PUBLIC SERVICES & INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE 9:15 A.M. packets/Public Services and...

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City of St. Petersburg


Meeting of OCTOBER 23, 2014 – 9:15 A.M.

City Hall, Room 100

Members and Alternates: Committee Chair William “Bill” Dudley, Vice Chair Steve Kornell,

Councilmembers Wengay Newton, Darden Rice, and James

Kennedy (alternate)

Support Staff: Brian Campbell, primary staff support; Blaise Mazzola, backup staff support

A. Call to Order

B. Approval of Agenda

C. Approval of Minutes

1. October 9, 2014

D. New Business

1. October 23, 2014

(a) Unimproved Alleys - Dave Goodwin

(b) Chain Link Fencing ( on Central) - Dave Goodwin

E. New Business / Referrals from Council - None

1. None.

F. Upcoming Meetings - September 29, 2011

1. November 24, 2014

(a) Towing Ordinance - Mark Winn

(b) Medical Marijuana - Committee

G. Adjournment

1. Attachments: Minutes of the October 9, 2014 Committee meeting & Pending and

Continuing Referral List


Public Services and Infrastructure Committee Meeting

October 9, 2014 @ 9:15 a.m.

PRESENT: Committee Chair Bill Dudley; Vice-Chair Steve Kornell, Councilmembers Wengay

Newton, Sr. and James Kennedy (alternate)

ABSENT: Councilmember Darden Rice

ALSO: Councilmembers Karl Nurse, Amy Foster, and Charlie Gerdes; City Attorney Michael

Dema; Support Staff: Brian Campbell, Information Technology Security

Officer/primary support staff; Blaise Mazzola, Claims Supervisor/backup support

staff; and Deputy City Clerk Patricia Beneby

Committee Chair Dudley opened the meeting with roll call. Councilmember Newton moved with the

second of Councilmember Kornell for approval of the Agenda. All were in favor of the motion.

Councilmember Newton moved approval of September 25, 2014 minutes as submitted. All were in

favor of the motion. Councilmember Kennedy noted that the matrix or cross-reference chart of the

existing tree ordinance was to be provided. The Chair responded that it was coming back to the


In connection with the new business, Duke Energy’s Clean (renewable) energy efforts in Florida, Mr.

Tim Heberlein of the Sierra Club provided presentation relating to Energy Efficiency. Mr. Heberlein

discussed the benefits of energy efficiency, combating the effects of climate disruption, how to

implement energy efficiency savings, and how energy efficiency means jobs. He further discussed

that 78% of Floridians say there should be limits on how much carbon pollution a power plant is able

to release and that energy efficiency is perceived as an important “building block” of the Clean Power

Plan’s by the public. Recommendations were: implement universal recycling, LED lighting,

continue efficient building construction and insulation, City energy audit, support Greenlight Pinellas,

and recommended Council submit a letter to the PSC not to make cuts to Energy Efficiency standards

set through the Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act. The Committee thanked Mr.

Heberlein for his presentation. Councilmember Newton discussed concerns of getting mixed

information. Councilmember Kornell moved with the second of Councilmember Kennedy to draft a

resolution to the Public Service Commission and the Pinellas County Legislative Delegation that the

Energy Efficiency Standards and Regulation by the Public Service Commission be increase. Roll

Call: Ayes: Dudley, Kornell, Kennedy. Nays. Newton. Absent. Rice

In connection with new business referrals from Councilmember Foster for due diligence efforts to

prepare for the implementation of regulations in the event that the Constitutional Amendment legalizing

medical marijuana is approved. Councilmember Kennedy moved with the second of Councilmember

Kornell to add item for discussion to the Public Services & Infrastructure Committee November 24, 2014

meeting. Roll Call: Ayes: Dudley, Kornell, Kennedy; Nays: Newton. Absent. Rice.

In connection with the new business referrals from Councilmember Rice, requesting an update and

discussion of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) safety investigations of airplane accidents at

Albert Whitted Airport, Councilmember Kornell moved with the second of Councilmember Kennedy to

Public Services and Infrastructure Committee Meeting

October 9, 2014

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add item for discussion to the Public Services & Infrastructure Committee November 24, 2014 meeting.

Roll Call: Ayes: Dudley, Kornell, Kennedy, Newton; Nays: None. Absent: Rice

The next meeting is scheduled for October 23, 2014.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.