ProtonmotiveForce theSourceofEnergy Adenosine … ·...

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JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Apr. 1976, p. 327-337Copyright ©) 1976 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 126, No. 1Printed in U.SA.

Protonmotive Force as the Source of Energy for Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate Synthesis in Escherichia coli


Department of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Received for publication 24 November 1975

Net synthesis of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) in energy-depleted cells ofEscherichia coli was observed when an inwardly directed protonmotive forcewas artificially imposed. In wild-type cells, ATP synthesis occurred whether theprotonmotive force was dominated by the membrane potential (negative inside)or the pH gradient (alkaline inside). Formation of ATP did not occur unless theprotonmotive force exceeded a value of 200 mV. Under these conditions, no ATPsynthesis was found when cells were exposed to an inhibitor of the membrane-bounl Ca2+- and Mg2+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (EC, dicy-clohexylcarbodiimide, or to a proton conductor, carbonylcyanide-p-trifluorome-thoxyphenyl-hydrazone. Adenosine triphosphatase-negative mutants failed toshow ATP synthesis in response to either a membrane potential or a pHgradient. ATP synthesis driven by a protonmotive force was observed in a

cytochrome-deficient mutant. These observations are consistent with the chem-iosmotic hypothesis of Mitchell (1961, 1966, 1974).

The chemiosmotic hypothesis of Mitchell (25-28) has provided valuable insights into the cou-pling between electron transport and phospho-rylation, especially in studies of mitochondriaand chloroplasts (see Greville [7], Harold [11],and Skulachev [37] for reviews). The strikingsimilarity between oxidative phosphorylationin microorganisms and animal cells (18) sug-gests that the analysis of bacterial systems willalso profit from considerations of the chemios-motic hypothesis (see Harold and Altendorf [12]for a review). According to this view, the oxida-tion of substrates by the respiratory chain iscoupled to the extrusion of protons from thecell. Such active transport of the hydrogen ionresults in the acidification of the medium andthe generation of a pH gradient (alkaline in-side) across the cell membrane. In addition,such hydrogen ion movements lead to the for-mation of a membrane potential (negative in-side). In this way, energy dissipated by theoxidation of substrate is conserved as a "proton-motive force," a difference in the electrochemi-cal potential for hydrogen ions across the cellmembrane. Subsequent to this primary energyconservation step, the reentry of protons byway of the membrane-bound Ca2+- and Mg2'-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase(Ca'2',Mg2'-ATPase) is coupled to the synthesisof adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). Thus, thedriving force for the synthesis of ATP is repre-

Present address: Department of Microbiology, Univer-sity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. 66044.

sented by an inwardly directed protonmotiveforce.

Several observations support this view of oxi-dative phosphorylation in microorganisms. Thefirst experiments demonstrating proton extru-sion associated with respiration were reportedby Scholes and Mitchell (34), who studied Mi-crococcus (now Paracoccus) denitrificans. Sim-ilar results were obtained with intact cells ofother bacteria (17, 20, 24, 38), as well as mem-brane vesicles from Escherichia coli (1, 14, 29).It was also shown that a membrane potential(inside negative) is present in respiring cells (9,10) or membrane vesicles (1, 15) ofE. coli. Fromthe study of specific mutants of E. coli, it isknown that the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase is requiredfor the synthesis of ATP during oxidative phos-phorylation (see Cox and Gibson [5] for a re-view). West and Mitchell (39) and Hertzbergand Hinkle (14) have provided evidence that inE. coli this enzyme catalyzes proton transloca-tion. Using everted membrane vesicles from E.coli, these authors showed that protons movedinto the vesicle lumen as a result of ATP hy-drolysis.

Recently, Maloney et al. (22) provided a di-rect demonstration that the membrane-boundATPase of both Streptococcus lactis and E. colicatalyzes the synthesis ofATP in response to aninwardly directed protonmotive force. The stud-ies reported here represent a continuation ofthat work and provide additional documenta-tion of the observations made using E. coli. It is


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shown here that ATP formation occurs whetherthe protonmotive force is composed of a mem-brane potential (negative inside), or a pH gra-dient (alkaline inside). In addition, the path-way that allows the coupling of proton entry toATP synthesis is identified as the membrane-bound Ca2'+,Mg2+-ATPase, since mutants lack-ing this enzyme fail to form ATP in response toeither a membrane potential or a pH gradient.

(A preliminary report of these studies hasbeen presented [T. H. Wilson, J. F. Alderete,D. M. Wilson, and P. C. Maloney. Abstr. Annu.Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol., 1975, p. 159, K73).

Recently, Grinius and co-workers (8) havealso shown that wild-type cells of E. coli syn-thesize ATP in response to an inwardly directedprotonmotive force.

MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains and growth conditions. Several

strains ofE. coli K-12 were studied. Wild-type strain1100 and its ATPase-negative derivatives, strains 72and 45 (41), were provided by T. Yamamoto and R.Valentine. Wild-type strain AN180 and its ATPase-negative derivative, strain AN120 (2), were from F.Gibson. The hemA mutant, SASX76 (33), was fromA. Sasarman. In addition to the K-12 strains listedabove, E. coli ML308-225 (40) and its ATPase-nega-tive derivative, strain DL54 (35), were also used;strain DL54 was a gift of R. Simoni. After comple-tion of an experiment using an ATPase-negativemutant, the cell suspension that had been used wastested for the presence of revertants by streakingonto succinate minimal medium plates containingthe necessary supplements. During the experimentsreported here, no significant reversion occurred.

Unless otherwise specified, cells were grown inmineral medium 63 (3), which contained 0.2% glu-cose and 0.5 jig of thiamine per ml. In experimentsusing both ATPase-negative and wild-type strains,the growth medium also contained 0.1% CasaminoAcids (Difco). Arginine (0.2 mM) was also presentfor growth of strains AN180 and AN120. Bacteriawere grown in batches of 200 ml at 37 C with contin-uous shaking at 200 rpm. Growth was monitoredturbidimetrically with a Klett-Summerson colorim-eter (no. 42 filter); at least three generations ofexponential growth were allowed before harvesting.It was assumed that 1 ml of a suspension at a densityof 100 Klett units contained 0.6 Al of intracellularwater and 220 ug (dry weight) of cells (40).

Chemicals. Valinomycin and N,N'-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide (DCCD) were purchased from Calbi-ochem. Carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy-phen-ylhydrazone (FCCP) was a gift of E. P. Kennedy(Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.). Valino-mycin, DCCD, and FCCP were added to cell suspen-sions as small volumes of stock solution in 95%ethanol. Final ethanol concentrations did not exceed0.2%. ['4C]methylamine, [14C]thiomethylgalactoside,and [3Hlinulin were obtained from New EnglandNuclear Corp. [3Hlinulin was purified by paper


chromatography before use. Non-radioactive isopro-pylthiogalactoside was obtained from Sigma Chem-ical Co.

Depletion of endogenous substrates. Initial ex-periments employed the procedure reported earlier(22) for starvation of strains 1100, 72, and 45. Themethod finally adopted for routine use was thatoriginally described by Koch (19). This procedureallowed rapid depletion of metabolizable reserves byexploiting a cyclic phosphorylation and dephospho-rylation of ca-methylglucoside. Cells were first har-vested by centrifugation at 4 C and washed oncewith either medium 63 or 120 mM tris(hydroxy-methyl)aminomethane-hydrochloride (pH 8); no sig-nificant differences were found for cells washedin either way. Washed cells were then suspendedat a density of about 800 Klett units in medium63 containing 20 mM a-methylglucoside and 40mM sodium azide. Incubation time at 37 C was120 min for strains 1100, AN180, Anl20, andML308-225; strains 72 and DL54 were incubated for45 min. In all cases, depleted cells were centrifugedand washed first with a solution (pH 8) containing100 mM potassium phosphate plus 100 mM sodiumphosphate. The second wash was with one of twodifferent solutions. For those experiments that ex-amined the effect of a membrane potential, the sec-ond wash fluid contained 200 mM sodium phosphate(pH 6) and 1 mM sodium cyanide. These cells werethen resuspended in this same medium as a concen-trated stock. For experiments that examined theeffect ofpH gradient, the second wash contained 100mM sodium phosphate (pH 8) plus 100 mM KCI.These cells were then resuspended in this same me-dium as a concentrated stock. Additional details willbe found in the legends to the figures.Measurement of ATP. ATP was measured by the

method of Cole et al. (4). Intracellular ATP wasextracted by placing 0.4 ml of a cell suspension (200to 300 Klett units) onto 0.1 ml of 3 M perchloric acidat 0 C. After at least 10 min, the acid extract wasneutralized with 0.3 ml of 1 M KOH. Firefly lanternextract (FLE-50, Sigma Chemical Co.) was preparedaccording to the manufacturer's directions and thenclarified by centrifugation at 12,000 x g for 10 min at4 C. For the assay of ATP, 0.025 ml of neutralizedcell extract was mixed with 0.9 ml of 45 mM glycyl-glycine buffer (pH 7.4) in a 1-dram (15 by 45 mm)glass vial (no. 7475, Rochester Scientific Co.). Fire-fly lantern extract (0.025 ml) was then carefullypipetted into the center of the plastic cap, and atzero time the sample and firefly extract were mixedby inversion. The vial was then placed into the wellof a liquid scintillation counter (Nuclear ChicagoMark I) that had been set for maximum sensitivity,with the coincidence circuit off. After 15 s, the sam-ple was counted for 6 s. With no added ATP, back-ground counts were about 2,000; when 25 pmol ofATP were added, about 60,000 counts were obtained.The experimental samples contained 0 to 25 pmol ofATP, and over this range there was a linear relation-ship between counts and ATP concentration. Controlexperiments showed that the valinomycin, salts, etc.,used in these studies did not affect the assay of ATP.

