Pupil Voice 1

Post on 14-May-2015

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What do we know about successfully harnessing student voice in schools?

Cass Unit Seminar DCSF, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London

October 23rd, 20072.00pm – 4.00pm

Professor Michael FieldingInstitute of Education, University of London

Dr Bethan MorganTeaching Associate

Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

Presentation Structure

Section 1: Overview: Michael Fielding

Section 2: Findings from the TLRP Network and Related

Projects: Donald McIntyre & Bethan Morgan

Section 3 The Way Forward: all presenters

Recent Contexts

Changing view of childhood UN Convention on Rights of the Child 1989 School improvement OfSTED Inspection framework Citizenship + Healthy Schools Consumerism Children’s Commissioner Work of Professor Jean Rudduck 19-21C educational imaginary (David Hargreaves) Factory personalised education for all Segregated roles overlapping roles Producer led user led

Immediate Contexts

Government Legalisation / Initiatives / Research Every Child Matters Personalised Learning: The East Sussex Project ‘Real Decision Making? School Councils in Action’ ‘Working Together: Giving children and young people a say’

NGOs / Foundations Esmée Fairbairn / Carnegie YPI

Academic Research + Publications ESRC TLRP ‘Consulting Pupils about T&L’ ESRC Seminars ‘Engaging Critically with PV’ Cumulative work of e.g. Fielding, McIntyre, Rudduck, Thomson Journal Special Issues e.g. Discourse, Educational Action Research,

Forum, Improving Schools, International Journal for Leadership in Education + 2007 International Handbook (Thiessen + Cook-Sather)

Personalised Learning Charles Leadbeater

‘The foundation of a personalised education systemwould be to encourage children, from an early age andacross all backgrounds, to become more involved inmaking decisions about what they would like tolearn and how.’• Choice: users as consumers within institutions, not just

between them e.g. how you learn, what you learn, how you are assessed

• Voice: users as citizens and co-designers of services e.g. Students as Researchers

• Professionals as advisers, advocates, solution assemblers, brokers

Requests for evidence of impact of consultation on pupil achievement ...

• ‘These [requests] cannot be responsibly met before we are sure that schools understand the rationale for developing pupil voice and are implementing it in reasonable ways’ [i.e. not just quick fix surveys in the last few seconds of the lesson]

• ‘There is evidence of the potential of consultation to strengthen pupils’ commitment to learning, but not the kind of proof i.e. a direct cause and effect link – that government has wanted: it is clear that successful implementation depends very much on the culture of the classroom and school and that the approach to consultation and its impact are, therefore, likely to show considerable variation across schools.’

• ‘Nevertheless, in settings where consultation is thoughtfully developed the signs are encouraging.’

Chapter 13 Rudduck & McIntyre (2007 forthcoming)

Range of Student Voice Activities

Peer support

Buddying systems Peer tutoring

Peer teaching Circle timeOrganisational change structures

School councils Student governors

Students on appointment panels

School Improvement Plans e.g. draw-and-write

Healthy Schools OfSTED ECMEngagement with T & L

Lead-learners Classroom observation AfL

Student co-researchers student-led learning walks

‘Students-as-researchers’ Dept development plans

Evaluating work units Classroom consultation

5 perspectives on education

Exposes + challenges deep assumptions. Offers alternatives, often rooted in radical traditions

Challenges the system to

Transcend itRadical

Different slant on existing assumptions, often inspired by new developments in business

Unsettles the system to

Renew itRenewal

Adjustments to existing system in the light of feedback

Champions the system to

Embed itReaffirm

Rejection of the market + return to holistic emphasis

Unsettles the system to

Retrieve itRestorative

Return to ‘proven’ methods + arrangements perceived to

promote social mobility

Unsettles the system to

Correct itCorrective

Student Involvement Typology(1)

Pupil / student attitude surveys

Samples of pupil / student work

Individual performance data

Pupils / Students as

Data Source

Appointment panels

Team agenda + pupil perceptions

AfL lead learnersPupils / Students as

Active Respondents

Joint review of rewards system

CPGS ‘History Dudettes’

Developing independent learning

Pupils / Students as


Low level bullying

Is playground buddying system working?

What Makes a Good Lesson?

Pupils / Students as

Knowledge Creators

Staff + pupil / student Learning Walks

Develop unit /department research lesson

Co-plan Maths Lesson

Pupils / Students + Adults as Co-authors

Joint Enquiry

SchoolUnit / TeamClassroom

Student Involvement Typology (2)

PISA surveySamples of pupil / student work

SATs + Exam data

Pupils / Students as

Data Source

Advocate youth parliaments / student councils

Consultation on 14-19 learner entitlement

Pupils / Students as

Active Respondent

Welsh Children’s

Commissioner – ‘Funky Dragon’

School-led anti-bullying week

Pupils / Students as


OBESSUOrganising Bureau of European School Students Unions

ESSAEnglish Secondary School Students’ Association

Portsmouth SV conference ‘respect’ project

Pupils / Students as Knowledge

CreatorsPupils / Students +

Adults as Co-authors

Joint Enquiry

InternationalNationalLocal Authority

Student / pupil voice & Students

Develop capacity to reflect on learning greater control over how you learn + how to improve it

