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Caludon Castle School Prospectus


A Business, Enterprise and

Leadership Specialist School

Prospectus 2013 - 2014

“Success through Excellence”

“Success through Excellence” Caludon has well qualified staff, meets students’ individual needs; offers equal

opportunities for all; encourages responsible citizenship; celebrates students’ strengths

and achievements; develops self discipline in a well ordered environment; promotes

learning in a caring and supportive atmosphere; works in partnership with

parents and the wider community.

(All quotes are from our Ofsted Inspection Report November 2011)

Mrs Marr Head Teacher

“The school has outstanding capacity not only to sustain

levels of high performance but also to progress further.”

“Students demonstrate outstanding behaviour around the

school and in lessons where their contribution to learning

is excellent. They are strong members of the school

community and they demonstrate very high levels of

social skill.”

Head Teacher's Introduction

“The school is the jewel in the crown of the community.”

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope the information in this prospectus wil provide you with everything you need to know about our school community.

Primarily I would like to welcome you all to our new school year. I feel very privileged and excited to be the Headteacher at Caludon Castle School.

This is my ninth year at the school and results have improved each year. We have great staff, very supportive parents and students who enjoy learning.

We are very proud of our school and young adults that study here. Their achievements, supported by our hard-working and committed staff, make us the very successful school that we are. It is very important that you know that we recognise the uniqueness of your child and will do our very best for them to enjoy and learn each day at our school.

It is important to us that your children wear the correct uniform; arrive at school on time and show respect to their teachers and others. Your help and support makes a difference.

We also believe in listening to our students. Many contribute to various aspects of school life through the very active Student Council and by becoming School Ambassadors. We are proud of the amounts we raise for charities each year. There are many varied activities to try in addition to the curriculum, which is broad and inclusive. The students at the school are encouraged to discuss, to speak up when they see something they feel is wrong and to support each other. We believe that the young adults who leave this school are well-prepared for their future role in society. I want your children to gain the best qualifications and be fully prepared for working in the 21st Century. I want your children to experience success and we will share their progress with you each term.

I look forward to working with both you and your child(ren).

Best wishes

Mrs M Marr Headteacher

“Success through Excellence”

Our vision is to ensure that The School has well qualified staff, meets students’ individual needs; offers equal opportunities for all; encourages responsible

citizenship; celebrates students’ strengths and achievements; develops self discipline in a well ordered environment; promotes learning in a caring and supportive

atmosphere; works in partnership with parents and the wider community.

“Success through Excellence” We aim to:- PROVISION: strive to meet individual student needs through a broad, balanced,

relevant and differentiated curriculum EQUALITY: promote equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, race,

physical disability, social circumstance or special educational needs RAISING enable all students to realise their potential by encouraging STANDARDS: individuals to set targets for themselves ENCOURAGEMENT: motivate students through encouragement and recognition VALUES: develop good citizenship by promoting the social, cultural, moral and

spiritual development of each individual EDUCATE: help all students to grow into confident, well-educated people RESOURCES: endeavour to provide resources which promote effective learning and

stimulating teaching ADVANCEMENT: ensure the school staff (teaching and support) have access to

appropriate training and support NURTURING: foster a supportive, orderly learning environment, based upon

developing a sense of responsibility and respect for each other and the fabric of the site

COMMUNITY/ encourage students, parents, governors and the wider community to



“Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural

development is outstanding. Pupils and students are

extremely well prepared for life.”

For most subjects students are taught in mixed ability tutor groups. During the Summer Term, prior to entry, senior Caludon staff visit primary schools and receive detailed reports for all students likely to come to Caludon. Over the years, therefore, we have built up a very close contact with our partner primary schools. Considerable care is taken to identify students’ strengths and areas for development. Key Stage 2 assessment results also inform our decisions.

Based on all available information, including the assessments made by the year 6 primary school teachers, students are setted according to ability in Maths. This enables us to stretch the most able and support the least able in these areas. Mixed ability tutor group classes are the norm in most other subjects.

Students are taught in smaller mixed ability groups for Technology and IT.

For a number of periods per week students are taught as tutor groups and will focus on the knowledge, skills and understanding that are essential to learn across all subjects. This is based on an important theory of Building Learning Power (BLP). Students will learn how to learn and the importance of transferring their knowledge, skills and understanding into all areas of the curriculum. In Years 8 and 9 students are taught in ability groups for Maths, English and Science. Your son’s or daughter’s individual needs are our continuous concern.

Three simple statements express the essential purpose of the school:

1. Common sense and a positive attitude to learning.

2. Respect for the person, property and feelings of others.

3. Respect for the school, its people and environment.

Upon entering the school each student becomes a member of a Year Team. Your son or daughter will be placed in a mixed ability tutor group of about 25 girls and boys of his/her own age group and this group is looked after by a Group Tutor.

