travel from the store entry to the Gladstone Road/Perkins Court signals can walk along the 2.5m

trafficable width (allowing for vehicle overhand) east-west path located adjacent to the pedestrian entry to the store to

access Gladstone Road and then utilise the existing public footpath on Gladstone Road to access the bus stop and the

signalised intersection.

This is a direct connection that achieves the desired outcome and is therefore considered to be acceptable.

• “An integrated bicycle path should also be provided through the site and connect to the adjoining st reet network to

provide safe access to and from the site for cyclists”.

Cyclists can utilise the external facilities and then dismount to utilise the internal footpaths or ride with the parking aisles

to connect to the proposed development. It is not considered appropriate or necessary to provide an integrated bicycle

path through this site noting cyclists can legally ride within the car park aisles or dismount and utilise the pedestrian

paths to the store entry from Gladstone Road and David Street.

Further to the above, it is also noted that Greater Dandenong Cycling Strategy 2017-2024 indicates that there are no

existing or proposed bicycle routes on the section of Gladstone Road or David Street in the vicinity of the site to which

an integrated bicycle path could connect.

“Traffic Management

• The submitted traffic management report identifies that the development will create additional demand, however

no detailed investigations have been provided to identify the impact of this, including if the existing ro ad and

intersection capacities will be able to adequately cater for these increased demands, particularly during peak

periods. As such, Council requests that this information be submitted for further assessment, prior to any

decisions being made on the proposal.”

Section 6 of the transport impact assessment report provides a detailed traffic impact assessment for the proposed


• “Council is concerned with safety of the service road to the eastern side of the property. This road provides the

only access (vehicular and pedestrian) to a number of other properties to the east, with the current road design

not providing a safe environment for users. The use of this road for reversing to the loading bay creates the

potential for further safety concerns. Could would expect this issue to be addressed as part of any major

redevelopment of the site.”

As detailed in Section 5.3 of the transport impact assessment report and demonstrated in Appendix B of that report, all

loading and unloading of goods can be carried out within the site boundaries and the design allows for all loading

vehicles enter and exit the site in a forward direction.



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

4.2. Third-Party Submissions

A number of third-party submissions were received in relation to the proposed development. A summary of the key

points is provided as follows:

• Traffic impact in David Street

Given the nearby signalised intersections of Princes Highway/Gladstone Road and Gladstone Ro ad/Site Access that

allow full turning movements and directional flexibility, the traffic distribution assessments indicate that a majority of th e

site generated traffic will utilise the signalised site access point in favour of the left in/left out arrang ement of the David

Street connection to Princes Highway.

Indeed, it is likely that the traffic volumes on David Street will be comparable to the Bunnings Warehouse, which was

previously located on the subject land given the design of both car parking and access layouts.

• Hours of operation

Concern was raised over the early morning operation impacts of a 24/7 store. It is my understanding that the proposed

operating hours are 9:00am to midnight, seven days a week.

• Amenity impact of loading dock location and impacts to David Street

The loading dock has been designed to cater for all loading vehicles on-site to enter and exit in a forward direction.

There are a number of existing industrial land uses on David Street and information provided to our office indicates that

10 semi-trailer deliveries per day could be expected to be generated by the site. As all trucks will enter via Gladstone

Road to access the loading dock, conservatively assuming all trucks exited to David Street (noting that trucks can exit

to the north) the development is likely to result in up to 10 truck movements per day at the western end of David Street

under a worst-case scenario.

The design of the loading dock allows for entry via Gladstone Road and exit via either David Street or back around at

Gladstone Road in order to minimise noise and truck impacts to David Street. A loading management plan could

include signage to direct any early morning or night time delivery vehicles to exit via Gladstone Road rather than David

Street to minimise after hours amenity impacts.



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong



5.1. Summary of Opinion

Based on the analysis and discussions presented within this evidence and the adopted traffic impact assessment report,

the following is a summary of my opinion:

1. The proposed development generates a statutory car parking requirement of 298 spaces.

2. The proposed supply of 425 car parking spaces exceeds the statutory requirement and is considered to be

appropriate noting there is no maximum parking policy in place.