Respected, listened to + taken seriously positive sense of self

Views make a difference to how things are done in school + classroom change agentry

New capacity to take on roles + responsibilities Sense of belonging - more positive membership of

class + school See teachers differently

Student / pupil voice & Teachers

Being positively surprised by students more open perception of young people’s capabilities and attitudes

Experiencing + enjoying a different way of working with students renewed sense of excitement in teaching

Positive agenda for improvement insights that help their professional development

Seeing positive changes as a result of student voice engagement

Student / pupil voice & Schools

A practical agenda for change that teachers + pupils can identify with

Better engagement with school and school learning (students + staff)

Enhanced mutual respect, trust + recognition between pupils and teachers

Improved teaching + learning Developing a distinct ethos and identity for the

school Developing the school as a learning organisation /


Ongoing challenges (1)

Current context - teacher tensions

Conflict between responsiveness to pupils and the nationally imposed agenda

Pressures of time + curriculum coverage Lack of institutional support Beyond pockets of isolated practice (role of LA +

national + international networks) Consumerism or democratic agency? e.g. “You’re

no good, no bullet points, too much thinking, not thick enough files”

Ongoing challenges (2)

Using students? Refusing the role of ‘quality assurance donkeys’ Ventriloquising predictable outcomes / teacher

approved ideas ‘Beating up’ teachers?

National context over time … Class, race, gender, inclusion Ability grouping +labelling (inc. institutional)

Taking ‘student voice’ seriously (1)

Purposes + Values Why is this work being encouraged / resisted? In whose interests? How does it connect with policy contexts?

Power + Control Who is allowed to speak? About what? Who gets heard? By whom? Who is listening? Why?

Capacities + Attitudes How are the appropriate skills developed? How do people regard / care for each other? Are they taking it seriously? Do some people feel threatened?

Taking ‘student voice’ seriously (2)

Systems + structures Appropriate systems and structures? Public /communal, as well as smaller, more intimate

spaces to make meaning of recommendations and decide what should be done?

Action + Responsibilities What actually happens? Who decides? Who has responsibility for embedding the change? How do we hold ourselves / each other to account? How is the change monitored and evaluated? By


Section 2

Findings from the TLRP Network and

Related Projects

Professor Donald McIntyre &

Dr Bethan Morgan

Strategies for Classroom Consultation

The seductive attractiveness of ‘informal’ or ‘embedded’ consultation Developing the conditions for trusting dialogue Economy and power Direct consultation, indirect consultation, or pupils as researchers The importance of focusing on the particular The danger of working with selected pupils Guiding principles

What kinds of teachers and teaching do pupils want?

Research studies reveal a very high degree of consensus across pupils, irrespective of age-group, previous success in school, subject or research study:

the centrality of teacher-pupil relationships

humanity, fairness, consistency respect and sensitivity positive attitude and enthusiasm

What kinds of teachers and teaching do pupils want?

Four central and consistent characteristics of pupils’ preferred teaching approaches:

meaningful learning, making connections avoiding tedium togetherness a measure of autonomy

What do pupils say about their own teachers?

Pupils take consultation very seriously They tend to accentuate the positive They are also ready to identify unhelpful practices They suggest modifications, use contrasts, and suggest constructive alternatives

What do pupils say about the social conditions for their classroom

learning? ‘A cacophony of competing voices’*:

Sharp contrast between the consensus about preferred teaching approaches and the strong differences in classroom experiences, even in the same classrooms – differentiation and polarisation

The destructive impact of ability labelling and social class differentiation Gender differences Peer-group relations Lack of control

* Arnot & Reay (2004)

What do pupils say about being consulted?

The great potential of pupil consultation The central importance of teachers’ authentic engagement Thoughts on different methods of consultation The contribution of consultation to learning:

teaching practices that really help learning greater enjoyment leading to better learning improved teacher-pupil relationships

Teachers’ responses to what pupils say

Why have teachers not consulted pupils previously? Teachers impressed by seriousness, insightfulness and constructive nature of pupil comments Teacher criteria in assessing pupil comments:

educational effectiveness validity practicality representativeness

Teachers’ responses to what pupils say

Teachers found little difficulty in identifying a package of pupil ideas that they could use In practice, teachers varied:

in attitudes in their practical situations in their confidence and expertise

The most powerful constraint seems to be perceived conflict between:

responsiveness to pupils and the nationally imposed agenda

The potential impact of consultation on pupils and teachers

Pupils: Changed attitudes to school and to learning Changed perceptions of teachers Stronger sense of school and class membership Developing capacity to reflect on learning New capacity to take on new roles and responsibilities Positive impact on sense of self

The potential impact of consultation on pupils and teachers

Teachers: More open perception of young people’s capabilities

and attitudes Readiness to change thinking Renewed sense of excitement in teaching Practical agenda for improvement

Teacher - pupil relationships: Enhanced mutual respect, trust and recognition

Reservations, anxieties and constraints

From the teacher perspective: Pressures of time and curriculum coverage Lack of institutional support Varied views of the pupils being taught Concerns about possible criticism Balancing individual and group perspectives

From the pupil perspective: Uncertainty about the acceptability of criticising teachers Believing that consultation is for all pupils

Conditions for Developing Classroom Consultation

Conditions in the classroom: trust, respect, recognition

Conditions in the school: An explicit policy commitment within the School Advocacy by institutional leader Enabling structures and practices A school culture that values and listens to all staff A culture of enquiry among teachers A tradition of pupil involvement in decisions

Section 3

Ways Forward . . .

