Putting It All Together Professional Development Week, August 18-22 Board Meeting October 7, 2014.

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Putting It All TogetherProfessional Development Week, August 18-22

Board Meeting

October 7, 2014

Elementary School Schedule

Date Time Location Presentation Presenter Materials Needed

8/18 8:00-9:309:30-11:30

School site Welcome“The Granite Way in Everyday


Superintendent BatesTodd Braeger Reflection Journal

11:30-3:30 School site Instructional Preparation

8/19 Full Day School site Staff Meeting Instructional Preparation


8/20 8:00-4:00 All schools at Network High School

(Lunch provided)

WelcomeInstructional Practices

District Office Representative


Reflection Journal

8/21 8:00-4:00 School site Content LiteracyMath

School Literacy CoachSchool STS Reflection Journal

8/22 Full Day School site Apply Learning from Professional Development

Instructional Preparation

Principal Reflection Journal

Secondary School Schedule

Date Time Location Presentation Presenter Materials Needed

8/18 8:00-9:309:30-11:30

School site Welcome“The Granite Way in Everyday


Superintendent BatesTodd Braeger Reflection Journal

11:30-3:30 School site Instructional Preparation

8/19 Full Day School site Staff Meeting Instructional Preparation


8/20 8:00-4:00 All schools at Network High School

(Lunch provided)

WelcomeInstructional Practices

District Office Representative


Reflection Journal

8/21 8:00-4:00 Secondary at sites indicated by content area

Content AreaCurriculum, Assessment &


GSD Teacher, Curriculum Specialist, Guest

Reflection Journal

8/22 Full Day School site Apply Learning from Professional Development

Instructional Preparation

Principal Reflection Journal

Monday, August 18

• “Putting It All Together”/Superintendent Bates – Built on previous year’s direction– Established focus for subsequent work– Articulated priorities– Summarized The Granite Way– Safari Montage video link

Monday, August 18

• “The Granite Way in Everyday Practice”/Todd Braeger– Prezi link, zipped presentation file for download– Safari Montage video link– Script– 4 performance areas flipbook– Dream Big protocol– Professional Doesn’t Mean Autonomous excerpt– SSC Rotation Schedule– Teaming Structure Purpose form– Work Together article– Working Together info sheet

Wednesday, August 20

• Networks at High Schools/District Administration, Principals – Focus on collaboration for CCR, knowing

students, individualizing for needs– Menu of highly effective instructional

strategies– Facilitation notes (four sessions)– Tasks– Graphic organizers– Professional articles– Resource handouts

Sites for Wednesday, August 20

• GTI/YESS staffs: Cottonwood High

• Connection High staff: Olympus High

• Cyprus Network staffs: Matheson Junior

Thursday, August 21

• Elementaries/Principals – ELA presentation: Safari Montage link, PPT – ELA handout packet– Go Math training PPT– Login instruction for teachers– Password rules, parent welcome letters– Think Central navigation– Substitute directions for Go Math– Progress monitoring summary grades 1-3

Thursday, August 21

• Secondaries/GSD Teachers, Specialists, Guests– Overviews– Guest presentations– Teaching demonstrations– Video clips– PPTs, related documents– Application tasks

Sites for Thursday, August 21

– Cottonwood: ELA/ESL– Connection: Music – Olympus: Fine Arts – GTI: CTE– Hunter: Math

– Skyline: Science – Granger: PE/Health,

Drivers Ed– Kearns: Social Studies– Taylorsville: World


– Kennedy Jr:

Secondary Special Education

– Hartvigsen: Severe Special Education

– Matheson Jr: K-12 Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors

Friday, August 22

• Applying Your Learning/Principals• Personal and collective reflection

– School wide goals– PG&E goals– PLC agendas– Classroom practices

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Tying what we’ve learned to our school-wide goals

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Tying what we’ve learned to PG&E

Tying what we’ve learned to PLC work

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Tying what we’ve learned to classroom practices

As a school faculty, we can now expand our individual professional learning to a shared professional learning opportunity. Using your Reflections Journals, and the prompts above, we can tie this week’s learning to our work in our school.