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Quantitative experiments. In some experiments(see Table 3), ATP synthesis was measured underconditions where the initial value of the protonmo-tive force was experimentally determined. The sizeof the membrane potential was calculated from themeasured ratio of internal to external potassium,using the Nernst equation. The size of the pH gra-dient was determined from measurements of inter-nal and external pH, and expressed in terms ofmillivolts (59 ApH). The protonmotive force repre-sents the contributions made by both the membranepotential and pH gradient.

In these experiments, depleted cells were sus-pended (5,000 Klett units) in 100 mM potassiumphosphate (pH 8) containing 100 mM NaCl. Tomeasure internal potassium, a portion was removedand centrifuged. After the supernatant was de-canted, the sides of the tube were carefully wipedfree of adhering extracellular fluid, and the pelletwas resuspended using medium of the same osmoticstrength, but in which sodium replaced potassium;final cell density was about 200 Klett units. One-milliliter portions were then immediately filtered(0.65-Am pore size) but not washed. Intracellularpotassium was extracted using the method previ-ously described (23) and was measured by flamephotometry. Values for internal potassium rangedfrom 190 to 230 mM, for both wild-type and ATPase-negative cells. External potassium (170 mM) wasalso measured by flame photometry.

Internal pH was calculated from the observeddistribution of the weak base, methylamine (pK of10.6), using inulin as a marker for extracellularwater (23). Depleted cells were diluted 20-fold intothe same medium, which also contained[14C]methylamine (0.03 mM; 0.15 MCi/ml) and[3H]inulin (4.2 ug/ml; 0.5 ,uCi/ml). Valinomycin wasadded after 5 min, and four 0.5-ml samples weretaken at 45-s intervals for filtration (0.65-,im poresize) without washing. Filters were analyzed forboth '4C and 3H. Under these conditions, the inter-nal pH was constant in any one experiment, butvaried between 7.3 and 7.9 in different experiments.ATP synthesis was measured in a parallel tube.

Depleted cells were diluted 25-fold into 100 mM po-tassium phosphate (pH 8) containing 100 mM NaCl.Other experimental details are given in the text andthe legend of Fig. 8. As an index ofATP synthesis, itwas convenient to compare the basal level ofATP tothat found 45 s after the addition of an acid pulse.This usually corresponded to the peak level of ATP,and was never less than 80% of the peak value.Measurement of intracellular thiomethylgalac-

toside. Cells were grown in medium 63 containing1% tryptone (Difco), 0.4% glycerol, and 0.4 mM iso-propylthiogalactoside. After washing twice withmedium 63, cells were resuspended in this medium(1,000 Klett units) with or without 2 mM DCCD.Incubation at 25 C was for 30 min, after which anequal volume of medium 63 containing 0.2 mM[14C]thiomethylgalactoside (0.2 ,uCi/ml) was added.Five minutes later, 0.2-ml samples were withdrawnand filtered (0.65-Am pore size); this was followed bya brief wash with 5 ml of medium 63. Radioactivityretained on the filter was then determined.

RESULTSHydrogen ion permeability of ATPase-neg-

ative mutants. Some ATPase-negative mu-tants of E. coli possess an abnormally highpermeability to the hydrogen ion (1, 31, 32). Asa consequence of this, such strains also showdecreased capacity to accumulate substrates(31, 35) that enter by way of proton-coupledactive transport systems. Pretreatment ofthesecells with DCCD lowers proton permeabilityand thus stimulates their capacity to carry outactive transport (1, 31, 32). Of the ATPase-negative mutants examined in the studies re-

ported here, one (strain 72) falls into that classwhich shows elevated permeability to protons,whereas another (strain AN120) shows no suchdefect. These identifications are supported bythe following observations. Using the tech-niques developed by Scholes and Mitchell (34),we compared the ATPase-negative mutantsand their corresponding parental strains withrespect to the permeability of the cell mem-

brane towards hydrogen ions. The experimentgiven in Fig. 1 shows that an immediate acidifi-cation of the medium occurred when a pulse ofoxygen was introduced into suspensions of cellsmaintained under anaerobic conditions. Thiswas followed by a less rapid return ofthe exter-nal pH to its initial value. Whereas rates of

PARENT (1100) MUTANT (72)

