Provided by Coventry Health Care Usual & Customary Medical Bill Reviewer Training Program Unit 1:...

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Provided by Coventry Health Care

Usual & Customary Medical Bill Reviewer Training


Unit 1: Professional Services

Module 8: Physical Medicine & Manipulation

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Health Care

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011


Hi! In this module, you will learn about physical medicine, acupuncture, and

manipulation. Let’s first take a look a

Physical Medicine…

Part I: Physical Medicine Physical Medicine Guidelines Patient Evaluation Acupuncture Manipulation

Part I: Physical Medicine Physical Medicine Guidelines Patient Evaluation

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Physical Medicine Guidelines

Physical medicine focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness or injury by physical means.

The physical medicine section

ranges from 97001-97799. Let’s take a look…

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Physical medicine also involves services such as:

Physical Medicine Guidelines

Physical medicine services encompass many different types of treatment.

Physical medicine includes the use of:

Light Heat & Cold Water Electricity Mechanical Apparatus Massage

Assessment & Evaluation

Work Hardening

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Patient Evaluation

Just like other types of services, physical medicine patients undergo an evaluation to assess the nature and extent of an injury.

Physical TherapistsOccupational Therapists

Athletic Trainers


Physical Medicine Evaluation Codes

E & M codes

The type of code used to bill for

evaluation services depends on the type

of provider.

Additionally, there are medicine codes

for tests and measurements

that can be billed.

These may include things like: range of motion testing• functional capacity testing •

muscle testing

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Work Hardening

Part II: Other Services Work Hardening Acupuncture Osteopathic Manipulation Chiropractic Manipulation

Work hardening programs are

common methods of treating work-related injuries. Let’s take a


Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Work Hardening

Work hardening is an individualized, goal-oriented program that assists an injured worker re-adjust to the physical demands of a job.

The American Physical Therapy Association states that work hardening improves:

Strength Endurance Movement

...related to the performance of work tasks.

Flexibility Motor control Cardiopulmonary


Each program typically includes conditioning exercises and simulated work activities tailored to the patient.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Work Hardening

Work hardening programs may include services from several specialties.

Work hardening programs may include a: Rehabilitation specialist Treating physician Psychologist Vocational rehabilitation


Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Work Hardening

There are several things you should be aware of when reviewing charges for work hardening.

2. Work hardening is reimbursed according to

time increments. All services performed within a specific length of time are

included in the charge, and should not be reimbursed


1. Physical therapy provided in combination with the work hardening

program, such as a “warm-up” or “cool-down,” is considered part of the

program and is not separately reimbursable.

3. Work hardening programs

typically last for more than a few


Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Work Hardening

Many physical therapy groups bill for work hardening when performing a lot of varied procedures and modalities, not an actual program.

How might you identify whether physical

therapy charges were for work hardening


That’s right! You can verify this

information by reading the documentation.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011


Let’s take a look…

Acupuncture services are subject to

guidelines as well...

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011


Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points on or near the surface of the body in order to treat a patient for pain, as well as diseases and disorders of the body.Acupuncture codes include:

CPT 97810: without electrical stimulation – initial 15 minutes

CPT 97811: without electrical stimulation – each additional 15 minutes

CPT 97813: with electrical stimulation - initial 15 minutes

CPT 97814: with electrical stimulation – each additional 15 minutes

Acupuncture codes = 15 minute increments

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011


There are a few guidelines that you should be familiar with when reviewing charges for acupuncture services:

Time = Face to face time, not the time needles are in place.

Only 1 initial code may be

billed per visit. All additional

time coded with 97811 or 97814.

Office visits are included with

acupuncture unless modifier -25 is

attached. Documentation must

show significant, separately

identifiable E/M services performed.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Osteopathic Manipulation

Osteopathic Manipulation Chiropractic Manipulation

Lastly, we will discuss osteopathic

and chiropractic manipulation


Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Osteopathic Manipulation

Osteopathic manipulation focuses on correcting body mechanics and structural abnormalities to treat illness, injury, and disease.

Osteopathic Manipulation codes range

from 98925 – 98929.

Osteopathic manipulation codes are: Limited to Doctors of Osteopathy

(DOs) and Doctors of Medicine (MDs).

Osteopathic manipulation

procedure codes depend on how

many body regions are manipulated.

Let’s take a look…

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Osteopathic Manipulation

Body regions include:

Cervical Region

Thoracic Region

Lumbar Region

Sacral Region

Head Region

Rib Cage

Lower Extremities

Upper Extremities

Abdomen & Visceral Region

Pelvic Region

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Chiropractic Manipulation

Let’s take a look…

In addition to osteopathic

manipulation, there are chiropractic

manipulation procedures.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Chiropractic Manipulation

Chiropractic manipulation focuses on the improvement of joint and neuro-physiological function.

Chiropractic Manipulation

codes range from 98940 – 98943.

Chiropractic manipulation codes not only depend on

the number of body regions

manipulated, but which body region

as well.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Chiropractic Manipulation

For CPT 98940 through CPT 98942, regions include: 

Cervical Region

Thoracic Region

Lumbar Region

Sacral Region

includes atlanto-occipital joint

includes costovertebral and

costotransverse joints

Pelvic Region

Now let’s take a look

at CPT 98943...

*Only the most extensive code is allowed to pay.

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Chiropractic Manipulation

Head Region

Rib Cage

Lower Extremities

Upper Extremities


For CPT 98943, the following regions apply:

includes temporomandibular joint

excludes atlanto-occipital joint

excludes costotransverse joint

excludes costovertebral joint

Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011

Office Visits with Manipulation

If osteopathic or chiropractic manipulation is billed, can E/M also be billed?

Modifier -25 must be attached to the office visit codeDocumentation must show significant separately identifiable E/M services were rendered.

Manipulation codes are keyed as billed


Usual and Customary Training – Physical Medicine July 2011


How work hardening and acupuncture services are reimbursed.

Physical Medicine: General Guidelines

Osteopathic and chiropractic services.