Public Hearing and Possible Vote on the South Bay ... · aiming to achieve the primary project...

Post on 25-Aug-2020

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H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES Exhibit A Vicinity Map

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USAGE & USFWS Shoreline Project Ecological Consultants BCDC Application C2015.006.01

Pond Restoration

Reach 2-3 Project Boundary Phase I

Reach -4-5 Project Boundary - Phase II

Soil Stockpile Boundary Phase Ill

Jurisdlctlonal lmpacb (Reach l)

Ecotone Habitat of Levee

II Ponds A9 / Al0 / All 2027

Ill Ponds A13 / A14 / AlS 2032

Phase Location Year

Reach 1 2018

Reach2&3 2019

Reach4&5 2020-2021

I Ponds A12 / A18 2022

H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES Exhibit B Shoreline Project Phases Ecological Consultants USACE & USFWS Shoreline Project

BCDC Application C2015.006.01 1

.... .. .. " .. I




r I

A9 �



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- - • Berm Raise

Jurisdictional Impacts


BCDC Jurisdictional Catagorles


-·say/Salt Pond

Salt Pond Salt Pond/Managed Wetland

-CZMAOther 100 foot Shore�ne Band

� Ecotone/Habitat Portion of Levee Flood Control Portion of Levee

H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES Exhibit C BCDC Jurisdiction

Ecological Consultants USACE & USFWS Shoreline Project

BCDC Application C2105.006.01

Legend r··•--,. L •••• J Project Boundary (157.31 ac)

Exhibit D Project Site and Aerial Photograph H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES

USAGE & USFWS Shoreline Project Ecological Consultants BCDC Application C2015.006.01





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D Reoch I Project BouncJc1ry (4�i.86 etc) Reocl 1 2 Project Bouncirny

Solt r•ond00Boy00CZMA other

[7,7� 100 fi Sho1eli11e Bor:d00CL-c:.-�J JURISDICTIONAL IMPACTS

Ecotone Portion

�] Sort Pond (29.2-1 oc) � Shoreline Bond (0.74 oc)00Im CZMA Other (0.07 oc)00FRM Levee Portion

Solt l'o,�cl (7 76 oc)0013oy (0,22 ClC) Srwreline Rand (0.74 oc) C'M,\ Othe1· (2 -12 oc)00

Permanent Construction Easement

� Solt f'ond (0 23 oc)00Sho1eline Bond (0.07 ocJ00

,---_! __!GM.", Other (1.19 oc)00Temporary Construction Easement

� Soii Pond (0.23 oc) S1,oreline Bond (0.02 oc) UM!\ Other (1.18 uc)

Excavation Portion

w� Solt Pond ( 1,29 oc)00CZMI\ Other (0.61 oc)

Ecological Consultants H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES

Exhibit E Reach I Levee and Ecotone

USACE & USFWS Shoreline Project00BCDC Application C2015,006 0100









Exhibit F Shoreline Project Levee



BCDC Application C2015.008.0l

.,,. -,,:

. .,,. 1',-

Tidal Middle and Mudflat High Marsh

MHW I 50 Year HTL Levee (9.58') 1(10.73') Crest

1----------- Alkalai Meadow Low Marah

Salina Seasonal


Note: All elevations are in ft NAVDBB

H.T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES Exhibit G 100 Years Projection, High Sea Level Rise Scenario Ecological Consultants

USACE & USFWS Shoreline Project BCDC Application C2015.006.01


• •

' C:=J Pllase I Shoreline Study Area


A19 A21 A20


Existing Bench

Existing Observation Platfonn

Pr oposed Location for Observation Plal!ilrrn or Interpretive Signs



- Guadalupe Trail

- Other Existing TraHs in Study

1 -*Proposed Bay Trail Future Reaches 9, 98, and 7A

-Alviso North WPCP South Levee Aligrwnent

Proposed Shoreline Phase I Trails

.. .. ... • · • Counties "· .. ...

:A 1,000

---=====::iMeters 0 500


0 3,000

Souroes: "San Jose Alviso Slough Pedeelrian Bridge Fea.siblity Study; NAJP 2010; B;iy Trall• • http;//www.baytra,l.0IJII (Aooessad 2014)

A11 A13

Exhibit H. Likely future trail alignment after completion of all phases of the Shoreline project.


Environmental Impact Documentation

CEQA Documentation

The State Clearinghouse Number is 2006012020. A Notice of Preparation was completed in September 2014.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report was completed in December 2014. The Final Environmental Impact

Report was completed in September 2015. The EIR was certified on March 22, 2016. The CEQA lead agency

is the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the contact is Michael Martin, who can be reached at (408) 630-


Appendix G is the Draft Integrated EIS/EIR (HDR 2014). Below is a brief summary of this document in less

than 10 pages. The following summary is excerpted from the CEQA Summary section of the document, from

pages CS-1 to CS-11.

CS CEQA Summary

CS-1 Summary

This document includes a draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) analyzing the

environmental effects of the Shoreline Phase I Project. The project would provide tidal flood

protection between Coyote Creek and the Guadalupe River, allow for the restoration of

approximately 2,000 acres of former salt ponds to tidal marsh, and recreational features.

This EIR has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act

(CEQA), to provide an objective analysis to be used by the CEQA lead agency (the Santa

Clara Valley Water District), as well as other agencies and the public, in their considerations

regarding the implementation, rejection, or modification of the Project as proposed. The EIR

itself does not determine whether the Project will be implemented or not; it only serves as an

informational document in the local planning and decision-making process. The purpose of

the draft EIR process is to develop and assess a recommended plan and alternatives for the

Project and to avoid and mitigate significant adverse effects on environmental resources, while

aiming to achieve the primary project objectives.

