Pure Oxygen Combustion

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  • 8/9/2019 Pure Oxygen Combustion



     IFRF Combustion Journal

     Article Number 200404, October 2004 ISSN 1562-479X  

    Oxygen-Enriched Combustion Studies with the

    Low NOx CGRI Burner

    D. Poirier, E.W. Grandmaison*, A.D. Lawrence1, M.D. Matovic and E. Boyd

    Centre for Advanced Gas Combustion TechnologyQueen’s University

    Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6Canada

    1IFM – KemiteknikLinkopings Universitet,581 83 Linkoping


    *Corresponding Author(s):

    Ted Grandmaison,

    Department of Chemical Engineering,

    Queen's University,

    Kingston, ON K7L 3N6,


    Tel.: +1 613 533 2771

    Fax : +1 613 533 6637

    E-mail: grandmai@chee.queensu.ca 

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    An oxygen-enriched/natural gas combustion study with a modified low NOx CGRI burner

    has been completed. Effects of oxygen enrichment, at various stack oxygen levels and asingle furnace operating temperature, on NOx and CO2 emissions, fuel efficiency and furnace

    temperature distribution, were determined. Combined effects of oxygen enrichment and air

    infiltration were also studied. A single sidewall mounted burner was employed in the pilot

    scale CAGCT research furnace. The firing rate required to maintain the furnace temperature

    at 1100°C decreased linearly with increasing oxygen enrichment. At full oxygen enrichment,

    a reduction of 40-45% in the firing rate was needed to maintain constant furnace temperature.

     NOx emissions (< 12 mg/MJ) were relatively constant with changes in oxygen enrichment

    levels below ~ 60% and decreased at higher oxygen enrichment. NOx emission increased

    with increasing stack oxygen concentration at all oxygen enrichment levels. Air infiltration

    resulted in NOx emissions similar to those observed with no air infiltration but with similar

    stack oxygen concentrations. The standard deviation of the temperature distribution for the

    furnace roof and blind sidewall was in the range, 19 – 27 °C with no oxygen enrichment and

    31 – 34 °C with 90% oxygen enrichment.


    oxygen-enriched combustion, low NOx combustion, energy efficiency 

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    Improvements in energy efficiency coupled with reduced emissions are an ongoing objective

    in many industrial sectors employing combustion technologies. Dilute combustion

    technology (Milani and Saponaro, 2001) has been found to reduce NOx emissions by mixing

    the fuel and oxidant streams with inert combustion product gases. This technique leads to

    lower oxygen and fuel concentrations along with lower temperatures in the combustion or

    reaction zones of industrial furnaces. A burner conceived by the Canadian Gas Research

    Institute (CGRI) and tested jointly with the Centre for Advanced Combustion Technology

    (CAGCT) falls into this category of technology (Besik et al., 1996; Sobiesiak et al., 1998;

    Grandmaison et al., 1998).

    Oxygen-enhanced combustion is a relatively well developed technology (Baukal, 1998)

    employed in the combustion industry (e.g. De Lucia, 1991; Delabroy et al., 2001; Marin et al.,

    2001). This study combines dilute combustion and oxygen-enriched combustion, with the

    goal of optimizing the beneficial characteristics of both technologies: energy efficiency (low

    CO2), low NOx emissions and good heat transfer.


    Testing and development of the O2-enriched furnace system were conducted at the Centre for

    Advanced Gas Combustion Technology (CAGCT), Research Furnace Laboratory, Queen’s

    University. The interior of the furnace, Figure 1, is divided into two unequal size chambers

     by a checker-work, brick end-wall. The first chamber is the main furnace cavity with internal

    dimensions of 4.5 m long, 3 m wide and 1 m high (177 in. x 118 in. x 39 in.). The second

    chamber serves as an exhaust plenum with interior dimensions of 0.6 m long, 3 m wide and 1

    m high (24 in. x 118 in. x 39 in.). The checker wall, 215 mm thick (8.5 in.), with an 8 x 3

    array of openings, 75 mm x 115 mm (3 in. x 4.5 in.), separates these two chambers. The

    refractory lining for the furnace walls and roof are ceramic fibre blocks, 305 mm (12 in.)

    thick. The furnace wall structure and refractory is a combined 362 mm (14 in.) thick, as

    shown in Figure 1.

