Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

Post on 23-Oct-2014

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The scarecrows from the 2012 Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail.


Pucklechurch Scarecrow Trail 2012

Find the answers to the clues you couldn’t guess!

1. Admiral Nelson

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

2. Hilda and Stan Ogden

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

3. Dennis the Menace

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

4. John Lennon

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

5. W. G. Grace

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

6. Elton John

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

7. One Direction

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

8. Damien Hirst

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

9. Sherlock Holmes

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

10. Sir Isaac Newton

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

11. Dick Whittington

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

12. Florence Nightingale

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

13. Peter Rabbit

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

14. Nell Gwynn

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

15. Eddie the Eagle

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

16. King Henry VIII

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

17. Wallace and Gromit

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

18. Gordon Ramsey

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

20. Aunt Sally

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

21. Robin Hood

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

22. The Spice Girls

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

23. Queen Elizabeth II

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

24. Robert Falcon Scott

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

25. Beatrix Potter

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

26. Mr Bean

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

27. Ken Dodd

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

28. Basil Fawlty

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

29. John Wesley

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

30. Jonathan Edwards

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

31. William Shakespeare

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

32. Peter Pan

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

33. Frankenstein

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

34. Emily or Emmeline Pankhurst

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

35. Sir Winston Churchill

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

36. Boris Johnson

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

37. Fred Dibnah

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

38. Margaret Thatcher

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

39. Gary Lineker

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

40. Amy Winehouse

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

41. Bear Grylls

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

42. Lord Baden Powell

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

43. Shaun the Sheep

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

44. James Bond

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

45. Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

46. Rory McIlroy

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

47. Matilda

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

48. Twiggy

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

49. Lord Alan Sugar: the winning scarecrow in 2012

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012

50. Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Pucklechurch Scarecrow Competition and Trail 2012