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Post on 08-Apr-2017

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A Feminist Response to Pop Culture

Analyzed by: Courtney Sikora, Tiffany Kee, and Shayla Rollins

Magazine and Online Forum

General Info: Bitch Media is a nonprofit organization and they publish in Bitch: Feminist Response to pop culture. Mission Statement: “To provide and encourage an engaged thoughtful feminists response.” Bitch was launched in 1996, after the founders were provoked from an episode of 90210 and desired a forum to allow feminists to unite in rant. Their first response was in the Chicago Tribune calling Bitch a “Breath of journalistic fresh air blowing through the newsstand”. By 2009 they officially changed the name from simply Bitch to “Bitch Media” bringing to light their efforts as a nonprofit.

Purpose: To raise awareness of pop culture through a feminist lens. The name Bitch

was chosen because it is paired with an unspoken women and they have created a forum

for commentation based on values of community and activism, diversity and open communication, engagement and mutual respect. They are published and available

through twitter, facebook, flickr, and youtube. They also make a news post every week with

ways to get involved in Feminist Activism. Pictures taken from Google Images

Magazine and Online ForumAudience:The intended audience based on a content quote from website: “We are also uniquely situated to draw in young readers who are at a critical moment in their lives—a moment when they are discovering feminism and activism, finding answers to who they are, and questioning the definitions of gender, sexuality, power and agency prescribed by the mainstream media. Bitch not only plays a role in exploring these topics, it also provides a toolkit for engaging in analysis that promotes activism and impels social change.”

Visual Identity:The kind of personality that Bitch Media represents is that of a funny and feminist approach. Their image is created by not only their content but the trendy and graphic images and typography. Each title for their various articles are full of colors, images, and funky text. Their voice is strong and hilariously sarcastic. They lay things out in a typical way, and use a graphic designer who draws you in with their images. The article looks interesting on the homepage which compels the viewer to want to click to see more. Pictures taken from Google Images

Magazine and Online Forum

Subjects: The subject matter of Bitch Media consists of criticisms focusing on books, music, movies, and tv. In particular, some basic topics are: black women and police brutality, competitive dance, fat women’s sexuality, women boxers, Courtney Love, amish culture, and how women in pop are carrying the mantle of Afrofuturism. Most of the articles contain analysis of the arts and humanities while some others refer to the feminist perspective ofthe forum.

Criticism Genre: Bitch Media provides a feminist perspective of commentary and analysis on TV, Film, Music, Advertising and some books. Other topics available to peruse incisive reviews with feminists artists, thinkers, culture makers, and activists.

Pictures taken from Google Images

How this forum addresses needs of arts enthusiasts

Bitch Media fulfills the needs of arts enthusiasts by providing news feeds about current events in TV, media, and news. It also meets these needs for the women viewers through advertisements directed towards womanly needs. Bitch also covers topics within the articles that pertain to feminist views in regards to the areas of pop culture this website covers. Through the critical articles about current events in pop culture, it provides a source for enthusiasts to view and comment about their opinion on the subject matter. The format of this forum creates an outlet for feminists to unite and discuss opinions on all areas of pop culture that are covered by Bitch. The articles are purposefully written to instigate conversation and therefore can educate and entertain the audience that participates. Pictures taken from BitchMedia’s Home Page

How this forum addresses purposes of arts enthusiasts

The purpose of this forum is to write and create a space for feminists to unite and provide feedback and personal opinions on various subject matters covered. Enthusiasts typically enjoy being heard and hearing out what other enthusiasts have to say. With that in mind Bitch Media provides a forum that allows feminists a place to initiate a discussion amongst enthusiasts and fellow feminists. As a news media/pop culture media site it meets the purpose of users by fulfilling their reasons for coming to the page to begin with - to bring themselves up to date with current events. Many of the topics brought up are controversial and lay the foundation for debate and discussion. As an outlet for discussion Bitch Media meets the purposes of enthusiasts by the various forum layouts for those who enjoy podcasts vs. articles or blogs etc. Bitch Media is informative, opinionated and sensationally addressed towards the feminist population.

How this forum addresses interests of arts enthusiasts

Bitch Media addresses the interests of arts enthusiasts by pertaining to current events that involve feminist ideas. Each article they have published in their magazine has catchy titles and visual appeal. They draw you in with not only pictures, but the design of the articles shows interest as well. The first thing that draws interest is their obscure name. The meaning of Bitch came from the original perception of the term as an outspoken women. This is exactly what they wanted! Bitch was a place where feminists could express their unfiltered opinion. The ads are directed towards the opinionated female audience and are of interest to the users personal preferences in various categories, such as reusable pads and sex symposium events.

