Psychological Testing

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Psychological TestingPresented to:

Mr. Harman Puri

Presented by:Priti Chauhan


• What is testing?

• Why do we have so many tests?

• What are the pros and cons to testing?

• How can we use testing to improve . . .?

• What types of tests do we take?

Psychological Testing

• A psychological test is a standardized measure of a sample of a person’s behavior that is used to measure the individual differences that exist among people.

Types of Psychological Testing

• There are two types of Psychological tests.–Mental Ability tests

–Personality tests

Why use tests?• Psychological

tests are used in research, however, most serve a practical purpose.

Mental Ability Tests

• Includes three subcategories.–Intelligence tests

–Aptitude tests

–Achievement tests

Intelligence tests• Measure

general mental abilities. They are intended to measure intellectual potential.


• WOLF is to FLOW as 8526 is to: 2856 - 6258 - 5862 - 5682 - 6852

Examples• What would be the next number in

this series? 15 ... 12 ... 13 ... 10 ... 11 ... 8 ... ?

Aptitude tests• Assess talent

for specific kinds of learning..)


• (clerical speed, mechanical reasoning, etc

Achievement tests• Gauge a

person’s mastery and knowledge of various subjects


• Who was the 3rd President of the India?

• What is 5x6 divided by 2?

Personality Tests• Measure

aspects of personality, including motives, interests, values, and attitudes.

Examples• Do you become

upset when. . ?• Do you feel

like you lose control when. .?

• Are you happy when . . ?

Test Design• In order for a test to be accurate, it

must meet the three standards below.– Standardization

– Validity

– Reliability

Standardization• Standardization refers to the

uniform procedures used in administrating and scoring a test.

• Test norms: information used to rank scores in relation to other scores on the test.

• E.g. IQ tests

Validity• Refers to the

ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure.

• Examples

• What do you mean by introspection?

• Birth place of psychology?

• Who gave the concept of id , ego and super ego?

Reliability• Reliability

refers to the measurement consistency of a test (or other techniques).

• Example

• You take a personality test and are scored as “assertive”. Three weeks later you take the same test and are scored as “passive”. A drastic change is probably a result of an unreliable test.

Testing ReliabilityTest-retest–Comparing subjects’ scores on

two administrations of a test.Correlation Coefficient–A numerical index of the degree

of relationship (-1, +1)

Limitations of Psychological Testing

• Uncritical Use• Rejection of Qualified

Candidates• Faking• Attitudes Toward


• Ethical Issues– Test Users

– Test Security

– Test Interpretation

– Test Publication

• Privacy Issues– What can and should

be asked?

Think!• Why do we have so many tests?

• How can we use testing to improve . . .?

• How does psychological testing apply to school, careers, sports, etc?