    Instrumentation for the furnace includes fixed thermocouples, static pressure taps, orifice

    meters for gas and air flow measurement and control. Refractory wall surface-thermocouples

    are located at positions T1 – T41 as shown in Figure 2. These thermocouples, 0.254 mm

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    diameter Pt/Pt-10%/Rh, are embedded about 5 mm into the refractory walls. The size and

     positioning of these thermocouples help minimize measurement error. The furnace is also

    equipped with water-cooled floor panels for heat flux measurements, sampling ports for

    internal furnace measurements and recuperators for air preheat.

    In the present work, a single burner was fired from the furnace sidewall, Figure 1. The

    furnace was operated at positive pressure for the primary set of tests with a selected set of

    trials performed at negative pressure to study the effect of air infiltration. The burner design,

    Figure 3, was a modified form of the ultra-low NOX  burner initially developed at the

    Canadian Gas Research Institute (CGRI) and CAGCT (Besik et al., 1996, Sobiesiak et al.,









    -362 750



    Water-cooled floor panels






    Plenum Wall


    Figure 1: CAGCT research furnace shown with the single sidewall mountedburner used in the present study. All dimensions in mm.

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    45000 750-362 54625100















    1004496 1496




    2004 2750


    T32  T34



    17501047453   1995 2996












    T2   T9   T14   T17


    T3   T10

    T4   T11


    T15 T18
















    Figure 2: Location of refractory-wall thermocouples in the CAGCT Research Furnace – topfigure shows refractory roof, bottom figure shows blind-sidewall opposite the burner.

    Pilot burner portUV scanner port

    Fuel nozzle

     Air/oxidant nozzle

    Figure 3: Schematic diagram of theCGRI showing the locations for theair/oxidant and fuel nozzles.

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    1998, Grandmaison et al., 1998) was used in this work; hereafter this burner is referred to as

    the CGRI burner. The burner consists of a ring-array of alternating fuel and oxidant nozzles

    directed at different angles to the burner axis. The burner was modified to include oxygen

    supply tubes and jets running coaxially to the air supply tube and jets. The oxygen nozzle

    diameter and the air nozzle annulus were sized so that the momentum of the combined

    oxidant stream would remain relatively constant with changing O2-enrichment level for a

    constant firing rate. The air and O2 nozzle angle (10°), air-nozzle annulus size, fuel jet angle

    (20°) and fuel nozzle diameter were maintained at constant values for the results reported in

    this work

    The firing rate was adjusted to maintain a constant furnace temperature of 1100 °C as O2 

    enrichment and excess oxidant was varied. This clearly demonstrated fuel savings gained by

    O2 enrichment and provided a better basis for comparison of other data including NO X levels.

    Oxygen enrichment level,2O

    ψ , is defined as



    2 2



    O O A

    m  100

    m + mψ 

    = ×


    & & 


    m& and2O A

    m&  are the mass flow rates for the pure oxygen and oxygen associated with

    the air feed streams, respectively. Concentrations of O2, CO2, CO, NOX  and CH4  in the

    exhaust gases were continuously measured. Refractory surface temperatures of the furnace

    walls and ceiling and heat flux to water-cooled floor panels were also continuously monitored.

    Quasi-steady-state furnace conditions for gas composition measurements were assumed once

    the furnace control temperature reached the operator set point (1100 °C in these trials) and

    gas analysis readings stabilized. A large number of the data reported in this work were

    obtained during steel scaling tests reported by Poirier et al. (2004) in which the furnace was

    operated at fixed conditions over 4 – 8 hour periods.


    To demonstrate the reduction in fuel usage and CO2 emissions that can be expected with O2-

    enriched combustion, the burner firing rate was monitored at the furnace set point

    temperature (1100 ± 20 °C) under constant furnace load and stack O2 level for various levels

    of O2 enrichment. Results of these tests, shown in Figure 4, indicate that fuel usage (firing

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    rate) decreases linearly with increasing O2 enrichment level. At2O

    ψ = 0% the average firing

    rate required to maintain the furnace set point temperature was 353 kW and at2O

    ψ = 100%

    the firing rate decreased to an average value of 212 kW. This represents a potential fuel

    savings of ~40% with full oxygen enrichment. A summary of the data at 2Oψ = 0 and 100%

    are also given in Table 1 showing the firing rate data as a function of excess oxidant levels

    with stack oxygen concentrations in the range of 0% < O2 < 2.0% and 2% < O2 < 4%. These

    results and the data in Figure 4 show a modest effect of excess oxidant level on the required

    firing rate. As expected, the firing rate tends to increase with increased stack O2, but this

    trend was only evident at lower values of oxygen enrichment,2O

    ψ < ~30%. At higher

    oxygen enrichment levels this trend was not evident within the experimental error associated

    Figure 4: Furnace firing rate as a function of oxygen enrichment for various

    stack oxygen levels. Furnace temperature between 1080 and 1120 C.