-0- --

0.02pH units


FIG. 1. Proton extrusion and reentry after an oxy-gen pulse. Cells in the late exponential phase ofgrowth were washed and then resuspended (3,000Klett units) in 2 ml of a solution containing 1.5 mMglycylglycine, 200 mM KC1, 30 mM NaSCN, and 20pg of carbonic anhydrase per ml. After a 60-minincubation under anaerobic conditions at 25 C, oxy-gen was introduced by injection of50 p1 of the samesolution equilibrated with room air (34). The initialpH ofthe suspension containing the ATPase-negativemutant (strain 72) was 6.09; the initial pH of theparental cell (strain 1100) was 6.02. ExternalpH wasmeasured using a combination glass electrode (Radi-ometer, GK2321C). The output of the pH meter (Ra-diometer, PHM63) was amplified and displayed on arecorder (Linear Instruments) at 0.2 pH units, fullscale.

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proton extrusion were similar for both ATPase-negative (strain 72) and wild-type (strain 1100)cells, the rate of reentry of protons was mark-edly increased for the mutant. For example, inthis experiment the half-time for proton reen-try into wild-type cells was 32 s, whereas for themutant, half-time for proton reentry was only14 s. In a number of such experiments it wasobserved that the half-time for proton reentryinto strain 72 was reduced by about a factor of 2when compared with its parent, strain 1100(Table 1). However, the half-time for protonreentry into the ATPase-negative strain AN120was not significantly different from that foundfor its parent, strain AN180 (Table 1). In addi-tion, it was observed that galactoside accumu-lation was significantly reduced in one ATPase-negative mutant, strain 72, whereas bothAN120 and its wild-type counterpart, AN180,showed about the same capacity to accumulatesubstrate (Table 2). The data in Table 2 alsoshow that pretreatment with DCCD stimulatedgalactoside transport only in strain 72, and notin the other ATPase-negative strain, AN120.ATP synthesis driven by manipulation of

both the membrane potential and the pH gra-dient. Experiments were first carried out todetermine optimal conditions for reducing ATPlevels in E. coli. In our previous study (22),depletion of endogenous metabolizable reserves

was based on a modification of the method de-veloped by Koch (19), and required exposure ofcells to sodium arsenate (10 mM) during starva-tion. This protocol severely depressed basal lev-els of cellular ATP (to less than 0.1 mM), andpermitted the demonstration of ATP synthesisdriven by an artificially imposed protonmotiveforce (22). Under these conditions, ATP synthe-sis could be observed in a wild-type strain, 1100,but not in two ATPase-negative mutants,strains 72 and 45, derived from 1100. However,in such experiments the yields of ATP in thewild-type strain were small. It was later foundthat incubation for suitable times in the pres-

TABLE 1. Ratio of half-times (T,I2) values for protonreentry into parental and ATPase-negative strainsa

Mutant/parent No. of Ratio of T,,2expt

72/1100 9 0.51 0.09AN120/AN180 5 1.19 0.12

See legend for Fig. 1 for experimental details.The half-times for proton reentry were estimatedfrom semilogarithmic plots of external pH versustime (34). In each experiment, a mutant was com-pared with its wild-type ancestor and the ratio ofhalf-times for proton reentry was calculated. Valuesgiven are the means and standard errors.

TABLE 2. Thiomethylgalactoside accumulation byparental and ATPase-negative strainsa

Intracellular thiomethylgalacto-Strain side (mM)

Control +DCCD

1100 (parent) 4.8 ± 0.1 5.3 ± 0.672 (mutant) 1.3 ± 0.1 3.2 ± 0.4

AN180 (parent) 4.2 + 0.3 3.8 ± 0.3AN120 (mutant) 5.4 ± 0.7 4.7 ± 0.1

a Values given are the means and standard errorsof four (strains 1100 and 72) or three (strains AN180and AN120) separate determinations at equilibriumafter 5 min.

ence of a-methylglucoside and sodium azide(the combination originally suggested byKoch), without arsenate, was the most effectivetechnique for reducing basal levels of ATPwhile retaining full capacity for ATP synthesiscatalyzed by the membrane-bound Ca2 ,Mg2+-ATPase.A second important consideration was the

method of establishing an inwardly directedprotonmotive force. An electrical gradient fa-vorable to proton entry was established by sus-pending cells in a potassium-free medium andthen exposing them to the potassium iono-phore, valinomycin. Under these conditions themembrane potential (negative inside) resultsfrom the outward diffusion of the positivelycharged potassium ion, by way of valinomycin.A chemical gradient favorable to proton entrywas established simply by acidification of theexternal medium.For the experiment shown in Fig. 2, depleted

cells were treated with valinomycin 10 s afterdilution from buffer at pH 8 into buffer atpH 5. This resulted in a rapid increase inintracellular ATP (filled circles) to a peakvalue of about 1.1 mM at 1 min. This wasfollowed by a less rapid decay during the next20 min. When this experiment was repeated inthe presence of 1 mM sodium cyanide (filledtriangles), there was a similar rapid net syn-thesis of ATP. However, the presence of cya-nide appeared to accelerate the subsequent de-cay of ATP levels from their peak value. Thiseffect of cyanide may result from inhibition ofthe oxidation of small amounts of substratesretained by depleted cells. Nevertheless, it isapparent that most of the ATP formed afterimposition of a protonmotive force results fromreactions that do not require the presence of afunctional respiratory chain. This experimentalso shows that cyanide effectively blocks respi-ration by starved cells; net synthesis of ATPafter the addition of n-lactate was not found for


