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PTSD symptomics: network analyses in the field ofpsychotraumatology

Armour, C., Fried, E. I., & Olff, M. (2017). PTSD symptomics: network analyses in the field ofpsychotraumatology. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8, [1398003].

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PTSD symptomics: network analyses in the field ofpsychotraumatology

Cherie Armour, Eiko I. Fried & Miranda Olff

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PTSD symptomics: network analyses in the field of psychotraumatology

Cherie Armour a*, Eiko I. Fried b* and Miranda Olffc,d

aPsychology Research Institute, Ulster University, Coleraine, Northern Ireland; bDepartment of Psychology, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam, The Netherlands; cDepartment of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands; dDepartment of Psychiatry, Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group, Diemen, The Netherlands

ABSTRACTRecent years have seen increasing attention on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research.While research has largely focused on the dichotomy between patients diagnosed withmental disorders and healthy controls — in other words, investigations at the level ofdiagnoses — recent work has focused on psychopathology symptoms. Symptomics researchin the area of PTSD has been scarce so far, although several studies have focused oninvestigating the network structures of PTSD symptoms. The present special issue of EJPTadds to the literature by curating additional PTSD network studies, each looking at a differentaspect of PTSD. We hope that this special issue encourages researchers to conceptualize andmodel PTSD data from a network perspective, which arguably has the potential to inform andimprove the efficacy of therapeutic interventions.

La síntomática del TEPT: Análisis de red en el campo de lapsicotraumatología

Los últimos años han visto una atención creciente en la investigación sobre el trastorno porestrés postraumático (TEPT). Si bien la investigación se ha centrado principalmente en ladicotomía entre pacientes diagnosticados con trastornos mentales y controles sanos –enotras palabras, investigaciones a nivel de diagnóstico–, el trabajo reciente se ha centrado enlos síntomas psicopatológicos. La investigación sintomática en el área del TEPT ha sido escasahasta el momento, aunque varios estudios se han centrado en investigar las estructuras de lared de los síntomas del TEPT. Este número especial de la EJPT se agrega a la literatura conestudios adicionales de la red de TEPT, cada uno analizando un aspecto diferente del TEPTEsperamos que este número especial anime a los investigadores a conceptualizar y modelarlos datos del TEPT desde una perspectiva de red, lo que sin duda tiene el potencial deinformar y mejorar la eficacia de las intervenciones terapéuticas.

PTSD症候群: 心理创伤领域的网络分析


KEYWORDSPTSD; network analysis;symptomics; symptoms;psychopathology

PALABRAS CLAVETEPT; análisis de red;sintomática; síntomas;psicopatología


PTSD; 网络分析; 症候群;症状; 心理病理

1. Introduction

Recent years have seen increasing attention on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research, with a focuson the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, (early) interventionresearch, PTSD biomarkers, and many others (e.g.Armour, Műllerová, & Elhai, 2015; Colvonen et al.,2017; Kassam-Adams, 2014; Kehle-Forbes &Kimerling, 2017; Molnar et al., 2017; Olff, VanZuiden, & Bakker, 2015; Wisco et al., 2016). This hasled to important discoveries and has inspired somework on improving prevention and intervention strate-gies for trauma-affected individuals (Brief et al., 2013;

Hilton et al., 2017; Horn, Charney, & Feder, 2016;Markowitz et al., 2015; Olff, Armour et al., 2015). Atthe same time, many important questions remain unre-solved or under-researched, such as aetiological andsymptomatological differences of patients, how to bestpredict future adverse outcomes, and whether particu-lar PTSD symptoms play important roles and might beviable intervention targets.