The Group Tutors are supported by a full time, non-teaching year leader. All communication between school and home will be through the tutor in the first instance. The Group Tutors will advise parents should any difficulties occur over work, behaviour or attendance and they will inform you about your child’s achievement.



“The school sets targets for every student; they are negotiated and

very challenging, committing all students to strive to achieve

the highest levels.”

“Students develop responsible attitudes, their attendance rate is

high, punctuality is outstanding and together with their high

Attainment, these elements prepare students exceptionally well

for their future education, training and employment.”


Individual meetings with group tutors will take place at the target setting session which will be held in November.


Throughout your child’s first year at Caludon every aspect of his or her progress will be carefully monitored.

Three times a year we will measure the effort made by every student; we call this ‘Attitude to Learning’ (ATL). This information will be shared with students and parents, success will be celebrated and targets will be set for improvement.

In November you will have the opportunity to meet with a key member of staff (usually your child’s tutor) in order to set targets agreed between yourself, your child and the teacher. A review meeting will be held in the summer term to discuss the progress that your child has made against these targets.

Close liaison between staff, parent and student is highly prized at Caludon. Do not be afraid to take the initiative if you have a concern or suggestion.


This is a Caludon uniform which is worn by all students except in the sixth form. The Caludon blazer, white shirt and tie are a simple statement of our pride and sense of community.


Home learning is an essential feature of the school's life. We try and help organise your child's planning by providing him or her with a home learning timetable. This will tell your daughter or son what subjects to expect for home learning on any particular night.

A personal planner is also issued at the beginning of the year for students to record their home learning. The school trusts that you will regularly wish to check these entries.



The additional needs of the more gifted and talented students are fully recognised within school. An identified member of staff is available to monitor their progress and achievement from Year 7 onwards. They are also able to access a range of tailored activities throughout their time at Caludon, including entry to the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth where appropriate.


School reports are issued annually. A full detailed account of your son’s or daughter’s performance will be given in the summer term.



In addition to the formal reports, we encourage students to keep and develop a record of their experiences in and out of school life. The school attempts to recognise achievement in all aspects of student life.

These Individual Learning Plans are monitored by the tutors and subject staff. This enables staff to have greater insights into any student’s potential.

Over a five year period you will find these records will be an invaluable statement of your child’s experiences throughout their formative years. In Year 11 these records will be put together into an informal Records of Achievement for use at interview and for the future.


Personal, Social and Health Education is delivered through the tutorial programme at Key Stage 3. Throughout the year the programme is based around five outcomes including stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well being. Lessons are planned and delivered by key staff and are aimed at promoting students wellbeing and personal development. Topics include Health, Sexual Health, Drugs and Alcohol Awareness, bullying, the environment and celebrations of achievement. Half and whole day events (super learning days) and themed weeks complement the programme and encourage active citizenship, promotion of self responsibility and sensitivity for the interest and wellbeing of others.

All students have the opportunity to investigate different world religions and look at the difference religious beliefs make and have made to the world we live in.


Caludon encourages all students to pursue a lifestyle which contains a balance of physical activity. The school provides a broadly based curriculum of sports which includes the major team games as well as programmes of trampolining, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, tennis, badminton and basketball. We actively participate in both city and regional competitions in a number of sports.



Your views as parents are important to us. A series of engagement sessions for parents are organised on a monthly basis. These focus on themes that we feel help parents to know more about our school, or help support them in their role as parents/carers. The programme for the year is published in advance. The meetings enable parents/carers to share their concerns and are a way of ensuring that we can respond to develop the quality of our provision for young people.

“Teachers are enthusiastic about their subjects and have outstanding

professional relationships with students.”


Caludon Castle was completely rebuilt under a PFI scheme in 2006. Each faculty has a spacious ICT room for use with students, and staff resource rooms fully equipped with new computers. We have interactive whiteboards and video streaming in every classroom. Wireless technology is available throughout the school. We offer opportunities for parents, students and staff to access the school network from home through our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Our flexible learning suite facilitates multimedia based activities. We also have two video conference facilities.

The community library is a focal resource area for the school. Access is provided during set teaching times, both in the form of sessions 'booked' for class use, and also as a resource facility for small groups of students.

In addition, the library is open at break and lunch-time as well as before and after school. The library offers research facilities for projects and assignments.

Our extended opening hours mean that students and their families can access the library outside of school hours.

As we are a school and community library we can offer CDs, DVDs, People’s Network computers, as well as access to our extensive book stock.

“The school adapts the range of activities to meet students’ require-

ments, with trips, both locally and internationally, to enrich

experiences and learning.”

MONDAY 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm

TUESDAY 9.00 am - 12 noon

WEDNESDAY 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

THURSDAY 2.00 pm - 7.00 pm

FRIDAY 9.00 - 12noon

SATURDAY 9.00 am - 4.00 pm




MONDAY 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

TUESDAY 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

WEDNESDAY 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

THURSDAY 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

FRIDAY 8.00 am - 3.30 pm



A wide variety of activities make up this important part of our school's life.