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FIG. 2. ATP synthesis in depleted cells. Depletedcells ofstrain 1100 were suspended as a concentratedstock (6,500 Klett units) in 200 mM sodium phos-phate (pH 8). One portion of this stock was exposedfor 10 min to 1 mM NaCN; the remainder served as a

control. For measurement ofATP synthesis driven byan artificially imposed protonmotive force, NaCN-treated cells were diluted 25-fold into 200 mM so-

dium phosphate (pH 5) containing 1 mM NaCN. Tenseconds later, valinomycin was added (10 p.M finalconcentration). Control cells were treated in the sameway, except that NaCN was not present. For meas-

urement ofATP synthesis coupled to D-lactate oxida-tion, cells were diluted 25-fold into 200 mM sodiumphosphate (pH 8), which contained 10 mM D-lactate,with or without 1 mM NaCN.

cells exposed to cyanide (Fig. 2). For this rea-son, in many of the following experiments cya-nide was used to minimize the possibility thatsome part of the observed synthesis of ATPreflected the oxidation ofresidual substrates.ATP synthesis driven by a membrane poten-

tial. In the following experiments, the artifi-cially imposed protonmotive force was com-

posed primarily of a membrane potential (nega-tive inside). During their final wash and resus-

pension, starved cells were exposed to a me-

dium buffered at pH 6 and then diluted into thissame medium just before the addition of valino-mycin. As shown by the experiment given inFig. 3, when cells were equilibrated at pH 6 theaddition of valinomycin resulted in the tran-sient net synthesis of ATP. If the driving force

lOmM K+E 0-0 I mM K+-a. 1.0 - A-A 3mM K+

I-4< A

OJ .I. .




00 5 10 15 20MINUTES

FIG. 3. Effect of external potassium on valinomy-cin-induced ATP synthesis. Depleted cells of strain1100 were suspended (5,000 Klett units) in a solutioncontaining 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6) and 1mM NaCN; they were then diluted 25-fold into thissame medium, which also contained either 10 mMNaCl (a), 9 mM NaCl plus 1 mM KCl (0) or 7 mMNaCl plus 3 mMKCI (A). Valinomycin (10 p.M finalconcentration) was added immediately after dilu-tion.

for ATP synthesis under these conditions weredue to a potassium diffusion potential, onewould expect inhibition ofATP synthesis whenthe membrane potential is reduced by the pres-ence of external potassium. When valinomycinwas added to cells suspended in 1 or 3 mMexternal potassium, marked reductions in theyields of ATP were found (Fig. 3). In otherexperiments (not shown) no net synthesis ofATP was observed when potassium in the me-dium was present at concentrations of 10 mM orabove.Net synthesis of ATP under these conditions

was also blocked when the experiment was per-formed in the presence of the proton conductor,FCCP (Fig. 4). This observation supports theidea that such ATP synthesis is driven by anelectrochemical potential difference for protons,since the necessary protonmotive force wouldnot be maintained in the presence of such aproton conductor.We concluded from the results of earlier ex-

periments (21, 22) that ATP synthesis underthese conditions was catalyzed by the mem-brane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase. This possibil-ity was more carefully examined in the workreported here. The first approach was to study

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4-jD 0.4

E- Iw4I-Z




CCFP-0- - -O o


FIG. 4. Effect of FCCP on valinomycin-inducedATP synthesis. Depleted cells of strain 1100 weresuspended (5,900 Klett units) in a solution contain-ing 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6) and 1 mMNaCN. To one portion of this stock, FCCP (10 pMfinal concentration) was added. These cells were thenimmediately diluted 25-fold into this same medium,without additional FCCP. Valinomycin (10 pMfinalconcentration) was added 10 s later. Control cellswere treated in the same way except that a corre-sponding volume of ethanol was used, instead ofFCCP.