Positive developments (1)

Evidence of reciprocal benefits to students + staff at classroom / team / dept / school levels

Emerging synergy of national policies across departments and sectors driven by:

(a) public service reform (b) need to engage wide range of young people in

political + social renewal

Broadly positive response of professionals, though concerns about other antagonistic aspects of policy (test + performance culture, time demands, curriculum pressure )

Positive developments (2)

Building momentum across the country with certain areas developing significant expertise

A number of universities involved in high quality ‘development & research’ work with schools, LAs and government organisations

NGOs, Foundations and NFP organisations supporting a range of work

Fledgling evidence of radical, prefigurative work against the grain ‘practical conscience of democratic way of life’

Creative Renewal and Radical Changewithin the same educational system

Creative renewal SSAT work on Student Voice ‘Inspiring schools’ network

Radical change future practice nowe.g. Centre for Radical State Education, London Institute

Current practice e.g. The Wroxham School, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire Bishops Park College, Clacton, Essex

Rich legacy of our radical state traditions e.g. Alex Bloom - St George-in-the-East, Stepney, London Teddy O’Neill - Prestolee Elementary School, Stoneclough

Key role of HEI e.g. Universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, East Anglia,

Leicester, London, Manchester, Nottingham, and Sussex + Manchester Metropolitan and Open Universities

Support + sustainabilityClassrooms + Departments

ClassroomsSupport & Sustainability through

Staff (including TAs) pairing / mutual support + observation network within dept and / or within the school

Support from T&L / SV post-holderDepartment / Team / Unit

Departmental commitment through e.g. space at Dept meetings / dept publicity + bulletins / internal cover arrangements

Depts encouraged + resourced centrally

Support + sustainabilitySchool

SLT member with SV responsibility SV embedded at multiple levels and sites of formal

and informal learning SV systemically integrated into ongoing

development and review processes Advocacy + modelling by school leaders School culture that values + listens to all staff Culture of enquiry / research amongst teachers

Support + sustainabilityLocal Authority + Networks

LA development plan Involvement of advisers who can make connections

with other agendas + priorities AST for SV + ‘link teachers’ in schools Emergent structures + cultures Good admin + communication infrastructure Co-constructed SV strategy + capacity-building

approach Link to research base + external practice Explicit synergy + inclusive coherence

Support + sustainabilityNational policy

Replace debilitating performance pressure with enabling, inclusive accountability e.g. Bishops Park College, Clacton ‘Research Forum’ model

Begin to encourage more emergent models of curriculum

Teacher voices - treat teachers as agents, not just objects, of public service reform

Value and support the role of prefigurative practice (future practice now)

Future research (1) Classroom practice + student voice:teaching realities, teacher capacities

Building on earlier, small scale research(e.g. McIntyre & Pedder, Arnot & Reay)

How do teachers incorporate, sustain and make effective use of high-quality organic approaches to SV in their own classrooms?

Teachers need to listen to all pupils. How do these approaches address issues of social class, gender, race and inclusion?

Future research (2) Leadership, SV and the systemic revisioning + renewal of schools

Working with a range of volunteerSenior Leadership Teams

What is the nature and development of high quality systemic support for SV that operates organically at multiple levels in diverse contexts?

Future research (3) External support for student voice

Given the increasing importance of schools’ external networks and support systems in developing

and sustaining creative approaches to education

What can we learn from successfulLA practice (e.g. Bedfordshire, Portsmouth)University engagement (e.g. Cambridge, Sussex)Voluntary sector (e.g. SCUK)

that will enable SV to be embedded and sustained in regional + national networks?

Future research (4) Future practice now

Researching past and current examples of prefigurative practice, i.e. highly creative practice significantly ahead of their time

What can be learned from these inevitably small number of instances about

different ways of working the role and effect of such exemplars on

mainstream educational practice?

Selected References

Arnot, M., McIntyre, D., Pedder, D. & Reay, D. (2004) Consultation in the classroom: Developing dialogue about teaching and learning, (Cambridge, Pearson).

Fielding, M. (2004) ‘New Wave’ student voice and the renewal of civic society London Review of Education Vol.2 No.3 pp 197-217.

Morgan, B. (2007) Consulting Pupils about Classroom Teaching and Learning: policy, practice and response in one school. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Rudduck, J. & McIntyre, D. (2007 forthcoming) Improving Learning through Consulting Pupils. London: Routledge.

Contact Details

Professor Michael Fielding


Dr Bethan Morgan