Tying It All Together...the Granite Way

SURVEY DATA SUMMARYRespondents from all grade levels, content areas, in multiple ways

Excellent Good Average Poor N/A

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

The Granite Way in Practice

• Rated excellent or good– DVD welcome message: 40%– DVD foundation for working together: 44%– Facilitation by principals: 69%– Grouping in PLC’s: 65%– Conversations generated: 56%

Monday, August 18

The Granite Way in Practice

• Generalized comments– I liked the refresher on The Granite Way.– I like my own principal facilitating the

process.– I like everyone in the district hearing the

same message.– I liked the clarity in district goals.– It was good meeting together with our own


Monday, August 18

Meeting Together as Networks

• Rated strongly agree or agree– Keynote set positive tone for the day: 57%– Discussion gave me new insight into what I

need to consider about each student: 59%– Knowing students’ soft skills will further

inform how I scaffold student support: 62%– I will find myself checking for student

understanding more effectively/meaningfully: 62%

Wednesday, August 20

Meeting Together as Networks

• Generalized comments– Meeting in networks gave me a sense of

being part of something bigger.– The information on soft skills was good.– We were brought together as networks but

did no vertical teaming.– We need to have differentiated PD.– Why didn’t we work together as grades,

departments to differentiate our own instruction?

Wednesday, August 20

Elementary/Secondary Content Day• Rated strongly agree or agree

– Helped me better understand the Instructional Design we need to follow: 61%

– Gave me tools to help me teach better: 62%– Good use of PD time: 57%– Chose effective presenters: 67%– Left PD with more resources than I had before:

58%– Left content with better understanding of testing

expectations: 47%– Left with better sense of support from

district/specialists: 45%– Use this format every year: 39%

Thursday, August 21

Elementary/Secondary Content Day

• Generalized comments– It would have been nice if we were asked

what kind of PD we want.– It was helpful to be with content teachers and

have grade level conversations.– Not beneficial – health combined with PE, Go

Math down nationwide.– Teachers working with teachers makes all the


Thursday, August 21

The Week as a Whole

• Yes or No– The 3 days were worthwhile: 55% yes– Would rather work fewer days than have this

kind of PD: 39% yes– Am grateful Board added extra days for this

PD: 72% yes– Like format just as it was: 34% yes– Like most of the week, but would revise

parts: 67% yes

The Week as a Whole

• Generalized Comments– Like the additional pay, but need more time

setting up our rooms.– Instructional preparation days should be full

not half days.– Give site levels more flexibility in deciding

what to do for PD.– Too much theory, not enough to try the next

day.– We need more differentiation for teacher


I’d Like Additional Support with . . .

• Using higher order questions 42%• Student engagement strategies 41%• Tier II interventions and extensions 33%• Content and language objectives 27%• Working with English Language Learners

25%• Working with Special Ed students 22%• Classroom management 18%• Tier I instructional strategies 16%• Working with students on 504 plans 14%

Personalized Comments on Year

• What are you most excited about . . . ? 546 responses– frequent references to students, PLC’s,


• What gives you the most anxiety about . . .? 609 responses– concerns over testing, not enough time to do

everything expected


Even distribution in responses over grade levels, departments,

job assignments

Big Ideas to Govern Next Steps

• Sometimes we pay too much attention to small, outspoken groups of teachers. (survey needs in advance)

• The message of “knowing your student” has largely been taken as emotional/personal. Knowing students academically is a new idea intended to improve Tier I instruction; let’s move from “knowing” in terms of school climate to “knowing” instructionally.

Big Ideas to Govern Next Steps

• Teachers are grateful to the Board for additional days to the calendar, but many would prefer more time in their classrooms in lieu of PD. (consolidate instructional preparation time)

• Overall opinions by percentages are often contradicted by comments; teachers are not always sure what they want. (base plan on year’s evidence)

Big Ideas to Govern Next Steps

• Theme (“Putting It All Together”) was not clear to many; different components of days were not necessarily connected for some teachers. (continually articulate connections/check for understanding)

• Differentiate PD

• Provide for vertical articulation