CS-2 Proposed Project

The SCVWD's preferred alternative, which is the Locally Preferred Project (Alternative 3� would include engineered levees along the western and northern outer levees of the New

Chicago Marsh along the existing margins of Ponds A12, A13, and A16 (Alviso North

alignment) and follow the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) levee that runs west to east

in a stair-step pattern along the north border (WPCP South ali ment) to protect against the gn

1percent tidal event with anticipated sea level rise; a tide gate across Artesian Slough;

restoration of Ponds A9, A10, Al 1, A12, A13, A14, A15, and A18; a transition ha�itat slope

South Bay Shoreline Phase I Study Project H. T. Harvey & Associates 90

SF BCDC Attachment


of 30:1 in Ponds A12 and A18; and multi-use trails on top of the new proposed flood risk

management levee with connection to the Bay Trail network, viewing platforms and benches,

and trail upgrades to be made to an existing segment of the Bay Trail system along State Route

237. The flood protection components would be constructed between 2017 and 2020.

Restoration of the ponds and recreation elements would take place between 2020 and 2031

with monitoring and adaptive management occurring throughout the period.

CS-4 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts

Chapter 4 Existing and Future Conditions / Affected Environment, Environmental

Consequences, and Mitigation Measures describes the potentially significant project-related

effects on the built and natural environments. The analyses in Chapter 4 identify a number of

potentially significant effects associated with the action alternatives; most of those effects

could be reduced to a less-than-significant level with the application of mitigation. The action

· alternatives would result in the following unavoidable adverse effects:

• Incompatibility with the New Chicago Marsh Water Management Plan (Section

4.3 Land Use) -Alternative 5 only.

• Loss / Disruption of Marsh Habitat in New Chicago Marsh (Section 4.7 Terrestrial

Biological Resources):

• Levee bisecting New Chicago Marsh effect on wildlife movement and

habitat connectivity -Alternative 4 only

• Levee alignment leaving all/part of New Chicago Marsh subject to tidal

flooding effect on population and habitat trends - project and cumulative

impact for Alternatives 4 and 5

• Incompatible with biological components of New Chicago Marsh Water

Management Plan -Alternatives 4 and 5

• Violate Air Quality Standard for NOx and ROG (Section 4.10, Air Quality) -All

action alternatives

• Short-term negative effect on visual character (Section 4.12, Aesthetics) -

Alternatives 4 and 5

• Long-term negative effect on visual character from Alviso (Section 4.12, Aesthetics)

- project and cumulative impact for Alternatives ·4 and 5

South Bay Shoreline Phase I Study Project H. T. Harvey & Associates91

SF BCDC Attachment August 30, 2017

• Substantial adverse effect to the Alviso Salt Ponds Historic Landscape (Section

4.15, Cultural Resources) - project and cumulative impact for all action alternatives

• Cumulative loss of pond habitat used by pond-specialist bird species (Section 4. 7

Terrestrial Biological Resources) - all action alternatives

• Cumulative temporary increase in noise levels (Section 4.13, Noise) - all action


CS-5 Potential Areas of Controversy

The loss of pond habitats due to the creation of tidal marsh was extensively debated during

the five year programmatic planning effort of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project

(2003-2008). The SBSP Restoration Project stated that the preferred alternative was up to 90%

of the project area be restored to tidal marsh in order to make up for the overwhelming loss

of the historic tidal wetland resources. However, the project also stated that several strategies

would be incorporated into the project to address impacts to the pond-specialist species. The

first major strategy is to enhance a carefully selected group of existing ponds to improve their

productivity, creating what are called "enhanced managed ponds". These are ponds that have

lower salinity levels, better ability to manage water levels and flows with new water control

structures, as well as islands for roosting and nesting. The second strategy for the SBSP

Restoration Project to prevent significant impacts to pond species is the Adaptive

Management process. Conversion of ponds to tidal wetlands will happen over time, in phases,

with monitoring and applied studies being incorporated into the process. Based on these

results, if undesired impacts appear, then corrective action would be taken or, possibly, the

conversion of ponds to tidal wetlands would stop. Since the Shoreline Study is closely

coordinated with the SBSP Restoration Project planning effort, a similar approach was

adopted to address the impacts of converting pond habitats to tidal wetlands. The ecosystem

restoration actions will be implemented in phases with monitoring and close integration with

the Adaptive Management Program of the SBSP Restoration Project.

CS-6 Issues to be Resolved

The final EIR for the Plant Master Plan for the San Jose/ Santa Clara Regional Wastewater

Facility includes a levee alignment between·Pond A18 and plant property that is not the same

alignment discussed in this report. The project proponents of the Shoreline Phase I Project

will continue to work with the City of San Jose and the regulatory agencies to coordinate the

two plans and develop a final alignment that serves both while minimizing adverse effects.

As noted throughout the report there is some uncertainty as to how various environmental

resources will respond to long term changes brought about by the Shoreline Phase I Project

and the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project. The project includes an extensive adaptive

South Bay Shoreline Phase I Study Project H. T. Harvey & Associates 92

SF BCDC Attachment August 30, 2017

management plan (Shoreline Stucfy Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan for Ecosystem

Restoration). As implementation of the project progresses, adaptive management will guide the

selection of the final mix of habitats. Since project construction will occur over more than 14

years, later phases will reflect lessons learned from earlier actions. Adaptive management may

also result in corrective measures being implemented for earlier phases.

South Bay Shoreline Phase I Study Project H. T. Harvey & Associates 93

SF BCDC Attachment August 30, 2017