There is a thriving Drama Club for all, teaching acting and theatre skills for public performance and personal enjoyment. Our Dance Club is open to all-comers. Trips abroad have included Language Department visits to Spain and France, History visits to Berlin and the battlefields of Normandy and skiing in Switzerland.

We hold regular Expressive Arts evenings showcasing our students' talents.

Our school sporting teams continue to have success at city, regional and national level.


Caludon Castle’s large sixth form has a distinct suite of rooms in the heart of the new school providing a vibrant, exciting and stimulating place to study. Expectations are high and results are already very good.

In addition to an extensive range of courses and enrichment activities, we offer a dedicated Sixth Form team who support, encourage and monitor student progress throughout the year.

“The leadership and management of the sixth form are outstanding.

There are extremely effective systems for monitoring the progress of students and

measuring the impact of provision on student outcomes.”

“The school has exceptionally effective provision in care, guidance

and support and every effort is made to ensure that

barriers to learning are overcome.”


The school is committed to offer equal opportunities to all students in all aspects of school life. We believe that students' learning experiences and their later choice of courses and careers should be determined by their aspirations, aptitude and interests. We aim to help our students develop self esteem, respect for others and a positive rejection of all forms of prejudice. All our students have access to a wide range of courses that are personalised to suit each individual student’s ability, needs and future aspirations. Details of our ‘equality targets’ can be referred to on our website.


The school acknowledges that most students experience difficulties at some stage in their time at school and seeks to offer support in overcoming barriers to learning.

We have recently invested in a suite of rooms, known as the Castle Phoenix Suite, which provides personalised intervention for our most vulnerable students, our most able students

and the addition of a business and vocational facility. Students who are experiencing difficulties can work intensively with staff within the suite as part of a small group or on a one to one basis. All programmes of work undertaken in the suite are personalised to address individual needs. Programmes of work include the development of basic literacy and numeracy skills and activities to address the development of wider learning skills such as co-operation and collaborative working.

Additional support ranges from the organisation of access arrangements for external examinations to the provision of additional staff in classes. Where students require intervention from specialist staff, the school works with a number of outside agencies who will offer support and advise on an individual basis.

Background Information Caludon Castle is a school of nearly 1600 students situated on the north-east of the city. Caludon Castle’s intake reflects a range of SEND and these students are recorded at School Action, School Action Plus or with statements of educational needs. Caludon has students with difficulties in the area of Communication and Interaction, Behaviour Emotional and Social Development, and Sensory and/or Physical difficulties. Caludon Castle’s Learning and Inclusion Centre is led by two Assistant Heads supported by a non-teaching Inclusion Manager and a PA for the faculty. There are also a number of Teaching Assistants and Leaning Support Staff employed by the school to work with students with SEND. The faculty works as a team led by both Assistant Heads and establishes close working relationships between students, staff, parents, governors and outside agencies so that all students are supported in a fully inclusive environment. Aims The objectives of the SEND policy are to:

Organise activities to ensure that all students are included in the life of the school

Work with parents sharing information on students’ progress, outcomes and their individual needs

Continuously develop ways of working to provide the highest quality of provision for all students within the resources available

Meet the requirements of the Education Act (1996), the Special Education Needs (SEN) Code of Practice (2001), and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)

Encompass the LA Statement of Policy for students with SEND

Facilitate a student’s learning by identifying his/her needs and ensuring provision is matched to support each individual’s attainment and well being

Respond to students flexibly according to the nature of their difficulties and personalise their learning so that they can learn in a way that best suits their needs

Support student’s learning without making them feel inferior to their peers

The school’s policy outlines the strategies and approaches that it will take in order to meet these objectives. The procedures set out will be monitored and reviewed each year in order to build on best practice at Caludon Castle. Caludon Castle is a pro-active school that believes in the importance of rigorous scrutiny followed by immediate intervention. The full SEND and Inclusion Policy is on the school website ( and is available on request from the school. The policy includes:

Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities

Details of steps to guarantee equality of opportunity

Details of existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities

Details regarding the governing body’s role and responsibilities.

The Accessibility Scheme is available on the school website as part of the Equal Opportunities Policy



Caludon Castle has adopted the Local Authority’s Policy on Admissions to Secondary Schools. This policy is available in full on the school website ( or on request from the school.



Axholme Road Wyken

Coventry CV2 5BD

Tel: 024 76444822 Fax: 024 76636282

Head Teacher Mrs M Marr Associate Ms A Dudgeon Headteacher Senior Deputy Head Mrs S Webb Deputy Heads Mrs C Waring Mrs A Rayns Mr A Morgan

Caludon Castle Caludon Castle

A Business, Enterprise A Business, Enterprise

and Leadership Specialist Schooland Leadership Specialist School