    Table 1: Summary of the furnace firing rate conditions

    (furnace target temperature of 1100 C) and potential fuel savings as a function oxygenenrichment level and stack oxygen concentration.

    2Oψ = 0%

    2Oψ = 100%

    Stack O2,% w.b.

    Firing rate range, kW,Average firing rate, kW,

    (number of tests)

    Firing rate range, kW,Average firing rate, kW,

    (number of tests)

    Potentialfuel savings

    0 < O2 < 2.0%331 – 358 kW,

    344 kW,(17)

    214 – 224 kW,219 kW,


    2.0 < O2 < 4.0%365 – 372 kW,

    366 kW,(10)

    202 – 224 kW,211 kW,


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    with these measurements. The corresponding potential fuel savings was 36% at lower excess

    oxidant levels (0.0% < stack O2 < 2.0%) and 42% at higher excess oxidant levels (2.0% <

    stack O2 < 4.0%).

    A large portion of the experimental work was dedicated to examining effects of excess

    oxidant and O2  enrichment level, on NOX  emissions. Results for the base case of NOX 

    emissions as a function of excess oxidant with no oxygen enrichment are shown in Figure 5.

    These emission levels are consistent with the results reported by Sobiesiak et al. (1998) for

    the CGRI burner with low air preheat (the air temperature in the present work was relatively

    constant at ~ 50 °C). The results were typically 8 – 10 ppm (w.b.) at low stack oxygen

    concentrations, increasing linearly up to about 14 ppm at 4 % stack oxygen concentration.

    The firing rate was adjusted to maintain a constant furnace temperature as the O2 enrichment

    and the excess oxidant was varied. This provided a good basis for comparison of NOX levels

    across the data set. Figures 6 and 7 display the data in two slightly different, but revealing

    ways. Figure 6 permits one to examine the effects of oxygen enrichment on NOX production,

    while effects of excess oxidant level on NOX emissions can be more clearly seen in Figure 7.

    The data in Figure 7 include all the data shown in Figures 4 and 6 as well as additionalobservations at stack oxygen concentrations exceeding 4.0% (w.b.). Furnace conditions were

    near steady state with an average refractory temperature in the range = 1080 – 1120 °C,

    no cooling panels were exposed and no air infiltration was permitted.

    Figure 6 shows how NOX emissions varied with O2 enrichment levels for various ranges of

    stack oxygen level. The graph demonstrates that there is no dramatic increase in NOX 

    emissions with increasing O2 enrichment. NOX emissions, in fact, appear to remain relatively

    constant in the O2  enrichment range of 0 – 60%. This is somewhat different from the case

    with conventional O2-enriched burners, where a sharp increase in NOX  emissions is

    encountered. Conventional oxygen-enriched burners produce a much hotter flame than

    conventional air-only burners. Emissions of NOX are sensitive to temperature and although

    nitrogen available for conversion to NOX  decreases with increased O2  enrichment, NOX 

    emissions rise due to the increased peak temperature. The CGRI O2-enriched burner is a

    dilute combustion technology which exhibits much lower peak temperatures than typical O2-

    enriched burners. The relatively low NOX  emission levels observed for the CGRI O2-

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    Figure 5: NOX emission as a function of stack oxygen level with

    O2= 0 % and the furnace temperature between 1080 and 1120 C.

    Figure 6: NOX production as a function

    stack oxygen levels. Furnace tempera

    Figure 7: NOX production as a function of stack oxygen concentration forvarious levels of oxygen enrichment. Furnace temperature between 1080

    and 1120 C.

    Figure 8: NOX production as a funconcentration for various levels of stac

    temperature between 1

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    enriched burner with 0 – 60% O2  enrichment are due to these lower peak “flame”

    temperatures. While local gas temperatures were not measured in the furnace, the

    temperature distribution of the refractory surfaces, described later in this section, and the

    results of Wünning and Wünning (1997) support this observation.

