Public Transport For Smart Cities

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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To be people’s chosen brand universally, in mobility solutions, by serving beyond their expectations for every journey whilst adding value to all stakeholders and society at large

Smart Mobility for

Smart City

Magic Motorways (freeways) will make congestion a thing of the past : Designer GM Futurama

This is what expert believed in 1939 :

Old Theory: Wider roads better mobility

Plan movement of Automobiles to manage Mobility

This is what they believed in 1960

“If we build enough highways, we can lick congestion” Robert Moses 1960

90% of the vehicles ( Scooters and Cars) carry only 23% people

1% vehicles ( buses) carry 27% people

Balance Investment between Roads , NMT , Pedestrian and Public Transport InfrastructureBalance Investment between Roads , NMT , Pedestrian and Public Transport Infrastructure

Smart theory : Plan Mobility of people

Carry more people and not vehicles

2015 - We still Plan for Automobiles

• Believe flyovers can solve Mobility problems!

• Believe widening of road is the right solution!

• People will manage their own mobility!

• Mobility would improve if Government build road and bridges!

How can we avoid this in smart city

• Advertising slogans or reality “Public Ka Naya Transport”

Effect of ignoring investment in Pedestrian, NMT & Public Transport infrastructure

Growth of personal vehicles. Diminishing percentage of Public transport

Urban population V/S Number of buses







Population in Mn.

Russia S.Korea Turkey India Brazil Japan Germany Mexico

Buses in Thousand







Population Buses

“Transport is NOT a technical problem.

It is a political decision”-Enrique Penalosa, Former Mayor, Bogota

Reduction in number of vehicles on Road means less traffic problems, pollution and accidents

Less expenditure on Road Building means more resources available for other improvements

Less consumption of fuel means Saving on Foreign exchange and scarce natural resource..

Less Expenditure on travel and reduced journey time

Enhanced Productivity and more quality time to citizens

Good Public Transport can make city Smart

City will become efficient , effective and sustainable

Key features of high quality transit

BRT Metro LRT monorail

Dedicated ROW

Safe, easy step less boarding

Electronic fare payment

Real-time passenger information

High quality service can attract users from personal vehicles

BRT does some things that others don’t

BRT Metro LRT monorail

Quick & easy access to stations /Capacity over > 20,000 pphpd

Multiple services per corridor

Express services

Affordability for customers & the city

Develop People friendly integrated Public transport

Improve quality of life and not cost of life

Seoul built a 5.4 km highway through its City Center. It cost over $100 million in the 1970s

Today they have taken it down. 65 additional flyovers are slated for removal

Before 1970 After 2005

We can learn from others mistakes and leap frog 35 years by adopting modern urban concepts & designs

Build cities for People and not for Automobiles

Making decision makers aware

Monorail: 6.7 km

Underground metro: 2.5 km

Plan to serve larger population in given budget

BRT: 67 km

Elevated metro: 5.0 km

What can be built with - 1,000 Cr.?

Transit capacity PHPD

Plan according to traffic requirement

Mode of travel

Things to consider seriously in Indian context

Cost per corridor of 100KM / 10 years BRT Metro

Infrastructure 150 Cr. 2500 Cr.

Cost of the 26 BRTS AC buses 16 Cr. -

Running cost for ten years @ present value 245 Cr. Not Known

Total cost of running corridor for 10 Yrs. 401 Cr.

Delhi metro Capital cost - Rs. 29000 Cr. carry 27 lac passengers per day DTC with less than 1/10 capital cost carry 50 Lac passengers per day

No Route Total Traffic PHPD

1 Satara Road 200000 14000

2 Sholapur Road 150000 10000

3 Yerawada to Vishrant wadi 60000 4000

4 Ahemad Nagar Road 40000 3000

5 Sinhgarh Road 34000 3000

7 Mundhwa By Pass 34000 3000

12 Sangamwadi to Kharadi 100000 7000

13 Paud Road 20000 2000

14 Old Mumbai Road 500000 35000

15 Yerawada To Bhairobanala 100000 7000

16 Baner Road 60000 4000


Example Pune

Capital cost of proposed Pune Metro - 11500 Cr. Serve less than 2 lac passengers/day ( 2% of Population)

Capital cost of 3000 buses - 1000 cr. Annual cost of operation - 900 cr. ( less than interest on metro capital) Serve 25 lac passenger/day ( 25% of population)

Metro is aspiration, more of a feel good factor but Buses can serve ten times more people at 10 % cost.

Case: Pune Metro

It is not about Rail or Bus, it is about serving more people

Way forward

Step 1 : Plan smartly

Let us build Smart city for “People” not for Automobiles • City which is sustainable and makes citizens efficient & effective

• Where technology is used for betterment of Peoples life

• Where Mobility is a pleasure and not a torture

• Where People have more respect than Vehicles.

• Where children can freely go to school, cycling or walking

• Where people have many opportunities to make friends.

• City with lot of greenery, play grounds and public places to keep citizens

happy & healthy.

To be people’s chosen brand universally, in mobility solutions, by serving beyond their expectations for every journey whilst adding value to all stakeholders and society at large

Thank You !!