the effect of DCCD, an inhibitor of this enzyme(6, 13). As shown in Fig. 5, pretreatment of cellswith 1 mM DCCD completely blocked the ATPsynthesis normally observed after the additionof valinomycin. A second approach was to ex-amine the behavior of mutant strains that lacka functional ATPase. We have studied twotypes of such ATPase-negative mutants. Onemutant, strain 72, is representative of thatclass of ATPase-negative mutants which showan abnormally high permeability to protons(Fig. 1 and Table 1). Strain 72 also shows adefect in active transport, as has been reportedfor other mutants of this type (1, 31, 32, 35), andthis defect is largely repaired by pretreatmentof cells with DCCD (Table 2). When depletedcells of strain 72 were exposed to valinomycin atpH 6, no net synthesis of ATP was observed(Fig. 6), whereas the parent, strain 1100, re-sponded normally to this treatment. However,both mutant and wild-type cells showed similarcapacity to form ATP using glycolytic reac-tions. Strain 72 differed from its parent in oneother respect. Only 45 min of incubation with,8-methylglucoside and azide was required forthe depletion ofthe mutant, rather than the 120


DCCD -,__- e-



FIG. 5. Effect of DCCD on valinomycin-inducedATP synthesis. Depleted cells of strain 1100 weresuspended (7,500 Klett units) in a solution contain-ing 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH 8) containing 1mMNaCN. One milliliter of this suspension received1 pl of1 M DCCD (in ethanol); a second 1-ml aliquotreceived 1 .d of ethanol. After 30 min at 25 C, cellswere centrifuged and resuspended at their originaldensity in 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6) contain-ingI mMNaCN but without DCCD or ethanol. Afteran additional 15 min, cells were diluted 25-fold intothis same medium (pH 6). Valinomycin (10 pM finalconcentration) was added after dilution.








0-~3 0 3


O GLUCOSE2 0 2.1 N


PARENT ATPose- MUTANT(1100) (72)



0 0

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20MINUTES

FIG. 6. Absence of valinomycin-induced ATPsynthesis in an ATPase-negative mutant. Depletedcells ofstrain 1100 or its ATPase-negative derivative,strain 72, were suspended (6,700 Klett units) in asolution containing 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH6) and 1 mM NaCN. They were then diluted 25-foldinto this same medium before addition of valinomy-cin (closed symbols) or 10 mM glucose (open sym-bols).

min required for the parent. Depletion timesshorter than and longer than 45 min weretested for the mutant; under no conditions wasATP synthesis observed after addition of vali-nomycin.The second ATPase-negative mutant selected


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for these studies was strain AN120. This mu-tant shows no defect in either proton permeabil-ity or galactoside accumulation (Tables 1 and2). The experiment given in Fig. 7 shows thatno net synthesis of ATP was found after theaddition of valinomycin to depleted cells ofAN120. However, ATP synthesis was observedwhen the corresponding parental cells (AN180)were tested. Both cell types formed ATP fromthe metabolism of glucose (Fig. 7).ATP synthesis driven by a pH gradient. In

this series of experiments, an inwardly directedprotonmotive force was established by imposinga pH gradient (alkaline inside) across the cellmembrane. The membrane potential was main-tained at a low value by exposing cells to vali-nomycin in the presence of 100 mM potassium.An example of this type of experiment is shownin Fig. 8. Depleted cells were suspended at pH 8in the presence of 100 mM KCI. The addition ofvalinomycin (first arrow) did not lead to eleva-tion of ATP levels above the basal value. How-ever, when a small volume of acid was added(second arrow), lowering the external pH from8 to 3, there was transient net synthesis ofATP;internal levels ofATP rose from the basal valueof about 0.1 mM to a peak value of about 2.1mM. In the same experiment, a smaller pHjump, from 8 to 3.9, gave reduced yields of ATP;shifting the external pH down to 5.3 did notresult in significant net synthesis of ATP.These results indicate that under these condi-tions ATP synthesis is sensitive to the ratio ofinternal to external hydrogen ion concentra-tion, and that net synthesis of ATP occurs onlyafter imposition of a suitably large protonmo-tive force.







-O0 5 10 15 20

\ ATPose- MUTANTI N AN- 120


1~~-0-- O



~0 5 10 15MINUTES

FIG. 7. Absence of valinomycin-induced ATPsynthesis in an ATPase-negative mutant. StrainAN180 and its ATPase-negative derivative, strainAN120, were used. See legend to Fig. 6 for experi-mental details.








% pH 3.9

i5.3'" o._A- * - -A--

10-5 0 5MINUTES

FIG. 8. ATP synthesis driven by a pH gradient.Depleted cells of strain AN180 were suspended(4,900 Klett units) in a solution containing 100 mMsodium phosphate (pH 8) and 100 mM KCl. Cellswere then diluted 25-fold into this same buffer. After5 min, valinomycin (5 MM final concentration) wasadded; after an additional 2 min, varying amounts of2 N HCl were added to lower the external pH. Exter-nal pH was measured after sampling for ATP levelshad been completed.