    As O2  enrichment levels increase beyond 60% enrichment, Figure 6 shows that NOX 

    emissions decrease for all levels of excess oxidant. This is expected since, as even with

    conventional burners, when firing with nearly pure oxygen, nitrogen available for conversion

    to NOX  is significantly reduced, resulting in lower NOX  production. One expects NOX 

     production to drop to zero when pure O2  (100% O2  enrichment) is the only oxidant used.

    This is not the case for the results displayed in Figure 6. Although no nitrogen from air isavailable for conversion to NOX, there is nitrogen entering the furnace from the fuel, natural

    gas. In our case, approximately 1.6% of the fuel is nitrogen. This fuel-nitrogen is sufficient

    for production of the NOX levels observed at 100% O2 enrichment.

    Although there is no pronounced trend in NOX  production with O2  enrichment level, the

    difference in the NOX  levels between different excess oxidant levels is obvious. Higher

    levels of NOX  emissions are observed as the stack oxygen level increases. This trend is

    clearly demonstrated in Figure7 where the NOX emissions are presented as a function of the

    stack oxygen level for various ranges of O2  enrichment. This figure clearly shows the

    relative effects of excess oxidant and O2 enrichment on NOX emission levels. It is evident

    that excess oxidant is influential for all levels of O2 enrichment, while O2 enrichment is only

    influential at levels above 60% enrichment.

    The NOX production rate as a function of the stack N2 level is shown in Figure8. Riley et al.

    (2000) reported results of an oxygen enrichment study with dilute oxygen combustion. They

    suggested that an increase of 10% nitrogen in the furnace gas leads to an increase of about

    60% in NOX  emissions. In the present work this trend appears to be valid up to nitrogen

    concentrations of about 50% N2 (w.b.) after which the NOX levels remain relatively constant

    or decrease slightly.

    The results of tests to examine the effect of air infiltration on NOX emissions are shown in

    Table 2. For these trials, the furnace was operated at a firing rate of 212 kW, 100% oxygen

    enrichment and 10% excess oxidant. The first row of data corresponds to the no-air-

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    infiltration case with a furnace operating pressure of +1.27 mm H2O, the second row of data

    corresponds to the same furnace settings with a negative pressure of –1.27 mm H2O. The

    resulting air infiltration, quantified by the increase of stack O2 from 5.5% to 7.5% by volume

    corresponds to an air infiltration rate equal to 20% of the volumetric burner feed. The third

    row of data in Table 2 corresponds to an infiltration rate equal to 43% of the burner

    volumetric feed. The increase in NOX with these levels of air infiltration corresponds well

    with the results for similar stack O2  levels and effective O2  enrichment levels without air

    infiltration shown in Figures 6 – 8.

    Table 2. NOx emissions at three furnace operating pressures at constant firing rate10% excess oxidant and 100% oxygen enrichment. 

    Furnace pressure, mmH2O

    Firing rate, kW2Oψ , % Stack O

    2, %w.b.

    arith, °C NOX, mg/MJ

    +1.27 212 100 5.5 1117 5.7

    -1.27 211 100 7.5 1115 7.2

    -2.54 211 100 9.0 1113 10.2

    Temperature distribution is an important aspect of furnace performance and is of particular

    interest here, since oxygen-enriched combustion typically results in intensified (hotter)

    combustion zones. The best of the current data sets available for studying the effects of

    oxygen enrichment on furnace temperature distribution were trials where the furnace

    operating conditions where maintained at constant levels for extended periods of 4 – 8 hours.

    Refractory surface-temperatures were continually logged throughout each trial for the furnace

    roof and blind sidewall (opposite the burner sidewall), Figure 2. Data showing the values for

    the roof and sidewall arithmetic area-mean temperature

    ( )∫= S r arithr  dST1/ST

    and the radiative area-mean temperature

    ( )( ) 4/1S


    r radr dST1/ST ∫=  

    at different stack oxygen levels are shown in Table 3. The standard deviation of the local

    refractory temperatures from the arithmetic mean,σ r 

    T , are also shown in this table. At

    2Oψ = 0%, estimates of the standard deviation ranged from 19 – 27 °C and slightly higher

    values were observed at2O

    ψ = 90% withσ r 

    T in the range 31 – 34 °C. The stack oxygen

    concentration did not appear to have a significant effect onσ r 

    T .

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    Temperature mapping for the furnace operating at 2 % stack oxygen (w.b.) expressed in

    terms of the difference in local temperature from the arithmetic area-mean value is shown in

    Figure 9. With the single burner operation employed in this work, the refractory

    temperatures exhibited positive deviations from the arithmetic area-mean value along furnace

    roof downstream from the burner. A maximum positive deviation was observed in the corner

     junction of the furnace roof and the blind sidewall directly opposite from the burner.