While research has largely focused on the dichot-omy between patients diagnosed with mental disordersand healthy controls – in other words, investigations atthe level of diagnoses – recent work has focused on

Cherie Armour Psychology Research Institute, Ulster University, Coleraine, Northern Ireland*Armour & Fried share first authorship of this editorial


© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

psychopathology symptoms. One reason for this is thatdisorder-level data are often highly heterogeneous:patients suffering from mental disorders such asPTSD or depression have many different symptompresentations (Fried & Nesse, 2015a; Glück, Knefel,Tran, & Lueger-Schuster, 2016; Olbert, Gala, &Tupler, 2014; Young, Lareau, & Pierre, 2014).Heterogeneity has also led to ongoing discussionsabout reliability and validity of DSM and ICD diag-noses (Insel, 2013). Information on the patient’s parti-cular story, and a focus on the specific symptoms thepatient exhibits, may provide crucial information.While the importance of specific symptoms has longbeen acknowledged in clinical practice, where clini-cians often base their treatment decisions on symp-toms and not diagnoses (Kim & Ahn, 2002; Waszczuket al., 2017), clinical sciences lag somewhat behind.

Symptom-based analyses are on the rise for manydisorders such as major depression (see review; Fried& Nesse, 2015b), bipolar disorder (Pfennig et al.,2015), and psychosis (Bentall, Wickham, Shevlin, &Varese, 2012). A new research framework entitled‘Symptomics’ was proposed recently that aims todescribe such studies under one framework, andcomplement diagnosis-level research with moredetailed research on symptoms (Fried, 2017).Symptomics has three cornerstones:

(1) The relationship of individual symptoms withimportant variables such as risk factors, bio-markers, impairment of functioning, andtreatment response (Bentall et al., 2012;Costello, 1993; Fried & Nesse, 2015b;Hieronymus, Emilsson, Nilsson, & Eriksson,2016; Persons, 1986);

(2) The analysis of the potentially causal relationsamong symptoms in symptom networks(Borsboom, 2017; Cramer, Waldorp, van derMaas, & Borsboom, 2010; Wichers, Wigman,& Myin-Germeys, 2015);

(3) Gaining better understanding of psycho-pathology by investigating personalized pro-cesses at the level of individuals instead ofheterogeneous groups of patients (Fisher &Boswell, 2016; Molenaar, 2004).

Symptomics research in the area of PTSD hasbeen scarce so far, although several studies havefocused on investigating the network structures ofPTSD symptoms (Afzali et al., 2017; Armour, Fried,Deserno, Tsai, & Pietrzak, 2017; Bryant et al., 2017;Fried et al., 2017; McNally et al., 2015; Mitchellet al., 2017). The present special issue of EJPTadds to the literature by curating four additionalPTSD network studies, each looking at a differentaspect of PTSD.

2. In this issue

In ‘Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in aclinical sample of refugees: a network analysis’, Spillerand colleagues (Spiller et al., 2017) explored the net-work structure and centrality of DSM-5 PTSD symp-toms in a sample of 151 severely traumatized adultrefugees attending two outpatient clinics for victims oftorture and war in Switzerland. As such, this was thefirst application of state-of-the-art network methodol-ogy to a refugee population. The authors’ primary focuswas to identify the strongest connections among symp-toms as well as the most and least central symptoms inthe network. The authors found that some connectionswere substantially stronger than others (defined asbeing stronger than at least half of all associations inthe networks): hypervigilance with exaggerated startleresponse, intrusions with difficulties falling asleep, andirritability/outbursts of anger with reckless/self-destruc-tive behaviour. The most central symptom was emo-tional cue reactivity; the least central symptom trauma-related amnesia. These findings in a cross-sectional andhighly clinical refugee population highlight the poten-tial importance of re-experiencing symptoms, particu-larly trauma-related emotional cue reactivity. However,the authors pointed out that their results should beunderstood as hypothesis generation and interpretedwith caution due to the limited power and thereforeaccuracy of parameter estimates that result from a fairlysmall sample size.