In agreement with this reasoning, ATP syn-thesis after a pH jump did not occur in thepresence of the proton conductor, FCCP (Fig.9). It is expected that the addition of FCCPmakes the cell membrane permeable to pro-tons, and so reduces the size of the protonmo-tive force that can be maintained across thatmembrane.Two kinds of observations support the idea

that the membrane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPasecatalyzes the synthesis ofATP observed after apH jump. Such ATP synthesis was markedlyreduced when cells were pretreated with theinhibitor DCCD (Fig. 10). In addition, mutantsthat lack a functional Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase didnot form ATP after an acid pulse, althoughtransient net synthesis ofATP was found in therespective parental strains. The data in Fig. 11illustrate this for the mutant, AN120, and itsparent, AN180. Data given in a later section(Table 3) demonstrate this for the mutant,strain 72, and its parent, 1100. Similar observa-tions (not shown) were made when the behaviorof the mutant DL54, was compared with itsparent, ML308-225.ATP synthesis in a cytochrome-deficient

mutant. The hemA mutant SASX76 is defec-tive in the biosynthesis of heme (33), and cyto-chromes that function in electron transport arenot formed unless the cells are grown in the






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-5 0 5 10 15 20MINUTES

FIG. 9. Effect of FCCP on ATP synthesis drivenby a pH gradient. Strain AN180 was used. Theprocedure described in the legend to Fig. 8 was fol-lowed, except that 1 min before dilution, cells wereexposed to either 20 pEM FCCP (in ethanol) or anequivalent amount of ethanol. The final external pHfor both suspensions was 3.1.

presence of 6-aminolevulinic acid (36). For theexperiment shown in Fig. 12, cells of SASX76were grown overnight in a rich medium (Penas-say broth lDifco]) without added 6-aminolevu-linic acid. Because washed cells ofSASX76 con-tained low levels of ATP, it was possible toavoid exposure to a-methylglucoside and azide.Thus, fresh cells could be examined directlyunder conditions where the protonmotive forcetook the form of either a membrane potential ora pH gradient. As shown in Fig. 12, transientnet synthesis of ATP was found in both in-stances. It was noted that after the addition ofvalinomycin to cells suspended in mediumwithout added potassium, the appearance ofATP was slower and less marked than thatusually observed (Fig. 2-7). The reason for thisdifference is not completely understood, butmay reflect poor access of valinomycin to thecell membrane under these conditions. Thispossibility has not yet been tested by the appro-priate experiments.

Quantitative experiments. In a number ofexperiments, similar to that shown in Fig. 8,we have correlated ATP synthesis with the sizeof the total protonmotive force. The value of themembrane potential in the presence of valino-mycin was estimated from the Nernst equation,



DCCD0- 0 --_ -_ _ ___ -0. . ..A

10 15 20MINUTES

FIG. 10. Effect ofDCCD on ATP synthesis drivenby a pH gradient. Strain AN180 was used. Theprocedure described in the legend to Fig. 8 was fol-lowed, except that 30 min before dilution cells wereexposed to either 1 mM DCCD (in ethanol) or anequivalent amount of ethanol. The final external pHwas 3.05 for both samples.



PARENTJ _ \ AN-180


MINUTESFIG. 11. Absence ofATP synthesis driven by a pH

gradient in an ATPase-negative mutant. StrainAN180 and its ATPase-negative derivative, strainAN120, were used. See legend to Fig. 8 for experi-mental details. The final external pH was 3.0 forboth cell types.


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TABLE 3. Correlation between ATP synthesis andthe protonmotive forcea

ATP synthesis (45-s ATP/initial ATP) Ap (mV)

Strain 1100 (parent)1.1 1041.3 1291.5 1451.4 1481.7 1495.0 1995.3 205

10.0 23714.8 23718.6 24138.2 25167.8 27644.0 28219.6 28513.2 294

Strain 72 (ATPase-negative mutant)1.1 2821.0 2851.0 287

a Experimental details found in Materials andMethods. The size of the total protonmotive forcewas varied by changing the pH gradient. InternalpH was 7.3 to 7.9; external pH, measured using aglass electrode, varied between 5.6 and 3.0.

using measured values for the ratio of internal(190 to 230 mM) to external (170 mM) potas-sium. This calculation assumes that valinomy-cin-treated cells are very much more permeableto the potassium ion than to any other ion.Under these conditions the membrane poten-tial was low, since intemal and external potas-sium levels were similar. Consequently, addi-tions of differing amounts of hydrochloric acidserved to vary the size of the total protonmotiveforce. The distribution of methylamine wasused to estimate the initial value of intracellu-lar pH. Knowing the value for internal pH, thesize of the pH gradient could be calculated frommeasurement of external pH, after the additionof acid. The results of these experiments aregiven in Table 3. Significant synthesis of ATPover the basal value was observed only whenthe total protonmotive force attained a value of200 mV. For wild-type cells, the apparent de-cline in ATP synthesis at the higher values ofAp (>280 mV) is not significant, but reflectshigher basal levels of ATP in these few sam-ples. As noted previously, no synthesis of ATPwas observed in an ATPase-negative mutant,even though the total protonmotive force atzero time was 280 to 290 mV, well above thethreshold required for demonstration of ATPformation in normal cells.