    Minimum values were observed near the exhaust plenum and the lower parts of the blind

    side-wall. This trend was consistent for all levels of oxygen enrichment and the deviations

    from the arithmetic area-mean were larger at higher oxygen enrichment levels. This trend is

    Figure 9: Difference in local temperatures from the arithmetic area-mean for the interior surface of thefurnace (furnace roof in top diagram; blind sidewall in bottom diagram) for various levels of oxygen

    enrichment. Stack oxygen level of 2% w.b.; temperature units are C. The data at each location are

    ordered (top-to-bottom) with the results for O2= 0, 24.4 %, 49.8 % and 90.0 % respectively.

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    indicated by the results shown in Figure 9 and the higher standard deviations from the mean

    value noted in Table 3 at2O

    ψ = 90 %.

    Table 3: Arithmetic area-mean temperature, radiative area-mean temperature and standard deviationof the arithmetic area-mean temperature from the mean value for the roof and blind sidewall refractory

    surfaces. Results are shown for different oxygen enrichment and stack oxygen levels. 

    Stack oxygen = 1 %, w.b.

    2Oψ  , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C

    0.0 1099 1099 23.0

    24.6 1100 1101 28.2

    51.6 1106 1107 33.0

    91.1 1118 1119 31.9

    2Oψ  , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C0.0 1106 1107 27.2

    24.6 1108 1109 29.8

    51.6 1110 1111 33.9

    91.1 1123 1124 33.0

    Stack oxygen = 2 %, w.b.

    2Oψ  , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C

    0.0 1100 1100 22.1

    24.4 1103 1104 28.1

    49.8 1108 1110 30.5

    90.0 1113 1115 32.0

    , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C

    0.0 1107 1107 24.6

    24.4 1108 1109 33.0

    49.8 1116 1117 31.4

    90.0 1117 1118 33.9

    Stack oxygen = 4 %, w.b.

    2Oψ  , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C

    0.0 1083 1084 19.4

    24.7 1101 1101 23.1

    49.8 1108 1109 27.3

    90.1 1103 1104 31.1

    2Oψ  , % arith., °C rad., °C , °C

    0.0 1091 1092 22.8

    24.7 1108 1108 26.8

    49.8 1114 1115 29.5

    90.1 1081 1090 30.8

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    The objective of this work was to test a modified version of the CGRI low NOX burner with

    oxygen-enriched combustion in the CAGCT research furnace at 1100 °C. This technology

    has potential to reduce energy costs and emissions of CO2 and NOX. The reduction in CO2 

    emissions arises directly from the expected savings in fuel with O2-enrichment and potential

    savings of ~ 40% in fuel usage at 100% oxygen enrichment were observed. NOX emissions

    up to ~12 mg NOx/MJ were observed with this modified version of the CGRI burner.

    Oxygen-enrichment had little effect on NOX  emission up to an enrichment level of about

    ~60%. At higher oxygen-enrichment, emission levels decreased but not to zero because of

    fuel nitrogen present in the natural gas supply. NOX emission increased with increasing stack

    oxygen concentration (up to ~ 6% O2  w.b. in the present work) at all oxygen levels. Air

    infiltration also had an effect on NOX  levels leading to emissions similar to those observed

    with no air infiltration but with similar stack oxygen concentrations. Oxygen enrichment

    level had the most significant effect on the temperature distribution of the roof and blind side

    wall of the furnace. The standard deviation of the temperature variation was in the range, 19

     – 27 °C with no oxygen enrichment and 31 – 34 °C with 90% oxygen enrichment.


    This work was performed under the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) / American

    Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Cooperative Agreement DE-FC07-97ID13554,

    Technology Roadmap Research Program for the Steel Industry. The support and

     participation of Air Liquide Corporation, BOC Gases, Dofasco Inc., Fuchs Systems

    and Stelco Inc. in this program is greatly appreciated.


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    •  Milani, A. and Saponaro, A., Diluted Combustion Technologies, IFRF CombustionJournal, Article Number 200101, February 2001.

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    •  Riley, M.F., Ryan, H.M. and Kobayashi, H., “Application of dilute oxygen combustion(DOC) technology for steel reheating furnaces”, American Flame Research Committee

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