In the paper ‘Making connections: exploring thecentrality of posttraumatic stress symptoms and cov-ariates after a terrorist attack’, Skogbrott Birkelandand Heir (2017) identified the most central symptomsof DSM-IV PTSD and their interconnections in asample of 190 ministerial employees 10 monthsafter the 2011 Oslo bombings. Interestingly, theauthors also included covariates such as sex, neuroti-cism, and social support in the network. About 25%of the participants met the criteria for a probablePTSD diagnosis. In the estimated network, the stron-gest association emerged between the three symptompairs of intrusive thoughts and nightmares, hypervi-gilance and feeling easily startled, and feelingdetached and feeling emotionally numb. The symp-tom of feeling emotionally numb was identified as themost central symptom in the network, although theauthors also state that the order of centrality esti-mates must be interpreted with some care due tolimited power. Similar to prior studies (McNallyet al., 2015) and also results of papers published inthis special issue (Spiller et al., 2017), trauma-relatedamnesia was identified as the least central symptom.When adding covariates to the network, a strongnegative connection emerged between social supportand sleep problems, and female sex was stronglyrelated to physiological cue reactivity, highlighting


the importance of including non-symptom nodes innetwork models, and justifying the authors’ attemptto determine why and how covariates could be relatedPTSD symptomatology. Birkeland and Heir therebyaddress one of the most crucial challenges of theemerging field of network sciences in psychopathol-ogy research: modelling variables that go beyondsymptoms (Fried & Cramer, 2017).

Glück, Knefel, and Lueger-Schuster (2017) in theirpaper ‘A network analysis of anger, shame, proposedICD-11 PTSD, and different types of childhood traumain foster care settings in a sample of adult survivors’utilized network analysis to examine the relationshipsbetween childhood abuse, anger, shame, and the pro-posed ICD-11 PTSD symptoms in a sample of 220 adultsurvivors of institutional abuse. Many participants metcriteria for comorbid mental disorders, over half of thesample met ICD-11 PTSD criteria, and 16.9% met thecriteria for complex PTSD. To circumvent the problemsassociated with small sample sizes, the authors firstconducted the analysis using scale-level data to identifythose constructs that aremost important in the relation-ship of trauma, PTSD, anger, and shame. The resultshighlight anger rumination, trait anger, emotionalabuse, and PTSD re-experiencing as central nodes.Interestingly, trait anger was not connected with anytype of childhood abuse, nor was it connected withother lifetime traumatic events, suggesting that it maybe a result of some external events. Another possibilityis that the connection was not very strong, and was notdiscovered due to the fairly small sample size. Angerrumination was identified as a ‘promoter of the net-work’, due to its high closeness centrality, and theauthors suggested it as a potential treatment target.The most central scales, along with the two remainingICD-11 PTSD subscales avoidance and sense of threat,were subsequently utilized in item-level network analy-sis. The most central node in this latter analysis was ananger rumination item – ‘getting “worked up” thinkingabout upsetting things in past’ – and was suggested asthe bridge in the relationships between anger and ICD-11 PTSD. In other words, it may be the item responsiblefor the co-occurrence of PTSD and anger. This item,along with two other anger rumination items (both ofwhich were related to meaningful past events and life ingeneral) were most closely connected with the emo-tional abuse and the PTSD symptoms. The authorsalso examined the modularity of their network usingcommunity structure analysis and discovered clearlyseparable subgroups of constructs, largely supportingthe validity of the included scales. The study concludedthat treatments aimed at alleviating the burden of post-traumatic symptomatology may be effective if trans-diagnostic phenomena, such as anger rumination, areaddressed.

Finally, in a sample of 179 US adult survivors ofchildhood sexual abuse, McNally, Heeren, and

Robinaugh (2017) in ‘A Bayesian network analysis ofposttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in adults report-ing childhood sexual abuse’ extend the existing PTSDnetwork analysis research by applying two distinct net-work models. Firstly, the authors computed an undir-ected regularized partial correlation network (based onthe DSM-IV PTSD symptoms). These network modelsestimate conditional dependence relations among items:what is the association between A and B after partiallingout the influence of C? In such undirected networks,suggest McNally et al. (2017), the causal relationshipsbetween symptoms cannot be inferred. Thus, in thesecond step, the authors utilized a Bayesian approach tocomputing a directed acyclic network, which leads to adirected network structure often referred to as a ‘causalskeleton’. In the undirected network, none of the symp-toms could be considered to be significantly more centralthan others due to the low stability and robustness sta-tistics resulting from the small sample size. The directednetwork structure highlighted the potentially importantrole of physiological arousal in response to reminders ofthe traumatic experiences. McNally et al. suggest thattargeting this symptom in interventions could potentiallylead to an improvement in other PTSD symptoms, atleast in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. For abroader discussion on the application of Bayesian meth-ods to the field of PTSD research, see Bayesian statisticsin the field of psychotraumatology (Van de Schoot,Schalken, & Olff, 2017).

