Psych the brain

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

The Nervous SystemCentral


• Sensory information• Composed of the brain and spinal cord.• Contains spinal reflexes

• Controls everything outside the central nervous system

• Contains sensory nerves and motor nerves. • Somatic - bodily• Autonomic – self governing


• The nervous system is consisted of neurons.

• Neurons have three main parts dendrites, a cell body, and axons.

• Dendrites are tree like structures that receive messages and then transmit them towards the cell body.

Chemical Messengers

Neurotransmitters Hormones

• Serotonin• Dopamine• Acetylcholine• Norepinephrine• GABA ( Gamma- aminobutyric acid)• Glutamate

• Melatonin• Oxytocin• Adrenal hormones-

epinephrine/norepinephrine• Sex hormones-

Androgens, Estrogens, and Pogesterone

Mapping the Brain• Electrical and Magnetic detection

-Electroencephalogram (EEG)-Transcranial magnetic Stimulation

• Scanning the Brain-PET -MRI


Entrance to the Brain

← Relays sensory messages to the cerbral cortex

← Involved in emotions and drives vital to survival, such as fear, hunger, thirst, and reproduction; Also regulates the autonomic nervous system

Message center to and from the brain. Medulla Pons

-Bodily functions - Sleeping- Waking- Dreaming

Also part of the brain stem, the Reticular Activating System

The prefrontal cortex is the part of our brain associated with complex abilities such as reasoning, decision making, and planning

Brain stem