E HCL (pH 8.0- pH 345)0- 1.0 -



FIG. 12. ATP synthesis driven by a protonmotiveforce in a cytochrome-deficient mutant, strainSASX76. Washed cells were suspended (9,000 Klettunits) in either 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6) or200 mM potassium phosphate (pH 8). To demon-strate ATP synthesis driven by a membrane potential(-), cells suspended atpH 6 were diluted 25-fold intothe same medium before the addition of valinomycin(lo sa final concentration). To demonstrate ATPsynthesis driven by a pH gradient (O), the cells sus-pended at pH 8 were exposed to 10 uLM valinomycinfor 60 min before a 25-fold dilution into this samemedium; HCI was then added to lower the externalpH.

DISCUSSIONAccording to the chemiosmotic hypothesis,

the membrane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase cou-ples the inward movement of protons to thephosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate(ADP) (25-28). Thus, during oxidative or photo-synthetic phosphorylations, the driving forcefor the synthesis of ATP is the electrochemicalpotential difference for the hydrogen ion. Thisprotonmotive force Ap represents the contribu-tions made by both the electric potential differ-ence (AqO and the chemical potential difference(ApH) across the membrane. When expressedin electrical units (millivolts), Ap = Atp - ZApH, where Z is equal to 2.3 RT/F and has avalue of about 59 mV at 25 C.One important implication of the chemios-

motic hypothesis is that the electron transportchain and the ATPase may be considered asseparate and distinct complexes, systems thatare connected only by way of the circulation ofprotons. Thus, in the absence of oxidative reac-tions the synthesis of ATP would occur if thenecessary protonmotive force was artificiallyimposed. Experiments that verify this predic-tion were first performed using chloroplasts (16)

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and mitochondria (30) and have recently beenreported for bacterial systems as well (8, 21,22).The studies reported here lend strong support

for the chemiosmotic view ofoxidative phospho-rylation in E. coli. These experiments demon-strate that in the absence of oxidative reactionsthe membrane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase of E.coli catalyzes the net synthesis of ATP in re-sponse to an inwardly directed protonmotiveforce. By choosing appropriate initial condi-tions, the relative proportion of the two compo-nents of the protonmotive force was manipu-lated. ATP synthesis was observed whether theprotonmotive force was dominated by either amembrane potential (e.g., Fig. 3) or a pH gra-dient (e.g., Fig. 8). In both instances, net syn-thesis of ATP was transient. This undoubtedlyreflects decay of the protonmotive force over theexperimental time period, as has been previ-ously shown for similar experiments using S.lactis (21, 22).

Strong evidence supporting the idea thatATP synthesis driven by a protonmotive forceis catalyzed by the membrane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase comes from the studies reportedhere, which examined a number of ATPase-negative mutants. Two such mutants were ex-amined in some detail (Fig. 6, 7, and 11; Table3), since they were representative of two classesof ATPase-negative strains. One (strainAN120) shows normal permeability to protons,whereas the other (strain 72) shows an abnor-mally high permeability to protons. Both mu-tant types failed to synthesize ATP in responseto either a membrane potential or a pH gra-dient. Two additional ATPase-negative mu-tants (strains 45 and DL54) were also unable toform ATP in response to a protonmotive force.When considered in conjunction with the find-ing that such ATP synthesis was not observedin normal cells exposed to DCCD (Fig. 5 and10), a chemical inhibitor of the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATP-ase, these results strongly suggest that themembrane-bound Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase couplesthe synthesis of ATP to the entry of protons.We have also observed ATP synthesis driven

by a protonmotive force in a mutant of E. coliSASX76, which lacked functional cytochromes(Fig. 12). These results are of interest for sev-eral reasons. They indicate that such experi-ments can be performed without subjectingcells to possible trauma during depletion orother pretreatments. In addition, these find-ings appear to exclude the possibility that suchATP synthesis requires interaction (direct orindirect) between the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase andcytochromes.

Quantitative measurements of the size of theprotonmotive force required to drive ATP syn-thesis suggest a minimum value of approxi-mately 200 mV (Table 3). This corresponds wellwith that estimated previously for the ATPaseof S. lactis (21), and compares favorably withthe value of 210 mV, calculated by Mitchell(26), which would be required to maintain theATP/ADP ratio at 1.

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