Pictures taken from BitchMedia’s Home Page

An Artist is Covering Washington, D.C. With Portraits of Congresswomen

This article was about an artist making a feminist statement. This statement being that only 20 percent of federal representatives and senators are women. The artist is Stephanie Rudig who drew 103 pen and ink drawings of each individual congresswoman currently in the field. She just recently finished the project where she plastered her hand-drawn portrait of every female member of the 113th Congress on objects around Washington, D.C. The project, is called SHE-SPAN. She hopes that people will look at washington's monuments and take a glance at her drawings as to make her point.

It looks like they captured the concept well, but in a framed fashion. They did give the background information and went in to cheer her on but there was no mention to the downsides that the art may have caused. Bitch Media does not seem to take other viewpoints into account when they speak on their feminist subjects. Instead of stating both sides with the positives and a little bit of the negatives I find that they are very much one or the other. This is a problem if they are asking for donations especially because if they want to continue then maybe they need to make it easier for people to want to help. Praise is nice but with a non-profit forum this type of approach makes it hard to jump on board their wagon because it is too one sided. It is obvious that they are feminist but if their writing continues to be this all or nothing standpoint when it comes to women activism then people may be a little intimidated and turned off to join/help. I understand that their name suggests that there will be some controversy involved but considering that they are a non-profit asking for help, it might be more appealing to detonators and enthusiasts if they would consider adding a little bit of other viewpoints.

Article Evaluation #1:

Pictures taken from BitchMedia

“Babes in Danceland”Article Evaluation #2:

This article focuses on dancing and how it has become more sexualized over the years. Girls of younger and younger age are beginning to partake in risky dance moves just to be noticed. The article specifically talks about the TV show Dance Moms with head director Abby Lee Miller. There is a lot of controversy about provocative dance moves. Miller seems to agree that they are necessary to be on top and to get noticed. Others who had commentary on the article seem to disagree and believe it only makes it hard for young girls in a society like this to think acting provocatively is okay.

The criticisms in this article are shown from different interviewees throughout the article. Pent, an 18 year old dancer who danced at Abby Lee’s dance studio agrees that young dancers are what are very popular right now. Because of this, choreographers are giving them mature dance pieces. Another critic was against the idea of young girls having the choices made for them without any input from the dancers themselves. She believes they should be 18, an adult, and be able to make the choice to dance how they want. Each criticism makes a very valid argument whether or not you are for or against sexualized dancing. They explain with detail and example just how important it is to be noticed and recognized in the dancing industry and what it takes to get there. Those are the critics who endorse the dancing versus those who don’t think it’s appropriate for such young girls to be expressing themselves like that even if it wasn’t their choice. This article does a great job of criticism because it not only shows one view of criticism, but multiple views and why they would each coincide with both sides of the argument.

Pictures taken from Google Images

Article Evaluation #2:

She-Hulk, Attorney At LawArticle Evaluation #3:

Tammy Oler wrote this piece bringing to light the lack of feminine super heroes that are more than sex figures. She-Hulk is a Lawyer by day and a superhero by night catching all those who have done wrong while fighting and winning her cases, no matter how disturbing they may be. In fact, the more disturbing the case the larger the need for She-Hulk to bust out and make everything just.

This article represents a solid example of a piece of criticism directed towards the arts and humanities enthusiast crowd. The subject matter is inherently relatable to the arts and humanities, and is written in a manner meant for those who are engaged enthusiasts, based on the vernacular and assumptions by the author of the audiences knowledge of Marvel and the various series they have created. The criticism presented in this article is honest without being harsh by describing the duality that Jennifer (by day) and She-Hulk (by night) is challenged by from being a successful professional struggling with insecurities of feeling small, that get flipped when she turns into She-Hulk and her inner sex goddess emerges. The article wraps up by stating the strength of She-Hulk’s character as a strong woman in all aspects of her life, whether in her legal life, or her insanely strong and green life. From Bitch Media

MLA Work Cited

● Falk, Julia. Bitch Media, 2013. Magazine Publishing. Web March 8, 2015.

● Jacobs, Julia. “Babes in Danceland.” Bitch Media, 2014. Web March 10, 2015.

● Mirk, Sarah. "An Artist is Covering Washington, D.C. with Portraits of Congress Women." Bitch Media, Feb. 4, 2015. Web . Mar. 13, 2015.

● Oler, Tammy. “She-Hulk, Attorney at Law.” Bitch Media. Bitch Media, 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.● Pictures taken from Google Images (picture icons)