Pukhraj Aloe Vear Juice for Hypertension- Presentation

Post on 07-May-2015

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Pukhraj Aloe Vera juice helps with blood pressure because it dilates capillaries and enhances circulation. Aloe vera has vitamin C which has been shown to help lower blood pressure, It decreases total cholesterol levels, triglyceride, phosholipid, nonesterified fatty acid levels. It increases HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) levels and also HDL/Total cholesterol ratios. Pukhraj Aloe Vera contains major Antioxidents like Vitamin C, a and E. They reduce risk of heart attack and offer a vital protection against death from coronary disease.


By- Dipankar Dey


Blood pressure is the amount of force on the

walls of the arteries as the blood circulates

around the body


What Is Blood Pressure?


ArteryThe outermost layer is composed of

connective tissue made up of collagen fibres.

Inside layer is made up of smooth muscle cells and elastic tissue

Dilation of Artery

Circulation of Blood Containing Red Blood Cells & White Blood Cells

Accumulation of macrophage W.B.C. and promoted by LDL Cholesterol (yellow dots) under

the base line of Intima.

The body's immune system responds to the damage to the artery wall caused by oxidized LDL by sending specialized

white blood cells to absorb the oxidized-LDL forming specialized foam cells.

The cholesterol plaque causes the muscle cells to enlarge and form a hard cover over the affected area. This hard cover is what causes a narrowing of the artery, reduces

the blood flow and increases blood pressure.


The white blood cells that move in to repair the damaged artery make the lining sticky, more fatty deposits adhere,

and the plaque gets bigger.

Eventually chemical substances destroy the plaque

The plaques that have built up in the arteries break off and get clotted. This blood clot may block off the already narrow artery

causing a Heart Attack.


High Blood Pressure

When the normal regulatory mechanisms fail, hypertension develops.

Hypertension is so dangerous because it gives off no warning signs or symptoms

Over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.


• 95% ‘not known’

• 5% underlying disease

Genetics 40%

Environment 55% (lifestyle)

Signs & Symptoms

Primary Hypertension is called the “Silent killer”,

because it is frequently asymptomatic- meaning “without symptoms”.

But internally, it can quietly damage the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain, and kidneys if left untreated.

Severe Hypertension may have symptoms, such as:Chest pain, Difficulty breathing, Nervousness,Sweating, Difficulty sleeping.

Salt and Sodium

Treatment of Hypertension

Factors Influencing The Development of Hypertension

1. Age :

2. Race :

3. Family History:

4. Excess Weight :

6. Sodium intake :

> 25 BMI

Less active individuals are 30-50% more

likely to develop hypertension.5. Inactivity :

Blood pressure of certain population is affected by salt consumption

You have a greater risk if a family member (Parents or Sibling) has high blood pressure

Young adulthood & middle aged men (>40 yrs of age). For Women after the age of 50 yrs.

In people who have a gene that makes them salt-sensitive, are likely to develop hypertension.

7. Low Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium Intake

Factors Influencing The Development of Hypertension

8. Tobacco Use

9. Alcohol Intake

10. Stress

11. Diabetes

12. Kidney Disease

13. High Cholesterol


Daily Sodium Intake

1 Tsp salt = 6 grams and contains about 2.4 g of Sodium

(and 3.6 g of chloride).

• Recommendation: Everyone reduce daily sodium intake to 2.4 g.

• Those with high blood pressure get reduce Sodium to ≤ 1.5 g a day.

Some Foods with a lot of Sodium

Potato chips,

Salted crackers,



Fast foods,

Pastries and cakes,


Soy sauce,


Commercially prepared soups,

Frozen or canned peas,



A good balance between Sodium & Potassium is 1:3

For 1.5 g Sodium you should aim for 4.5 g Potassium.

• Meat and Potatoes are Healthy --nothing beats a potato for potassium -- roast, bake, mash

• Winter foods like sweet potatoes,

• Roasted veggies

• Soups with natural meat broth and veggies, tomatoes,

• Fishes are rich in K+

• Fruits - berries, bananas, citrus, melons, grapes, raisins, apricots

• Nuts - peanuts, almonds

Some Foods with Potassium


Possibly Effective for Hypertension !

Dark or Milk Chocolate 50-100 grams/day:

- lowers diastolic by 2.8 mmHg in normal & hypertensive people.

- modestly lowers systolic by 4.7 mmHg and

- provides 213-500 mg of cocoa polyphenols,

Chocolate Myths

• Chocolate is loaded with saturated fat and is bad for your cholesterol.

Fact: Stearic acid, the main saturated fat found in milk chocolate is unique. It doesn’t raise cholesterol levels like other types of saturated fats. In fact, eating chocolate bar has been shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

• Chocolate lacks any nutritional value.

Fact: Chocolate is a good source of magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. It also contains polyphenols (antioxidant) that have been associated with a decreased risk of coronary disease.

Effects of Aloe Vera on Hypertension

• Aloe Vera juice dilates capillaries and enhances blood circulation.

• Aloe Vera extract if injected into the blood, greatly multiplies the oxygen transportation

• Aloe Vera has been shown to:1. Decrease total cholesterol levels, triglyceride, phospholipid levels.2. Increase HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) levels

• If there is too much Bradykinin (a group of protein) in blood, it can weaken and damage blood vessels. Carboxypeptidase, an ingredient in aloe vera, can inactivate Bradykinin.

• Homocysteine in blood can damage the lining of your arteries. It also increases the risk of a blood vessel blockage.

Vitamin B12 in aloe vera helps break down homocysteine into harmless amino acid.

Thank you

Control Your Blood Pressure With Pukhraj Aloe Vera Juice