Punctuation slide

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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“ In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the

Most Merciful. ”

Hello Everyone!

Group B

Ubaid zahoorAzhar shabir

Muhammad rabiKinza ahmed

STEVE JOBS (1955 – 2011)

Your time is limited . So, don’t waste it living someone else’sLife.


Punctuation allows the authors writing to be easy to read and understandable for the reader.• Hyphen• Comma• Question mark• Quotation mark• Period• Exclamation mark• Square brackets• Braces• Colon• Angle brackets

Braces {}

Braces { }, also known as curly brackets, are used in various programing languages, certain mathematical expressions. They should never be used in place of parentheses or square brackets. 

Colon (,)

The colon is used to introduce a list of items.


The bookstore specializes in art, architecture, and graphic design.

Angle brackets <>

In the early days of the internet, angle brackets were sometimes used to enclose an email or web address. This was thought to avoid confusion about whether certain punctuation marks belonged to the address or the surrounding sentence.



Hyphen (-)

• The sign (-) used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning.

• To indicate the division of a word at the end of the line.

• To indicate a missing element.


• What is hyphen used for?


• Run – Down

• Up – to –Date

• Son – in - Law

Use of hyphen in number

Hyphen is also used in Numbers.

For Example: Thirty – Two, Forty - Nine

Square bracket [ ]

Latin word “SIC” which mean “Sothen”pair to group things together. Square Brackets [] are also called Box Brackets.


What is the use of Square Bracket?


Are brackets also known as Parentheses?


Reply the text received on your smartphone.

Sms polling

Thank you guys!