3. The proposed parking layout is consistent with the dimensional requirements as set out in the Greater Dandenong

Planning Scheme and/or Australian/New Zealand Standards for Off Street Car Parking (AS/NZS2890.1:2004 and


4. It is proposed to provide 36 bicycle parking spaces on-site, which exceeds the statutory requirement of Clause

52.34 of the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme. It is recommended that the employee parking be located in a

secure and sheltered facility.

5. The loading and waste collection area has been provided in an appropriate location to the rear of the main

building. Following testing, all loading vehicle movements in/out of the site and loading docks are considered to

be appropriate.

6. The site is expected to generate up to 719 and 786 vehicle movements in a weekday PM and Saturday midday

peak hour respectively.

7. The proposed use is expected to generate in the order of 240 additional vehicle movements during the weekday

PM road network peak hour and 60 less vehicle movements during the Saturday midday peak when compared to

the previous use of the land as a Bunnings Warehouse

8. Based on post development SIDRA modelling, the surrounding road network is anticipated to continue to operate

satisfactorily following the proposed development and no mitigating roadworks are considered necessary or


Accordingly, and based on the above recommendations, I can see no reason on traffic and parking grounds why a

permit for the development should not be issued.

5.2. Other Statements

1. No opinion provided in this evidence is provisional.

2. No questions or statements outside of my expertise have been addressed in this evidence.

3. This evidence is not incomplete or inaccurate.



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong


I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and that no matters of significance that I regard

as relevant have, to my knowledge, been withheld from the Advisory Committee.


Simon Davies


16 November 2018



V155990 // 16/11/18 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: Final Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong A1




Simon Davies Director – Transport Engineering

Melbourne 03 9851 9600

Sydney 02 8448 1800

Brisbane 07 3113 5000

Canberra 02 6263 9400

Adelaide 08 8334 3600

Perth 08 6169 1000

Simon has a Bachelor of Environment Engineering Degree with Honours and over 16 years’

experience in all facets of traffic and transportation planning, traffic engineering design and

special event transport planning.

Simon has overseen the transport management of a number of major events over the past 10

years including the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix, Melbourne World Ironman and the Herald-

Sun/Citylink Run for the Kids. He also has extensive experience in traffic and transport planning

for a variety of land uses from medium density residential developments through to large scale

Master planning and rezoning applications.

Simon regularly presents expert traffic and parking evidence at the Victoria Civil and

Administrative Tribunal.




BE (Hons)(Env): Monash University

Memberships and Affiliations

Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and

Management (AITPM)

Victorian Planning and Environmental

Law Association (VPELA)

Project Experience

Traffic Engineering

Moonee Valley Racing Club Masterplan for

Moonee Valley Racing Club

Craigieburn Town Centre for Lend Lease

Project Management and Construction

Sanctuary Lakes Shopping Centre, Point Cook

for i2C

ALDI Distribution Centre, Dandenong South for

APP on behalf of ALDI

Freshwater Place, Southbank for Australand

Brookford Estate, Cranbourne East for

Brookford Pty Ltd

Major Event Transport Planning

2000 – 2013 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix for


2012/13 World Ironman Melbourne for USM

2006 – 2013 Herald Sun/Citylink Run for the Kids

for Herald and Weekly Times

2003 – 2013 Melbourne Moomba Waterfest for

Melbourne City Council

2003 – 2012 Melbourne New Years Eve

Fireworks for Melbourne City Council

2006 Commonwealth Games for OCGC

Professional Background

1999 – Present: GTA Consultants

Simon commenced his professional career at

GTA Consultants as a graduate engineer in

1999 and has subsequently progressed to his

current role as a Director of the Melbourne


During his time at GTA Consultants, Simon has

been involved in all facets of traffic

engineering projects including the preparation

of parking studies and parking precinct plans,

land use planning, access strategies, network

modelling and simulation, transit planning,

road design and documentation. Simon has a

track record of excellence in Major and

Special Event Planning, undertaking demand

forecasts, strategies, implementation, auditing,

liaison, approvals and contract management

of many major events.