3. Conclusions

The above papers represent a significant contribution tothe literature on posttraumatic stress, as viewed from asymptom-level perspective. We hope that this specialissue encourages researchers to conceptualize andmodel PTSD data from a network perspective, whicharguably has the potential to inform and improve theefficacy of therapeutic interventions (Borsboom, 2017;Cramer et al., 2010; Hayes & Strauss, 1998; McNally,2016). The methodological field of psychological net-work psychometrics has moved remarkably quicklyfrom visualizing correlation matrices in 2010 (Crameret al., 2010) to using sophisticated statistical models in2014 (Van Borkulo et al., 2014). The gap between clin-ical sciences and methodology is slowly closing, in partdue to several tutorial papers (Costantini et al., 2017;Epskamp, Borsboom, & Fried, 2017; Epskamp & Fried,2017) that have enabled clinical researchers to applynetwork models to a large number of disorders (for areview see Fried, van Borkulo et al., 2017).

However, several crucial challenges still lie ahead,some of which are described in detail elsewhere (Fried& Cramer, 2017). First, as illustrated in this special issue,PTSD network studies in subclinical or clinical samplesare often limited to small samples, leading to uncertaintysurrounding parameter estimates (such as the


connections among items in the network, or the central-ity estimates), precluding reliable generalizations. Studieswith larger samples, on the other hand, often featuregeneral population samples that may not be too infor-mative about the processes in patients. A potential wayforward is the analysis of large clinical datasets (e.g. Fried,Eidhof et al., 2017). Second, it is crucial that researchersstart focusing on the assessment and analysis of dynamic,temporal data (Bringmann et al., 2016 ; Epskamp et al.,2017; Hamaker &Wichers, 2017). This allows the field tomove frommodelling cross-sectional group-level data tomodelling the temporal dynamics of causal systemsacross time, and might bring us closer to developingnovel recommendations for intervention or preventionstrategies (Bos et al., 2017). Third, more attention tomodelling the dynamics of causal systems also allows arenewed focus on personalized medicine, seeing thattime-series network models are not limited to modellingthe symptom dynamics of groups of patients, but canalso be used to obtain idiographic network structures forindividual patients (Epskamp, van Borkulo et al., 2017;Fisher & Boswell, 2016; Kroeze et al., 2017). Fourth, thereis evidence that biological markers are differentiallyrelated to specific psychopathology symptoms (e.g.inflammatory markers and depression symptoms;Jokela, Virtanen, & Batty, 2016). Including (neuro-) bio-logical measures associated with PTSD and its comorbiddisorders in network analyses might move the fieldbeyond ‘symptomics’ and help us better understand thecomplex relationships between neurobiological altera-tions (over time) and the development of trauma relatedpsychopathology (Olff & van Zuiden, 2017). This is con-sistent with recent calls to include variables beyondsymptoms in psychopathology network models (Fried& Cramer, 2017; Jones, Heeran, & McNally, 2017).

We believe that the network approach to psycho-pathology has been embraced so quickly by the com-munity because it reflects how patients and cliniciansthink about many mental disorders: as dynamic sys-tems of causal influences and vicious circles.Interestingly, this lies in contrast with the frameworksadopted by the DSM and ICD that understand symp-toms as passive consequences of underlying disorders.We are looking forward to seeing whether the analysisof individual symptoms and causal dynamics can leadto significant changes in how mental disorders aremeasured, modelled, categorized, and diagnosed.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


Cherie Armour I. Fried


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