PSRC’s Project Selection Process February 6, 2015 1.

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PSRC’s Project Selection Process

February 6, 2015


PSRC Funds


PSRC is expected to receive ~$240 Million annually in federal transportation funds:

• Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ~$80m

• Several funding programs, specific eligibility requirements for each

• In general, can fund roadway, transit, bicycle/pedestrian, ITS, equipment, etc.

• Federal Transit Administration (FTA) ~$161m

• Several funding programs, specific eligibility requirements for each

• Must be transit-related

Policy Framework

Policy Framework for PSRC’s Federal Funds

adopted prior to each funding cycle

Funds distributed every 2-3 years

provides Board direction for project selection

based on VISION 2040 policies

support for centers and the corridors that serve them

Federal requirements:

• Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) updated at least every 4 years

• currently funded transportation projects – federal, state, local funds

• Public comment and review opportunities

• Competitive project selection process required


PSRC’s Project Tracking Program

Goal = Efficient use of PSRC funds

• Projects are delivered in timely manner

• Cost of delays will be minimized

• Traveling public benefits from investment at earliest point possible

• Transportation investments help create jobs and stimulate regional economy

Project Tracking System in place since 2003

• Policies updated over time

• Current policies address annual delivery target for FHWA funds

• Firm obligation deadlines

• “Use it or Lose it”

Project Selection Processes - FHWA

FHWA Funds – Project Selection History

shared regional and countywide process

since 1993, 10% of funds set aside for bicycle/pedestrian investments

since 2004, $2-$3 million set aside for Rural Town Centers and Corridors program

since 2012, pilot preservation set-aside

after set-asides, 50/50% split between regional and countywide competitions

Bicycle/pedestrian, preservation set-asides distributed through competitive countywide processes

Increases the total % of funds distributed through countywide competitions to 67%

prioritized list of contingency projects created


Project Selection Processes - FHWARegional competition history

• Limited number of applications

• Focus on regional growth and manufacturing/industrial centers and their connecting corridors

• PSRC staff scores projects based on regional project evaluation criteria

• Support for development of center

• Identified need – e.g. safety, missing link

• Benefits to variety of user groups

• Accessibility, multimodal connectivity, improved circulation

• Emissions reduction

• Financial plan / project readiness

• Regional Project Evaluation Committee (RPEC) reviews and recommends projects to receive funding to the Transportation Policy Board


Project Selection Processes - FHWA

Countywide competitions history

• Follows regional policy framework and criteria

• Centers policy focus expanded to include both regional and locally designated centers

• Each countywide organization conducts competitive process

• Countywide processes distribute bicycle/pedestrian, preservation setaside, and minimum required funds to the rural areas

• Recommendations from these staff committees presented to their policy forums, who in turn recommend projects to PSRC’s Transportation Policy Board


Project Selection Processes - FTA

FTA Funds: Project Selection History

Three urbanized areas (UZAs) in the region

Seattle-Tacoma-Everett UZA

Eight transit agencies

Majority of the regional FTA funds

Bremerton UZA

Marysville UZA

Centers policy focus expanded to include both regional and locally designated centers

Shared regional and “earned share” process

Regional FTA Caucus recommends to the Transportation Operators Committee, which in turn recommends to the Transportation Policy Board



Project Selection Task Force

Project Selection Task Force

Volunteer membership from PSRC’s 4 Boards

Will review and make recommendations on the 2016 Policy Framework for PSRC’s Federal Funds

Early engagement February – April 2015

• Review key policy issues

• provide direction to project evaluation committees

Return in Fall 2015 to prepare recommendation to Transportation Policy Board



2016 Project Selection ScheduleDRAFT SCHEDULE

February - April 2015 – Early engagement by Project Selection Task Force

April - October 2015 – Project evaluation committee prepares recommendations on Policy Framework

October – December 2015 – Project Selection Task Force prepares final recommendation on Policy Framework

January 2016 – Policy Framework adopted

February - July 2016 – Competition and project recommendations

September 2016 - Public comment on Draft 2017-2020 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

October 2016 – Board adoption of 2017-2020 Regional TIP

January 2017 – Federal approval, funds available to projects




Kelly McGourtyProgram Manager(206)